older documents click here  2014
SB007 - RELATING TO WATER; Requiring additional procedures in the application
process for the diversion and use of water from the basin of origin for use outside
that basin: providing for exceptions. Click
Related: Inter-basin Water Transfers 
Related website: UNM
"Water Matters"  January
13 - From
the Green Fire Times:
Return of New Mexicos most highly contested water grab. The Office
of the State Engineer is considering a third application from Italian billionaire
Bruno Modena to speculatively appropriate more than 17 billion gallons of water
every year more than half of what Albuquerque used in 2013. The billionaire
has already pulled his first two applications, but well have to see if the
third times the charm under State Engineer Tom Blaine. The
NMELC will
continue to represent nearly 100 residents of west-central New Mexico in their
bid to keep water in the public trust in this hugely important water case.
If you feel inclined to do so, please let NMELC know how much we appreciate
their efforts to stop the water grab, efforts that so far have been successful.
Mexico Environmental Law Center 
OR e-mail dmeiklejohn@nmelc.org 1405 Luisa Street, Suite #5 Santa Fe
NM 87505 Current
issue of Green Fire Times  
2015 - Unfair Cooperation Agreement on Water Privatization (Many resources)
Click here

go directly to the website:
by APR CEO Michel Jichlinksi in 2013 to the Drought Sub-committee in Las Cruces
- - Jichlinski
Report to the Drought Committee 
- Jichlinski
APR project - "private-public partnership".pdf 
report to the Sub-committee  Click
here for Channel 7 article and video  November
12 -
we "won" the court case. The original 2008 application
rejected by the state engineer stands. Albuquerque Channel 7, KOAT, was there
with video and interviews.Click
here for article and video 
7, KOAT article  The
issue from the NM Environmental Law Center: : The New York-based company seeks
to pump 54,000 acre-feet of water annually through thirty-seven 20 wells.
The Law Center represents approx. 80 individuals and organizations in this case;
our clients are concerned about the impacts of pumping on their water, on wildlife,
springs, and on the Rio Grande and Gila Rivers, which are hydrologically connected
to the San Augustin Plainsand which is the last undammed river in the Southwest. More
on the legal story here
Judge stands by ruling on water use  SEPT
From Doug Meiklejohn of the New Mexico Environmental Law Center comes the following
message: an order has come from the District Court postponing the hearing
on the motion to dismiss and remand. The reason for the order is that Peter White,
who represents the Cuchillo Community Ditch Association, asked that the hearing
be postponed because he will be out of the county this week.
One good thing to know is if there is a business tie, formal or informal, between
the "water grab" and the Santolina project in Albuquerque. News
story collection related to APR project: Part
1 Part
2  Sept
3 - A hearing on the Augustin Plains Ranch's motion to dismiss and remand.
As you can see, the hearing is set for 2:30 p.m. on September 23rd at the
courthouse in Reserve. Motion
To Dismiss  August
25 - News
Flash: Note the legal section of the Chieftian. Owners of Cat Mountain
Ranch want to drill three wells and take over 195,510,000 gallons of water per
year out of there. This project is much closer to Magdalena than the APR. August
24, 2015 - On
July 30, 2015 the Augustin Plains Ranch filed a Motion to Remand and Dismiss
with the State Engineer at the 7th Judicial Court. The motion states Appeal
from a decision of the New Mexico State Engineer in OSE hearing No. 09-096.
You will remember that this decision, rendered by Judge Matthew Reynolds, upheld
the State Engineers denial of APRs application to mine water in the
Augustin Plains. Doug Meiklejohn, Director of the New Mexico Environmental
Law Center, stated: We believe that it is important to oppose the
motion because we think that the motion is really an effort to persuade the District
Court Judge to vacate his ruling that upheld the State Engineer's denial of the
Augustin Plains Ranch's application. Subsequently, on August 12,
2015 the New Mexico Environmental Law Center, on behalf of its clients filed A
Response in Opposition to Augustin Plains Ranch LLCs Motion to Dismiss and
Remand to State Engineer. Mr. Meiklejohn has explained: "The
Augustin Plains Ranch, LLC now has 18 days from the date that each of the responses*
to its motion was filed in which to file a reply to each response. ... It is possible
that the Judge will set a hearing to have oral arguments on the motion, but I
do not know whether that will happen or when the hearing will be if one is scheduled.
This is the latest legal maneuvering on the part of APR. Download
this announcement.pdf July
19, 2015 - water grab update: People ask What can we do?
Right now just become informed. The time will come when we will need to fight
the Augustin Plains Ranch LLC application again. Information is important in that
battle, and these articles are key to understanding the water situation in the
west. One thing everyone can do right now is watch for the announcement
of that APR LLC application. The State Engineer will publish the application in
the legal section of newspapers, but we dont know where or when. So, everybody,
watch your local papers wherever you are in New Mexico to be sure we dont
miss the appeal period! July
19, 2015 - How
the West Over counts its Water Supplies (NYTimes arfticle)
8 - County
commission should listen to objections to Santolina project  July
1, 2015 - Official:
New Mexico water debate to be shaped by transfers  June
30, 2015 - Many of you already know that the Bernalillo County Commission
has approved the Santolina Master Plan, Level A (Level B and Level C will refine
the general provisions in the plan). Subsequently the Commission also approved
the Development Agreement.... Full
press releast here
stories: -
Santolina Approval 
City Council rejects city input on Santolina - Santolina
closer to approval..opponents shout 'Shame!" - Attempt
to push back Santolina decision fails - Video:
Two sides on Santolina - Water,
'systems thinking' &Santolina tangled history - ABQ
West Side development plans included in capital outlay June
5, 2015 - Transparency
23, 2015 Bernalillo
- Santolina development plan and water use  April
11, 2015 - annual meeting of coalition  March
18, 2015 - Update, Mike Loyla and
Sustainable Research Center March
6, 2015 - HB-299 Update  February
26, 2014 -Vote no on the Public-Private Partnership Act
(HB 299), or any legislative attempts toward privatization. More
information here
sign the petition here
11, 2015 - Citizens
mobilize against water grabs
(or go to
web link here) Feb
5, 2015 - Update on SB 276: With regard to Senate Bill 276, the bill received
a "do pass" recommendation from the Committee, and the vote was unanimous.
3, 2015- Senate Bill 276 needs the support of the water grab community.
the Senate website to read it.
Or download
the bill here  There
is a bill pending in the State Legislature (Senate Bill 276) that would require
the State Engineer to hold hearings on contested water rights applications in
the county in which the water right at issue is located unless the parties to
the proceeding agreed to have the hearing elsewhere. The assumption is that
the bill would make it easier for people protesting applications to deal with
those applications.
ASAP, please let Doug Meiklejohn, the head of the NM Environmental Law Center,
of your support for the bill SB 276 as soon as possible. His email is: dmeiklejohn@nmelc.org
21, 2015 The battle goes on ... and on .... Why? Well, the Augustin Plains
Ranch thinks we will quit and go away. If we do, they win. Bruce Frederick,
attorney defending us in battle, has won the first two rounds for us: two applications
submitted to the Office of the State Engineer have been rejected. Now
theres a third application. The State Engineer has the application,
but is not publishing it as he must do before it can be acted upon. He can sit
on it indefinitely (and maybe hope well go away?) and until it is noticed
in local papers we cannot take any action. So heres what we have to do:
1) watch the local papers for an announcement of the new application and 2) protest
at that time. Meanwhile, dont give up. We can win if we hang in
and work together. So far thats what has happened; you have all been great
through seven years of protests, court cases and games playing by the APR LLC.