2016 November
30, 2016 - The specter of a growing far-right nationalism anywhere, but particularly
in Central Europe, immediately and for good and obvious reasons
raises fears of an anti-semitism revival. But at least thus far, the leaders of
most of these nationalistic parties increasingly inspired and fueled by
one anothers success have showcased dangerous animosity toward Muslims,
accompanied by strong policy support for Israel and a rhetorical repudiation of
anti-semitism. Intercept  Frightened
by Donald Trump? You dont know the half of it - Many of his staffers are
from an opaque corporate misinformation network. We must understand this if we
are to have any hope of fighting back against them. Guardian Many
of his staffers are from an opaque corporate misinformation network. We must understand
this if we are to have any hope of fighting back against them Guardian

Think Trump's scary now? Obama is leaving him with broad war powers - The president-elect
keeps news cycles churning with his unhinged tweets, but its the current
administrations expanding military license that should scare us. Guardian
CIA and the Press: When the Washington Post Ran the CIAs Propaganda Network
- CounterPunch

29, 2016 -
Chris Hedges Strategy for Radical Change at Green Party of New Jersey Convention
- (50min
28, 2016 - US veterans
are gathering and plan to join the struggle at Standing Rock. This could develop
into something big. Finally, US soldiers have a chance to fight for the American
people. CounterPunch

We await the crisis. It could be economic.. a terrorist attack ... widespread
devastation by global warming.,,, nationwide unrest as the death spiral of the
American empire intensifies. The crisis is coming. And when it arrives it will
be seized upon by the corporate state, nominally led by a clueless real estate
developer, to impose martial law and formalize the end of American democracy.
Rule 41, Little-Known Committee Proposes to Grant New Hacking Powers to the Government
... The government hacking
into phones and seizing computers remotely? Its not the plot of a dystopian
blockbuster summer movie. Its a proposal from an obscure committee that
proposes changes to court proceduresand if we do nothing, it will go into
effect in December. EFF
Related: Senators Not Impressed By DOJ's Answers On Rule 41 Changes

Related: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - Rule
41. Dismissal of Actions. Cornell
and Castro - Murray
27, 2016 - Arrests of Journalists at Standing Rock Test the Boundaries of
the First Amendment - "... Denver-based journalist, was shot in the abdomen
last Sunday by a rubber bullet as he reported from North Dakota on a clash between
demonstrators and police that would end with 26 protesters sent to hospitals and
300 requiring other medical treatment. Intercept
(Main Stream Media) will hit on "fake news", but rarely, because they
promote it. The real issue is much deeper ... The
Biggest Political Lie of 2016 - We are in very dangerous times, of mobs and
meaninglessness. People arent swayed by facts anymore; theyre indifferent
to reality and openly scornful of experts. Slate
Id Lie To You - "...It is thus tempting to dismiss the idea of post-truth
political discourse ... as a modish myth invented by de-haut-en-bas liberals and
sore losers ignorant of how dirty a business politics has always been. But that
would be complacent. There is a strong case that, in America and elsewhere, there
is a shift towards a politics in which feelings trump facts more freely and with
less resistance ... (now) a deluge of facts and a public much less given to trust
than once it was, some politicians are getting away with a new depth and pervasiveness
of falsehood.... Economist 
Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very
Shady Group. Intercept
Is The Alt-Right And Who Is In It? The Frightening Rise And Rise Of The White
Nationalist Movement. Huffington
26, 2016 - Dakota
Pipeline issue gets almost zero coverage in the main stream media (MSM). It does
get considerable coverage outside the US. To see full coverage go to Democracy
Knee III in the Making?
CounterPunch  Feds
Plan To Shut Down Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Camp .... Hundreds of protesters
have until Dec. 5 to get out or face prosecution. Huffington

Refuse to Send Troops to Standing Rock as Costs and Public Outrage Mount TruthDig
Country News
Not My Tribe 
Sacred Stone Camp  The
most interesting question about 2016 is not why the Brexit result and Trump happened,
but whether historians will regard both as incidental; whether this will go down
as the year democracy revealed itself unworkable in the age of the internet
in which reality, already engaged in a life-or-death struggle with inverted commas,
finally gave way to alt-reality. Guardian
25, 2016 - Over the weekend, there were a flurry of stories about how Donald
Trump and his family are already using the presidency to leverage his overseas
businesses as well as his new DC hotel. Well, now there's more. This time in Argentina
2016 will be the year we stop telling ourselves that we live in a democracy."
- The system is rigged for the Presidential election ,,, The system is rigged
at the local government level too ...CELDF
You Think the Electoral College is the Only Problem Well, thats Part
of the Problem ... The Counter Revolutionary Founding Fathers and
the Electoral College ... The
answer isnt pretty. It exposes the founding fathers who wrote
the current US Constitution for the undemocratic, racist, misogynist counter-revolutionaries
that they were. In 1789 when the US Constitution was ratified, it included provisions
that protected the property rights of slave owners against any claim that their
human chattel had legal and civil rights. CELDF

24, 2016 - Funny... YouTube
can tell a lot about potential Cabinet nominees by the terrorist group they shill
for. - Giulaini took money from a Group that Killed Americans. Does Trump care?
White Supremacy Respectable Again. LA
Times Donald
Trump Taps Billionaire School Voucher Advocate To Run Americas Schools
The president-elect rewarded GOP megadonor Betsy DeVos with the position of education
secretary. Huffington
Donald Trumps authoritarian style and personality, which attracted an overwhelmingly
authoritarian following, is manifesting itself in the selection of his national
security team. CounterPunch
23, 2016 - Jack London's vision of workers' future looks a lot like our present
... "The Iron Heel
is a dystopian story of the US crushed under the boots of super-rich oligarchs,
and often feels like a contemporary documentary" Guardian
dramatic protests against an oil pipeline in North Dakota ....... has grown into
something much larger, and more contentious. And that could bode either ill or
well for a nation.... LA
Trump to scrap Nasa climate research in crackdown on politicized science
- Nasas Earth
science division is set to be stripped of funding as the president-elect seeks
to shift focus away from home in favor of deep space exploration Guardian
Hedges: Trump Will Crush Dissent With Even Greater Violence and Savagery (YouTube
video) View
(8 minutes) Dumocrats
finally grew a pair? .... top Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee
sent a letter to Inspectors General at federal financial services agencies, the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Justice, calling
on them to root out any potential conflicts of interests in President-elect Donald
Trumps administration. Read

Update - HC calls for recount
Hedge fund managers expect
a re turn on their investment in Trump - The hedge fund guys didnt
build this country, Donald Trump told Face the Nation in August
2015. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky. Read
22, 2016 - Note:
2 weeks on and we still don't have a final tally of the votes cast. Reminder:
Hillary won the popular vote.
Trumps financial disclosures obscure his foreign business interests - ...
most recent financial disclosure statement by Trump shows that of the 564 companies
on which he reported holding an executive position, at least 120 of them were
tied to his business dealings abroad. Read

Update on meeting: Read
Trump Met Privately With Network Executives And Anchors - The president-elect
reportedly scolded the media for its coverage and discussed access concerns. Read

(Nnte: this event has not been reported on the majority of main-stream-media (MSM)
sites, including CNN. However, CNN does report on NYT's canceled, then reinstated
meeting here
Republicans rein in a corrupt Trump presidency? Dont bet on it. ... Trump
vowed to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington. But experts
on governmental ethics are increasingly worried that Trumps presidency,
and his refusal to place his global business empire in a blind trust... Read

in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky ... has
warned that the political climate in the U.S. is ripe for the rise of an authoritarian
figure. Read
21, 2016 - The
ruthlessly effective rebranding of Europes new far right - Across the continent,
rightwing populist parties have seized control of the political conversation.
How have they done it? By stealing the language, causes and voters of the traditional
left Read
2016) Fascism: Can It Happen Here? When Fascism comes to America, it
will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross, goes a saying that is
widely attributed to the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature,
Sinclair Lewis. Read
will crack:... Americans trying to unpick the phenomenon of Donald Trump have
turned to a late left-leaning academic, who predicted that old industrialized
democracies were heading into a Weimar-like period in which populist movements
could overturn constitutional governments. Read
(July 2016) In 2004, the eminent political scientist offered key insights into
the nationalist-cosmopolitan divide at the heart of our society. Read
2010) Noam Chomsky Has Never Seen Anything Like This Read

Surveillance Self-Defense
Against the Trump Administration - (Trump) ... ego-maniac - and with it control
over a vast and all-too-unaccountable intelligence apparatus; and in a speech
.. three weeks ago, .. promised to sue all of the women who have come forward
with sexual assault accusations against him. Read
Offical, Truth is dead. Facts are Passed. - The Oxford dictionary defines post-truth
as relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less
influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.
20, 2016 - Trump on Israel - May 22 - Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With
Strong pro-Israel Stance - 'President
Obama is the worst thing to happen to Israel,' Trump says to massive applause
at AIPAC gathering, vowing to pressure Palestinians to accept Israel as Jewish
state and Jerusalem as its capital.
Read  But
then: Trumps top Pentagon pick said settlements were creating apartheid
- Retired Marine Corps general James Mattis, seen as front-runner for defense
secretary post, also insisted the US pays a price in Middle East for its support
of Israel. Read
activists must move from detached indignation to revolutionary engagement by using
the techniques of social movement creation to dominate elections. Read
19, 2016 - Donald Trump's election has put establishment. Politicians
in Europe in a state of panic. In Berlin, nobody knows what the US president-elect
intends to do. In Brussels, fears are growing he will put wind into the sails
of the growing anti-EU populist movement. Trump Spells End of Normality for Europe
Election was Stolen Heres How
Starting in 2013
just as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act a coterie of Trump
operatives, under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created
a system to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of GOPcontrolled
states. Read
Related: The GOPs secret scheme begins purge of a million minority
voters from voter rolls Read
March 5, 2015 - From White Sheets to Spreadsheets. Read
Art of Speaking Like Donald Trump, in 10 Easy Steps Read
"new normal". Pence booed - Read
17, 2016 - Americans who think the 2016 presidential election was far too
reminiscent of the 2000 edition might be on to something. Whats more, like
a busted clock, President-elect Donald Trump could actually be right twice: that
the swamp of Washington, D.C., needs draining, and that U.S. elections
can be stolen. Read
.  The
neoliberal era in the United States ended with a neofascist bang. The political
triumph of Donald Trump shattered the establishments in the Democratic and Republican
parties both wedded to the rule of Big Money and to the reign of meretricious
politicians. Read
the ideology at the root of all our problems..... Imagine if the people
of the Soviet Union had never heard of communism. The ideology that dominates
our lives has, for most of us, no name. Mention it in conversation and youll
be rewarded with a shrug. Even if your listeners have heard the term before, they
will struggle to define it. Neoliberalism: do you know what it is? Read
16, 21016- Republicans are one state legislature away from acquiring the legal
authority to call a new constitutional convention under Article V of the Constitution,
reports Charles Pierce at Esquire. Read
NSA Spy Hub in NY Hidden
in Plain Sight Read

leaders in the Israeli government have seized on the election of Donald Trump
to push forward assertive new legislation that would legalize Jewish settlements
in the West Bank built on privately owned Palestinian land. Read
was among the first to congratulate Trump by phone. The US president-elect reciprocated
by inviting him for talks at the first opportunity. And yet Netanyahu
is reported to be anxious about a Trump White House. Why? Read
November 15, 2016 - ""In short, in neither the US nor the UK is
a viable radical alternative going to be put before the electorate in the near
future. Those who believe either Brexit or Trump presage a break from neo-liberalism
will be sore disappointed. They represent the continuance of neo-liberalism, but
with popular discontent diverted into added racism." Read
14, 2016: - On
November 8, the most powerful country in world history, which will set its stamp
on what comes next, had an election. The outcome placed total control of the government
-- executive, Congress, the Supreme Court -- in the hands of the Republican Party,
which has become the most dangerous organization in world history. Read
events that led to Donald Trumps election
started in England in 1975. At a meeting a few months after Margaret Thatcher
became leader of the Conservative party, one of her colleagues, or so the story
goes, was explaining what he saw as the core beliefs of conservatism. Read
13, 2016 - Chomsky
on Trump: 'Almost a death knell for the human species' May
2016 interview
reading: Right turn : the decline of the democrats... 1987 by Thomas Ferguson
and Joel Rogers. (Amazon
link here)  Then
read this: The
Collapse of Bill Clintons Third Way (2006) Margaret Weir - Univ.of
California, Berkeley  The
United States has been plunged into a state of purgatory following the election
of Donald Trump. In all political quarters, people are engaged in their own post-mortem
analysis of how this happened and what it means, not only for the future of this
country, but for the world. Read

Or listen
to it here  
11, 2016 - It's Worse Than You Think: Widespread social unrest will ignite
when Donald Trumps base realizes it has been betrayed. I do not know when
this will happen. But that it will happen is certain. Investments in the stocks
of the war industry, internal security and the prison-industrial complex have
skyrocketed since Trump won the presidency. There is a lot of money to be made
from a militarized police state. Read
before Donald Trump's election victory it was becoming clear that we are living
in an age of disintegration. Nation states are returning to relationships based
on rivalry and friction when the trend was meant to be in the opposite direction
have now entered into one of the most sickening and dangerous periods of the 21st
century. Trump is not only a twisted caricature of every register of economic,
political, educational, and social fundamentalism, he is the apogee of a warrior
culture committed to rolling back civil rights, womens reproductive rights,
and all vestiges of economic justice and democracy. Read