22 THROUGH 31 January
31, 2017 - Democracy
in Exile and the Curse of Totalitarianism. CounterPunch/Giroux
FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement.
... Bureau policies have been crafted to take into account the active presence
of domestic extremists in U.S. police departments. Intercept
Brothers Worried Trumps Extreme Presidency Will Lead to Far-Left Revolt.
Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists.
... Breitbart News is "the platform for the alt-right," boasts Stephen
Bannon. Mother
Jones  .....
Steve Bannon Called for Christian Holy War: Now He's on the National Security
Council. ... "We're at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody
conflict," President Trump's chief strategist told a Christian conference
in 2014. AlterNet

30, 2017 - It Took Donald Trump 8 Days To Bring The U.S. To The Brink Of
A Constitutional Crisis. ... Obedience to specific court orders is what
keeps us from being a banana republic or fascist dictatorship. Thats a really
big deal. Huffington

Joint Press Release Between Border Patrol and ICE Councils - As
representatives of the nations Frontline - immigration officers and agents
responsible for enforcing our laws and protecting our borders, we fully support
and appreciate President Trumps swift and decisive action to keep the American
people safe and allow law enforcement to do its job. BP
and ICE Councils  American
Psychosis ... Reality is under assault. Verbal confusion reigns. Truth and illusion
have merged. Mental chaos makes it hard to fathom what is happening. We feel trapped
in a hall of mirrors. Exposed lies are answered with other lies TruthDig/Hedges
. Protesters
at the Denver airport over the weekend were told by police that it was illegal
to exercise free speech without a permit. ...(Police Commander Tony
Lopez ) ... that even carrying a copy of the U.S. Constitution was prohibited
in the airport. AlterNet  
Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser
to Donald Trump, on Monday said that the presidents first week in office
was nothing short of breathtaking.
Cowardly Democrats Dont Grow a Spine, Kiss America Goodbye. ... The Democratic
party has lost everything the presidential election, the Senate, the House,
the respect of their voters.... Ring
of Fire  Customs
And Border Officials Defy Court Order On Lawful Residents. ... Customs officials
arent letting green card holders talk to lawyers. Huffington
America: Land of Dystopia and Resistance. CounterPunch
Bannon believes we're already at war: 'This new barbarity that's starting, that
will completely eradicate everything that we've been bequeathed over the last
2,000, 2,500 years'. Business
29, 2017 - "It's working out very nicely," ... You see it at the
airports. You see it all over. It's working out very nicely....".
Meanwhile, back at the ranch .... The worlds biggest sponsors of Islamic
terrorism are stinking rich, and are strangely not included in the Trump freeze.
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are yet again excluded from action against
Islamic terrorism despite being patently the fons et origo of most of it.
Trumps ban would not exclude Osama Bin Laden or the vast majority of the
9/11 cells, which is almost amusing. Murray
Muslim Ban Triggers Chaos, Heartbreak, and Resistance Intercept
Rebranded? The Koch Brothers In 2016. ... They are spending millions to disguise
their actual aims so they can lull citizens into thinking its safe to allow
them more control over our political system. WBNR
Koch - The billionaire brothers are championing criminal-justice reform. Has their
formula changed? New
Yorker or download
Welfare: Trumps Infrastructure Plan Hes going to create a huge
trillion-dollar market for Wall Streets high finance. AlterNet
US Is Suffering From a Very Real Water Crisis That Few Are Acknowledging. TruthOut
28, 2017 - Missile Launchers at Standing Rock: Weaponized Law in Action.
leaks coming out of the Trump White House cast the president as a clueless child.
Most Vicious President in American History Is Donald Trump's New Role Model. ...
Andrew Jackson was an unrepentant slave driver and ethnic cleanser. Trump sees
him as a fellow populist. AlterNet

They know
they cant convince everyone that mass voter fraud exists because
it doesnt so what theyre trying to do is put the lie that it
DOES exist out there to create the false impression that theres some sort
of debate to be had here when there isnt. Ring
of Fire/Hartman  A
Trump supporter who shot an unarmed anti-fascist protester was released by Seattle,
Washington police without charge. Meanwhile, at least six journalists arrested
by the Washington, D.C. force face up to 10 years in prison and $25,000 fines
on felony "riot" charges for covering protests at the presidential inauguration.
New Low For Wells Fargo: Are You Still Using Gross Big Banks? .... four ex-employees
from Southern California reported that Wells Fargo was engaged in yet another
scheme to defraud its customers: improperly charging them for extending promised
interest rates when mortgage paperwork wound up being delayed. Ring
of Fire  
27, 2017 - Noam Chomsky: Explaining the 'Collapse' That Gave Us Donald Trump.
... Noam Chomsky interviewed by Kenneth Palmer and Richard Yarrow. AlterNet
The Election was Stolen Heres How
Starting in 2013 just
as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act a coterie of Trump operatives,
under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created a system
to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of GOPcontrolled
states. Palast Donald
Trump Against the World: The Birth of a New Nationalist World Order ... Welcome
to a globalism of the 1 percent. Alertnet

Bannon Takes Control While Trump lies, the former Breitbart chief
seizes the reins of power. AlterNet

The Rise Of Europes Far-Right Is A Wake-Up Call For Democracy,
Says Turkish Novelist. .. We cannot leave patriotism to the nationalists.
... And we cannot leave emotions to populist demagogues, Huffington

No local enforcement of Federal Immigration laws (NM)
America Lost Its Identity. ... Reporter
Holger Stark spent the past four years as Washington correspondent during a time
in which the country changed radically enough to elect Donald Trump as its president.
What led this once mighty nation into decline? Spiegel
de Résistance? Entire Senior Staff at Trump's State Dept. 'Unexpectedly'
Resigns. ... 'We know Americans don't want [Secretary Tillerson] representing
them, and it now seems like the most senior officials of the State Department
know it too.' CommonDreams
says he doesnt need facts as long as very smart Fox News viewers
agree with him. ... Trumps first interview as president illustrated how
Fox News is becoming Trump propaganda. ThinkProgress
26, 2017 - TDS: You have been warned: Trump Derangement Syndrome
will be a cudgel used to silence his critics. ... Right-wingers who claim that
principled opposition to Trump is "deranged" are avoiding America's
true insanity. Salon
and LA
Times Tracking
the first 100 days by
Trump's contract with American voters here
Hersh Blasts Media for Uncritically Promoting Russian Hacking Story. Intercept
Trump Looks More and More Like a Rubber Stamp for a Radical Congress. ... A pattern
is emerging: the president is presented with a draconian bill, and he signs on
the dotted line. AlterNet
Trump's team to review all Environmental Protection Agency studies before release
.. scrutiny will also extend to federal agency's website, including scientific
evidence showing impact of manmade carbon emissions on global warming. Independent

Radical Expansion of Sanctuary: Steps in Defiance of Trump's Executive Order.
and - Trumps unconstitutional plan to turn cities into federal police
states. ... Remember when the Tenth Amendment was a thing? ThinkProgress
-and- Bill would make NM sanctuary state AbqJrnl
25, 2017 - Get Ready for the First Shocks of Trumps Disaster Capitalism.

Four more journalists get felony
charges after covering inauguration unrest. ... A documentary producer, a photojournalist,
a live-streamer and a freelance reporter facing up to 10 years in prison and a
$25,000 fine if convicted. Guradian
and Daily
government gag order blocks agencies from talking to Congress. ... First the National
Park Service was banned from using social media because one Park Service Twitter
account dared to retweet images showing Trumps less-than-stellar inaugural
crowd. Then the EPA was blocked from all forms of external communication. The
research arm of the USDA was the next to go behind the Trump Curtain. And it seems
that this glittery gilt wall of silence is not just spreading, but even cutting
off communication with Congress. ... .
Moves come amid growing
concern that Trump and his appointees will suppress scientific innovation and
research to advance their own ideological agenda. CommonDreams
Trump lies about losing the popular vote. ... Donald Trump told congressional
leaders he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton because of immigrants fraudulently
voting in the election. This comes after Kellyanne Conway debuted the phrase "alternative
facts." David Corn and Indira Lakshmanan join Lawrence. MSNBC
Video  Saudi
Arabia deliberately targeting impoverished Yemens farms and agricultural
industry. ... Increasing
evidence suggests Kingdom is not merely bombing civilians in neighbouring country,
but systematically targeting infrastructure survivors will need to avoid starvation
when the war is over. Independent
Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own.

24, 2017 - The ruling elites, terrified by the mobilization of the left in
the 1960s, or by what [political scientist] Samuel P. Huntington called Americas
excess of democracy, built counter-institutions to delegitimize and
marginalize critics of corporate capitalism and imperialism. They bought the allegiances
of the two main political parties. They imposed
obedience to the neoliberal
ideology within academia and the press. This campaign, laid out by Lewis Powell
in his 1971 memorandum titled Attack on American Free Enterprise System,
was the blueprint for the creeping corporate coup détat that 45 years
later is complete. Hedges
Takeover': Oil & Gas Industry Now In Charge of US Foreign Policy. ... Confirming
Rex Tillerson, Republicans on Senate Foreign Relations Committee "just knowingly
handed our international climate diplomacy over to a rogue oil mogul"
Administration Imposes Freeze On EPA Grants and Contracts. ...The Trump administration
has imposed a freeze on grants and contracts by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. CommonDreams
Trump Cabinet: Strangest Show on Earth.
TruthOut  (So
far) Lawmakers in Eight States Have Proposed Laws Criminalizing Peaceful Protest.
23, 2017 - Naomi Klein, Alicia Garza, Ralph Nader & Others Respond to
Trump's "America First" Inaugural Address. Democracy
Trump's Two-Step Strategy to Take Over the Truth The new president has
this all figured out. Alternet/Reich

Facts': The Needless Lies of the Trump Administration. ... If the president and
his aides will tell easily disproven falsehoods about crowd sizes and speeches,
what else will they be willing to dissemble about? The
Atlantic  The
Trump Administrations Lies Have Already Ruined Its Credibility. ... The
president has made the wrong bet, and it will sink him. The
Atlantic  Why
the rise of Donald Trump and Isis have more in common than you might think. ...
Across continents there are many who see themselves as the losers from globalisation,
but the ideological vehicles for protest differ markedly from region to region.
January 22, 2017 -
Marine Le Pen claims Anglo Saxon world waking up as Europes
far-right parties meet after Trump inauguration. ... Yesterday,
a new America. Today - a new Europe, anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders
tells cheering crowds. Independent

pull the trigger: Robert Reich explains how the GOP is playing Trump until
they can dump him. Reich
Chomsky on the Long History of US Meddling in Foreign Elections. TruthOut
Order of Police union endorses Trump. Washington
Post  On
Final Day of Obama Presidency, a Look at His Mixed Legacy & the Rise of Neo-Fascism
in Washington. DemocracyNow
