October 10, 2017 Elites
Have No Credibility Left: Interview With Journalist Chris Hedges.
Related: The Silencing
of Dissent TruthDig
I've got your American carnage
for you right here. Digby
Vladimir Putin: Computer
Genius? TruthDig
World-Renowned Artist Ai
Weiwei on His Childhood in a Labor Camp, Art, Activism, Prison & Freedom.
5 of the Worst Things
We Know Were Emphatically confirmed Again This Week ... It is deja vu again.
3 Horrendous U.S. Mass Shootings
Far Worse Than Vegas. ... Several mass shootings from the past have killed many
more. AlterNet
Faces of Pain, Faces of
Hope TruthDig/Hedges
Distract, Distort, Isolate:
Trump and the Authoritarian Style in US Politics ... "Ideas matter -- but
they don't matter enough, if you don't have the institutions to propagate them.
If you don't have schools, if you don't have public spheres, if you don't have
places where dialogue can take place, and people can come together and question
and analyze -- those ideas begin to evaporate. In the US, most of the pedagogical
institutions, from schools to the media, are dominated by a corporate elite --
these are not public spheres anymore, these are toxic spheres that align themselves
with market-driven values that cultivate an ideology in which people don't know
how to deal with democracy and what its demands and responsibilities might look
like.": An Interview With Henry A. Giroux . TruthOut
Threat of nuclear
catastrophe 'at highest level since Cold War' ... At an annual conference designed
to prevent nuclear disaster, speakers express concerns over the US President's
stance on Iran and North Korea. Independent

WPP companies lobbied for NRA - as ad firm claimed to oppose gun violence .. UK
multinational has been one of US pro-gun groups key political advocates,
its firms collecting $1.46m in fees since 2007. Guardian
9. 2017 Henry
A. Giroux | Donald Trump's Passion for Cruelty TruthOut/Giroux
About Trumps Mental Stability? The Worst Is Yet to Come. The
Intercept  The
Madness of Donald Trump ... The pressures of the presidency have pushed Trump
to the edge, but is he crazy enough to be removed from office? Rolling
Here's How Breitbart And Milo
Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream .. A cache of documents
obtained by BuzzFeed News reveals the truth about Steve Bannons alt-right
killing machine. BuzzFeed
Trump has no idea whats happening in Puerto Rico, ... His sunny self-praise
about hurricane relief is a sign of a much deeper problem. WaPo
Sense of the Alt-Right - Book by George Hawley. Comunbia
Univ. Press  Why
referendums like with Brexit, Kurdistan and Catalonia are always
doomed to fail ... Referendums make public opinion easy to manipulate because
what voters are being asked to assent to is most often wishful thinking and what
they are opposing is a rag-bag of unrelated grievances. Independent

I Am Obliged to Reconsider My Support for the European Union. Craig
Murray  Universities
in India Are Criminalizing Student Protests. ... Female students and professors
speak out against violence on campusbut face huge obstacles. AlterNet
of the Most Regressive and Weird Laws Still in Practice in the South ... In some
states, progress is clearly not the most important priority AlterNet  
of October 7-8. 2017Russian
Journalist Masha Gessen on Trump & Putins Autocracy and Medias
Refusal to Call Out Lies. DemocracyNow
Suspending the Catalan
Parliament, Spain Destroys the EUs Rule of Law Figleaf.
The violent side of Spain
has resurfaced. We Catalans must cut loose ... For many years I had forgotten
about independence for Catalonia, thinking that Spain was modernising. The recent
crackdown has changed everything. The
Dystopic Prison Initiative.
The FBIs
Hunt for Two Missing Piglets Reveals the Federal Cover-Up of Barbaric Factory
Farms. The
Intercept  Setting
the Stage to Commit a Massacre in Gaza. TruthOut
Plutocrats Are Running for Political Office Across the Country: Can Our Democracy
Survive It? ... The future of our democracy is on the ballot in the Illinois governor's
race. AlterNet 
the NRA and the far-right are quietly mobilizing to kill gun safety reform after
Vegas. ... If you're talking about bump stocks, you don't have to talk about assault
rifles. ThinkProgress

Betsy DeVos' Vision Goes Way Beyond Privatizing Education. ... and She Is
Alarmingly Close To Realizing It .. Critics wrote DeVos off as a nitwit. But she's
playing a long game, and winning. AlterNet
New Normal): Make Daycare Great Again: Parents send racist letter
to childcare center after they hire a too dark black woman. RawStory
6, 2017 Masha
Gessen: Trump Doing Incredible Damage to Democracy While Media is
Obsessed with Russia Probe. DemocracyNow
A New McCarthyism
Is Taking Hold in America. TruthDig
House GOP
Passes Budget That 'Should Not Be Allowed in a Humane Society'. ... By passing
their budget blueprint, Republicans have taken "the first step toward an
immoral tax scheme that will hand trillions of dollars to millionaires and corporations."
How Venezuela
Ended Up Becoming an Extraordinary Security Threat and Got Sanctioned
For It. CounterPunch
Catalans Want Independence From Spain. CounterPunch
FBIs Hunt for Two Missing Piglets Reveals the Federal Cover-Up of Barbaric
Factory Farms. ... FBI agents are devoting substantial resources to a multistate
hunt for two baby piglets that the bureau believes are named Lucy and Ethel. The
two piglets were removed over the summer from the Circle Four Farm in Utah by
animal rights activists who had entered the Smithfield Foods-owned factory farm
to film the brutal, torturous conditions in which the pigs are bred in order to
be slaughtered. Intercept
GOP says Las Vegas massacre inspired them to crack down on reproductive rights.
... Instead of gun control, Republicans say the violence prompted a new effort
to restrict abortions. ThinkProgress
Trump's #1 Goal as President. AlterNet
cop gets promotion in spite of Memorial Day killing when he shot unarmed
man 8 times. RawStory
Shootings: the Military-Entertainment Complexs Culture of Violence Turns
Deadly. CounterPunch
5, 2017 Mass
murder, shooting sprees and rampage violence: Research roundup.
Journalist's Resource  Congress
Quietly Let a Program Insuring 9 Million Children Expire. ... Many states will
have to shut down their children's health programs.
Am Obliged to Reconsider My Support for the European Union. Craig
Murray  Trumps
Pick for EPA Safety Chief Argued Kids Are Less Sensitive to Toxins.
Intercept  Yet
Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet? Intercept
Las Vegas Massacre, Advocates Look to Australia's Successful Fight to Curb Gun
Violence. DemocracyNow

'Obama bros' learn to love Hillary ... By artfully trashing Trump, four ex-White
House aides help draw millennials to Clinton. Politico
Emails Show ICE Agents Struggling to Substantiate Trumps Lies About Immigrants.
Trump donor intervened to keep Ivanka and Don Jr from being indicted on felony
fraud. RawStory
the leaked White house talking points crafted in response to the Las Vegas massacre.
Story  SETI:
Well find intelligent alien life within 20 years. RawStory

October 4, 2017 Rising
Threats to Democracy.
TruthDig/Chomsky  Unfashionable
Causes ... Most of the states existing in the world including pretty well
all of Africa bar Ethiopia, much of Asia, and the former Soviet Union achieved
independence in my own lifetime. In virtually every case, it was almost
by definition illegal at the start of the process for the country to break
away. All of the most famous liberation campaigners did jail time. Within the
European Union, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia did not obtain Independence by a
process negotiated from the start with the Soviet Union. The actions which initiated
their Independence were illegal. Craig
Murray  Climate
Disruption Could Pose "Existential Threat" by 2050. Truthout
Have Messed With Earth So Much, Formal 'Anthropocene' Classification Needed: Scientists.
... From climate change to invasive species to changes in the planets fundamental
chemical cycles, the markers indicating profound change make clear Holocene is
over. CommonDreams
Threatens Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea. TruthOut
Bill Will Show Which Lawmakers Support 'Indiscriminate Bombings of Schools, Marketplaces,
Hospitals'. ... Bipartisan resolution calls for U.S. military to stop aiding Saudi-led
coalition's bombing campaign in Yemen. CommonDreams
Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really Aboutor Its
Dark History. ... The Second Amendment is an anachronism that's no longer relevant
today. AlterNet
Rape of Vietnamese Women was Considered Standard Operating Procedure

3, 2017The
End of Empire. ... The American empire is coming to an end. The U.S. economy is
being drained by wars in the Middle East and vast military expansion around the
globe. It is burdened by growing deficits, along with the devastating effects
of deindustrialization and global trade agreements. Our democracy has been captured
and destroyed by corporations that steadily demand more tax cuts, more deregulation
and impunity from prosecution for massive acts of financial fraud, all the while
looting trillions from the U.S. treasury in the form of bailouts.
TruthDig/Hedges How
the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years. ... Tax cuts initiate
bubble economies, not true growth. AlterNet

How the FBI's corruption inquiry is undressing the myth of amateurism. ... By
criminalizing violations in college sports, the US Department of Justice will
make it so that it is not just the NCAA who runs the market but the state as well.
Capitalists Circle Above Puerto Rico Prey. TruthDig
U.S. Response to Puerto Rico "Lifts the Veil of Colonialism" & 119
Years of Exploitation. DemocracyNow
González: Puerto Rico's Financial Control Board Worsened Crisis After Hurricane
Maria. DemocracyNow
new shock doctrine: in a world of crisis, morality can still win ... Jeremy Corbyn,
Bernie Sanders and Podemos in Spain have shown that a bold and decent strategy
can be a successful one. That truth should embolden the left. The
Guardian  U.S.
School Partners With Saudi Security College TruthDig
Trump is no longer the president of the United States: Robert Reich. RawStory
Gross Dishonesty of the Mainstream Media on Catalonia. Craig
2, 2017 Legal
or not, Trumps wall is already being built. ... What you need to know about
construction currently happening on the border. HIgh
Country News  The
Pledge of Allegiance is Un-American. CounterPunch
The American
Flag Ritual Is an Exercise in Mindless Obedience .. Flag idolatry is a pathology
that crushes real American values. AlterNet

buried in new Senate budget resolution is a major blow to transparency ... The
budget aims to change rules about CBO scoring before votes. ThinkProgress
Rico Rejects Loan Offers, Accusing Hedge Funds of Trying to Profit Off Hurricanes.
... Puerto Rico has rejected a bondholder groups offer to issue the territory
additional debt as a response to the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Officials
with Puerto Ricos Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority said the
offer was not viable and would harm the islands ability to recover
from the storm. The
Intercept  As
Wall Street Vultures Circle, Demands for Immediate Puerto Rico Debt Relief ...
"Washington must abandon its austerity agenda and support the removal of
all manmade obstacles to Puerto Rico's recovery and reconstruction."
CommonDreams  Meet
your local anti-government extremist groups ,,, With violent rhetoric surging
since Trumps election, it helps to know your neighbors. High
Country News  Trump
is a puppet of the rich. He made that clear this week ... The president likes
to speak about helping working people. Meanwhile, he is raising taxes and abandoning
those in need in Puerto Rico. The
Guardian  Trump
Threatens Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea ... Trump threatened
to "totally destroy North Korea" in his address to the United Nations
General Assembly on September 19. That threat violates the UN Charter, and indicates
an intent to commit genocide, crimes against humanity, the war crime of collective
punishment and international humanitarian law. Moreover, a first-strike use of
nuclear weapons would violate international law. TruthOut
Bill Will Show Which Lawmakers Support 'Indiscriminate Bombings of Schools, Marketplaces,
Hospitals' ... Bipartisan resolution calls for U.S. military to stop aiding Saudi-led
coalition's bombing campaign in Yemen. CommonDreams
of September 29- October 1, 2017Weekend
Read: On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. The Founding
Fathers tried to protect us from the threat they knew, the tyranny that overcame
ancient democracy. Today, our political order faces new threats, not unlike the
totalitarianism of the twentieth century. We are no wiser than the Europeans who
saw democracy yield to fascism, Nazism, or communism. Our one advantage is that
we might learn from their experience.
Amazon  The
NFL, The Military, And The Hijacking of Pat Tillmans Story. Intercept
inequality and offshore tax dodging: The rich are richer than we thought.
Resource  With
New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons.
... One of the most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American
political landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the countrys
most extreme and discredited neocons. Intercept
Opposite of Good Is Indifference. On
Being.  Finland's
First Female President on Women's Rights, Healthcare & Rise of Far Right in
Europe. DemocracyNow
Activist: Emmanuel Macron is "Younger, Prettier" Face of Anti-Worker
Reforms & a Police State. DemocracyNow
a N. Korea-U.S. War of Words Become a World of War? TruthDig/Moyers

A New McCarthyism Is Taking Hold in America. TruthDig
Trump Tax
"Hoax" Would Blow $5 Trillion Hole In Budget Over Next Decade: Analysis.
... 'The idea that this plan would help average Americans instead of the wealthy
and big corporations has been a hoax all along.' CommonDreams
a Bill of Goods on PBS about the Vietnam War. CounterPunch
