SEPTEMBER 11 THROUGH 21  September
21, 2017
Republican Healthcare
Bill Will Get Less Than 2 Minutes Of Debate Time. ... Due to a manipulation of
Senate rules, Republicans have created a healthcare bill that will only be open
for debate on the Senate floor for about 90 seconds possibly as long as
2 minutes if things get crazy. This bill could strip more than 30 million of their
health insurance coverage and destroy Medicaid, and the best the Republicans are
willing to give us is 2 minutes. Ring
of Fire  Hillary
Clinton Will Never Understand What Happened. Splinter
by Goldman ... Gary Cohn Is Giving Goldman Sachs Everything It Ever Wanted From
the Trump Administration. The
Intercept  Trump's
'election integrity' group is waging war on the right to vote. Guardian
administration removes links to taxpayer-funded climate data on USGS website ...
You paid for U.S. Geological Survey climate data, but the White House is making
it disappear. ThinkProgress

two countries think Trump is doing a better job than Obama did. RawStory
handful of ultra-rich dynastic families are bleeding the country dry and
destroying American democracy. RawStory
inequality and offshore tax dodging: The rich are richer than we thought. Journalist's
Resource  Like
it or not, the far right is heading for Germanys Bundestag ... The AfD party
has become increasingly nasty and more popular too. That nationalists will
have a voice in the German parliament once again is disturbing. The
Guardian  How
Netanyahus Son Became the Poster Boy for White Supremacists. ... The eldest
son of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has found himself an unlikely
poster boy for David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, and the neo-Nazi website
Daily Stormer. CounterPunch
Are All Prisoners of the Police States Panopticon Village. CounterPunch
All About the Biggest Snowden Reveal. TruthDig
A Sense
of Proportion - The Establishment is fast losing its grip on the loyalty of the
populace. That decline in the respect of the population for their masters has
coincided with the rise of the importance of the internet and social media, and
the corresponding decline in consumption of traditional print and broadcast news
and current affairs media. Craig
20, 2017House
passes spending bill full of giveaways to polluters and big cuts to
EPA... The bill also cuts a number of programs intended to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions or streamline the transition to clean energy. ThinkProgress
Says No Money for Social Programs, But '$700 Billion to Kill People? Yeah That
We Have' ... "Note 'where will the money come from?' deficit trolls will
be silent on this $700 billion defense spending bill." CommonDreams
Harvey and Irma: Militarizing Homeland Security in the Climate Change Era. TruthOut

Saudi security forces clamp down on dissent Academics and clerics held as
Riyadh acts to silence criticism. Financial
Times  South
Carolina teacher suspended after asking 5th graders to come up with reasons for
joining the Klan. RawStory

GOPs on the verge of passing a bill that will phase out Medicaid in its
entirety. ThinkProgress
Make Our Democracy Functional, We Must Confront Economic Inequality. ... The United
States is a plutocratic disaster. In this exclusive interview for Truthout, renowned
political scientist Larry Bartels, author of the already classic work Unequal
Democracy, provides a sweeping look at the state of our dysfunctional society.
Reich: A Handful of Ultra-Rich Families Are Bleeding the Country Dry. ... Taxing
dynastic wealth is an absolute necessity if we hope to restore our democracy.

Louis Cops Taunt Demonstrators with Chilling Chant After Clearing Streets. ...
Officers in riot gear were heard bellowing "whose streets, our streets."

Trump starts first UN speech by promoting one of his buildings just across the
street . ... Several people with connections to the former Soviet Union own condos
in the building. Independent
Major Jewish Philanthropist Just Published A Plan To Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians.
... A far-right faction within Israels Likud-led governing coalition has
endorsed a plan for Israel to annex the entire West Bank and encourage the Palestinian
residents to emigrate to neighboring Arab countries. Forward
Trumps lawyers fail at basic lawyering: Privacy. ... Rule 1 of law: Don't
discuss private matters in public, right in front of a New York Times. Salon

September 19, 2017 Naomi
Klein: We Are Seeing the Shock Doctrine in Effect After Hurricanes Harvey &
Irma. Democracy
Now/Naomi Klein  The
Silencing of Dissent. ... The ruling elites, who grasp that the reigning ideology
of global corporate capitalism and imperial expansion no longer has moral or intellectual
credibility, have mounted a campaign to shut down the platforms given to their
critics. The attacks within this campaign include blacklisting, censorship and
slandering dissidents as foreign agents for Russia and purveyors of fake
news. TruthDig/Hedges
of Secrecy Spread Across Federal Government. ... There are cracks in the curtains
President Donald Trump tried to draw around the government early in his presidency,
but the slivers of light arent making it easier to hold federal officials
accountable for their actions. TruthDig
Spicer Is Honored Because, As Bush Officials Showed, D.C. Elites Always Thrive.
Intercept  The
Growing Danger of Dynastic Wealth,
After Failing
to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches. ... The former
president is reportedly raking in $400,000 per speech to massive financial firms.
Wont Stop Wildfires. ... A number of politicians have promised to weaken
environmental laws and increase logging, supposedly to stop forest fires. Heres
what they arent telling you. CounterPunch
Alert' Sounded: Trumpcare Is Back, More Brutal and Deadly Than Ever. .. Sen. Bernie
Sanders called the new Obamacare repeal plan "yet another disastrous Republican
proposal to throw millions of people off health insurance. CommonDreams
18, 2017The
GOP Is Plowing Ahead with an Audacious Effort to Hijack the Vote and Rig Elections.
... From Trumps election integrity commission to Mitch McConnell,
the GOP targets the levers of power. AlterNet

JPMorgan Chase Is Cashing in on Private Prisons. ... For its stance on human rights
to have real meaning, Chase must divest from the private prison system. AlterNet
by Goldman - Gary Cohn Is Giving Goldman Sachs Everything It Ever Wanted From
the Trump Administration. The
Intercept  Destructive
Stock BuybacksThat You Pay For. CounterPunch

Forgotten Americans: Why Did U.S. Media Ignore U.S. Virgin Islands Devastated
by Irma? Democracy
Now  The
Genocide of the Rohingya: Big Oil, Failed Democracy and False Prophets. CounterPunch

Barack Obama 'rang with reassurance for May' on election night. ... Former president
said Labour was expecting losses and Andrew Marr told Tories results of exit poll
early, book claims. The
v. Class? More Brilliant Bourgeois Bullshit from Ta-Nehesi Coates. CounterPunch
Lamar Smith: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Heavy
Security Forces Are Training American Cops Despite History of Rights Abuses. The
Intercept  Shaun
King on Donald Trump, Colin Kaepernick, and White Supremacy. ... Since the beginning
of the Trump presidency, white-supremacist groups, including self-described neo-Nazis,
have increasingly and boldly appeared in public. They have killed counterprotesters,
beaten people, and fired guns into crowds. The
Intercept  Lawsuits
FBI evidence suggests Saudi Arabia funded 9/11 dry run: report. RawStory
the 9/11 Case Finally Go to Trial?': Andrew Cockburn on New Evidence Linking Saudis
to Attacks. ... Saudi Arabia is already trying to change the law so that they
cant be sued. Democracy
Now  Coca-Cola
Sucks Wells Dry in Chiapas, Forcing Residents to Buy Water. TruthOut
Forgotten Americans: Why Did U.S. Media Ignore U.S. Virgin Islands Devastated
by Irma? Democracy
Now  Has
The New York Times Gone Collectively Mad? ... For those of us who have taught
journalism or worked as editors, a sign that an article is the product of sloppy
or dishonest journalism is that a key point will be declared as flat fact when
it is unproven or a point in serious disputeand it then becomes the foundation
for other claims, building a story like a high-rise constructed on sand. TruthDig
Weekend of September 15-17, 2017
War Continues as Senate Kills Effort to Repeal 2001 Authorization. ... "No
one with an ounce of intellectual honesty believes these authorizations allow
current wars we fight in seven countries," Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said. CommonDreams
new footage reveals scorched-earth campaign against Rohingya. ... Government accused
of systematic strategy in Rakhine state as Rohingya claim soldiers torched their
homes and fired on them after urging them to leave. The
For Americas
Generals, Failure Is the New Success. TruthDig

and Deadly: Industry Eyes a Sneaky and Dangerous New Revenue Stream. ... Republicans
hide a rollback on the regulation of gun silencers inside an otherwise innocuous
federal lands bill. AlterNet

Are US Universities Arming Themselves With Grenade Launchers? TruthOut
send a report every morning to ICE: Motel 6 reportedly outing guests to
immigration officials. .. "Every morning at about 5 oclock, we do the
audit and we push a button and it sends it to ICE." ThinkProgress
for Wall Street: Fees on Retirement Accounts. TruthOut
Occupation of the American Mind": Documentary Looks at Israel's PR War in
the United States. DemocracyNow
U.S. Spies Misused a Covert Network for Personal Shopping and Other Stories
from Internal NSA Documents. The
Genocide of the Rohingya: Big Oil, Failed Democracy and False Prophets. CounterPunch
Waters Criticizes Senate Bill Criminalizing BDS & Radiohead's Recent Concert
in Tel Aviv. Democracy
Now  Pink
Floyd Founder Roger Waters: BDS is One of "Most Admirable" Displays
of Resistance in the World. Democracy
Now  |

14, 2017"Will
the 9/11 Case Finally Go to Trial?": Andrew Cockburn on New Evidence Linking
Saudis to Attacks. DemocracyNow/Cockburn
Intel slips sentence into bill that could lead to spying on US citizens. McClatchy
FBI gets
Sputnik emails, critics see 'red line for media' crossed in Russia probe.
Washington Examiner 
Terrifying Power of Internet Censors.
Checks for Voting?: Inside the Trump Election Commission's Contentious Second
Meeting. DemocracyNow
Sucks Wells Dry in Chiapas, Forcing Residents to Buy Water. TruthOut
Christians Are Now a MinorityBut They're Getting More Isolated and Less
Tolerant. ... Religious homophobia is driving away young people, but evangelical
leaders double down on anti-LGBT bigotry. AlterNet

you like the slave you are: Trump fan sent threats before execution-style
killing of black man. RawStory
Cruel Moves Made by Local Governments Against the Poor. ... Republicans in the
federal government aren't the only ones who punish people for being poor. AlterNet

woman shot homeless man who asked her to move her Porsche then left him
to die: police. RawStory
should see pictures of her: Lawyer argues 13-year-old rape victim to blame
for being a temptress. RawStory

13, 2017The
Great Flood. ... How many times will we rebuild Floridas cities, Houston,
coastal New Jersey, New Orleans and other population centers ravaged by storms
lethally intensified by global warming? At what point, surveying the devastation
and knowing more is inevitable, will we walk away, leaving behind vast coastal
dead zones? Will we retreat even further into magical thinking to cope with the
fury we have unleashed from the natural world? Or will we respond rationally and
radically alter our relationship to this earth that gives us life?
TruthDig/Hedges  The
Hodor Effect that Paralyzes the US. ... Could you briefly explain the events that
took place in Charlottesville and help put them in context? CounterPunch
Hate. ... Hate crimes and bias incidents are a national problem, but theres
no reliable data on the nature or prevalence of the violence. Were collecting
and verifying reports to create a national database for use by journalists, researchers
and civil-rights organizations.. ProPublica
assume the militias at the Charlottesville rally were white supremacists. This
is what they believe now. WaPo
Mexico in Depth - White Supremacists. ... Many belong to new organizations like
Vanguard America, Identity Evropa, the Traditionalist Workers Party and True Cascadia,
which have seen their numbers expand dramatically in the past year. Most of these
groups view themselves as part of a broader alt-right movement that
represents the extreme edge of right-wing politics in the U.S. NM
Indepth  Berkeley
Republicans Hope More Left-Wing Riots Will Create Pedestal For Conservative
Movement. The
The Pentagon's
New Wonder Weapons for World Dominion. TruthOut
Climate Change May Wipe Out a Third of World's Parasites, with Disastrous Ripple
Effects. DemocracyNow

12, 2017How
Donald Trump Is Trying To Blow Up The Iran Nuclear Deal. The
Intercept  Lords
of Misrule. ... How the legal profession became Wall Streets helpmeet. ...
In 1937, future Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson gave a toast at the New York
State Bar Association on the civic responsibilities of the legal profession. No
other people have submitted so generally to lawyer leadership, he said.
Yet, he argued, There is no constitutional protection for our lawyer monopoly. Jackson
was referring, in a tone of populist outrage, to the new wave of big law firms
that were then vehemently opposing Franklin Roosevelts New Deal and its
crackdown on Wall Street in the wake of the 1929 crash. We must rely solely
on the record of a trust well fulfilled to perpetuate lawyer control.". TheBaffler
West might hardly believe it, but it now seems the Syrian war is ending
and Assad is the victor. ... While were all waiting for Trump to start World
War Three, weve not spotted that the military map of the Middle East has
substantially, bloodily changed. It will be years before Syria and Iraq (and Yemen)
are rebuilt and the Israelis may have to go to Putin to clear up the mess
theyre now in. Independent
Verrit, a pro-Clinton media platform, is doomed to fail. ... The website has been
blasted for its unsubtle propaganda. There is a reason it works for Republicans
and not Democrats. The
Guardian  Complaining
About Hillary's Campaign Book Is a Huge Waste of the Progressive Movement's Time.
... Why aren't they focusing on the anti-democratic practices that split the Democratic
Party? AlterNet
Seen the Reality of What Happens After Disasters Like Irma. CounterPunch
Monsanto Is Devastating Thousands of Farms Across 20 States. ... Monsanto's GE
cotton and soybeans were made to be resistant to an herbicide that drifts to nearby
crops. AlterNet

Imperialism and the Seeds of Catastrophe in India. ... Foreign capital is dictating
the prevailing development agenda in India. The aim is to replace current structures
with a system of industrial agriculture suited to the needs of Western agribusiness,
food processing and retail concerns (see this). The plan is for a fraction of
the population left in farming working on contracts for large suppliers and large
chain supermarkets offering a diet of highly processed, denutrified, genetically
altered food based on crops soaked with chemicals and grown in increasingly degraded
soils according to an unsustainable model of agriculture that is less climate/drought
resistant, less diverse and unable to achieve food security. CounterPunch
America, 10 years on. NM
Indepth  SANTA
Fe: 12 Arrested Protesting Conquistador Celebration on Stolen Pueblo Land.

September 11, 2017 Lawsuits
FBI evidence suggests Saudi Arabia funded 9/11 dry run: report. RawStory
seen the reality of what happens after disasters like Hurricane Irma its
different to what youve been told. ... Because of an over-focus on empty
gestures and a queasiness about money, the response to natural disasters in the
US is all too often inadequate. The army and the National Guard are on standby
in South Florida but if Hurricane Andrew taught us anything, its
that they arent as much use as youd think. Independent

The Violence
of the 60s Is Nothing Like What We Are about to Face. ... The late 60s
and early 70s were crazy, but were looking wilder.
Alternet.  These
people need to be protected: Police wont release info on lynching
of 8-year-old biracial boy. RawStory
out of The Handmaids Tale: Insiders claim CIA director Pompeo is turning
agency into a Christian hotbed. ... According to an investigation by Foreign Policy
into changes in the intelligence community under President Donald Trump, the CIA
has set aside plans to diversify and has become more white and more Christian
under new director Mike Pompeo. RawStory

A Definitive
Guide to the G.O.P. Insiders Enabling Donald Trump. ... From Paul Ryan to John
McCain, Sarah Ellison takes a look at the menand the motivesthat are
propping up a Donald Trump presidency.. Vanity
Fair  The
case for Trump-Russia collusion: Were getting very, very close. WaPo
operative soliciting Russian hackers was bagman for vast right-wing conspiracy.
... The GOP operative leading a team looking for Hillary Clintons 33,000
missing emailsthe same ones Donald Trump had publicly implored Russia to
findwas active as a Republican bagman in what Hillary Clinton famously called
the vast right-wing conspiracy during the Bill Clinton-era Troopergate
sex scandals. MadCow
Worst Fears About Fox News Are Confirmed By New Study. ... Everyone knows the
news outlet serves as a virtual propaganda tool, but new research shows just how
effective they are at it. CommonDreams