APRIL 11 THROUGH 21  April
21, 2017 Shocking
Exposé Reveals Trump Associates & ISIS-Linked Vigilantes Are Attempting
Coup in Indonesia. ... new exposé that reveals backers of Donald Trump
in Indonesia have joined army officers and a vigilante street movement linked
to ISIS in an attempt to oust Indonesias president. Democracy
Now  The
FBI's Secret Rules. Intercept
Secret Court Hearing, Lawyer Objected to FBI Sifting Through NSA Data Like It
Was Google. Intercept
and Terror - The U.S. government has prosecuted 796 people for terrorism since
the 9/11 attacks. Most of them never even got close to committing an act of violence.
Behind-the-Scenes Book Brutalizes the Clinton Campaign. ... 'Shattered,' a campaign
tell-all fueled by anonymous sources, outlines a generational political disaster.
"Biggest Humanitarian
Catastrophe Since 2003 Invasion": Journalist Anand Gopal on Battle for Mosul.
Kleptocracy?: How Ivanka
Trump & Jared Kushner Personally Profit from Their Roles in the White House.
In our culture
and society, its considered very courageous to send a huge bomb somewhere,
Noam Chomsky, renowned linguist and social critic, says. Do whatever damage
is done, and we all applaud the great heroic achievement of the president. Thats
a cultural problem here. - The Real Effect of the Recent U.S. Bombings in
Syria and Afghanistan Truth
20, 2017 US
Moves Toward Major Intervention in Yemen. Counter
Punch  Israel
Celebrates 50 Years as Occupier. ... Israel is to hold lavish celebrations over
the coming weeks to mark the 50th anniversary of what it calls the liberation
of Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights or what the rest of us describe
as the birth of the occupation. Counter
Punch  Why
the Democrats are Dead: DeLauro Says No to Single-Payer. ... If you want to know
why the Democratic Party is dead, dead, dead, look no further than Congresswoman
Rosa DeLauro (D-Connecticut). Counter
How the Right-Wing Koch and DeVos Families Are Funding Hate Speech on College
Campuses Across the U.S. .. Racist, sexist, Islamophobic protesters spark violence
and publicity for Koch and Mercer-backed juggernauts. AlterNet

Coal vs Solar - Kentucky
coal company announces plans to build the states largest solar farm
The company says the farm will give jobs to displaced coal miners Think
Progress  Oklahoma
axes wind subsidies early, continues support for fossil fuels In 2014, Gov.
Fallin signed a bill to extend a low tax rate for oil and gas. Think
Progress  Trumps
EPA is reconsidering a rule that limits mercury from power plants The EPA
has asked a court to delay oral arguments??where it was supposed to defend
the rule. Think
19, 2017 Trump
Rejects Calls for Transparency, Vowing to Keep Tax Returns & White House Visitor
Logs Secret. Democracy
Now  The
Price of Resistance. ... as a reporter in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East
and the Balkans, I encountered singular individuals of varying creeds, religions,
races and nationalities who majestically rose up to defy the oppressor on behalf
of the oppressed. Some of them are dead. Some of them are forgotten. Most of them
are unknown. TruthDig
Missile Attack on Syria Justified With Fake Intelligence, Experts Say. ... Echoes
of George W. Bush's disastrous invasion of Iraq. AlterNet

Notorious Mercenary
Erik Prince Is Advising Trump From the Shadows. A former senior U.S. official
who has advised the Trump transition told The Intercept that Prince has been advising
the team on matters related to intelligence and defense, including weighing in
on candidates for the Defense and State departments.
Intercept  Trump
White House Taking 'Marching Orders' from Hundreds of CEOs: Report. ... 'One of
every five of the corporate executives who met with the Trump administration within
the first 100 days represented the banking or financial sector' Common
Lawyer: Trump sanctuary
order affects little funds. ... President Donald Trumps executive order
withholding funding from communities that limit cooperation with immigration authorities
applies to a small pot of grant money, not the billions of dollars that San Francisco
and a California county say is at stake for them, a lawyer with the Department
of Justice said Friday. SF
New Mexican  
18, 2017 America
Must Start Looking How to End All the Wars It Has Started. ...This spurt in belligerence
(promoting wars) over the last week has as much to do with domestic American politics
as any fundamental new development in the rest of the world. Counter
Punch/Cockburn  Will
the Alt-Right Hijack the Antiwar Movement?. Counter
Women could
be forced to sign up to US military draft by 2018. A new measure has been passed
by the Senate Armed Services Committee and could become law. Independent
.  Trump
is already using his 2020 reelection bid to line his own pockets. ... In the first
three months of 2017, the Trump campaign spent nearly $500,000 at Trump-branded
properties. ThinkProgress  Shocking
education report reveals taxpayers paying hundreds of millions for unneeded and
inferior charter schools. RawStory
Research Shows Greediest Charter School Operators Looting Taxpayers Via Real Estate
Deals. ... They run K-12 public schools, but reap private fortunes. AlterNet
Cheers For The Deep State. ... When you actually try to govern, there is a reality
to reality, and it pushes back. Huffington
17, 2017Toward
a Politics of Ungovernability: Shutting Down American-Style Authoritarianism,
,,, It is impossible to imagine the damage Trump and his white nationalists, economic
fundamentalists, and white supremacists friends will do to civil liberties, the
social contract, the planet, and life itself in the next few years.
Counter Punch/Giroux  Bernie
Sanders, the Company Man, ,,, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is not
the independent left politician many progressives claim he is. Hes a Democratic
Party company man.
Counter Punch  How
Trump and Obama are Exactly Alike. ... Short of disclosure of diaries or other
documents from these politicians, we cant know for certain if they planned
on reversing much of what they promised or if the political establishment compelled
them to change, but they both eventually perpetrated a massive fraud. Counter
Punch  The
Republican Party Is Ready to Sell Off Your Internet Privacy at a Level That Boggles
the Mind. .. GOP and giant ISPs could make big bucks from your personal information.
Corporate Sociopaths Are Clearly In Charge Of American Businesses. ... After the
bad publicity that United Airlines received when video emerged of a passenger
being manhandled, the idea of corporate power over consumers is once again being
highlighted. Right
of Fire Video  Its
been more than a week since Trump .. of America first mode and into
intervention mode by dropping 59 missiles on Syrian airfield. ... the American
public has been lacking something very important before - and after - that strike.

16, 2017 Thousands
march across the country calling for Trump to release his tax returns. ... An
estimated 25,000 marched in Washington, D.C. alone.
Think Progress
Trump is Hiring
Lobbyists and Top Ethics Official Says "There's No Transparency". ...
In one case, an official working on energy regulation recently lobbied for oil
and coal companiesbut the White House wont say whether he received
an ethics waiver. Common
Dreams  A
Father Describes Saving His Daughter From U.S. Bombardment of Mosul. Intercept
Chocolate Cake,
the MOAB and Hexavalent Chromium: Let the Good Times Roll!, Counter
Punch  A
Critique of False and Misleading White House Claims About Syrias
Use of Lethal Gas. TruthDig
Snipers and Infiltrators
at Standing Rock: Quashing Protests at Taxpayer Expense. Counter
Punch  Silencing
Palestine: Prison & Repression The Empire Files. .. Israels occupation
of the West Bank is an internationally-recognized human rights crimebut
those being impacted are harshly punished for not only acts of resistance, but
even mere advocacy for their rights. Ring
Of Fire  
15, 2017 WEEKEND
READ - Who
Rules the World? By Noam Chomsky. ... a thorough analysis of the current international
situation, Noam Chomsky argues that the United States, through its military-first
policies and its unstinting devotion to maintaining a world-spanning empire, is
both risking catastrophe and wrecking the global commons. How
Jeff Sessions Is Laying the Groundwork for Authoritarian Action. ... The attorney
general is courting law enforcement by reducing accountability and renewing a
war on people of color. Prospect
York Times Promises Truth and Diversity, Then Hires Climate-Denying Anti-Arab
White Guy. Intercept
time America explored how to end the multiple wars it has helped cause since 2001,
rather than dropping more bombs. ... Moan about Trump all you like, but his approach
to Syria was always much more realistic than Hillary Clintons. You
are fighting Syria, Syria is fighting Isis, and you have to get rid of Isis,
he said during his election campaign. Now were backing rebels against
Syria, and we have no idea who these people are Independent
Womp! This Country Was Named The Greatest Threat To World Peace. Huffington
Fox News creates music
video to celebrate Trump bombing Afghanistan. ... The video is black and
white. But that is what freedom looks like. Think
Progress  Trumps
CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press
Democrats were
in parise of WikiLeaks until Wiki published the DNC emails showing Sanders was
thrown under the bus by his own party. Now they want blood and saying if you are
pro-Wiki, you are working for the Russians and don't be surprised if the FBI is
watching you.  The
Bright Side of Deportation: Private Prison Stocks are Soaring!. Counter
Punch  Think
sarin gas is bad? The purpose of the "mother of all bombs", from the
"arsenal of freedom", is to incinerate your lungs. All the main stream
news media couldn't be more excited
at that prospect. as well as the politicos form both sides in DC.

14, 2017 Trump
Reverses Himself On 6 Major Issues In 2 Days .. From currency manipulation to
NATO to Syria, Trump is flexible. Huffington

Trump Is Moving
"Full Speed Ahead" in War in Yemen, Despite Massive Civilian Casualties.
Now  Ducking
Cameras, Trump Signs Bill Delivering 'Gut Punch' to Millions of Women. .. "If
you have to hide what you're doing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it in
the first place" Common
New Revelations Belie
Trump Claims on Syria Chemical Attack. ... two new revelations contradict the
Trump administration's line ... Truth-Out
Chomsky on Fascism: Could It Happen Here? Democracy
Now  After
hyping itself as antidote to fake news, New York Times hires extreme climate denier.
... New columnist Bret Stephens dismisses as imaginary the climate
reality routinely reported by the Times. They cant both be right. Think
Shell Knew ,,,
Emails show senior executives at worlds fifth largest company knowingly
took part in a vast bribery scheme that robbed the Nigerian people of $1.1billion.
13, 2017 Trump
Reverses Himself On 6 Major Issues In 2 Days .. From currency manipulation to
NATO to Syria, Trump is flexible. Huffington

Trump Is Moving
"Full Speed Ahead" in War in Yemen, Despite Massive Civilian Casualties.
Now  Ducking
Cameras, Trump Signs Bill Delivering 'Gut Punch' to Millions of Women. .. "If
you have to hide what you're doing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it in
the first place" Common
New Revelations Belie
Trump Claims on Syria Chemical Attack. ... two new revelations contradict the
Trump administration's line ... Truth-Out
Chomsky on Fascism: Could It Happen Here? Democracy
Now  After
hyping itself as antidote to fake news, New York Times hires extreme climate denier.
... New columnist Bret Stephens dismisses as imaginary the climate
reality routinely reported by the Times. They cant both be right. Think
Shell Knew ,,,
Emails show senior executives at worlds fifth largest company knowingly
took part in a vast bribery scheme that robbed the Nigerian people of $1.1billion.
13, 2017 Trump
Administration Considering 'Back-Door Way' to Cut Social Security. ... 'If Trump
proposes this Trojan horse, it would be the newest shot in the ongoing Republican
war against Social Security' ... one veteran federal prosecutor described as "fucking
F,,ing Horrifying':
Sessions Outlines Immigration Crackdown in 'Trump Era' ... Meanwhile, Trump appoints
immigration hardliners to key agency posts. Common
Dreams  How
to Jam the Trump Brand ... If there is one lesson that emerges from all these
controversies it is this: Institutions organized around a powerful brand image
often understood as a promise from a corporation to its customers
are in big trouble when that image gets battered and the promise appears
to have been broken. The
Shocking Education Report Shows Taxpayers Paying Hundreds of Millions for Unneeded
and Inferior Charter Schools California's dismal record serves as a warning
as Trump administration gears up for massive K-12 privatization. AlterNet

Pharma Funds Independent Advocacy Groups Attacking Drug-Price Reduction
Bill. The
Forget Sean Spicer
the freak show in the new White House press corps is worse. ... With so
many garish spectacles to feast your eyes on at the 33-ring Trump circus, some
clowns are easy to miss. Especially the ones performing in proximity to Sean Spicer.
Pry your eyes away from the Pagliacci of the Pressroom for a moment, however,
and look hard at some of his supporting buffoons. Raw
12, 2017 The
Menace of Trump and the New Authoritarianism: An Interview With Henry Giroux.
Trump's brand of populism and politics are a tragedy for democracy and a triumph
for authoritarianism. Using manipulation, misrepresentation and a discourse of
hate, he is pushing policies designed to destroy the welfare state and the institutions
that make a democracy possible. TruthOut
Giving Free Reign to Police Departments Destroying Years of Work by Obama to Reform
Violent Practices. ... Bogus fear campaigns shield abusive practices... So were
going to try to pull back on [investigating police abuses], and I dont think
its wrong or mean or insensitive to civil rights or human rights.... So
were going to try to pull back on [investigating police abuses], and I dont
think its wrong or mean or insensitive to civil rights or human rights."
Jeff Sessions
Pushes New War on Drugs While Killing Obama-Era Police Reform Measures. Democracy
Now and Ex-Seattle Police Chief: Jeff Sessions is
Apologist for Worst Type of Policing in Country. Democracy
Now The Department
of Education Is Spending a Mind-Boggling Amount of Money to Protect Betsy DeVos.
... Meanwhile the Trump administration plans to slash her department by $9 billion.
from west Africa being sold in Libyan slave markets. ... UN migration
agency says selling of people is rife in African nation that has slid into violent
chaos since overthrow of Gaddafi. Guardian
decision to strike Syria was influenced by Ivanka, who was heartbroken by chemical
attack. One has to wonder, would Ivanka be heartbroken by this chemical attack?

about the girl in the photo here
11, 2017 The
Airline Industry Is a Starving Giant Thats Gnawing At Our Economy. ... fly
the friendly skies
NY Magazine  A
New McCarthyism: Julian Assange Accuses Democrats of Blaming Russia & WikiLeaks
for Clinton Loss. Democracy
Now  Establishment
Dems Rage Against Rep. Gabbard How Dare She Want Peace?! Ring
of Fire  Nixon,
Reagan and Lies. .. The reason Nixon took a beating from the press and Reagan
always lives to smile another day seems simple enough. Nixon thought it necessary
to tell lies. CounterPunch
could go wrong for the U.S. in Syria? War with Russia. WaPo
Does the Syria Situation Stack up to theFactors that Justified Intervention
in Kosovo? ... the United States and its NATO allies relied on a series of factors
in 1999 to argue that NATOs intervention in Kosovo was legitimate. They
used these factors to justify their intervention, though the factors served a
second function of narrowing the ways in which others could use Kosovo as a precedent.
LawFare  House
Republicans Launch a New Assault on the EPA. ... Expert witnesses Judith Curry,
John Christy, and Roger Pielke Jr., who are frequently called on to present the
Republican case for inaction on climate in Congress, all underscored the point
that whatever is happening with the climate has been exaggerated and doesnt
warrant serious action, a message that may be particularly welcome to administration
officials who have already decided to take just that path.
Intercept  ALEC
Serves Corporate Hegemony, Not the Constitution: I Know Because I'm a Member.
... After the 2010 tea party takeover of Wisconsin, it became clear that the real
force behind policymaking in Wisconsin is not the voters, but the American Legislative
Exchange Council (ALEC), the most powerful right-wing policy-making machine in
the country. A ménage a trois of powerful corporations, state legislators,
and right-wing think tanks, ALEC pushes out model legislation that promotes corporate
hegemony. TruthOut