10, 2017 Bernie
Sanders Turns His Back on Single-Payer. CounterPunch
is not enough: Noam Chomsky explains how to battle Trumps misdeeds
and absurdities. RawStory
Are Not Safe: The Clenched Fist of Truth Is Back To Threaten "The Violent
Left" and It Is Some Scary. Common
Dreams  The
Mass Killing of Civilians, Now in Syria and Iraq, Is Part of a Long, Depressing
Pattern of American War-Making. ... There was a time during the Vietnam War when
this cruel approach mattered to Americans. AlterNet
Notion That White Workers Elected Trump Is a Myth That Suits the Ruling Class.
U.S. Medias Murky Coverage of Putin and Trump. New
Unesco makes
Hebron old city Palestinian world heritage site. ... Israeli minister denounces
decision on city, which is home to site known to Muslims as Ibrahimi mosque and
Jews as Tomb of the Patriarch. Guardian
The City Is Burning: Hamburg Rocked By Violent, Anti-G-20 Protests. ...
Demonstrators smashed shop windows, torched cars and set fires in the streets.

Chief Scott Pruitt Targets Clean Drinking Water. ... Scott Pruitt has spent much
of his short tenure as head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) working
at a dizzying speed to dismantle Obama-era regulations that restrain
major polluters. His most recent target: a rule designed to protect the drinking
water of millions of Americans. TruthDig
supplies the news? - Patrick Cockburn on misreporting in Syria and Iraq.
London Review of Books  
7-9, 2017Weekend
Read: The Violent
American Century: War and Terror Since World War II. ... War has changed dramatically
since the end of World War II. The United States has led this transformation,
so that the military playbook now includes non-state terrorism, counterinsurgency,
clandestine operations, a network of overseas bases, and computerized precision
warfare. John W. Bower's book shows the human costs of this legacy of violence
on a global scale.
Buy it here  Behind
the Scenes at the Saudi-Qatari Pissing Contest. ... Saudi Arabia, with the bellicose
support of President Trump, has launched a diplomatic and partial economic offensive
against the ridiculously small state of Qatar and is dragging its allies, the
United Arab Emirates in particular, into a potential major headache. Counter
This DOJ
Letter May Be More Alarming Than Trump Commissions Request For Voter Data.
... I really worry that at the end of the day theres gonna be a lot
of noise about this Kobach-Pence commission and people will miss the enforcement
efforts of DOJ. Huffpost
are no longer allowed to wear sleeveless attire in Paul Ryans House of Reps.
Farm Belt führer: the making of a neo-Nazi. .. Gerhard Lauck was Germanys
biggest supplier of neo-Nazi materials. His trajectory is a valuable case study
in recognizing the signs of a budding hatemonger. Guardian
El Salvador
teen rape victim sentenced to 30 years in prison after stillbirth. ... A high
school student was convicted on the grounds that failing to seek antenatal care
amounted to murder, after giving birth in a bathroom in 2016. Guardian
2016 - El Salvador: where women are thrown into jail for losing a baby. Guardian

had no qualms violating my rights: Ohio mom says gun militia demanded $10
to walk through mall. RawStory
This is
how we know Jeff Sessions is a true white nationalist messiah. RawStory
police push for Muslim ID cards as counter-terrorism measure. ... Authorities
in Central Luzon call for policy after Muslims blamed for failing to prevent Islamist
conflict in the south.
Guardian  18
States Sue Betsy DeVos to Reinstate Rules Protecting Students from Predatory Private
Collegesl. ... Two student borrowers have taken legal action against the Department
of Education as well.
Must Reclaim War-Making Authority. ... The House Appropriations Committee unexpectedly
passed an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations bill last week
that would repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed by
Congress in 2001 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. If this effort to revoke the
AUMF proves successful, the repeal would effectively limit Donald Trump's ability
to use military force against North Korea, Iran and elsewhere. TruthOut
to Build in the Rubble of Neoliberalism": Michelle Alexander and Naomi Klein
on Bringing Movements Together. TruthOut

House Bill Would Kill Gerrymandering and Could Move America Away From Two-Party
Dominance. The
6, 2017 The
Stomach-Turning Numbers Behind Americas Police Violence. ... The number
of fatal shootings by police officers in the first half of 2017 is nearly identical
to the number of shootings recorded during the same time period in 2016 and 2015,
according to the Washington Posts police shootings database. TruthDig
NPR Tweeted
Declaration Of Independence, And Trump Supporters Flipped Out. .. They didnt
recognize the words and thought NPR was calling for revolution. Huffington
and RawStory

Berman: Kris Kobach Is Helping Trump Lay Groundwork for Nationwide Voter Suppression
Effort. Democracy
Now -
Related: 44 States Say No to Trump: Resistance Grows as Trump's Election Commission
Seeks Private Voter Data Democracy
Now  Is
America Past the Point of No Return? Oligarchs representing monopolistic Big
Pharma, Big Banks, and Big Retail/Fast Food are devastating us. AlterNet

Files: Buying a Slave -- the Hidden World of US-Philippines Trafficking. ... Human
trafficking is a hidden industry that brings in $150 billion in illegal profits
every year. In the United States, tens of thousands are trafficked annually --
the biggest clients being major hotel chains and foreign diplomats. TruthOut
Want a Picture of the Future? Imagine a Boot Stamping on Your Face. ... We have
arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science
fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K.
Dick. ... Much like Orwells Big Brother in 1984, the government and its
corporate spies now watch our every move. Counter
'Your worst
nightmare: a successful Donald Trump presidency'. ... As the president seizes
on policy wins and seeks to turn the Russia spotlight on Obama and the press,
some experts say liberals are in for a rude awakening. Guardian

Exclusive: Astonishing poll
about Trump and media. ... A stark poll by Survey Monkey finds that 89% of Republicans
view President Trump as more trustworthy than CNN, and 91% of Democrats think
the opposite. Among all adults, trust for CNN is 7 points ahead of Trump. Among
independents, CNN wins by 15 points. Axios

5, 2017Theresa
May sitting on report on foreign funding of UK extremists. ... Exclusive: Green
co-leader Caroline Lucas suggests astonishing delay in publication
is down to reluctance to criticise Saudi Arabia. Guardian
The Rise
of the New Global Elite. ... F. Scott Fitzgerald was right when he declared the
rich different from you and me. But todays super-rich are also different
from yesterdays: more hardworking and meritocratic, but less connected to
the nations that granted them opportunityand the countrymen they are leaving
ever further behind. The
The Battle Over What It Means to Be Female ... Patriarchy, across the globe, plagues
humankind. Counter
Punch/Hedges  The
Stink Without a Secret. ... After six solid months of co-ordinated allegation
from the mainstream media allied to the leadership of state security institutions,
not one single scrap of solid evidence for Trump/Russia election hacking has emerged.
Craig Murray  My
daughter was killed by Donald Trumps botched drone attack in Yemen. ...
I also thought at first that Muhammad, my two-year-old grandson, was also killed
but when we took him from Fateems arms, he cried. He was sleeping
all the time in his dead mothers arms. Independent

administration pursues radical expansion of offshore drilling Despite spill
risks, bipartisan opposition, Trumps Department of Interior is moving forward
with offshore drilling plans. ThinkProgress
Saudi Arabia
Moves to Silence Deposed Prince, Dissidents. ... Royal court limits movements
of Mohammed bin Nayef, infiltrates social-media accounts of activists and religious
figures. WSJ
Krugman: Trump Is About to Launch His First Major War, and It's as Ill-Conceived
as You'd Imagine. ... He's convinced threatening our allies is the best way to
achieve a win. AlterNet

More federal judge abdication The branch designed to be insulated from political
pressures has been the most craven of all in the post-9/11 era. Salon
4, 2017On
July 3, 1988 US war ship shot down an Iranian airliner killing 290 people. George
H W Bush said, "I will never apologize for the United States. I don't care
what the facts are" The ship commander received the Legion of Merit Commendation.
American Revolution. ... Its true that slaveowner Thomas Jeffersons
July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence (DOI) articulated the revolutionary notion
that the people have the right to dissolve a government that no longer serves
their interests. But the American Revolution was a national independence
movement led by wealthy landowners, slaveowners, and merchants who feared uprisings
from below. Counter
Money Goes After Trumps Public Infrastructure Projects Counter
Punch  The
president of the United States appears untethered from reality. ... he way he
treated Morning Joes hosts is abnormal. And this abnormality has effects
that extend far beyond the fate of the Trump presidency. Guardian
Inauthentic Opposition. ... Ive long and consistently used a metaphor from
the original version of Upton Sinclairs famous Socialist novel The Jungle,
describing the Democrats as one of two wings of the same [capitalist and
imperialist] bird of prey. Counter
Punch  Democratic
Superdelegate, in Room Full of Health Insurance Executives, Laughs Off Prospect
of Single Payer. Intercept
Flagship Clean Coal Experiment Abandoned After 11 Years And $7.5 Billion
This is a bad sign for the coal industry. Huffington

Questions That Expose Charter School Falsehoods. Naked
Capitalism  Qatar
facing further sanctions as ultimatum deadline looms. ...US secretary of state
seeks compromise on 13 demands tabled by emirates neighbours that include
closing down al-Jazeera. Guardian

the Koch-Backed Effort to Privatize the Veterans Health Administration Jeopardizes
Everyone's Health Care Future. TruthOut
One Day More': Massive London Rally Says No to Austerity, Privatization. ... Jeremy
Corbyn: "This is the age of imagination, this is the age in which we will
achieve that decency and social justice that we all crave." CommonDreams
the top-end-of-town realise their strategy is failing. Bill
risk of kleptocracy: from Equatorial Guinea to the US. GlobalWitenss
Hersh Investigation, Media Connive in Propaganda War on Syria. Counter
Punch  Line
of descent: How poor management left Mexican wolves dangerously inbred. ... Missteps
and conflict between the state and the feds have hounded the recovery of Arizona
and New Mexicos remaining wolf packs. High
Country News
Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to Defeat
Pipeline Insurgencies. Intercept
part 1 of 5  Standing
Rock Documents Expose Inner Workings of Surveillance-Industrial Complex.
Intercept part 2 of 5  As
Standing Rock Camps Cleared Out, TigerSwan Expanded Surveillance to Array of Progressive
Causes. Intercept
part 3 of 5  Dakota
Access-Style Policing Moves to Pennsylvanias Mariner East 2 Pipeline.
Intercept part 4 of 5  TigerSwan
Faces Lawsuit Over Unlicensed Security Operations in North Dakota.
Intercept part 5 of 5  |

3, 2017 (Part
1 of 2) "No Is Not Enough": Best-Selling Author Naomi Klein on Challenging
Trump's Shock Doctrine Politics. Democracy
(Part 2 of 2) The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump, So We Must Be Ready for Shock
Politics. Democracy
& Winship: NRA Issues Call for White Supremacy and Armed Insurrection. ...
The gun lobby's new "recruitment ad" is really a call for white supremacy
and armed insurrection, deliberately crafted to stir anger and fear. AlterNet/Moyers
join the National Rifle Association? To defeat liberal enemies, apparently. ...
A virulent recruitment video by the NRA suggests joining the group is the best
defense against political opponents Guardian
Militia Groups May Serve as Security at GOP Events Near Portland, Oregon. ....
The local Republican Party will use volunteers from two far-right militia groups
to provide security from "leftist violence." AlterNet Portland
Republicans to use militia for security as far-right rallies continue. ... Controversial
move to enlist armed militia groups for public events comes amid tension between
far-right and anti-fascist protesters. Guardian
next attack on democracy: mass voter suppression. ... The Trump administrations
election integrity commission is declaring war on voters our
democratic legitimacy be damned. Guardian
a tense environment': Media braced for further hostility fueled by Trump. ...
Recent concessions by CNN and the New York Times have emboldened opponents of
the press and theyre taking their lead from the president. Guardian
racism, fear and propaganda: An insider explains why rural, Christian white America
will never change. RawStory
of June 30 through July 2, 2017WEEKEND
READ: Democracy
in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America
by. Nancy MacLean. ... Behind todays headlines of billionaires taking over
our government is a secretive political establishment with long, deep, and troubling
roots. The capitalist radical right has been working not simply to change who
rules, but to fundamentally alter the rules of democratic governance. Amazon
Republican Push to Replace Obamacare Reflects Radical Right's Stealth Plan for
America. ... As Republicans attempt to revive a bill to overturn Obamacare, we
look at the radical rights attempt to reshape the role of the federal governmentfrom
healthcare to education to housing.
Democracy Now Related:
Related: Republicans Have Trifecta Control of 25 States & Need 6 More to Call
for a Constitutional Convention. Democracy
Trump Picks
DAPL Lobbyist to Oversee EPA Water Safety in Same Week He Rolls Back Water Safeguards.
Now  What
Happened to Americas Wealth? The Rich Hid It. ... But what if billions of
dollars in tax revenue have gone missing? ... New research suggests that the super-rich
are hiding their money at alarming rates. A study by economists Annette Alstadsaeter,
Niels Johannesen, and Gabriel Zucman reports that households with wealth over
$40 million evade 25 to 30 percent of personal income and wealth taxes. . Counter
Punch  Medicare
for All: Its a Matter of Life and Death,
Truth Dig/Goodman and Moynihan  Sy
Hersh, Exposer of My Lai and Abu Ghraib, Strikes Again, Exposing US Lies About
Alleged Assad Sarin Attack Counter
Punch and
Nation's Attention Elsewhere, Trump Quietly Intensifies War on Workers. ... Trump
has nominated two corporate lawyers to the NLRB as Supreme Court Justice Neil
Gorsuch gears up to rule on a key labor case Common
Over Half of Hate Crimes in
US Go Unreported, Report Says. ... Most victims of hate crimes don't report them
to police, according to a new study that advocates say reinforces their fears
that the Trump administration's tough rhetoric and policies will make more people
afraid to come forward. NY
Times  Meeting
the Needs of Homeless Youth: Public Schools Are Doing What Government Won't Do
Directly. TruthOut
