10, 2017 Pro-Trump
Sinclair Network Set to Become Nation's Biggest Broadcaster as FCC Weakens Ownership
Rules. ... Ajit Pai, Donald Trumps pick to head the agency, has been dismantling
all kinds of consumer protections and regulations, certainly net neutrality, which
many of us consider the First Amendment of the internet, what protects your ability
to go online, do whatever you want, go wherever you want and download whatever
you want. Democracy
Now Journalists
as State Functionaries. ... The media know perfectly well that the reason May
needs protection from difficult questions and even advance notice of soft
ones is that she is hopeless. Her refusal to debate Corbyn and her car
crash interview with Marr illustrate that. But our servile media cover up for
her by colluding in entirely fake events. Craig
Murray  Trump
Uses Power of FCC to Pay Back Friends at Sinclair Broadcasting, Truth
Out  US
Hegemony on Korean Peninsula Challenged. Counter
Punch  Washingtons
Blind Ambition: the Monster in the Mirror. ... Today, U.S. foreign policy is the
Ogre, a narcissistic psychopath for whom the mainstream media (MSM) is the mirror
it glances in every morning to confirm its noble visage. Counter
Punch  Document
Trove Details Bradley Foundation's Efforts to Build Right-Wing "Infrastructure"
Nationwide. ... Documents examined by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)
expose a national effort funded by the Milwaukee-based Lynde and Harry Bradley
Foundation to assess and expand right-wing "infrastructure" to influence
policies and politicians in statehouses nationwide. TruthOut
9, 2017Anti-protest
bills would 'attack right to speak out' under Donald Trump. ... The ACLU says
more than 30 bills have been introduced amid a huge swell of activism, prompting
UN intervention over criminalization of peaceful protest. Guardian 
US Never Stopped Training and Arming Brutal Latin American Regimes. ... On the
night of December 2, 1980, four women from the United States, including three
nuns, were murdered in El Salvador. One of them is the subject of your book, Sister
Maura Clarke. What happened that evening? Truth
Out  This
is the catastrophe the world has been ignoring Venezuela is in a crisis. Think
Progress  Washingtons
Blind Ambition: the Monster in the Mirror. ... Today, U.S. foreign policy is the
Ogre, a narcissistic psychopath for whom the mainstream media (MSM) is the mirror
it glances in every morning to confirm its noble visage. Counter
Under Trumpcare,
Millions Will Lose Coverage, Many Will Dieand the GOP Will Try to Blame
It on Liberals. AlterNet
just handed Ted Cruz his ass on a platter: Internet celebrates Sally Yates
brutal shutdown of GOP senator. Raw
Story  The
Deep State. ... When a head of state who behaves impulsively, and shows little
interest in filling in the gaps in his knowledge, becomes commander in chief of
the worlds most powerful army, there need to be plenty of safeguards.. Counter
8,2017 Israels
New Cultural War of Aggression. Counter
Kalaratri Appears: Indigenous Women
Take-Up Arms in India. ... Uncharacteristically, the Canadian Press omitted to
report the 50 hour abduction last month of a cyclist from Ottawa by Maoist forces
in the jungles of central India. The story was reported with great alarm, however,
in all the major Indian papers. Counter
Punch  Theres
Nothing Apples CEO Cares About More Than Not Paying Taxes. Intercept
Israel Donated to Left-bashing Group Im Tirtzu .. which led campaigns against
marking the Nakba and accused human-rights activists of being 'moles,' wanted
to cover up the $14,000 donation. Haaretz
Constitution Vs. the Deep State Run by Intelligence Agencies and the PentagonOnly
One Will Survive Western civilization itself is under attack. AlterNet
The Great Division: the Return of Nationalism.
... suddenly the world is full of leaders from Theresa May to President Erdogan
of Turkey claiming to unite their countries while visibly deepening their divisions.
Denunciations of supposed threats at home and abroad are a common feature of this
new political style, whether they are tweeted from the White House or spoken at
the podium outside 10 Downing Street. Counter
The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked. ... A shadowy
global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Trump and the disparate
forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum. As Britain
heads to the polls again, is our electoral process still fit for purpose?
The Guardian  
7, 2017Trumpcare
Is a Transfer From the Sick and Poor to the Rich and Healthy. Shame on every one
of the 217 Republicans who voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Thursday,
and substitute basically nothing. ... Trumpcare isnt a replacement of the
Affordable Care Act. Its a transfer from the sick and poor to the rich and
healthy. Truth
Nothing Apples CEO Cares About More Than Not Paying Taxes.
Intercept  World
leaders from May to Trump to Erdogan are all promising to unite their countries
while doing the exact opposite. ... Encouraging a sense of nationalism in countries
with an imperial past is not just offensive but also counter-productive. Independent

Networks Refuse To Air Donald Trumps Fake News Ad Against Them
Turns out inaccurately calling mainstream media fake is against advertising
guidelines. Huffington
is not the story we want: Reporters chased out of meeting with Kushner family
pitching Chinese investors. ... Reporters attempting to cover a pitch to wealthy
Chinese investors at a seminar on visas from members of Trump son-in-law Jared
Kushners family were abruptly ejected from the event.. Raw

6, 2017WEEKEND
READ: Shadow
Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower
World by Tom Engelhardt. ... In 1964, a book entitled The Invisible Government
shocked Americans with its revelations of a growing world of intelligence agencies
playing fast and loose around the planet, a secret government lodged inside the
one they knew that even the president didn't fully control. Almost half a century
later, everything about that "invisible government" has grown vastly
larger, more disturbing, and far more visible. In his new book.
Amazon  Trump
administration desperate to hide new CIA appointees history with black
site prisons and torture, Raw
Story  The
Forgotten History of Cinco de Mayo: Its Not About Beer, Its About
Rich Countries Strangling Poor Ones. ... But the forgotten history behind Cinco
de Mayo is fascinating and remains extremely relevant today. In fact, its
so relevant for small countries around the world that its hard not to believe
thats exactly why its been forgotten.
employees are being forced to watch Fox News, according to leaked email It
cites current administration administrative officials as the reason
for the switch from CNN to Trumps favorite channel. Think
Progress  World
leaders from May to Trump to Erdogan are all promising to unite their countries
while doing the exact opposite. ... Encouraging
a sense of nationalism in countries with an imperial past is not just offensive
but also counter-productive.
5, 2017 Priebus
Says Trump Considering Constitutional Amendment to Restrict Press Freedoms. ...
According to Donald Trumps Chief of Staff, the White House has looked
at using a constitutional amendment to try and restrict the freedom of the
press in his continued attack on fake news, and the media. Ring
of Fire 
Alt-Right Hopes to Organize Street-Fighting Goon Squad: Is It More Than Macho
Posturing? ... Far-right fanboys are trying to organize street gangsand
the most effective way to fight back may be mockery. AlterNet
House GOP Just Voted
to Slash Medicaid - Which Pays for 60 Percent of People in Nursing Homes.
Sessions' Department of Injustice. ... Motivated by his deep-seated biases and
those of President Donald Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pursuing a
draconian agenda on voting rights, immigration, crime, policing, the drug war,
federal sentencing and the privatization of prisons. Truth
Out  Killer
Cop Conviction Is an Exception: Dont Expect Justice From the Sessions DOJ.

Hillary Clinton
Does Not Belong in the Anti-Trump Resistance. Truth
Dig  13
Questions That Expose Charter School Falsehoods. Naked
4, 2017 Why
Do North Koreans Hate Us? One Reason They Remember the Korean War. Intercept

Why Obamas Big Cash-In Matters ... I called him out as a corporate,
neoliberal imperialist and a de facto white supremacist (as ironic as that might
sound given his technical blackness) from the beginning of the nationwide Obamas
phenomenon in the summer of 2004. Truth
to a new report by the International Business Times, it isnt as expensive
as youd think to buy the loyalty of a member of Congress. In some cases,
donations of just $1,000 were enough to change the outcome of a vote.
The Ring of Fire  Oil,
gas and coal interests filling Donald Trumps swamp with cash.
... Fossil fuel giants spent millions on lobbying, inauguration during early 2017.
for Public Integrity 
Former Trump
campaign manager now lobbies for Russian-backed oil company Citgo. Raw
Story  Globalism,
Neoliberalism and the Big Questions of Our Time. ... France is a standing affront
to neo-liberals. Despite a failure to bow down to deregulation, despite extensive
worker protections, despite complex health and safety, environmental and building
regulations, despite strong and legally entrenched trade unions, France persists
year in year out having productivity levels 20% higher than those achieved by
unprotected, deregulated Britons. Despite the fact French workers put in 15% less
hours per week, and refuse to be less Gallic. Craig

3, 2017 Is
North Korea a diversion for a US-Jordan invasion of Syria? ... . The saber-rattling
is just an attempt to divert attention from the Syria-Jordan border where the
US and Jordan are massing troops and equipment for an invasion of Syria. Thats
whats really going on. The Korean fiasco is a smokescreen. Counter
Why Do North
Koreans Hate Us? One Reason They Remember the Korean War. :Intercept
Support and Praise of Despots Is Central to the US Tradition, Not a Deviation
From It. ... Since at least the end of World War II, supporting the worlds
worst despots has been a central plank of U.S. foreign policy, arguably its defining
attribute. Intercept
Apartheid in the Shadows:
the USA, IBM and South Africas Digital Police State. ... Parkhurst (neighborhood)
plans to install infrared and heat-source cameras to track body movements. Labuschagne
says they will use GPS technology and so on to map where incidents occur
and determine what movement is considered abnormal rather than typical movements
in a neighborhood of people walking their dogs and so on.
Counter Punch
Study: Livestock
Grazing on Public Lands Cost Taxpayers $1 Billion Over Past Decade. Center for
and BLM and USFS livestock grazing
5 Times Charter
School Founders Used Shady Real Estate Deals to Shamelessly Enrich Themselves.
... A trio of academics compare the tactics to Wall Street's raiders. AlterNet
Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing. ... Activist was
arrested by a rookie cop after laughing at a claim that Jeff Sessions treated
all Americans equally. Huffington
2, 2017
Academic Bullying the Vacuum of Moral Leadership in the Academy. ... The failure
of administrators to curb academic bullying and other forms of profession misconduct
on the part of faculty is the reason academic departments become dysfunctiona
Punch  Cybersecurity
for the People: How to Keep Your Chats Truly Private With Signal. Intercept
Cáceres' Sister Speaks Out About the Ongoing Assassinations of Land Defenders
in Honduras. ... The Peoples Climate March in Washington, D.C., also called
attention to the perilous climate for environmental justice activists worldwide,
where an increasing number of land and water defenders are being murdered for
their organizing efforts. Democracy
Now  The
NRA and Trump are teaming up to go after the media. ... The first amendment took
a back seat to the second at the gun lobbys annual meeting. Think
Progress  Jeremy
Corbyn is Britains Best Hope.
Counter Punch 
Busted in Barcelona: Meet Russiagates John Dean. Russian Peter Levashov would
have fared better if his wife was a gangsters moll, who knew when to keep
her mouth shut. Mad
Cow Productions 
5 Times Charter School Founders Used Shady Real Estate Deals to Shamelessly Enrich
Themselves A trio of academics compare the tactics to Wall Street's raiders.
1, 2017Reign
of Idiots ... The idiots know only one wordmore. They are unencumbered
by common sense. They hoard wealth and resources until workers cannot make a living
and the infrastructure collapses. ... This moment in history marks the end of
a long, sad tale of greed and murder by the white races. It is inevitable that
for the final show we vomited a grotesque figure like Trump. Europeans and Americans
have spent five centuries conquering, plundering, exploiting and polluting the
earth in the name of human progress. Counter
Punch/Hedges  100
Days of Trump: Why We Should Fear Him More Than Ever. ... politicians and establishment
media have greeted what they see as President Trumps return to the norms
of American foreign policy. They welcome the actual or threatened use of military
force in Syria, Afghanistan and North Korea, and praise his appointment of a bevy
of generals to senior security posts. Counter
Punch/Patrick .Cockburn  The
Cost of Barack Obamas Speech NY
Times  The
Election was Stolen Heres How
Starting in 2013 just as
the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act a coterie of Trump operatives,
under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created a system
to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of GOPcontrolled
states. Greg
Also: The GOPs secret scheme begins purge of a million minority voters
from voter rolls. Rolling
Stone  EPA
Purges Pages That Highlight Climate Change From Its Website. ... The agency says
its making the changes to reflect the new leadership. Huffington
Orwell and Huxley in the Age of New Authoritarianism (Video interview) TruthOut

Is Publishing NSA and CIA Secrets, and Why? ... here's something going on inside
the intelligence communities in at least two countries, and we have no idea what
it is. Law
