20 THROUGH 30  April
30, 2018 Michelle
Wolf for President. (Video) James
Cone's Gospel of the Penniless, Jobless, Marginalized and Despised. TruthDig/Hedges
Gets Tax Breaks While Its Employees Rely on Food Stamps, New Data Shows. Intercept
Did the U.S. and Its Allies Bomb Libya? Corruption Case Against Sarkozy Sheds
New Light on Ousting of Gaddafi. Intercept
All Military Aid to Israel,' Rights Group Demands Amid Gaza Protests. CommonDreams
Trump Berates Iran, His Options are Limited. CounterPunch/Hedges
Says FBIs Surveillance of MLK Was Shameful but Comeys
FBI Targeted Black Activists and Muslim Communities Anyway.
Intercept  'Open
and Flagrant Corruption': Mulvaney Admits to Bankers He Only Met With Lobbyists
Who Gave Him Cash. ... "In a sane political system Mulvaney would be investigated
if not fired immediately, but open and flagrant corruption are why the Trump administration
exists." CommonDreams
the Rise of Autocratic Leaders Signal the End of Democracy? TruthOut
Clintonites Are Manufacturing Faux Progressive Congressional Campaigns. CounterPunch
of April 27-29, 2018 Weekend
Read: The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy,
and Capitalism in 17th Century North America and the Caribbean ... This book
is a masterpiece unlike any previous didactic historical work. Gerald Horne has
looked into the past as though viewing thru the Hubble telescope unlocking divergent
Global Slavery Capitalist interest. ... Slavery was a global enterprise linked
to religious,economic and European nationalist settlements dispelling the myth
of a stellar platform for human freedom in the Americas. Amazon
VP Mike Pence Enshrined Life-Threatening Catholic Hospital Religious Practices
into Indiana Law. DemocracyNow
Taped Audio Reveals Democratic Leadership Pressuring Progressive to Leave Race.
Unveils Another Brazen Attack on Science With Polluter-Friendly Rule Change. ...
A former EPA scientist warns it will "mean throwing out the studies we rely
on to protect the public, for no good reason," which will "have an enormous
and negative impact on the EPA's ability to enforce the law and protect people's
health." CommonDreams
Enforcement Groups Gave $420,000 to DA Deciding Whether to Bring Charges Against
Cops Who Killed Stephon Clark. Intercept
the Military-Now More Than Ever. CounterPunch

Related: Carnage Unleashed: the Pentagon and the AUMF. CouterPunch
Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg Discuss Nuclear War. Intercept
Law of Aiding and Abetting (Alleged) War Crimes: How to Assess US and UK Support
for Saudi Strikes in Yemen. Just
Shows Hypocrisy of US Outrage Over Chemical Weapons in Syria. TruthOut
Resolve to Withdraw From Iran Nuclear Deal Hands Tehran a Key Diplomatic Win.
... Trump and Netanyahu's efforts to change the accord drive a wedge between Washington
and Europe, help Tehran to be presented as a responsible regime. Haaretz
Democratic Party Is Paying Millions for Hillary Clintons Email List, FEC
Documents Show. Intercept
Related: No Remorse For Hillary. Craig
Murray  The
whole Democratic Party is now a smoking pile of rubble. ... The down-ballot party
has withered, and Obamas policy legacy will be largely repealed.. Vox
'Feedback Loop' Fears, New Study Shows Melting Ice Could Spell Disaster Faster
Than Previously Thought. ... "Trying to dismiss the idea that it has anything
to do with global warming is very difficult." CommonDreams
Is Choosing To Let Border Patrol Demand Its Passengers Papers. ... The company
says its following the law. The ACLU says its consenting to warrantless
searches it could refuse. HuffPost
Carson proposes tripling poor peoples rent after he blew $31K of
taxpayer cash on dining room set. RawStory
Street Admits Curing Diseases Is Bad For Business. ... , a Goldman analyst has
said outright that curing people will hurt their cash flow TruthDig
Stein Defies Senate Intelligence Document Request, Calling It Overbroad.
26, 2018 "A
Complete Disaster": Noam Chomsky on Trump and the Future of US Politics.
How the Border
Patrol Faked Statistics Showing a 73 Percent Rise in Assaults Against Agents.
Reproductive Justice Activist, Now Free from ICE Jail, Says She Was Targeted for
Activism. DemocracyNow
Coalition Bombs Wedding Party in Yemen, Killing Dozens. ... A bride was among
those killed at a wedding party, and at least 45 were wounded according to reports.
Saudi Crown Prince Supporters: Your Hero May Allow Women to Drive, but Hes
Also a War Criminal. Intercept
the War Home. ... The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America. NPR
Controversy: Don't Believe the Official Narrative. TruthDig
the DNC Is Fighting WikiLeaks and Not Wall Street. TruthDig

Related: No Remorse For Hillary. Craig
25, 2018 A Civilization
in Collapse, the Dawn of a New Order? CounterPunch
The Israeli
Security Establishment Is Terrified of a Nonviolent Palestinian Movement.
DemocracyNow  Christian
Nationalism: Good for Politicians, Bad for America and the World. CounterPunch
By Their Own Words. ... an Israeli General on an Israeli radio station ... defending
the latest killing by Israeli army snipers of a 14 year old boy who posed no threat
of any kind.
Craig Murray Media
Cover-up: Shielding Israel is a Matter of Policy. CounterPunch  In
Middle East Wars It Pays to be Skeptical. CounterPunch/Cockburn
Demands for Congress to Act as Net Neutrality's "Slow and Insidious"
Death Begins. ... "Momentum is on our side, but time isn't. Members of Congress
need to know that there will be a price to pay for being on the wrong side of
internet history." CommonDreams
FBIs Race Problems Are Getting Worse. The Prosecution of Terry Albury Is
Proof. Intercept  How
James Comey Became the Strange New Hero of the Liberals. CounterPunch
24, 2018 A Civilization
in Collapse, the Dawn of a New Order? CounterPunch
The Israeli
Security Establishment Is Terrified of a Nonviolent Palestinian Movement.
DemocracyNow  Christian
Nationalism: Good for Politicians, Bad for America and the World. CounterPunch
By Their Own Words. ... an Israeli General on an Israeli radio station ... defending
the latest killing by Israeli army snipers of a 14 year old boy who posed no threat
of any kind.
Craig Murray Media
Cover-up: Shielding Israel is a Matter of Policy. CounterPunch  In
Middle East Wars It Pays to be Skeptical. CounterPunch/Cockburn
Demands for Congress to Act as Net Neutrality's "Slow and Insidious"
Death Begins. ... "Momentum is on our side, but time isn't. Members of Congress
need to know that there will be a price to pay for being on the wrong side of
internet history." CommonDreams
FBIs Race Problems Are Getting Worse. The Prosecution of Terry Albury Is
Proof. Intercept  How
James Comey Became the Strange New Hero of the Liberals. CounterPunch
24, 2018 Chaco
Canyon, Chaco Earth.
9 Democrats
Sign Up To Help Wall Street Steal Cars. ... Theyre backing a bill to undermine
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. HuffPost

JFK documents could show the truth about a diplomat's death 47 years ago.
... Family of Charles Thomas are pleading with Trump to release papers they say
show his 1971 suicide stemmed from officials wanting to shut down effort to reopen
JFK investigation. Guardian
Wave of Teacher Strikes Slated to Continue, GOP State Lawmakers Aim to Jail Protesters.
... Republican state senators in Colorado seek to punish educators for demonstrations
despite new polling that shows majority of Americans support pay raises. CommonDreams

7-year-old screams as a white teacher drags him off bus by his legs in shocking
video. RawStory
Fundraiser Offered Russian Gas Company Plan to Get Sanctions Lifted for $26 Million.
most over-aggressive policing Ive ever seen: Reporters at Georgia
Neo-Nazi rally document cops brutalizing counter-protestors over bandanas. RawStory
City firefighter fired for spitting on 3-year-old black boy and calling him the
N-word gets his job back. Rawstory  Syracuse
suspends frat after shocking video shows members pledging hatred in their
hearts for n*ggers and k*kes. RawStory
vandals drive black family from home but mayor more concerned
with getting paint off that pretty building. RawStory

23, 2018 This
New Mexico Democrat May Be Even Worse Than a Republicanj. ... She faces a serious
challenge in the primary election. AlterNet
Five people
die as anti-government protests spread across Nicaragua. ... Fears unrest over
social security reforms may grow as more demonstrators join in and the state responds
with heavy hand. Guardian  The
DNCS Lawsuit Against WikiLeaks Poses a Serious Threat to Press Freedom.
Intercept  Ruling
Class Operatives Say the Darndest Things: On Devils Known and Not. CounterPunch
20,000 pages of hacked WikiLeaks emails teach us about Hillary Clinton. ... Including
new and vivid illustrations of some of Clintons most serious controversies..

wish for a leaker's 'head on a pike'? Proof he's no better than Trump. Guardian
should be sceptical of far-away governments who claim to know what is happening
on the ground in Syria. ... Government duplicity is scarcely new but denunciations
of it may obscure an even greater danger. Independent

Barrier Reef: 30% of coral died in 'catastrophic' 2016 heatwave. ... Report chronicles
mass mortality, the extent and severity of which has shocked scientists.
of April 20-22, 2018 Weekend
Read: American
Oligarchy: The Permanent Political Class. By Ron Formisano. - A permanent
political class has emerged on a scale unprecedented in our nation 's history.
Its self-dealing, nepotism, and corruption contribute to rising inequality. Its
reach extends from the governing elite throughout nongovernmental institutions.
Civil Servants Still Deeply Sceptical of Russian Responsibility for Skripal Poisoning.
Craig Murray 
Podcast: Evening at the Talk House. Intercept
moves 1.5bn users out of reach of new European privacy law. ... Company moves
responsibility for users from Ireland to the US where privacy laws are less strict.

Is How Police Can 'Cook the Books' to Make Crimes Appear Solved. Manipulating
data is easier than it should be. AlterNet

Louisiana Bill, Peaceful Protesters Could Face 20 Years in Prison. TruthOut
telescope launches on quest for planets that could support life. Independent
Vote to Kill Guidance Against Racist Auto Lending, Senate GOP Takes War on Regulations
to 'Vicious' New Level. ... "This may end up being the most vicious hardball
escalation and norm-breaking of Trump's first two years." CommonDreams
Fight Giant Water Project for Las Vegas ... Groundwater pumped through a proposed
water pipeline from central Nevada to Las Vegas could have permanent and devastating
effects on water resources... Court
House News Media
Cover-up: Shielding Israel is a Matter of Policy. CounterPunch
judge appointed by Trump issues his very first opinion. Its a doozy. This
is not how judges are supposed to behave. ThinkProgress
