OF DECEMBER 21-23, 2018 Weekend
Read: Resisting
Illegitimate Authority: By Bruce E Levine. A Thinking
Person's Guide to Being an Anti-Authoritarian Strategies, Tools, and Models. ...
The capacity to comply with abusive authority is humanitys fatal flaw. Fortunately,
within the human family there are anti-authoritarians - people comfortable questioning
the legitimacy of authority and challenging and resisting its illegitimate forms. Tattered
Cover  Justice
for Jakelin: Lawmakers Demand Answers in Death of 7-Year-Old Girl in Border Patrol
Custody. DemocracyNow
See You Stephen Miller': White House Reportedly Considering 'Despicable' and 'Racist'
Plan to Deport Vietnam War Refugees. ... "Let me translate this for you:
Trump wants to deport Vietnamese grannies who have been living here for more than
40 years." CommonDreams
Warren Plan Would Allow the Government to Manufacture Its Own Generic Drugs. Intercept
Trump Administration Just Killed Net Neutrality for Text Messages. TruthOut
Drop a Bomb: Amazon Wants in on US Warfare. TruthOut
Vote in Danger of Becoming War Criminal Rehabilitation. Craig
Murray  A
Prime Minister, a Drug Pilot, an Oligarch, & RussiaGate. Mad
Cow  British
Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for
Statecraft. Craig
Murray Related:
Foreign Office investigates reports that state-funded body targeted Corbyn.
... Leaked documents suggest Fife-based company promoted anti-Labour tweets. Guardian

nationalists have a new plan to seize more power meet Project Blitz
Would Sabotage the Progressive Agenda With a Pay-Go Rule. CounterPunch
20, 2018 World's
Journalists Have Never Faced 'As Much Violence and Abusive Treatment' as This
Year. ... "Journalists have never before been subjected to as much violence
and abusive treatment as in 2018." CommonDreams
Reporter Maria Ressa on Dutertes Targeting of the Press & How Facebook
Aids Authoritarians. DemocracyNow
a hell the US helped create: why Central Americans journey north. ... The regions
inequality and violence, in which the US has long played a role, is driving people
to leave their homes. Guardian
Who Fled War, U.S. Bombs and Genocide Now Face ICE Raids and Deportations Under
Trump. DemocracyNow

Biden and Beto, Bernie Sanders Emerges as Clear Frontrunner in 2020 Straw Poll.
... "I think people in Washington are (again) underestimating the potential
strength of a Sanders campaign (which could actually be part of his strength again)."
in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook. Rewire
Evangelical) DeVoss Response to School Shootings? Make School More Like
Prison. TruthOut
are the top 10 reasons I don't believe in God "Does God exist?" is
a valid and relevant question. Here are my top reasons why the answer is a resounding,
"No." AlterNet

Bible-Thumping Tech CEO Whos Proud Of Keeping Neo-Nazis Online. ... Rob
Monster claims he helped resurrect Gab because of his commitment to free speech.
He also has a lot to say about Jews. HuffPost

Case that Dare Not Speak Its Name: the Conviction of Cardinal Pell. CounterPunch
19, 2018 A torrent
of ghastly revelations': what military service taught me about America. Guardian
the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel,
Anti-BDS Oath. DemocracyNow
Greenwald: Congress Is Trying to Make It a Federal Crime to Participate in Boycott
of Israel. DemocracyNow
Let Russophobia Warp the Facts on Russiagate. ... Despite the media hoopla, Muellers
latest filings do not bring us any closer to proving the long-sought Trump-Russia
conspiracy. The
Leaders Attend Saudi Crown Princes Informative Seminar On Eliminating Dissident
Journalists. Go
Trump Hacks Through Thick Central American Jungle In Search Of Entirely New Ethnic
Group To Demonize. Go
>> Senate
Bill To End U.S. Role In Yemen War Rejected By House Raytheon Executives. Go
>>  Gina
Haspel Briefs Senators On Saudis Shockingly Uninspired Khashoggi
Interrogation. Go
>>  |
Pentagon Failed Its Audit Amid a $21 Trillion Scandal (Yes, Trillion) TruthDig
Court begins its inevitable power grab with Kisor v. Wilkie. ... We're going to
miss judicial restraint now that it is gone. ThinkProgress

John Gray gifts wife $200,000 Lamborghini after making faith deposit
for wedding anniversary. RawStory  Activists
Found Guilty of Terrorism-Related Offense for Stopping U.K. Migrant Deportations.
Schumer and Pelosi Offer Up $1.3 Billion, Progressives Say 'Not One Dime' Should
Go to Trump's Anti-Immigrant Agenda. ... "Saying it louder for the people
in the back: Start and with $0 for Donald Trump's border wall." CommonDreams

18, 2018 Trump,
the Quintessential American TruthDig/Hedges

Torres Small Flips New Mexicos Conservative 2nd District. MotherJones
Nader on Single Payer, Climate Devastation, Impeachment & Why Mulvaney Is
a Massive Outlaw DemocracyNow
the Kind of Moral Leadership We Need': Critics Pounce After Schumer Refuses to
Back Medicare for All. CommonDreams

Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath,
Now Mandatory in Many States - so She Lost Her Job, Intercept
Jewish Lobbying Group Builds Support for U.S.-Funded Ethnic Cleansing Plan in
Palestine. ... A pro-Israel activist group is quietly pushing lawmakers on Capitol
Hill and key officials in the White House to embrace a plan that would entail
paying Palestinian residents in the West Bank to move abroad. Intercept
Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See. TruthDig/Hedges
U.S. Media, Israel Is Untouchable. ... You can attack the Palestinians in America
uninterrupted, call to expel them and deny their existence. Just dont dare
say a bad word about Israel, the holy of holies. Haaretz
Indict Bibi for Bribery. ... Development Prompts Immediate Calls For Netanyahus
Resignation. HuffPost
and Israeli Police Are Sharing Violent and Repressive Tactics. ... In communities
throughout the United States, law enforcement agencies are choosing to send officers
to Israel on exchange programs to share violent practices of surveillance and
repression. But as communities learn of these trips and their content, they are
quickly backing out. TruthOut
Tech Giant Cloudflare Provides Cybersecurity For At Least 7 Terror Groups. ...
Among its customers are the Taliban, al-Shabab and Hamas. HuffPost
homoeroticism and animal cruelty: inside the frathouse. ... Photographer Andrew
Moisey uncovered ritual hazing, extreme drunkenness and toxic masculinity on one
college campus from men destined to be Americas future leaders. Guardian

Violence and Mass Policing in the U.S. ... The militarization of the police began,
not as a coincidence, in the 1970s. Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) teams
were soon in evidence, as was the gathering of so-called intelligence by police
units, a fact well known to Vietnam-era protesters, the movement to which mass
policing responded. CounterPunch
17, 2018 Are
the New Congressional Progressives Real? Use These Yardsticks to Find Out. CounterPunch/Nader
Crimes in Our Name: A Q&A With Shireen Al-Adeimi. ... The outspoken advocate
details the plight of her native Yemenand explains what needs to happen
to avoid further disaster. The
Nation  The
Persecution of Julian Assange: WikiLeaks Editor Says Media Is Giving the U.S.
Cover to Extradite Him. Newsweek
Russia Investigations: A Case Still Unproven. NPR
the good old days of Baby Bush? Remember the time someone threw a shoe at him?
Here is what happened to that guy: "I spent a year in prison, three months
in solitary confinement, tortured me for three days, broke my legs, teeth and
nose, beatings and torture with electricity. But it's worth it." Now, there's
a true hero. 10
years ago, an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George W. Bush and instantly
became a cult figure. Washington
idiots take over in the final days of crumbling civilizations. Idiot generals
wage endless, unwinnable wars that bankrupt the nation. Idiot economists call
for reducing taxes for the rich and cutting social service programs for the poor,
and project economic growth on the basis of myth. Idiot industrialists poison
the water, the soil and the air, slash jobs and depress wages. Idiot bankers gamble
on self-created financial bubbles and impose crippling debt peonage on the citizens.
Idiot journalists and public intellectuals pretend despotism is democracy. Idiot
intelligence operatives orchestrate the overthrow of foreign governments to create
lawless enclaves that give rise to enraged fanatics. Idiot professors, experts
and specialists busy themselves with unintelligible jargon and arcane
theory that buttresses the policies of the rulers. Idiot entertainers and producers
create lurid spectacles of sex, gore and fantasy. TruthDig/Hedges
This Documentary Only Plays Into AIPAC's Hands. TruthDig
much of government budget spent on "defence" US: 57% ............
Russia: 9.5% UK: 9% .............. France: 5.3% Italy: 2.6%...........
Japan: 2.2% Germany: 2.1%.... Israel: 2% ... India: 1.9% Border
Patrol Officer Who Shot Unarmed Teenager on Mexican Soil Is Acquitted. TruthOut
Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for
Statecraft. Craig
WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 14-16, 2018 Weekend
Read: How
the Rats Re-Formed the Congress - by Ralph Nader Purchase
If It Takes the Rats to Wake Up Us and Congress, Bring Them On! This Book Shows
How! CounterPunch
Senate Votes to End US Role in Yemen War. TruthOut
Ready for Muellers Phase Two: The Middle East Connection. ... The Russia
investigation is set to go global. In court filings due to drop in 2019,
prosecutors will unveil Middle Eastern countries attempts to influence U.S.
politics. DailyBeast
Mueller filings will tie Trump to unsavory Middle East operatives:
report. ... Special counsel Robert Muellers legal team is preparing a new
series of legal filings tying the White House to Middle East influence. AlterNet

Quid Pro Quo Was Even Tighter Than I Imagined. EmptyWheel

Uprising Spreads Across Globe, Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky Among Signers of Open
Letter Backing Extinction Rebellion ... "The climate crisis is worsening
much faster than previously predicted. This desperate situation can't continue."
Protest at U.N. Climate Summit in Coal-Heavy Poland, Facing Riot Police &
Intimidation. DemocracyNow
Early Holiday 'Gift to Polluters,' Trump Guts Protections for 60 Percent of Nation's
Streams, Wetlands, and Waterways. ... "Piece by piece, molecule by molecule,
Trump is handing over our country to corporate polluters and other industrial
interests at the expense of our future." CommonDreams

Shame on You! Protesters Interrupt Trump Admin Promoting Coal
& Fossil Fuels at U.N. Climate Talks. DemocracyNow
disintegrating Arctic sea ice leaves scientists shocked. ... And that
means faster sea level rise, faster global warming, and more extreme weather for
us. ThinkProgress
Scientist: Worlds Richest Must Radically Change Lifestyles to Prevent Global
Catastrophe. DemocracyNow
Promotion Betrayal of Planet, Groups Denounce Schumer for Giving 'Fossil Fuel
Servant' Joe Manchin Top Spot on Energy Committee. ... "Appointing Senator
Manchin as ranking member of the Energy Committee is completely at odds with any
plan for real climate action." CommonDreams
& Other Big Polluters Obstruct U.N. Climate Talks, Stalling Efforts to Reduce
Carbon Emissions. DemocracyNow
sentence': butterfly sanctuary to be bulldozed for Trump's border wall. Guardian
abandonment now punishable by law in the UAE. The
National.AE  Spanish
Congress prepares bill to stop treating animals as objects. El
Pais  Rescue
at Oakland Slaughterhouse Shows New, Potent Tactics of Growing Animal Rights Movement.
13, 2018 'What
a Despicable Sham': MSNBC's Chris Hayes Denounces Five House Democrats as 'Cowards'
for Helping GOP to Block Yemen Vote ... "What the hell is the point of Congress?
Why are we starving children?" asked the outraged cable news anchor. "Someone
make some affirmative argument for the policy, if you think it's so important
to continue killing children. But to kill the possibility of a vote in the rules
committee? Cowards." CommonDreams

The Guardian offered a bombshell story about Paul Manafort ... It still hasnt
detonated. WaPo
Is Why People Hate Congress': With Buried Provision in Must-Pass Farm Bill, House
GOP Uses Last Days in Power to Block Yemen Vote. ... "Speaker Ryan is not
allowing a vote on my resolution to stop the war in Yemen because many Republicans
will vote with us and he will lose the vote," responded Rep. Ro Khanna. "As
a result, more Yemeni children will die." CommonDreams
Out the Yellow Vests on Cable News: Corporate Media Doing its Job. CounterPunch
looks to crush liberals on Medicare for All . ... The coalition that fought Obamacare
repeal has fragmented as the party tries to follow through on campaign promises.
Wolff: There Are No Blueprints for Revolution. TruthOut/Wolff
Curtis reveals Britain is responsible for 10 MILLION DEATHS since WW2. ... historian
Mark Curtis reveals that Britain is responsible for around 10 million deaths since
WW2. He goes over Britains support for repressive regimes throughout the
period, bloody conflicts Britain has been involved in and massacres Britain has
been complicit in which have been wiped from the history books. RT
12, 2018 IMF
warns storm clouds are gathering for next financial crisis. ... David Lipton says
world is unprepared for downturn and Fund needs more resources. Guardian

Is What It Looks Like When Imperialism Comes Home. TruthDig
Republicans are turning US states into labs of anti-democracy. The partys
brazen efforts to rewire state legislature poses a greater threat than Trump
and will be all the harder to tackle. Guardian
Krugman: US, Russia and Saudi Arabia are new axis of evil... "There's
a new axis of evil: Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States," Krugman
tweeted, linking to a story about how the three countries all declined to endorse
the United Nation's latest climate study. The
Hill  As
Schumer and Pelosi Offer Up $1.3 Billion, Progressives Say 'Not One Dime' Should
Go to Trump's Anti-Immigrant Agenda. ... "Saying it louder for the people
in the back: Start and with $0 for Donald Trump's border wall." CommonDreams

Class In Rich School District Just Teaches Students How To Deal With General Contractors.
>>  GM
Announces Money Saved From Layoffs To Fund Massive Investment In Lake Homes, Private
Jets. Go
>>  News
in Brief - We Will Never Speak Of This Again, Says Trump To Mohammed
Bin Salman As They Dump Khashoggis Body Into New Jersey River. Go
>>  |
Uprising Spreads Across Globe, Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky Among Signers of Open
Letter Backing Extinction Rebellion. ... "The climate crisis is worsening
much faster than previously predicted. This desperate situation can't continue."
Gaza protests, Israeli troops aim for the legs. ... Israeli forces deployed along
the volatile border with the Gaza Strip have fired live rounds at rock-throwing
Palestinian protesters ever since demonstrations against Israels long-running
blockade of Gaza began in March. ... And for eight months, Israeli snipers have
targeted one part of the body more than any other - the legs. AP
