Greatest Cover-Up in History ? How Imperial Britain's Racist India, Africa &
China Narrative ?Still Persists HuffPost
Now Third State to Propose ALEC Bill Cracking Down on Pipeline Protests. ... On
the heels of Iowa and Ohio, Wyoming has become the third state to introduce a
bill criminalizing the type of activities undertaken by past oil and gas pipeline
protesters. CounterPunch

Extracts Confession From Badly Wounded Cousin of Ahed Tamimi, Jailed
Protest Icon.

Meddlers and Ours. ... By the end of World War II, the United States had become
a serial meddler in the affairs of the nations of the world, friend and foe alike.

How the Bombing of Libya in 2011 Led to Terror in Britain. Intercept

Democracy Makes a Comeback, White Suburban Women Will Be a Big Factor. ... Grassroots
activism among suburban women may be the key to the anti-Trump resistance. AlterNet

Plain and Simple': Public Comments Show Outrage at CFPB's Corporate Turn Under
Mulvaney. ... "Mick Mulvaney is putting the interests of predatory lending
companies and fraudulent banks ahead of the interests of consumers."
and Allies Look to Military Intervention in Venezuela. ... The Bolivarian social
and political movement first led by former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and
holding state power since1999 has long faced U.S. assaults. CounterPunch
Senator Says Trump Is Ready to Start War With North Korea, Which Would Be One
of the Worst Catastrophic Events in History Intercept

'act of war' North Korea regards Donald Trumps new plan to send
the US Coast Guard to patrol waters off its shores as an act of war
... The US President has vowed to cripple the rogue regime with increased naval
blockades and stop-and-search vessels in Asia-Pacific waters. The
Sun (UK) 
Announces Harsh New Sanctions Against North Korea. NY
Times  Trumps
strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles ... Signs abound that his
economic isolation campaign is failing. Vox
(Dec 2017)  Why
Trumps new North Korea sanctions matter. ... Hint: Its another sign
of the White Houses emerging strategy for trying to resolve its nuclear
standoff. Vox
Trump doesn't rule out nuclear strike on North Korea that would be 'very unfortunate
for the world' NY
Dail News  The
Coming Wars to End All Wars. CounterPunch

27, 2018
and Liberty. . ... The proliferation of guns in American society is not only profitable
for gun manufacturers, it fools the disempowered into fetishizing weapons as a
guarantor of political agency. TruthDig
The Supreme
Court may have just kept DACA on life support for several more months. ... The
Court refused to bend the rules for Trump by hearing a DACA case early. Vox

Gessen: Did a Russian Troll Farms Inflammatory Posts Really Sway the 2016
Election for Trump? DemocracyNow

Fang: Billionaire Koch Brothers Have Extracted Laundry List of Victories
from Trump Admin. DemocracyNow
Koch Document Reveals Laundry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump
Administration. Intercept

Pre-Dawn Raid, Israel Arrests Badly Wounded Cousin of Ahed Tamimi, Jailed Protest
Icon. ... Early Monday morning, Israeli forces detained a teenage Palestinian
boy who has been missing part of his skull since December, when he was shot in
the head by an Israeli soldier during a protest against the occupation of his
West Bank village. Intercept

Florida High School Shooting Survivors Are Being Inundated with Death Threats.
... Conspiracy theorists have smeared at least one teen as a "crisis actor."

How the Bombing of Libya in 2011 Led to Terror in Britain. Intercept

26, 2018
Craig Won a Polk Award for Her Investigation of a SEAL Team Raid That Killed Women
and Children in Yemen. Heres How She Did It. Intercept
Top 10
Signs the U.S. Is the Most Corrupt Nation in the World. ... Those ratings that
castigate Afghanistan and some other poor countries as hopelessly corrupt
always imply that the United States is not corrupt. TruthDig/Juan
Gessen: Did a Russian Troll Farms Inflammatory Posts Really Sway the 2016
Election for Trump? DemocracyNow

Is the New War: Jared Kushner, Amid a Showdown with Kelly, Prepares for
Battle with a Weekend in the Caribbean. ... As Trump melted down at Mar-a-Lago,
and the administration reeled from one of its most dismal weeks in 13 months,
Kushner and his wife left the country. Vanity
KUSHNER - Several articles in HuffPost 
types of gun laws the Founding Fathers loved
Framers of the Second Amendment
wanted an armed, but regulated, population. HCN

at CPAC: the invasion of the body snatchers is complete. ... Old-school Republicans
were thin on the ground in Maryland, where the conservatives gathered proved theyre
all Trumpians now.
VP Pence
at CPAC: "The United States of America doesn't stand with murderous dictatorships,
we stand up to murderous dictatorships" ... He
lies as usual: The US Supported violet dictators and war criminals (very short
list): Suharto - Saddam Hussein - Ceausescu - Reza Shah Pahlavi - Pinochet - Trujillo
- Mobutu - Rhee - Habré - Zia-ul-Haq - Ríos Montt - Marcos - Duvalier
(1 and 2) - Castelo Branco - Somoza -Batista -Videla, etc. Trump
cpac speech Guardian  Trump
went off-script at CPAC. We fact checked it. NBC

of February 23-25, 2018
Read: Fighting Fascism
How to Struggle and How to Win
by Clara Zetkin
Edited by John Riddell and Mike Taber. Clara Zetkin, an organizer of the
First International Womens Day, presented this Report and Resolution on
fascism at the June 1923 enlarged plenum of the Communist Internationals
executive committee. At a time when fascism was a new and little-understood phenomenon,
Zetkins work proposed a sweeping plan for the unity of all victims of capitalism
in an ideological and political campaign against the fascist danger.
at Haymarket
and the AR-15: One NRA Stooge Too Many. CounterPunch

in al Ghayil - Women and Children in Yemeni Village Recall Horror of Trumps
Highly Successful SEAL Raid. Intercept

Roads to nowhere:
how infrastructure built on American inequality. ... From highways carved through
thriving ghettoes to walls segregating black and white areas, US city
development has a long and divisive history. Guardian 
Mass Digital Surveillance Regime Ruled Illegal. CounterPunch

Drove Puerto Rico Into Debt. Now It Will Profit From Privatization on the Island..

meat': Shocking hygiene failings discovered in US pig and chicken plants. ...
Previously unseen government records detail deeply worrying incidents
in pork and poultry plants, raising fears of dirty meat entering the
UK under a post-Brexit trade deal. Guardian

Popular Delusions and the Madness of Russiagate. ... An epidemic terror
seized upon the nations, wrote Charles Mackay in his 1841 masterpiece, Extraordinary
Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. It was a crime imputed with
so much ease, and repelled with so much difficulty, that the powerful, whenever
they wanted to ruin the weak, and could fix no other imputation upon them, had
only to accuse them of witchcraft to ensure their destruction.. CounterPunch

time for America to embrace guaranteed income
Chris Hughes. ... We should
provide a guaranteed income of $500 a month for every working adult who makes
less than $50,000, argues Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes. Guardian

Sabotage of Americans' Healthcare, Trump Proposes Allowing Insurers to Offer 'Junk
Plans'. ... "Welcome back to: underwriting, denials, higher premiums for
being sick, and possibly...insurers leaving markets. All of this is by design."

the U.S. Military Recruitment Program That Trained Nikolas Cruz to Be A
Very Good Shot, DemocracyNow

Sickening Details You Won't Read in Billy Graham's Fawning Obituaries. ... The
pastor urged Nixon to commit war crimes and called AIDS a judgment from God. AlterNet

22, 2018
Reich: Morality & the Common Good Must Be at Center of Fighting Trumps
Economic Agenda. DemocracyNow

Denken: Crude thinking.
Blames Mental Illness for Parkland Shooting, Ignores Easy Gun Access & Loose
Background Checks. DemocracyNow

Gun Violence the Media Shows Us and the State Violence They Dont. CounterPunch 
Hold On Florida So Powerful Not Even This Tiny Bird Is Safe. ... Lawmakers killed
efforts to make the native scrub jay the state bird simply because the
states top NRA lobbyist hated the creature. HuffPost

Trillion for H-bomb Profiteers and Fake Cleanups. CounterPunch

Months After Maria, San Juan Mayor Decries Disaster Capitalism &
Privatization in Puerto Rico. DemocracyNow

"Alt-Right" Is Building a White Nationalist Mass Movement With "Operation

World Will Not Mourn the Decline of U.S. Hegemony. TruthDig

21, 2018
New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons.
... One of the most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American
political landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the countrys
most extreme and discredited neocons. Intercept
Liberalism and Capitalist Exploitation: Why Corporate Democrats Do Not Support
Immigrant Justice. TruthOut

History for Truthdiggers: Roots in Religious Zealotry. TruthDig

the Right Wing Is So Interested in Narrowing Down Education into 'Skills' ...
The politics behind the push to expand vocational education.

Stein Downplays Russian Meddling: Media and DNC Interfered in 2016 Election Too.
silent on claim that Russians backed him in 2016. ... Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders
declined to directly address Friday's revelation that Russian actors sought to
boost his presidential primary campaign and sink Hillary Clinton's in 2016, instead
insisting that the special counsels investigation proceed unimpeded. Politico

Care More About the OXFAM Scandal Than the Cholera Epidemic. CounterPunch
A Consensus
Emerges: Russia Committed an Act of War on Par With Pearl Harbor and
9/11. Should the U.S. Response be Similar? Intercept

Mugs of Voters: Muellers Russia Indictments. CounterPunch

Do Trump and Followers Mean When They Say 'America'? TruthDig

NY Timess Newest Op-Ed Hire, Bari Weiss, Embodies its Worst Failings
and its Lack of Viewpoint Diversity. Intercept

20, 2018
We Fight Fascism. ... In 1923 the radical socialist and feminist Clara Zetkin
gave a report at the Communist International about the emergence of a political
movement called fascism. Fascism, then in its infancy, was written off by many
liberals, socialists and communists as little more than mob rule, terror and street
In Conversation:
Quincy Jones. ... The music legend on the secret Michael Jackson, his relationship
with the Trumps, and the problem with modern pop. Vulture

Do the Democrats Take Trumps Trolling Lying Down? CounterPunch 
Americans have forgotten what 'treason' actually means and how it
can be abused. ... We are willfully turning a blind eye to the sordid history
of treason that led to its unique treatment in the U.S. Constitution. NBC
Zapatista rebels, 24 years on and defiant in mountain strongholds
The peasant
rebels took up arms in 1994, and now number 300,000 in centres with their own
doctors, teachers and currency, but rarely answer questions - until now. Guardian

to Deny Tax Breaks, Government Bids From Local Groups Calling for Boycott. ...
Implementation would require compiling a 'blacklist' of Israeli boycott supporters,
sources say, on top of an existing list of foreign activists and groups. Haaretz
donated $10,000 to help train the Parkland shooting suspect to use a rifle. ..
He practiced on indoor ranges shooting at targets the size of coin. ThinkProgress
- WIKILEAKSIn Leaked Chats, WikiLeaks Discusses Preference
for GOP Over Clinton, Russia, Trolling, and Feminists They Dont Like. Intercept
Assange saga: judge to rule on arrest warrant. ... After six years holed up in
Ecuadorian embassy, WikiLeaks founder faces a pivotal moment. Guardian

Assange Judges Husband Runs Security Firm With Ex
Head of MI6. Craig
Murray  All
Pretence is Over in Persecution of Assange. Craig
Murray  The
UKs Hidden Hand in Julian Assanges Detention. CounterPunch
Scourging of Julian Assange. CounterPunch
tried to drop Assange extradition in 2013, CPS emails show. ... UK prosecutors
tried to dissuade Swedish counterparts from doing so, exchange shows. Guardian
The Biggest Secret My Life as a New York Times Reporter in the Shadow of the
War on Terror. Intercept


19, 2018
Remember the Schoolchildren U.S. and Russian Bombs Are Killing, Too. TruthDig
The Security
Clearance Situation in the White House Is Bonkers. ... NBC News reported on Wednesday
that as of November, 130 political appointees working on President Donald Trumps
staff had not yet been permanently clearedamong them White House counsel
Don McGahn. Slate

White House has a major security clearance problem. ... We might be facing
a situation weve never faced before. Vox

warns US must prepare for possibility of war with China. ...Harry Harris, the
next US ambassador to Australia, says Beijing intends to control South China Sea.

the Post-Truth Classroom. CounterPunch

Trump Is Undermining the Fight Against Mass Shootings. ... Look at the budget
numbers, not the press-conference rhetoric. The
puts public school safety and trauma counseling funding on the chopping block.
... Education Secretary Betsy DeVos says school safety is a priority, but budget
proposals tell a different story. ThinkProgress

González Talks Roots of Fascism, Rise of Authoritarian Movements on the
Intercepted Podcast. DemocracyNow
A. Giroux | The Ghost of Fascism in the Age of Trump. TruthOut/Giroux
the Media Panicked About Campus Leftists, the Far Right Surged, ,,, If a reader
were to judge from popular media accounts, the biggest threat to university life
and public discourse would be obvious: the left-wing students on campus fighting
various forms of bigotry and other injustices. From liberal broadsheets to,
commentators have taken up a strawman debate largely shaped by the far
right about campus free speech. Intercept
With Hard Right to Convict Trump Protesters. ... A lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington
highlights a dangerous national trend. ... D.C., police and federal prosecutors
have been collaborating with notorious right-wing groups known for fascist statements
and using doctored videos to ambush their targets in an attempt to convict and
jail protesters from President Trumps inauguration. AlterNet

'A Big Scare Tactic': ExxonMobil Files 'Conspiracy' Counter Suits Against Climate
Defenders. ... Critics charge that by "positioning itself as a victim rather
than a perpetrator," the company is aiming to "reframe the debate, use
it as a diversionary tactic, and scare the heck out of everybody." CommonDreams

of February 16-18, 2018
Politics of Persuasion, The: Economic Policy and Media Bias in the
Modern Era. ... Examines how the US media covers high-profile public policy issues
in the context of competing claims about media bias. Amazon

ICE Works to Strip Citizenship from Naturalized Americans. ... For 10 years,
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements investigative office has worked
to keep its internal handbook out of American courts. The handbook could have
been used in court to show how ICEs push to lead on denaturalization cases
stands in contrast to the language of federal law governing the process, an immigration
lawyer said. Inercept

Privatizes America. CounterPunch

Next Recession Is Really Gonna Suck. ... The extra help unemployed people got
during the Great Recession has emboldened states to mistreat them. HuffPost

Destroying Iraq, U.S. Wont Give a Dime to Reconstruction. TruthDig

Are We Still Doing in Syria? ... With our ongoing war efforts there,
the Trump administration is courting disaster. National
of my Own Thoughts. Craig
Protection Agency's New Mission Under Trump? Not Protecting Consumers. ...
New CFPB budget proposal, said one watchdog, further reveals president's "unwavering
loyalty to the big banks, predatory lenders, and Wall Street special interests."

Deadly Flu Sweeps Country, Koch-Backed Group Fights Paid Sick Leave Policies
Nationwide. DemocracyNow
EPA debunked Administrator Pruitts latest climate misinformation. ... Until
Pruitt deleted the EPA climate webpages. Guardian
Five things Pruitt
can do to cripple the EPA. ... The new administrator and President Donald Trump
are expected to move quickly to begin unraveling the agency's rules on water and
climate change. Politico
Pruitt moves to roll back over 30 environmental regulations in record time.
News  Trump's
infrastructure plan aims to sweep away 'inefficient' environmental reviews. ...
Trumps plan would threaten endangered species or fragile habitats with limits
for environmental reviews. Guardian

EPA Administrator
Scott Pruitt Fails Another Senate Test. Intercept
from the banking industry for life, a Scott Pruitt friend finds a new home at
the EPA. Tulsa
World  Trump
Pick For EPAs No. 2 Accused Of Abusing Power To Bully And Intimidate
Opponents. ... As a Senate aide in 2005, Andrew Wheeler went after state air pollution
regulators for opposing his bosss bill. HuffPost
Trump Infrastructure
Plan Decried as 'Scam' Designed to Keep US Stuck in 'Dirty and Destructive Past'.
... "This is a plan to shore up the infrastructure of the past, rather than
invest in what we need for the future." CommonDreams

enviromental protection agency |

15, 2018
Hard to Believe, But Syrias War Is Getting Worse: World Powers Clash
as Civilian Deaths Soar. DemocracyNow

Bankrupt' Budget: After $1.5 Trillion Gift to Rich, Trump Demands $1.7 Trillion
in Safety Net Cuts. CommonDreams

You Like Paying Tolls? Youre Gonna Love Trumps Infrastructure Plan.
... The proposal would allow more states to toll interstate highways. HuffPost

introduces record number of bills to prevent people from taking industry to court.
... Congress races to protect industry from lawsuits. ThinkProgress

While 'Not the Worst' of His Crimes, Israeli Police Call for Indicting Netanyahu
on Corruption Charges. ... Observers note Israel "won't put him on for war
crimes and crimes against humanity, but hey, guess it's something." CommonDreams

Is Now Weak and Vulnerable and His Political Partners in Israel Know It. ...
The police sewed up Netanyahu from head to toe a hermetic seal, at
least in the eyes of a layman - which won't suffice with a public reprimand. Haaretz

Laurence Tribe Has Become a Deranged Russia Conspiracist: Today Was His Most Humiliating
Debacle. Intercept

Tamimi: Palestinian viral slap video teen goes on trial. BBC
News  Israeli
Judge Denies Bail to Palestinian Teen Who Slapped Soldier. DemocracyNow
of trial, Amnesty says Israel must release Ahed Tamimi JPost
Court: Ahed Tamimi to be jailed until end of trial. JPost
Trial Opens For 17-Year-Old Palestinian Activist. NPR
Release Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi. ... 17-year-old Palestinian activist
Ahed Tamimi has been called the Rosa Parks of Palestine. For years,
she and her family have bravely stood up against the Israeli occupation. But she
now faces up to 10 years in prison over an altercation with Israeli soldiers.
International  Israel
Will No Longer Allow Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi to Make the Occupation Look
Bad. Haaretz
The military judge at
the teen's hearing seeks to do everything possible to prevent the courtroom from
becoming a media circus. Haaretz
No Way To Treat A Child.

14, 2018
Hostis humani generis

Its Core, Anti-Fascism Is Self-Defense": An Interview With Mark Bray. ...
this ultra-nationalist Donald Trump came to the fore because he rightly believed
that this brand of bombastic, far-right politics would sell. Under different circumstances,
he might have chosen to present himself as more of a laissez-faire "globalist,"
but the wind wasn't blowing in that direction. TruthOut

Kellys true self and ICEs mission creep: Tyranny is spreading. ...
Darkest side of the Trump agenda: Kelly reveals his true colors and ICE seeks
to join the intelligence community. Salon

Resistance Grift How Scott Dworkin Turned the Resistance into a Personal
Payday. Progressive
crisis for human rights': new index reveals global fall in basic justice. ...
More than 70 of 113 countries surveyed for latest Rule of Law Index report their
fundamental human rights are being eroded. Guardian

Racist Bullying? Religious School In Texas Argues Courts Cant
Intervene. ... A religious school is being sued after it punished alleged racist
harassers with one-day suspensions. HuffPost

Researcher Reveals Why She Turned Vegan After Investigating The History of Pork.
rchaeologist Dr Pía Spry-Marqués tells of how researching the relationship
between humans and pork turned her off animal products for life. Independent

Kelly's True Self and ICE's Mission Creep: Tyranny Is Spreading. TruthOut

S: Steve Coll on the CIA & Americas Secret Wars in Afghanistan &
Pakistan. DemocracyNow

Lessons and the U.S. Culture of Violence. CounterPunch

Risen Goes Inside the NSAs Secret Channel to Russia. Intercept

tried to drop Assange extradition in 2013, CPS emails show. ... UK prosecutors
tried to dissuade Swedish counterparts from doing so, exchange shows. Guardian

13, 2018
Deadly Rule of the Oligarchs. ... Oligarchic rule, as Aristotle pointed out, is
a deviant form of government. Oligarchs care nothing for competency, intelligence,
honesty, rationality, self-sacrifice or the common good. They pervert, deform
and dismantle systems of power to serve their immediate interests, squandering
the future for short-term personal gain. ... The late stage of every civilization
is characterized by the sophistry of oligarchs, who ravage the decaying carcass
of the state. CounterPunch

Southwest water dispute reaches the Supreme Court. ... Why a fight over groundwater
has left farmers in New Mexico feeling stranded.
High Country News 
GOP Infrastructure Plan: Worse Than Nothing? CounterPunch

of Democratic Lawmakers Join GOP to Back Budget Bill with No Protection for DREAMers.

Wilkerson: I Helped Sell the False Choice of War with Iraq; Its Happening
Again with Iran. DemocracyNow

Republicans Kept Provision to Fight High Drug Prices Out of Spending Bill, Democrats
Say. Intercept

Paul and the Sleepover Shutdown: A Three-Act Farce. ... (Friday aorund 12.30am...)
The federal government shut down, the Senate passed the budget bill, the House
passed the Senate's bill, the Dreamers got screwed and the Tea Party movement
evaporated like a wholly unnoticed fart. TruthOut

police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show.
... Officers expressed sympathy with white supremacists and sought their help
to target counter-protesters after a violent 2016 rally, according to court documents.

12, 2018
Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents and the Russians
Offered Trump-Related Material, Too.

Next Recession Is Really Gonna Suck
The extra help unemployed people got during
the Great Recession has emboldened states to mistreat them. HuffPost

are 5 important reasons you should never agree to a police search even
if youre innocent RawStory

the People, Trumped by Constitution and Capitalism. CounterPunch/Street

and Republicans: United on Glorifying Authoritarian Systems. CounterPunch

Russian Meddling is a Trojan Horse. CounterPunch

Russia Is Not the Biggest Threat to Our ElectionsFacebook and YouTube Are.
... Silicon Valley algorithms help spread conspiracy theories peddled by sloppy
American journalists.

Have a Sinister New Way of Cutting Social Security. ... Its a classic Trojan
horse scenarioone they've been using a lot lately. AlterNet
Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare and Social Security next.
... The idea of cutting popular programs in an election year has vulnerable Republicans
asking, why not infrastructure? Vox
Rubio find a new project: Paid family leave. ... Can the duo pining for a softer
side of Republicanism win over the GOP? Politico
Trump's Paid Family Leave Plan Steals the Money from Social Security and Delays
Retirement. ... Nothing from the first family comes without a major catch. AlterNet

of February 9-11, 2018
read: The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. by
. Daniel Ellsberg. Here, for the first time, former high-level defense analyst
Daniel Ellsberg reveals his shocking firsthand account of America's nuclear program
in the 1960s. From the remotest air bases in the Pacific Command, where he discovered
that the authority to initiate use of nuclear weapons was widely delegated, to
the secret plans for general nuclear war under Eisenhower, which, if executed,
would cause the near-extinction of humanity. Amazon
Money Then, Trumpocalypse Now. ... it wasnt the Russians that brought us
Trump, but the usual suspects: private equity and hedge funds bandits. TruthDig/Hedges

U.S. Prison Conditions, British Appeals Court Refuses to Extradite Accused Hacker
Lauri Love to the U.S. Intercept

Military Launches Broad Investigation of SEAL Team 6 After Green Beret Killing
in Mali.

1974 Call to Abolish CIA, Sanders Followed in Footsteps of JFK, Truman. Intercept

interest in Afghanistan tied to heroin production. Respect

the alternative press threatened by wealthy buyers.
Freedom of the Press Foundation 
War and a Phantom $500 Million: Pentagon Watchdog Calls Out Two Commands for Financial
Malfeasance. TruthOut

news sharing in US is a rightwing thing, says study. ... University of Oxford
project finds Trump supporters consume largest volume of junk news
on Facebook and Twitter. Guardian
Related: Why the
hysteria around the 'fake news epidemic' is a distraction. ... The biggest obstacle
to having an informed electorate isnt fake news, but the profit-hungry media
seeking clicks and eyeballs.
the Pentagon Endorsing Trumps War on Democratic Institutions? ... The presidents
plans for a military parade have sinister implications.