10, 2018What is
Neoliberalism? ... A Brief Definition for Activists. CorpWatch
A Tale of Two
Americas: Where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Go to Jail. CounterPunch
Actual Smart People Talk About Themselves. ... Hint: not by discussing IQ. The
Oprah Winfrey for president: a wild idea that just got dramatically more real.
... The entertainment entrepreneurs electrifying speech at the Golden Globes
produced an outpouring of reaction urging the celebrity to run in 2020. Guardian

... Portland's top brass said it was OK to swipe your garbage - (What could possibly
go wrong?) --so we grabbed theirs. Willamette
Immoral Misuse of Psychology in Support of Empire. CounterPunch
Ron Perlman
Talks President Donald Trump Speech Patterns. YouTube
Ticking, Dove-Filled Time Bomb: Trumps Trojan Horse Gift to Jerusalem. CounterPunch
Many Wars Is the US Really Fighting? Hint: the answer is way more than you
The Nation  Corporate
Coercion and the Drive to Eliminate Buying with Cash. CounterPunch/Nader
9, 2018 Corpses
of Souls ... Our capitalist elites have used propaganda, money and the marginalizing
of their critics to erase the first three of philosopher John Lockes elements
of the perfect state: liberty, equality and freedom. CounterPunch/Hedges

The UK no longer has a national public library system. ... Volunteer-run libraries
dont meet national standards. We dont even know how many books are
issued. Guardian
Under Capitalism: The Enclosure of the Literary Commons. TruthOut
Short History of Enclosure in Britain. The
Land Magazine  Enclosure
of the Commons: the borders that keep us out. Terri
Windling  |
How Dumb Is Trump? TruthDig
the System Got Trumped: Cambridge Analyticas Electoral Psyops Campaign.
Await Judgment in Suit Over Fordham University Banning of Pro-Palestine Club.
Under Fire for Receiving $30M From Israeli Firm While Shaping Middle East Policy.
... "Are you comfortable with having Jared Kushner be the beneficiary of
huge amounts of Israeli financing at the same time he's overseeing U.S. foreign
policy on Israel?" CommonDreams
Step Closer to Making Jerusalem Jewish-Only City. CounterPunch

Reminder for the Left: Trump Is a Fig Leaf for the GOP's Horrific Policies. TruthOu
8, 2018Chris
Hedges Fascism in the Age of Trump.
YouTube Q&A
Sesson YouTube
Wolff's explosive book on Trump: the key revelations. ... Tell-all offers insiders
view of White House amid infighting, scrutinising the presidents inner circle,
his intellect and his hair. Guardian

Rather have
Pence than Trump? Think twice, then chose your poison.Mike
Pence Is the Koch Brothers Manchurian Candidate. PodCast/Intercept
Danger of President Pence Trumps critics yearn for his exit. But Mike
Pence, the corporate rights inside man, poses his own risks. The
New Yorker  How
the Kochs are using Mike Pence to shape Trump's White House. ... Three key takeaways
from the New Yorker's Pence profile. Vox
Religion Angle Pence,
Sessions, Price, Pompeo, Conaway Sponsor Antigay, Anti-Islam, Creationist Bible
Study Network. TwoCare
once said mothers do not belong in state office. Now he leads the Trump Cabinet
in Bible study. LA
Times  Leader
Of Trump Cabinet Bible Study: God Only Hears Prayers Of Righteous
Christians. Right
Wing Watch  |
Should We Be Wary
of Algorithms? NPR/Ted
Related: Black Mirror Reveals Our Fear of Robots and Algorithms
We Cant Control. Intercept
debt: Why has it hit an all-time high? And how worried should we be about it?
... Who has all this debt? Who is it owed to? What does this level of indebtedness
mean? Independent
Idiot Surrounded by Clowns: Why Trump (Still) Sits in the White House. CounterPunch
God of the Holocene Epoch Is Dead: Religions Fatal Flaw. Religion
Theres a comeuppance
ahead for Christians who have traded faith for power. RawStory
The Palestine
Exception to Free Speech: A Movement Under Attack in the US. ... This report,
released by the Center for Constitutional Rights and Palestine Legal in September
2015, documents for the first time the widespread and growing suppression of Palestinian
human rights advocacy in the United States. Center
for Constitutional Rights
The Biggest
Secret. ... My Life as a New York Times Reporter in the Shadow of the War on Terror.

of January 5-7, 2018Weekend
Read: The Nixon Effect, The Money Cult, Ratf**ked The Nixon
Effect: How Richard Nixons Presidency Fundamentally Changed American Politics,
a book by Douglas E. Schoen; The Money Cult: Capitalism, Christianity, and
the Unmaking of the American Dream, a book by Chris Lehmann; Ratf**ked:
The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal Americas Democracy,
a book by David Daley, all reviewed by Allen Barra. Amazon
Start the year of right:
What is Beauty? NPR
Level Rise Projections Double, Painting Terrifying Picture for Next Generation.
TruthOut  The
CIA's 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American
Writers They drank the Kool-Aid and thought they were saving freedom."
Will Be Bloodshed': Warnings as Israel Tightens Grip of Occupation. ... "What
was winked and nodded about before is now being acknowledged publicly: 'We have
no intent of sharing this land with anybody else except as a barely tolerated
minority.'" CommonDreams
Students Sue over Free Speech Rights to Establish Students for Justice in Palestine
Group. DemocracyNow
anti-union bill targets teachers, but not law enforcement. ... The bill would
decertify unions where less than 50 percent of members don't pay dues. ThinkProgress

in your backyard. Military
Trump Jr. slams liberal universities in speech. The
Trump Didnt Want to Win and Neither Did His Campaign. Tom
Proposal by France's Macron to Ban "Fake News" Denounced as Recipe for
Disaster. ... Calling the term one ripe for "abuse," a warning that
French president is "exploiting it to obtain government control over the
internet" CommonDreams

4, 2018Glenn Greenwald
on Trump-Russia Probe: Be Skeptical of Spy Agencies with History of Lying &
Deceit. DemocracyNow
Is Facebook
Operating as an Arm of the Israeli State by Removing Palestinian Posts? DemocracyNow
of Smart Phone Apps are Monitoring Users Through Their Microphones. Independent

the Interrogation of Reality Winner Reveals the Deceptive Tactics of Exceedingly
Friendly FBI Agents. Intercept
Health Care System Is an International Disgrace, and It's Only Getting Worse.
... Until we confront this reality, we can expect more preventable deaths and
unnecessary suffering. AlterNet
ICE director wants to ignore Constitution, arrest local leaders for sanctuary
city policies. ... Tom Homan might want to do some legal research. ThinkProgress
3, 2018Are the
Wars in Syria and Iraq Finally Coming to an End? CounterPunch
American Consumers
Are Dead Meat With The New Judiciary. Ring
of Fire  Student
Debt Slavery: Bankrolling Financiers on the Backs of the Young. TruthDig
Is What Pseudo-Democracy Looks Like. ... Oligarchy prevents democracy. That explains
the gist of why the United States became more undemocratic in 2017. TruthDig
New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons.
orders biggest corporate bribery trial in history against Shell, Eni, CEO and
executives. Global
Identitarian and Generational Divide and Rule. CounterPunch

Trump plan to shrink ocean monuments threatens vital ecosystems, experts warn.
... Ryan Zinke has recommended three major marine monuments be reduced to allow
greater commercial fishing, prompting anguish from environmental groups. Guardian

2, 2018Tax bill
and your tuition: Here's what to expect. CNN

is ingrained in white America. When he goes, it will remain. ... The Republican
partys leader is no anomaly, hes a voice for its deep-seated radicalised
base who suddenly find themselves in the mainstream. Guardian
How Sweden
Became a Thriving Base of neo-Nazi Ideology. ... While
Nazi criminals were hanged or committed suicide in their cells, a secret network
operating out of Malmo made sure the Nazi idea stayed alive. Haaretz
White Supremacists Be Allowed To Practice Law? ... The legal profession is supposed
to weed out people who arent morally fit to be lawyers. But they let neo-Nazis
in. Huffy
investment in plastic factories feeds global packaging binge. ... Colossal funding
in manufacturing plants by fossil fuel companies will increase plastic production
by 40%, risking permanent pollution of the earth. Guardian
Raised About $1 Billion Facial Scan Program with High Error Rate at Nine U.S.
Airports. DemocracyNow
Trump Attacks Media with Fake News Claims, a Record 262 Reporters
Are Jailed, 46 Killed in 2017. DemocracyNow
1, 2018 Help for
Struggling Millionaires is on the Way. CounterPunch
Facebook Says
it is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments.
... In September of last year, ... Facebook representatives were meeting with
the Israeli Government to determine which accounts of Palestinians should be deleted
on the ground that they constitute incitement.
Intercept  Seymour
Melman and the New American Revolution: a Reconstructionist Alternative to a Society
Spiraling into the Abyss. CounterPunch
stand on Israel does her credi. New
Zealand Herald  Saudi
Arabia Pressured Lebanese Prime Minister To Resign: Report. ... The high-stakes
gambit backfired amid international uproar. Huffy

Leaked memo schooled Tillerson on human rights, ,,, A tutorial from policy aide
Brian Hook followed the secretary of state's controversial remarks about balancing
U.S. values. Politico
New D.C. Policy Group, Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons.
One of the most under-discussed yet consequential changes in the American political
landscape is the reunion between the Democratic Party and the countrys most
extreme and discredited neocons. While the rise of Donald Trump, whom neocons
loathe, has accelerated this realignment, it began long before the ascension of
Trump and is driven by far more common beliefs than contempt for the current president.
interior secretary seems to be a nexus between shady government deals, private
spies and white supremacists, RawStory
Stein in the Crosshairs: the Russia Investigation Shifts to Clintons Political
. .
