MARCH 1 THROUGH 11  Weekend
of March 9-11, 2018New
Mexico Republicans Want Catholic Church Official Punished for Calling Them Racist.
... Allen Sanchez told the truth and the GOP can't handle it. AlterNet

Current Onset of Climate Tipping Points. CounterPunch
Arctic Is Melting Down as the Antarctic Food Chain Is Breaking TruthOut
You Listening, America? TruthDig
Carson Removes Anti-Discrimination Language From HUD Mission Statement It
will no longer reference inclusive communities free from discrimination.

and Gas Industry's 2017 Suing Spree Could Set Speech-Chilling Precedents. Desmog
MSNBC Now the Most Dangerous Warmonger Network? TruthDig
Denounced for 'Absolutely Disgusting' AIPAC Speech. ... "At AIPAC, Democrats
try to outdo Trump in their devotion to Israel's oppression of Palestinians."
Celebrates 10th Anniversary of the Financial Crash by Moving to Roll Back Financial
Regulations. Medium
is getting ready to demolish Dodd-Frank banking regulations. ... Thirteen Democrats
are on board with the maneuver. ThinkProgress
Team Up with GOP to Weaken Bank Rules, Which Critics Say May Lead to More Bailouts
& Misconduct. DemocracyNow
'The Charade
Is Over': CBO Reveals Democrat-Backed Bill Really Just Big Gift to Wall Street.
... "The Wall Street crash of 2008 showed the American people how fraudulent
many of these large banks are. The last thing we should be doing is deregulating
them." CommonDreams

Is The Daily Stormers Playbook A leaked style guide reveals theyre
Nazis about grammar (and about Jews HuffPost
Florida Republican tells colleagues that thoughts and prayers are
the only defense against evil. RawStory
Democratic Primary and the Sham of Elections. TruthDig
Making of an American Nazi. ... How did Andrew Anglin go from being an antiracist
vegan to the alt-rights most vicious troll and propagandistand how
might he be stopped? The
Moneyman Behind the Alt Right. ... He Spent Almost 20 Years Funding The Racist
Right. It Finally Paid Off. BuzzFeed
of a White Supremacist. ... Mike Enochs transformation from leftist contrarian
to nationalist shock jock. The New
Yorker  Alt-White
- How the Breitbart Machine Laundered Racist Hate. ... Here's How Breitbart And
Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream. BuzzFeed
Most American Terrorist: The Making of Dylann Roof. GQ

8, 2018Political Tribalism:
Why the Right is So Successful. CounterPunch
The New Blacklist.
... Russiagate may have been aimed at Trump to start, but it's become a way of
targeting all dissent. RollingStone

vote to block resolutions on Trump's tax returns. The
Hill  Lawmakers
Seek Investigation Of Al Jazeera Amid Israel Documentary Controversy. ... The
channel secretly filmed lawmakers and activists in the pro-Israel community for
months in 2016 and promised last year that it would release its documentary.
the Trial of Omar Mateens Wife Begins, New Evidence Undermines Beliefs About
the Pulse Massacre, Including Motive. Intercept
US unions tumble, the progressive movement could go with them. ...Working people
will end up with fewer resources and less collective power if the US supreme court
undermines the power of unions with its decision on Janus. Guardian

Are Revolting Against Animal Cruelty So the Poultry Industry Is Lobbying
for Laws to Force Stores to Sell Their Eggs. Intercept  Rescue
at Oakland Slaughterhouse Shows New, Potent Tactics of Growing Animal Rights Movement.
secret NSA alliance: The terrifying deals between Silicon Valley and the security
state. ... Inside the high-level, complicated deals and the rise of a virtually
unchecked surveillance power.
Salon  NSA
scandal: what data is being monitored and how does it work? ,,, Everything you
need to know about data gathering from internet companies by the US National Security
Agency. Guardian
and Hackers Find It Easy to Trick Americans Because We Are a Nation of Ignoramuses.
... The only real defense against bots and trolls is an intellectual offense,
and we arent ready for it. AlterNet

ending News Feed experiment condemned as 'Orwellian'. ... Company announces end
to trial in which professional news posts were removed from users feeds
in six countries. Guardina
7, 201817 Democrats Decried
for Sending This Clear Message: "I Work for My Bank Donors, Not My Constituents'
... "Voters have seen this movie before. It didn't work out in 2008 and it's
no wiser today. There is simply no excuse for a Democrat to add their name to
Wall Street deregulation." CommonDreams
Sen. Chris
Murphy: The U.S. Is Exporting Violence & Killing Civilians in Illegal War
in Yemen. DemocracyNow
Armys Lies Can No Longer Salvage Its Image. CounterPunch
Children in the Age of Disposability: The Parkland Shooting Was About More Than
Gun Violence. TruthOut/Giroux
populist uprisings could bring down liberal democracy. ... Authoritarians
are on the rise, and electorates are seduced by extremes. To fight back, mainstream
politicians need to grasp the causes of popular discontent and rebuild democracys
moral foundations. Guardian

Ways the 'Resistance' Gave Trump a Dictators Toolkit. ... My longtime arch-nemesis,
the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)which I thought we had vanquished after
years of stabbing, kicking and choking itmay now be rising from the dead
like a zombie, like a vampire, like a Jeff Sessions. And this is yet another sign
that the so-called Democratic Resistance is a joke so big it has to
buy two airplane seats TruthDig
Charade Is Over': CBO Reveals Democrat-Backed Bill Really Just Big Gift to Wall
Street. ... "The Wall Street crash of 2008 showed the American people how
fraudulent many of these large banks are. The last thing we should be doing is
deregulating them." CommonDreams
It Progressives, Obama Was a Lousy President. ... Sometime before the end
of June this year the Supreme Court will deal a deathblow to public sector unions,
declaring that the mandatory collection of dues violates the First Amendment.
When that happens, it will be the latest example of yet another loss to progressive
politics that can be attributed to Barack Obama. CounterPunch
Campaign Challenges DCCC's "All-Out War Against Progressives" ... "Stop
undermining progressive values," a new petition to the DCCC demands. CommonDreams
group faces backlash after intervening in crowded House primaries. WaPo
conference will feature lots of liberal Democratic speakers. Mondoweiss  
6, 2018Legalizing
Tyranny ... Violence
is increasingly the only tool left to a discredited corporate state and its bankrupt
ideology of unfettered capitalism. What is being done to the poor will soon be
done to all of us.
Corruption: How Israeli Journalists Project Israels Crimes Onto Palestinians.
Senate revives wildly unconstitutional bill barring funding of student organizations
involved in hate speech, intolerance, or promotion of
boycotts of Israel or U.S. allies. The
Fire  Trump
Organization ousted from Panama luxury tower in ownership dispute: report. RawStory

West Wing adventures of Ivanka and Jared are coming to end. And none too soon.
... Before Donald Trump can hope to restore credibility to his fumbling administration
he has to give marching orders to two more people, however personally awkward
that may be for him. Independent

A Rod Of Iron: AR-15-Toting So-Called Churchgoers Renew Their Commitment To the
Blood-Soaked Lunacy of Our Nation Amen. CommonDreams
Solar and wind power alone could provide four fifths of U.S. power. ... Study
confirms U.S. could have a carbon-free grid in coming decades. ThinkProgress
Warren Slams Democrats for Helping Gut Financial Regulations. ... The Massachusetts
senator refuses to let a "Bank Lobbyist Act" pass without a fight. AlterNet

Freakishly Warm Arctic Weather Has Scientists Reconsidering Worst-Case
Scenarios on Climate Change. DemocracyNow
Warn: February Melting Near North Pole "Really Extreme" TruthOut
5, 2018Thug, Mob, Rogue:
Trump Organizations Own Description of Its Panama Hotel. Empty
column destroys Princess Ivanka over ties to mobsters and shady business
RawStory  'Such
a Fortunate Coincidence': Trump Ally Carl Icahn Ditched Steel Stocks Before Tariffs
Made Public. ... "Hmmm, is this a coincidence or did Trump confidant Carl
Icahn have insider information?" CommonDreams

a US government agency deleted the words 'nation of immigrants'. ... The US Citizenship
and Immigration Services quietly dropped the affirmation of Americas promise
as a nation of immigrants. Guardian
Force - ICE Shackled 92 Somalis for 40 Hours On a Failed Deportation Flight. That
Was Just the Start of the Abuse. Intercept

Words That Trip the E-mail Spam Alarm Dont Get Caught in the Trap.
Bennet Marketing  The
Conservative Supreme Court Majority Was Built To Crush Unions. ... And thats
just what itll do. HuffPost

Sandy Hook, More NRA-Backed Gun Legislation Has Passed Than Laws To Restrict Guns.
... Hundreds of new state gun laws have passed in the five years since the Newtown
massacre, and most expand access. HuffPost
Children in the Age of Disposability: The Parkland Shooting Was About More Than
Gun Violence. ... Trump's proposal to arm teachers suggests that the
burden of gun violence and the crimes of the gun industries and politicians should
fall on teachers' shoulders. TruthOut
youve ever wanted to know about the NRA but were too embarrassed to ask
Have a question about the NRA? We've got answers. ThinkProgress
of March 2-4, 2018Weekend
Read: The Know Your Bill of Rights Book: Don't Lose Your Constitutional
Rights--Learn Them! Amazon
Fears grow
as rightwing billionaires battle to erode US union rights. ... Supreme court hears
arguments in case that could strip unions of major source of income amid
worries that the unions will lose. Guardian

v. AFSCME: Will Supreme Court Side with Koch Brothers in Their War Against Organized
Labor? DemocracyNow
Poised to Be Hit With a Million-Pound Shit-Hammer. CounterPunch
Renewed Call for Gun Control Spark Anti-Militarism Movement? Truthdig
Lenders Are Turning Low-Level Courts Into Dickensian Debt Collection Mills.
Raoul Peck on The Young Karl Marx, James Baldwin, U.S. Interventions
Abroad & More.
DemocracyNow  Major
Corporations Have Spent Just 6% of Tax Cut Windfall on Workers. Guess Where the
Other 94% Went. CommonDreams
& Unconstitutional: ACLU Denounces SCOTUS Ruling Approving Indefinite Immigrant
DemocracyNow  Cruel
& Unconstitutional: ACLU Denounces SCOTUS Ruling Approving Indefinite Immigrant
Detention. DemocracyNow
Sure Were A Bunch Of White Nationalists At CPAC, Huh? ... Richard Spencer wasnt
allowed inside, but a bunch of other racists, conspiracy theorists and extremists
were. HuffPost 
Democracy Hypocrisy. CounterPunch
Supreme Court Smacks Down Gun Rights Activists. ... The U.S. Supreme Court has
turned away a constitutional challenge brought by gun rights activists to a California
law imposing a 10-day waiting period for the purchase of firearms, intended to
guard against impulsive violence and suicides. Ring
of Fire  Ce*sored!
China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power.
... Amid fallout from the decision to allow Xi to be president for life, censors
also crack down on letters, phrases and George Orwells Animal Farm. Guardian
Hedges and Carl Anthony: Architecture as a Form of Oppression. ... Some
architecture may be a marvel to look at, but what lies beneath beautiful construction
is often something insidious. Architect and activist Carl Anthony explains how
architecture functions as a tool of oppression in a new interview with Truthdig
columnist Chris Hedges. TruthDig
1, 2018 Disordering
the World: the Rise of Neo-Liberalism. ... British historian Eric Hobsbawm states:
The history of the twenty years after 1973 is that of a world which lost
its bearings and slid into instability and crisis. CounterPunch
as Obstacle to Equality and Democracy: the US Story. ... The Cold War displaced
the legacies of the New Deal. Time and Trump are now displacing Cold War legacies.
Where capitalism was questioned and challenged in the 1930s and into the 1940s,
doing that became taboo after 1948 CounterPunch
werent buying what he was selling: Wayne LaPierre stopped speech to
ask young conservatives why they werent cheering. RawStory
Most Voters Think The NRA Is Bad For America. ... More Americans are also leaning
in support of gun law reform. HuffPost
Renewed Call for Gun Control Spark Anti-Militarism Movement? TruthDig

DCCC Advised
Candidates Not To Discuss Gun Control Policy Right After Vegas Shooting. ... The
campaign organization said Democrats should focus on offering thoughts and prayers.

Internal Polling Presented to Members of Congress Panned Single-Payer Health Care.
Democratic party is now publicly attacking progressive candidates. ... A liberal
candidate for office is being maligned. The surprising twist? Its her own
party that is funding the ads. Guardian  Related:
Wheres the Beef Stroganoff? Eight Sacrilegious Reflections on Russiagate.
... Please note eight things you will not hear from the Russia-mad Democrats and
their many media allies at places like the Washington Post, the New York Times,
CNN, and MSDNC: CounterPunch
Skeptics Take a Beating. ... We don't know for sure where the Mueller probe is
going, but don't dare say that out loud. Rolling
Stone  Democratic
Congressional Candidate Built Lucrative Career Spying on Left-Wing Activists.
... Patrick Ryan, a congressional candidate from New York, is leaning on
his experience as a small business entrepreneur to establish his readiness for
office, but he has curiously failed to mention the business he used to work in:
domestic surveillance. Intercept

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