OF NOVEMBER 9-11, 2018 Even
the FBI Thinks Police Have Links to White Supremacists but Dont Tell
the New York Times. ... The problem is that the framing of the New York Times
Magazine piece ignores the deep and historic links between policing and racism.
U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism.
Now They Dont Know How to Stop It. ... For two decades, domestic counterterrorism
strategy has ignored the rising danger of far-right extremism. In the atmosphere
of willful indifference, a virulent movement has grown and metastasized. NY
Times  The
Awful Reason Police Dont Go After Right-Wing Extremists. CounterPunch
unsettling connection between the military and white supremacy. The
Daily Dot  The
new acting attorney general wrote an op-ed slamming Robert Mueller. ... So much
for the rule of law. ThinkProgress
Following the Hungarian Model in Demonizing Refugees and Jews. CounterPunch
Speech at Homeland Security. CounterPunch

IN AMERICA America's
gun culture in 10 charts. BBC
US gun culture compares with the world in five charts. CNN
the Solution to Gun Violence in America? ... Parsing the robust (if seemingly
gridlocked) debate. The
Atlantic  |
Progressives Will Have to Fight Like Hell Against the Establishment. TruthDig
win of the House creates a dam that can block Trump's agenda. ... Republicans
expanded their majority in the Senate, but the Democrats win means they
can provide a legislative check on Trumps presidency for the first time.
are the 5 ways Democrats could manage not to screw this all up -- and win big
in 2020. RawStory
General has repeatedly refused to rule out prosecuting or jailing journalists.
Freedom Tracker  
8, 2018 ACLU
comment on Sessions resignation: Jeff Sessions was the worst attorney general
in modern American history."Make
Trump Great Again: Pelosi on Democra ts now running the House next year 'must
stand our ground' but will seek compromise with Trump. Chris
Hedges on Elections, Christian Fascists, and the Rot Within the American
System. Intercept  Has
America Gone Insane? ... What does United States
of America stand for nowadays if political division is at an all time high? Is
it still the land of the free if America has the highest rate of incarceration
in the world? Are we still the home of the brave if we refuse to stand up to injustice,
because it would compromise our pocketbook? This disconnection from reality is
the definition of psychosis. TruthDig
Psychosis The
Midterm Results Gave Everybody Just Enough to Keep Fighting. ... The failure to
deliver a knockout blow to Donald Trump will exacerbate tensions within the Democratic
Party, torn between its progressive and centrist wings. Intercept
Chomsky on Midterms: Republican Party Is the Most Dangerous Organization
in Human History DemocracyNow/Chomsky
Complete Collapse of Congress as a Democratic Institution. TruthDig
CIA Democrats: Part
One -
Two -
Three  Someone
Paid Thousands Of Foreigners 20 Cents Each To Hide HuffPosts Negative Coverage
Of A Democratic PAC. ... HuffPosts story about End Citizens United dropped
to the second page of Google search results from right near the top. HuffPost
the film the Israel Lobby didn't want you t o see. Electronic
Intifada  YouTube: Banned
Documentary part 1-2 of 4  Banded
Document ary part 3-4 of 4 
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps ... From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history
shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy
constitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration
seem to be taking them all Guardian
7, 2018 Georgia
Voters File Last-Minute Lawsuit to Stop Republican Brian Kemp From Counting Ballots
in His Own Race ... "It would be improper, unfair, and contrary to the due
process of law for Kemp to have the power to certify the winners of the 2018 elections."
Election Is Only Half the Battle: Challenges of Progressive Governance. TruthOut
Other Murderous Gulf. ... The disastrous regional adventurism and ruthless despotism
of Saudi Arabias crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has averted Washingtons
gaze from the UAEs own responsibility for the carnage that is roiling the
region. Carnegie
Endowment  US
rebuffs Europeans over ensuring Iran sanctions exempt food and medicine. ... British,
French and German ambassadors jointly tried to persuade US to outline how humanitarian
supplies could be guaranteed. Guardian

only thing Trump seems to fear is running out of fear itself. ... The economy
is booming but it is less Morning in America, more Recurring Nightmare. Truly,
this is a Fox News election, Guardian
U.S. Militarys Empire of Secrecy. TruthDig

Scientists Risk Prison to Urge Climate Action. TruthDig
Ahead of Midterms, 'Rigged' Exposes GOP's 10-Year Effort To Sabotage Democracy
by Undermining Voting Rights. ... "The suppression of American voters is
something we thought our country had moved past, and yet here we are in the 21st
century still engaged in this battle over fundamental rights." CommonDreams

Turns On Fox News And Tells Aides To Make Whatever Theyre Saying A Law.
>>  ICE
Agent Decides He Wants Kids After Seeing Incredible Love And Devotion Of Parents
Begging Him Not To Take Their Child. Go
>>  Report:
Students Who Take Latin Have Better Chance Of Summoning Demon Later In Life. Go
>>  |
Supreme Court just agreed to hear a case that could nuke the separation of church
and state. ... Get ready for a whole lot more religious icons in government buildings.
Groups Are Recruiting Students to Target Teachers. When the threatening
letters started to arrive, Albert Ponce stopped letting his daughter touch the
mail. TruthDig
6, 2018 Democrats
will likely win the House, and *should* win the House, given traditional midterm
voting patterns. They will then exploit that to proclaim that they're doing really
well, are structurally sound, and no fundamental changes are needed to their collapsing
party. - Glen GreenwalsA
curious condition of a republic based roughly on the original Roman model is that
it cannot allow true political parties to share in government. What then is a
true political party: one that is based firmly in the interest of a class be it
workers or fox hunters. Officially we have two parties which are in fact wings
of a common party of property with two right wings. Corporate wealth finances
each. Since the property party controls every aspect of media they have had decades
to create a false reality for a citizenry largely uneducated by public schools
that teach conformity with an occasional advanced degree in consumerism. - Gore
vs. Scum. ... One-fourth of Democratic challengers in competitive House districts
in this weeks elections have backgrounds in the CIA, the military, the National
Security Council or the State Department. Nearly all candidates on the ballots
in House races are corporate-sponsored, with a few lonely exceptions such as Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, members of the Democratic Socialists of America
who are running as Democrats TruthDig/Hedges
centrists became everything they loathed and ridiculed about the left.
next decade is on the ballot in 2018 To reverse Republican gerrymandering,
Democrats must win key races this fall. Vox
Fear in the 11th Hour': Experts Warn Trump DOJ Poll Monitors Being Sent to Intimidate
Voters, Not Protect Them. ... "Attorney General Jeff Sessions does not have
his eyes set on voter suppression but is instead exploiting this moment to push
a false narrative about voter fraud.". CommonDreams
for American Democracy': It's 2018, in the Richest Nation on Earth, and Voting
Machines Still Distorting Elections. ... "Voting machines that flip votes
don't need to be hacked by a malicious foreign actor to undermine public confidence
in the integrity of our democracy. That's being done for Americans, by Americans."

Joseph Stiglitz: 'America should be a warning to other countries'. ... In his
lead-up to his Australian visit, the renowned economist warns of the triple threat
of rising inequality, the undermining of democracy and climate change. Guardian

and the Ballot. CounterPunch
Chomsky Argues the 'Revival of Hate' Fueled by Trump's Rhetoric Extends Back to
Ronald Reagan. ... "The roots lie in what has happened to the general population
over the past 40 years." AlterNet

of the Biggest Fraud Cases Ever': Trump Biographer David Cay Johnston Uncovers
Rudy Giuliani's Alleged Role In Massive $10 Billion Theft. ... The complaint is
aimed at uncovering the full details of Russian money flowing to various Trump
projects using so-called anonymous wealth companies. AlterNet

wants voters to think the US economy is booming - is it? ... From trade wars to
tax breaks, the administration is claiming credit for a booming economy ahead
of the midterm elections - could it help him win? --- But what kind of jobs have
been added? Wage growth has lagged behind jobs growth since the recession, suggesting
that the kinds of jobs the US is adding are lower-waged and that, thanks in part
of the decline of unions, employers still have the upper hand in pay negotiations
despite the tight labor market. Guardian
Racist Incitement': Trump Campaign Ads, Warn Critics, Easily Mistaken as Neo-Nazi
Propaganda. ... "This could be a video tweeted out from a far-right, neo-Nazi
group," tweeted journalist Mehdi Hasan. "But it was tweeted out by the
president of the United States." CommonDreams
5, 2018 Noam
Chomsky Explains How 'Criminally Insane' Republicans Quietly Filed 'The Most Evil
Document In History' ... The Republican philosophy seems to be "lets
rob while the planet burns, putting poor Nero in the shadows." AlterNet

be fooled by Trumps caravan rhetoric its much more profitable
to incarcerate migrants than to stop them at the border. ... The multibillion
dollar private immigration detention industry has spent millions lobbying the
president and congress to make sure that the government doesnt invest in
more efficient, effective and humane measures. Independent
Debate? Some Strategic Electoral Considerations. CounterPunch/Street
Chomsky: Members of Migrant Caravan Are Fleeing from Misery & Horrors Created
by the U.S. DemocracyNow
Transfer: New Name, Same Oil Spills and Violence Against Protesters. TruthOut
Freedom May Now Include Discrimination Against Jews and Muslims. ... South Carolina
governor Henry McMaster moved to protect Miracle Hill and other agencies that
want to to discriminate against Jews and others and continue to receive government
funding. ReWire
News  Can
ICE Legally Force Immigrants to Cheer for Donald Trump? Intercept

biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN ... The world
has two years to secure a deal for nature to halt a silent killer
as dangerous as climate change, says biodiversity chief. Guardian
never seen this': massive Canadian glaciers shrinking rapidly. ... Glaciers in
the Yukon territory are retreating even faster than expected in a warming climate,
scientists warn. Guardian
Rainforest Ecosystems. CounterPunch  Humanity
has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds. ... The huge
loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilization, say
the worlds leading scientists. Guardian
Capitalism Stokes the Far Right and Climate Catastrophe. TruthOut
Have Less Time Than We Thought': Alarming New Study Shows Oceans Have Retained
Far More Heat Than Previously Believed. ... "The planet warmed more than
we thought. It was hidden from us just because we didn't sample it right. But
it was there. It was in the ocean already." CommonDreams
UN Report Warns of Impending Catastrophe as World Warms, Glaciers Melt. TruthOut
EPA concludes communities dont have the right to know about potentially
toxic emissions. ... Industry supporters describe potentially toxic emissions
as "normal odors" from animal waste. ThinkProgress

Openly Fascist Bolsonaro as 'Like-Minded,' John Bolton Hails Brazilian Strongman
as Welcome Ally in Crushing Latin American Left. ... "This is frankly terrifying.
A wave of fascism is sweeping the globe, led by Trump and his malevolent, unhinged
cronies." CommonDreams
Bolsonaro: a Monster Engineered by Our Media, CounterPunch
is committing ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang it's time for the world to stand
up. ... Beijing needs to be held to account. On Tuesday, a UN meeting
provides other nations with that chance Guardian
READ: Writers
Under Surveillance - The FBI Files. Writers are dangerous. They have
ideas. The proclivity of writers for ideas drove the FBI to investigate many of
themto watch them, follow them, start files on them. Writers under Surveillance
gathers some of these files, giving readers a surveillance-state perspective on
writers including Hannah Arendt, Allen Ginsberg, Ernest Hemingway, Susan Sontag,
and Hunter S. Thompson. MIT
Endless Mendacity and the Dawn of American Fascism . TruthDig/Street
Internet Freedom Plummets as Governments Use Censorship and Surveillance to Quash
Dissent. ... New Freedom House analysis warns that the rising popularity of China's
model of controlling information online threatens democracy worldwide CommonDreams
How Obamas Normalization of the Brazil Coup Prefigured Trumpism. ... The
terms he has used to describe the impending Trump presidency are pretty much the
same ones his State Department used to condone Brazils putsch. The
Nation  Republicans
have their advertising strategy for 2018 locked down: Racism and sexism. Daily
Kos  The
Trump Economy Is Not What It Appears. TruthDig

Pentagon's Cunning Plot to Militarize the Economy. TruthDig
Americas Military-Industrial Base Is at Risk - And heres
what the White House is going to do about it. NY
Times  The
Insidious Myth of the Magical American Soldier. TruthDig
Militarys Justification for Sending Thousands of Troops to the Border Is
the Opposite of the Truth. Intercept
Sinister Reason the U.S. Persists in Waging Losing Wars. TruthDig
Glimpse Into the U.S. Warfare State Abyss TruthDig
Trump Making US Soldiers Props in Racist Border 'Stunt,' Veterans Call on Active-Duty
Troops to Refuse Orders to Deploy. ... "These extremely poor and vulnerable
people are desperate for peace. Who among us would walk a thousand miles with
only the clothes on our back without great cause?" CommonDreams
Love Affair With Violence in the Age of Fascist Nihilism. TruthOut/Giroux
1, 2018 The
Lessons for Western Democracies From the Stunning Victory of Brazils Jair
Bolsonaro. Intercept
Bolsonaro Threatens to Criminalize Protests, a New Resistance Movement Is Emerging
in Brazil. DemocracyNow
Handful of Billionaire Families Grab Nation's Wealth for Themselves, New Report
Details How Dynasties Rig US Economy. ... "Today's extreme wealth inequality
is perhaps greater than any time in American history. This is largely the result
of rapidly growing wealth dynasties and a rigged economy." CommonDreams
lawsuit depicts Trump family as a racketeering enterprise that defrauded
thousands of people: NYT. RawStory

Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President? ... A careful reading of court filings suggests
the special counsel hasnt been quiet. Far from it. Politico
Havens and Other Dirty Tricks Let U.S. Corporations Steal $180 Billion From the
Rest of the World Every Year. Intercept
is dead. Now lets repair our democratic institutions. ... Its never
been a more exciting time to support a bigger role for government. So, what to
nationalise? Or should we think even bigger? Guardian
a Neoliberal Society Cant Survive. CounterPunch

billionaires want: the secret influence of Americas 100 richest ... A new
study reveals how the wealthy engage in stealth politics: quietly
advancing unpopular, inequality-exacerbating, highly conservative policies. Guardian
Made More Money in 2017 Than Any Other Year in History. TruthOut

Turns On Fox News And Tells Aides To Make Whatever Theyre Saying A Law.
>>  ICE
Agent Decides He Wants Kids After Seeing Incredible Love And Devotion Of Parents
Begging Him Not To Take Their Child. Go
>>  Report:
Students Who Take Latin Have Better Chance Of Summoning Demon Later In Life. Go
>>  |
I live
among the neo-Nazis in eastern Germany. And its terrifying. ... Chemnitz
is the tip of an iceberg. Media equivocation and a failure to prosecute hate crimes
has made the far right stronger. Guardian

. . 
21, 2018 Its
Time for America to Reckon With the Staggering Death Toll of the Post-9/11 Wars.
Intercept  Trumps
Military Deployment to the US-Mexico Border Is Illegal. TruthOut
Oil v the planet is the fight of our lives. Democrats must choose a side. ...
The industry has political supremacy even in left-leaning states, but immediate
action can hold off an environmental state of emergency. Guardian
The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us.
Climate breakdown could be rapid and unpredictable. We can no longer tinker
around the edges and hope minor changes will avert collapse. Guardian

High School History Textbook Concludes With Little Blurb About Last 40 Years.
>>  New
Study Finds Reading Comprehension Down Amongst Dumb Fucks Perusing This Headline
>>  Trump
Hacks Through Thick Central American Jungle In Search Of Entirely New Ethnic Group
To Demonize. Go
>>  |
Global Extinction Rebellion Begins. TruthOut
Jazeera host corners Trump supporter on presidents lies like few American
journalists ever have. RawStory
evangelicals will never dump Trump but their power is shrinking as people
flee organized religion. RawStory
Reporter Maria Ressa on Dutertes Targeting of the Press & How Facebook
Aids Authoritarians. DemocracyNow
Immigrant Rights Group Sues ICE for Monitoring, Infiltrating & Hunting
Down Organizers. DemocracyNow
is the everyday mechanical mechanism that could define consciousness. ... It sounds
like something hippies might have dreamed up. AlterNet
Navigating our thoughts: Fundamental principles of thinking. ScienceDaily
20, 2018 Are
We About to Face Our Gravest Constitutional Crisis? ... Trump knows once
the Democrats control the House, they can subpoena the records of his administration,
....... Hes going to want to get this over with, even if it sparks
a constitutional crisis, while the Republicans still control the Congress. Theres
little doubt this will all come to a head before the Christmas holidays. TruthDig/Hedges
This  Pelosis
Deceptive Plan: Blocking any Tax Rise Could Rule Out Medicare-for-All and Bolstering
Social Security. CounterPunch
Tax Dollars At Work: On the Utterly Lunatic Chimera of "Mission Enhancing
Capabilities". CommonDreams

Doesnt Just Want to Dominate the MarketIt Wants to Become the Market.
... The company is a radically new kind of monopoly with ambitions that dwarf
those of earlier empires. The
Related: The Scam at the Heart of New Yorks Amazon Deal.
... New York is struggling with competing housing, education, and transit crises.
So why is it giving billions to a voracious mega-monopoly? The
Nation  Amazon
HQ2 Will Cost Taxpayers at Least $4.6 Billion, More Than Twice What the Company
Claimed, New Study Shows. The
Intercept  Amazon
headquarters auction another example of corporate welfare. Rabble
Amazons Long Game Is Clearer Than Ever. ... Why bother with these middling
steps in between? Lets just fast-forward to the inevitable Amazon-led oligarchy.
Stone  Amazon
Deal: New York Taxpayers Fund World Biggest Sex-Toy Retailer. CounterPunch
2014 interview of Trumps acting attorney general is beyond belief. ... It's
like he just started spouting random phrases he heard at a Federalist Society
convention. ThinkProgress
Trump and the Counterrevolutionary War. Intercept
the U.S. Postal Service: Here's the corrupt scheme to privatize a precious American
institution and why we have to stop it. ... It's yet another scheme to
tear down government's good works. AlterNet
19, 2018 The
War Over Words: Republicans Easily Defeat the Democrats. ... Republicans have
been winning the war over words for years. First, the hard core political
right wingers symbolically claimed the Bible and the American flag, turning them
upside down. To them the Bible meant anything but the Golden Rule and compassion
for the poor, so frequently noted in the Scriptures. They brandished
the flag as a patriotic symbol to gag dissent, as a bandanna for waging war crimes,
and as a fig leaf to hide the shame of their cruel domestic policies in the US CounterPunch/Nader

DNCS Lawsuit Against WikiLeaks Poses a Serious Threat to Press Freedom.

Department Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: WSJ. ... DOJ
expects to soon prosecute Assange, who has been living in London, reports The
Wall Street Journal. HuffPost
Lawyer Warns U.S. Charges Against Assange Endanger Press Freedom Worldwide. DemocracyNow

Speaks Out for Assange: 'If You Would Deny a Thing to Your Enemy, It Is Not a
Right'. ... "You cannot support the prosecution of a publisher for publishing
without narrowing the basic rights every newspaper relies on," says NSA whistleblower.
Dangerous Rush to Judgment Against Julian Assange. TruthDig
Wiki war: 3500 unpublished leaks destroyed forever as Assange hits out. The
Age  |
NYT Investigation:
How Facebook Used a Republican Firm to Attack Critics & Spread Disinformation.
Pelosi Problem Runs Deep. TruthDig
Adelsons gave $100 million to the GOP; now Miriam Adelson is getting the Medal
of Freedom, Daily
Kos Related:
Trumps blatantly political use of pardons and Medals of Freedom WaPo
Chaos: With Tory Government in Shambles, Jeremy Corbyn Demands Theresa May Withdraw
'Half-Baked' Brexit Deal. ... Labour leader warns Prime Minister's deal "risks
leaving the country in an indefinite halfway house without a real say." CommonDreams
of November 16-18, 2018 WEEKEND
READ - Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking review
God, space, AI, Brexit. ... This absorbing posthumous book draws
on essays, lectures, speeches and the questions the physicist was so often asked.
at $12.09 -
Book Depository  Justice
Department Says Its Preparing To Prosecute WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange:
WSJ. ... DOJ expects to soon prosecute Assange, who has been living in London,
reports The Wall Street Journal. HuffPost

beat Trump, House Democrats need to fight on policy, not just scandals. ... Trumps
weakness is policy. Can Democrats exploit it? Vox
Threat to Nancy Pelosis Speakership Is Suddenly Serious. ... Her antagonists
have her full attention. Slate
Help Democrats With 'Stiffening Their Spines,' New Indivisible Guide Details How
Trump Resistance Can Switch From Defense to Offense. ... "We can set the
legislative agenda with a bold progressive vision rooted in inclusion, fairness,
and justice. But none of this is automaticwe have to demand it of Congress."

of Creeping Fascism Are All Around Us. TruthDig/Street
Midterms Did Not Stop the March of Fascism, But We Can. TruthOut
hate crimes rise, a bill to combat the problem languishes in Congress. ... The
bill could help improve how much we know about the state of hate crimes in America.
Used a Bill About Wolves to Avoid a Vote on Yemen War. ... Republican leaders
in the House of Representatives undercut a bipartisan effort to end U.S. involvement
in Yemen by sneaking a measure that would kill an anti-war resolution into a vote
about wolves. Intercept
By Blocking Yemen Resolution, House GOP Is Abdicating Its Duty to Decide
War & Peace. DemocracyNow  In
the Wake of the Blue Wave: the Midterms, Recounts, and the Future of Progressive
Politics. CounterPunch
why you arent hearing about the civilians the U.S. is killing in Yemen.
... Under the Trump administration an increasing number of civilians are being
killed by U.S. drone strikes. ThinkProgress
15, 2018 Amazon's
Billion-Dollar Shakedown of America's Cities. TruthDig
Related: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Right about Amazons Corporate
Welfare. National
Review And
As Jeff Bezos Earns $191K Per Minute, Why Are NY & VA Giving Amazon
$3 Billion in Corporate Welfare? DemocracyNow

Incredible Victory: Opponents of Keystone XL Pipeline Praise Judicial Order
Blocking Construction. DemocracyNow
Justin Frank on Trumps God complex: He is erotically attached
to violence Author of Trump on the Couch suggests therapy:
Trump struggles against fear of his inner chaos, and needs help. Salon
are many new signs that Donald Trump is mentally deteriorating. ... It is hard
to avoid the idea that there is a pattern to all of this. AlterNet

latest strikes on Gaza were deliberate attempts to prolong the suffering of Palestinians
and the world has fallen for it. Independent
midterm results are challenging racism in America in ways you wouldnt think.
... Many of the decisions made during the midterms were more vital in their effect
on peoples lives than the choice of elected representative in Congress.
Don't be fooled. The midterms were not a bad night for Trump Republicans
lost many races, but they still held on to most of their positions. And Trump
will see that as a victory. Guardian
Pelosi Wants to Find Common Ground With Donald Trump. But Her Job
Right Now Is to Fight Fascism. Intercept
Probably Never Heard About These 500 Missing And Murdered Women. ... Native women
and girls disappear in life, data and the media, a new report argues. HuffPost

Millions in danger of food
insecurity due to severe Caribbean droughts. Science
14, 2018 Gaza
Is Already Unlivable: A Response to Israels Deadly Airstrikes Targeting
TV Station & Homes. DemocracyNow
Resist: Deploying Art to Oppose Militarism. TruthOut
Veterans taking action
against militarism and endless wars. About
Face  Should
We Do Away With Veterans Day Altogether? TruthDig
department whistleblower: Ryan Zinke hollowed out the agency. ... At first I kept
an open mind about Trumps interior secretary. But it soon became clear he
put the oil, gas and mining industry above our mission. Guardian

neuroscientist details the 14 distinct cognitive flaws that lead people to become
hard-core Trump supporters. ... These people would follow Trump off a cliff. AlterNet

Country Is on Track to Be Run by Billionaires' Kids. TruthDig

Finds Only 20% Of Seminary Graduates Go On To Become God Go
>>  United
States Sends Laos Bill For 80 Million Undetonated Bombs Still Left In Country
From Vietnam War Go
>>  Conservative
Floridian Enjoys Living Under Sharia Law More Than He Thought He Would Go
>>  |
Trump Declares War on Amazonia. ... When it comes to planetary carnage, Trump
(Amerikas president) is facing strong competition. Brazils new president
Jair Bolsonaro aka Tropical Trump will likely outdo Amerikas
destroy the EPA Trump. CounterPunch
Issues for Voters: Healthcare, Economy, Immigration. (Note: voters still don't
consider climate change as critical to survival) Gallup
13, 2018 Whos
the Real American Psycho?. NY
Times  Crucifying
Julian Assange. TruthDig/Hedges
Related: Killing
the Messenger: Truth in a Time of Universal Deceit. ... The murder of Jamal Khashoggi,
the case of Julian Assange, and freedom of the press CommonDreams
Service Serves the Ruling Class. ... One cannot serve both the one
percent and the 99 percent as their interests are at odds with each other. Although
many join for righteous reasons, actions speak louder than intentions. Actions
of the U.S. military has always been death, destruction, anguish of the working
class, and entitlements for the elites. When the ruling class benefits its
always at the expense of the poor. CounterPunch
of Shame: the Governments War on Military Veterans. For soldiers
serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, coming home is more lethal than being in combat.
- Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston. CounterPunch
Denounced for 'Cowardly' Attack After Late-Night Raid and Bombing of Gaza Kills
7 Palestinians. ... "Imagine if Palestinians crossed into Israel and killed
Israelis, all hell would break loose but Palestinians are expected to just accept
this." CommonDreams
History for Truthdiggers: Tragic Dawn of Overseas Imperialism. TruthDig
Iraq: the great cover-up. John
Pilger  Behind
Pentagon Efforts to Rewrite the Vietnam War. TruthDig
pastor details how he expects Trumps foreign policy to kick-start
the end times ... Nate Pyle also tells Newsweek that evangelicals appreciate
that Trump seems to prioritize protecting Christians religious liberties.

Operative Goons Are Trying to Pull Another Brooks Brothers Riot in
Floridas RecountBut So Far They Cant Get Inside the Door. ...
Efforts to pursue a complete count of the votes cast continue in south Florida,
in spite of GOP panic. AlterNet
12, 2018 Chris
Hedges on Elections, Christian Fascists, and the Rot Within the American
System. Intercept
Feinstein amendment doubles down on NDAA's assault on constitutional rights ...
While US government lawyers persist in defending the menacing Section 1021 in
court, a Senate initiative makes matters worse. Guardian
Feinstein-Lee NDAA Amendment Passes, But Is It Enough? New
American  and
Posse Comitatus Wiki
Democrats Are So Okay With Losing. CounterPunch
of white women continue to vote Republican. What's wrong with them? Some 53% of
white women voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election the
real story of white women voters is both more grim and more complex than the figure
reveals Guradian
Million Killed by America's Global War on Terror 'Just Scratches the Surface'
of Human Destruction. ... "This new body count signals that, far from diminishing,
the war is only intensifying." CommonDreams
of the World Does Not Like U.S. Foreign Policy. ... But disregard for world opinion
- as well as the opinion of the U.S. citizenry - defines the U.S. government.
Veteran Trains White Supremacists in Military Tactics. ... Patriot Front formed
after Charlottesville, and leaked messages reveal members are getting trained
like theyre in boot camp. Daily
Beast  Democratic
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: We Need to Confront Trumps Creeping
Authoritarianism. DemocracyNow
'Loud and Clear' Rebuke of Factory Farming, California Passes World's 'Strongest
Animal Welfare Law'. ... While some animal rights advocates argue Proposition
12 won't prevent routine cruelty, its passage "clearly shows pro-animal-rights
voter sentiment." CommonDreams



to DEC. 2, 2018 Weekend
Read: Brief
History of Neoliberalism - by David Harvey. ... Neoliberalism - the doctrine
that market exchange is an ethic in itself, capable of acting as a guide for all
human action - -has become dominant in both thought and practice throughout much
of the world since 1970 or so. Writing for a wide audience, David Harvey, ...
tells the political-economic story of where neoliberalization came from and how
it proliferated on the world stage. Powell's
for Trump Labor Secretary to Resign After 'Jaw-Dropping' and 'Enraging' Story
About a Sweetheart Deal for Billionaire Pedophile. ... "It is horrifying
that Acosta would be a member of good society again, let alone in the line of
succession to the presidency." CommonDreams
He was over 50.- They were little girls. - Their stories were almost identical.
- The evidence was substantial. Miami
Herald  Ralph
Nader: Congress Belongs to Corporate Autocrats. TruthDig/Nader
National Climate Assessment Global
Summary  To
Tackle Climate Crisis, Says Bernie Sanders, US Must 'Be Bold and Aggressive in
Standing Up to Greed of Fossil Fuel Industry' ... "We have got to rally the
American people. The scientific community has made it 100 percent clear... this
is a major crisis facing this country and our planet." CommonDreams
analysis of solar and wind should put the natural gas industry on notice. ...
Renewables to capture two-thirds of the $10 trillion the world will invest in
new generation through 2040. ThinkProgress

Assange Faces Federal Charges. But Lets Not Forget What Weve Learned
From WikiLeaks.... As the U.S. reportedly closes in on Julian Assange, a look
back at WikiLeaks biggest stories. HuffPost

Why You Should Care About the Julian Assange Case. ... Forget Jim Acosta. If youre
worried about Trumps assault on the press, news of a Wikileaks indictment
is the real scare story. Rolling
and Ecuador Conspire to Deliver Julian Assange to U.S. Authorities. TruthDig

Politics of the Viciousness: the US After the Midterms. CounterPunch
Chomsky: How the US Politically Vulgarizes Genocide and War Crimes.
... The US has never used the terms genocide or war crimes to define its own historical
and current actions. TruthOut
Chomsky Turns 90: How a U.S. Anarchist Has More Than Survived. CounterPunch
nonprofit with obscure roots and undisclosed funders paid Matthew Whitaker $1.2
million. Washington
Post  Trump
has only distributed a fraction of promised bailout funds for farmers hurt by
tariffs. ... Less than $900 million of a $12 billion bailout program has actually
been given to U.S. producers. ThinkProgress
Americas Perpetual Warfare Abroad Is Fueling an Increase in White Supremacist
Violence in U.S. DemocracyNow
Arabia accused of torturing womens rights activists with electric shocks
and flogging. ... President Trump did not respond to these developments, but did
thank Saudi for lower oil prices. ThinkProgress

Neo-Nazis in Canadas Military. CounterPunch
of Migrant Caravan Are Fleeing from Misery & Horrors Created by the U.S. DemocracyNow
how the philosophers of selfishness came to use Christianity as their cover story.
... The gospel of selfishness in American Christianity. AlterNet
von Obamenburg, Herr Donald, and Big Capitalist Hypocrisy: On How Fascism Happens.
28, 2018 It
Is Possible Paul Manafort Visited Julian Assange. If True, There Should Be Ample
Video and Other Evidence Showing This. Intercept
Never Met Manafort. Luke Harding and the Guardian Publish Still More Blatant MI6
Lies. Craig
Murray  New
Law Could Give U.K. Unconstitutional Access to Americans Personal Data,
Human Rights Groups Warn. Intercept
chief targets WikiLeaks and Julian Assange as hostile, vows to take
action. McClatchy
predicted this wave of right-wing domestic terrorism. Republicans tanked the report.
... Then-Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) blasted Janet Napolitano for insulting "American
citizens who disagree with the direction Washington Democrats are taking our nation."

Hitlergate Hearings. Go
>>  Facebook
Just Filled With Crazy Idiots Now. Go
>>  Jimmy
Kimmel Tricks Trump Fans Into Believing Hes Deporting Statue Of Liberty.
>>  |
Visiting Brazils Lula in Prison, Noam Chomsky Warns Against Disaster
Under Jair Bolsonaro. DemocracyNow

new foreign minister believes climate change is a Marxist plot. ... Ernesto Araújo
has called climate science dogma and bemoaned the criminalisation
of red meat, oil and heterosexual sex. Guardian  Friends
of the Israel Defense Forces Gala Raises Record $60 Million for Soldiers. Variety
Counterinsurgency Paradigm: How U.S. Politics Have Become Paramilitarized. Intercept
Times for American Liberalism. CounterPunch

The Destruction of Higher Education Today. CounterPunch
Revenge: From Vegetarianism to Nazi Animal Rights. CounterPunch
no such thing as humane meat or eggs. Stop kidding yourself. Guardian
27, 2018 Neoliberalism's
Dark Path to Fascism . ... Neoliberalism as economic theory was always an absurdity.
It had as much validity as past ruling ideologies such as the divine right of
kings and fascisms belief in the Übermensch. None of its vaunted promises
were even remotely possible. TruthDig
Counterinsurgency Paradigm: How U.S. Politics Have Become Paramilitarized. Intercept
Chomsky: The Future of Organized Human Life Is At Risk Thanks to GOPs Climate
Change Denial. DemocracyNow
as Usual: Washingtons Regime Change Strategy in Venezuela. CounterPunch
Chomsky destroys criminally insane Trump administration. ... Its
as if were kind of like the proverbial lemmings just happily marching off
the cliff." AlterNet
Senator Nikema Williams: Black, Female and Under Arrest. Greg
Palast  Heil
Trump': Members of the Alt-Right Are Looking Forward to a Whiter America. ...
The alt-right's premiere think tank held a conference over the weekend to hose
some of the most famous white supremacists in the world. This is what they said.
Religion and Sports Have Captivated the Working Class. Why Hasnt Socialism?
Pepper Spray at Children Okay, Former CBP Deputy Chief Tells Fox News, Because
'You Could Actually Put It on Your Nachos and Eat It'. ... "The layers of
racism encapsulated in this short clip is extraordinary." CommonDreams
Price for Criticizing Israel. Consortium
this House is alarmed by the election of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro as
Brazil's president; notes his support for the former dictatorship in Brazil and
his remarks that it should have killed tens of thousands of more people; further
notes his statements in favour of torture and extrajudicial police killings; expresses
its deep concern over his recent remarks for a purge of political rivals in a
cleansing the likes of which has never been seen in Brazilian history; rejects
his threatening remarks against working class organisations, women, Brazil's large
black population, homeless people, the LGBT community and non-governmental organisations;
notes that the former President Lula was favourite to win the presidential election
until he was jailed and barred from standing in a move condemned by the UN Human
Rights Committee; notes that Judge Moro who carried out that investigation into
Lula has, since the election, accepted appointment by Bolsonaro to be Brazil's
Minister of Justice; calls for Lula's release; and expresses its support with
Brazilians defending democracy, human rights and social progress |

26, 2018
March to Disaster: Noam Chomsky Condemns Trump for Pulling Out of Landmark Nuclear
Arms Treaty. DemocracyNow
US military prepares for global combat while still trapped in a Middle
Eastern quagmire of its own creation. ... "It is often said that, in an Orwellian
sense, every nation needs an enemy to unite and discipline its population."
of War: 17 Years After 9/11, Nearly Half a Million People Have Died in Global
War on Terror DemocracyNow
Ellsberg: The Cold War Was Based on a Lie. TruthDig
Americas Perpetual Warfare Abroad Is Fueling an Increase in White Supremacist
Violence in U.S. DemocracyNow
History for Truthdiggers: A Savage 'War to End All Wars,' and a Failed Peace.
... America wasnt supposed to get in the war. When the country finally did,
it was to be a war to end all wars, to make the world safe for
democracy, one in which, for once, the Allies would seek peace without
victory. How powerful was the romantic and idealistic rhetoric of Woodrow
Wilson, Americas historian and political scientist turned president. None
of that came to pass, of course. No, just less than three years after the outbreak
of the Great War in August 1914, the working classes of the United States would
join those of Europe in a grinding, gruesome, attritional fight to the finish.
In the end, some 116,000 Americans would die alongside about 9 million soldiers
from the other belligerent nations. TruthDig
Apec drama, China is winning the fight for the Pacific, step by patient step. ...
The US and its would-be allies, including Australia, lack a coherent, joined-up
plan to counter Beijings growing sway. Guardian
the new House Dems take on the War Lobby? CounterPunch

Like Us: the Violent Theft of Land and Capital is at the Core of the U.S. Experiment.
CounterPunch  Corporate
PACs Took A Beating In The Election. Now They Want More Power. ... Courting Democrats
and veteran journalists is part of their strategy. HuffPost
OF NOVEMBER 23-25, 2018 sWhere
are the voices of indigenous peoples in the Thanksgiving story? ... As we consider
history and its place in our schools, it is important to ask: how do state-mandated
history standards represent indigenous peoples in social studies education? AlterNet

Thanksgiving, The Trump Administration Is Taking Land From The Tribe That Welcomed
The Pilgrims. ... The Pilgrims would have died without the Wampanoags help.
But Trump and his administration are arguing that the tribe is not Indian enough
to keep its reservation status. HuffPost
Disgrace': When No One Looking, White House Plans to Dump Major Climate Report
on Black Friday. ... The administration just announced Wednesday that the National
Climate Assessment Volume II would be released Friday afternoon. CommonDreams
GOP Once More Running Economy Into the Ground, Time to Start Worrying About the
Next Crash. ... Ten years after the start of the Great Recession, its important
to understand that the real root of the collapse wasnt a banking crisis.
It was the growing imbalance between consumer spending and total output
brought on by stagnant wages and widening inequality. CommonDreams
Biggest Threat to Free Speech No One Is Talking About. Truthdig
Documents Reveal Health Care Industry Battle Plan Against Medicare for All.
Revenge: From Vegetarianism to Nazi Animal Rights. CounterPunch
List of famous vegetarians Wiki  Break
up Facebook (and while we're at it, Google, Apple and Amazon). ... Big tech has
ushered in a second Gilded Age. We must relearn the lessons of the first, writes
the former US labor secretary. Guardian

Georgia nightmare: This woman was jailed for 4 months for possessing cotton candy.
... Cops said their roadside drug test said it was meth. Its far from the
only time the cops or the test has been wrong. AlterNet
22, 2018 Noam
Chomsky: Moral Depravity Defines US Politics. TruthOut
Amoral Saudi Statement Is a Pure Expression of Decades-Old U.S. Values
and Foreign Policy Orthodoxies. Intercept
on Cue, Saudi Foreign Minister Uses Trump's Remarks to Legitimize Kingdom's Denials
About Khashoggi Murder. ... "We have the president of the United States saying
the reports of the CIA report are not accurate," said Saudi Foreign Minister
Adel al-Jubier. CommonDreams
Arabia accused of torturing womens rights activists with electric shocks
and flogging. ... President Trump did not respond to these developments, but did
thank Saudi for lower oil prices. ThinkProgress
. Netanyahus
Ceasefire is Meant to Keep Gaza Imprisoned. CounterPunch
Really Leading the Democratic Rebellion Against Pelosi? TruthDig
Mainstream Media Is Lying About the California Fires. TruthDig
Indictment of Julian Assange Is a Threat to Press Freedom. ... If the First Amendment
means anything, it is the right to obtain public-interest information from impure,
indeed hopelessly tainted, sources. The
Nation  Journalist
James Risen: Trump Is Attacking Free Press 'In a Way We Haven't Seen in Modern
American History'. ... "I think the Acosta incident is... a symbol of an
attempt to discredit not only CNN but the entire press corps." CommonDreams
lane now?: Internet slams NRA for shooting at Mercy Hospital after
they told doctors to stay in their lane
RawStory  Donald
Trumps fascist politics and the language of disappearance. ... Trumps
language seems buffoonish, but hes no clown. His rhetoric is meant to destroy
thought and democracy. Salon/Giroux

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