OF OCTOBER 19-21, 2018 Weekend
Read: The Rats Revolt ...There is no American who has fought with
more tenacity, courage and integrity to expose the crimes of corporate power and
to thwart the corporate coup détat that has destroyed our democracy
than Ralph Nader. Not one. TruthDig/Hedges
Book website here  How
to make a can -
the Mainstream Media Aren't Telling You About Jamal Khashoggi. TruthDig
Arabia Financed the Killers of American Troops I Commanded. TruthDig
the Heart of Global Woes, 157 of World's 200 Richest Entities Are Now Corporations,
Not Governments. ... From massive inequality to the climate crisis, these powerful
corporations "are able to demand that governments do their bidding"
CommonDreams  Democratic
Autopsy: One Year Later. ... Progressive momentum could lead to historic breakthroughs
in the midterms and beyond. Realizing such potential will require transforming
and energizing the Democratic Party. The
Nation  Robert
Reich: The Economy Is in Much Worse Shape Than It Looks. TruthDig
Trump Vows "A Lot of Cutting" After Midterms, Americans Urged to Protect
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid at the Voting Booth. ... With Trump's
support, the GOP "has spent the last two years doing everything they can
to reach onto our pockets, steal our money, and give it to their pay masters on
Wall Street." CommonDreams
Giant Corporations Behind Your Burgers And Milk Have A Terrifying Climate Secret.
,,, Together, five companies have a climate footprint bigger than Exxon, Shell
or BP, but we dont talk about it. HuffPost

Laws Increasingly Used to Target Indigenous Activists. TruthOut
Facebook Shows Off Its "Election War Room," A Massive WhatsApp Scandal
Hits Brazil. ... The timing of Facebook's announcement throws into question how
serious the company is about actually fighting misinformation in Brazil's election.
FBI Whistleblower Terry Albury Faces Sentencing, His Lawyers Say He Was Motivated
by Racism and Abuses at the Bureau. Intercept
18, 2018
Trail of Clues in the Disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. NY
Times  Jamal
Elshayyal: Response to Khashoggis Death Will Determine Future of Saudi Arabia
& Middle East. DemocracyNow
Post told lobbyist: Quit working for Saudis or stop writing for us. Politico
Lebanon -- This summer, Saudi Arabia promised the Trump administration $100 million
for American efforts to stabilize areas in Syria liberated from the Islamic State.
... That money landed in American accounts on Tuesday, the same day
that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo landed in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, for discussions
with the kingdoms leaders about the fate of a missing Saudi dissident. ...
Rest of the story here: Jamal Khashoggis Disappearance: What We Know
and Dont Know. NY
Times  Saudi
Arabia Delivers $100 Million Pledged to U.S. as Pompeo Lands in Riyadh. NY
Times  The
Trump era is full of cruelty without consequence. Washington
Post  Jamal
Khashoggi Wasnt the First Saudi Arabia Has Been Going After Dissidents
Abroad for Decades. Intercept
rampaging anger will not silence questions about Jamal Khashoggi. Washington
Post  When
Saudi Arabias Credibility is Damaged, So is Americas. CounterPunch/Cockburn

As U.S.-Backed War in Yemen Raged, UAE Hired U.S. Mercenaries to Kill Yemeni Leaders.
History of Crushing Dissent: Before Khashoggi, Saudis Targeted Feminists Demanding
Right to Drive. DemocracyNow
Israels - and Americas - Legal Justifications for Assassinations Dont
Add Up. ... The expansion of legal rules around targeted killings by the United
States is one of the most consequential legacies of the post-9/11 era. Under both
the Bush and Obama administrations, the U.S. government arrogated itself broad
rights to kill individuals far from any battlefield. Intercept
To Sue Department Of Education For Information On Issue Of Arming Teachers They
want to know if the NRA had a hand in the agencys decision to allow schools
to use federal funds to buy guns. HuffPost

BAIT Trump
Administration Urges Saudis To Stick To Killing Random Yemeni Civilians. Go
Admit Journalist Khashoggi Died During Botched Assassination Attempt. Go
>  ICE
Agent Terrified After Becoming Separated From Team During Immigrant Raid. Go
>  |
Is Authoritarian by Design. TruthDig/Street
17, 2018 Political
Violence Surges in Brazil as Far-Right Strongman Jair Bolsonaro Inches Closer
to the Presidency. Intercept
the First Republic under threat. Thomas
Piketty  The
Washington Post, as it Shames Others, Continues to Pay and Publish Undisclosed
Saudi Lobbyists and Other Regime Propagandists. Intercept
Couldn't Make This Up': A Bunch of Mops, Cleaners, and Trash Bags Delivered to
Saudi Consulate Ahead of Khashoggi Murder Probe. ... As one reporter joked, "the
way to preserve the integrity of a possible crime scene and bolster confidence
in the investigation is to bring in a bunch of cleaners through the front door
before the detectives arrive." CommonDreams
Saudi Political Prisoner: Khashoggis Disappearance Is Sending a Gruesome
Message to Critics. DemocracyNow
Meddles in the 2018 Midterm Elections. CounterPunch
Accused of 'Full-Frontal Suppression of Dissent' After Independent Media Swept
Up in Mass Purge. ... The massive shutdown affected many progressive sites devoted
to covering war, police brutality, and other issues neglected by the corporate
media. CommonDreams
Warned That Trump's "Horrifying" Medicaid Pick Hired With "Express
Purpose to Dismember" Program. ... Mary Mayhew "destroyed Medicaid in
Maine now she will destroy it in the whole country." CommonDreams
Former Maine DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew Appointed As Federal Medicaid
Director. Maine
Public  Mitch
McConnell Eyes Entitlements After Tax Cuts Failed to Pay for Themselves. ... Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the budget deficit "disturbing."
16, 2018 American
History for Truthdiggers: Lies We Tell Ourselves About the Old West. ... They
[the Sioux Indians] are to be treated as maniacs or wild beasts and by no means
as people. Gen. John Pope, in instructions to his officers during
an Indian war in Minnesota (1862). TruthDig
Is Captive to Its 'Destructive Process' . TruthDig/Hedges
Saudi Atrocities in Yemen are a Worse Story Than the Disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi.
Lawmaker Rips Mic From Democratic Candidates Hands During Debate. ... When
he was done talking, Rep. Duane Quam just tossed the mic in front of her. HuffPost

Official Caught Purging Tens of Thousands of Black Voters from His Own Election
for Governor. ... Running for governor against a black woman, Brian Kemp has instituted
a new voter verification system that just happens to flag a lot of black voters.
in Confinement. ... Gruesome Footage of Dairy Calves Exposes a Gaping Loophole
in Californias Landmark Animal Welfare Law. Intercept
Aggressive Plans to Stifle Democracy. Trump's administration is aggressively
pushing measures to restrict public protest and citizen participation. TruthOut
Officials Arent Supposed to Associate With Hate Groups. So Why Are These
Generals Speaking at Frank Gaffneys Confab? Intercept
Every Member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Still Takes Corporate PAC
Money. Intercept
Pesticide and Banking Monopolies Not Immigrants Are Destroying Farm
Country. An Iowa Insurgent Hopes That Message Can Dethrone Steve King. Intercept
15, 2018 When
following the news on the Main Stream Media (MSM), or better described as
Lame Stream Media (LSM), always keep in mind those talking head "experts",
"consultants", or "analyst" are probably not what they seem.
MSM/LSM news outlets bring on paid consultants to explain the story of the day.
Some are x-government officials, associated with one political party or the other,
corporate shills or military water-boys. For
example: The Washington Post has writers on staff who write news articles, OpEd,
and opinions and may even appear on TV as experts on particular issues. Their
job is to control the conversation on behalf of their clients In
the case of WaPo, two of those paid staff members are Ed Rogers and Carter Eskew
who do work for the Saudi government. Eskew
is Founder and Managing director of probably the biggest Saudi lobbyist firm,
Glover Park. Glover
Park was founded by Clinton aides, Joe Lockhart, Carter Eskew and others. Glover
Park firm is all about steering "... the conversation where our
client needs it to go. Ed
Rogers is a paid registered agent of the Saudi government. He works for the BGR
Group. Rogers has a new contract worth $80,000/month. But
wait, there's more: - Here
is the 10-person lobbying team Saudi Arabia hired at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck.
This crew costs $125,000/month - it includes former top aids to Senators &
Congressman of both parties, ambassadors, & even a former RNC head: 1
- Zach Pflster, former senior staffer for Representative Larry Kissell
(D-NC), Representative Brad Ellsworth (D-IN), & for Senator Evan Bayh 2
- Elizabeth Gore, former chief of staff for Senator Byron Dorgan, North
Dakota 3
- Alfred E. Mottur, Hilary Clinton fundraisers, former Senior Staffer to
Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) 4
- Greta Joynes, former deputy chief of staff and legislative director for
Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) 5
- Milan Dalal, former senior economic advisor to Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) 6
- David Cohen, former chief of staff at the US Customs Service 7
- Kenneth Khachigian, former National Senior Adviser to John McCain, former
chief Speechwriter and Senior White House Advisor to President Reagan 8
- Robert James Nicholson, former Chairman of the RNC, former Ambassador
to the Vatican, and former Secretary of Veterans Affairs 9
- Marc S. Lampkin, former senior advisor to House Speaker John A. Boehner 10
- Martha Ann Burke, former assistant to the Saudi Ambassador to the US
Carter Eskew Bonus point: Eskew just wrote a piece in the WaPo about how 'medicare
for all' is not feasible while representing healthcare giants -like CVS
Health- through the Glover Park Group. The relation between Eskew, GPG and the
healthcare industry were undisclosed, of course.
May Be A SOB But He's Our SOB - FDR OUR
SAUDI S.O.B. Saudi
Arabia Wants Trump And Congress To Forget Jamal Khashoggi. Heres Its Likely
Playbook. ... Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, implicated in the journalists
potential murder, could blunt criticism using the most sprawling foreign influence
campaign in the U.S. today. HuffPost
Update: Saudi
Arabia Rejects Trump Comments, Threatens Retaliation For Any Punishment ... The
comments come the day after Trump warned of severe punishment. HuffPost

NSAs New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabias Brutal State Police. Intercept
New Arab Winter - The U.S. has helped nurture a new generation of Mideast dictators,
and Jamal Khashoggis disappearance is just the latest result. Slate
Friedman Reaps What He Sows: the Disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. CounterPunch
to Trump: Beware Saudi Arabia's reckless crown prince. Washington
Post  Trump
Says He Doesnt Like Jamal Khashoggi Disappearance, Wont
Stop Saudi Arms Sales. ... The president also told Fox & Friends
that U.S.-Saudi relations are excellent. HuffPost
The Stunning Rise of Brazils Far Right and What It Shows About Western Democracies.
of hate': bitter election brings wave of political violence to Brazil. ... Supporters
of presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, who is leading i Trump
poses the single greatest threat to our climate, bombshell UN report
makes clear Trump team approves landmark climate report -- and then rejects
it. ThinkProgress

Largest ICE Detention Center in the Country, Guards Called Attempted Suicides
Failures Intercept
Deceptive Contrast Between Trump and Kavanaugh. ... Last week, the impetuous President
and the thoughtful Supreme Court nominee seemed very different, but they share
an agenda for the country. New
Yorker  How
Trump Voters View the President Now. TruthDig
hints that he plans to seriously obstruct justice after the midterms. ... "I
want to get the elections over with, we'll see what happens." ThinkProgress
Feinstein Finally Agrees to Debate Senate Challenger, While Ensuring
Almost No One Watches It. Intercept
aren't united against Kavanaugh. That's a dangerous myth. ... Women
arent a singular demographic. There are myriad differences between us
and ignoring that is harmful for our politics. Guardian
Vile hatred, hero worship': Christine Blasey Ford faces an unsettling
future. ... Ford has faced aggression and ridicule, as well as support and admiration,
and the glare of unwanted notoriety is unlikely to fade anytime soon. Guardian
of October 12-14, 2018 Weekend
Read: Thoughtful Pause: A Political Philosophy - by Michael G. Who could
have ever envisioned this 67 page book full of laser-beam wisdom and insights
by a former college baseball player, U.S. army careerist, former CIA officer in
the Far East, and corporate development executive? Niccolo Machiavelli, Mark Twain,
Thomas Paine, and Will Rogers would have wanted to review these hundreds of memorable
observations - so timely in todays world. Even
in the darkest of times we have the right to some illumination. Hannah Arendt
Kavanaugh and the Path to Neoliberal Fascism. TruthOut/Giroux
Jason Stanley on Trump and the Rise of Fascism Across the Globe. TruthOut/DN!
Democrats and Socialism CounterPunch
Khalidi: From Iran to Palestine, Nikki Haley Put a Nice Face on Trumps Horrific
U.S. Policies. DemocracyNow
most memorable moments of Nikki Haleys run as UN ambassador. ... She wasn't
there for long, but, oh boy, did Ambassador Haley leave an impression. ThinkProgress
The Shameless Opportunism of Nikki Haley. TruthDig
Friedman Reaps What He Sows: the Disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi. CounterPunch
Trump Voters View the President Now. TruthDig
Feinstein Finally Agrees to Debate Senate Challenger, While Ensuring
Almost No One Watches It. Intercept
aren't united against Kavanaugh. That's a dangerous myth. ... Women
arent a singular demographic. There are myriad differences between us
and ignoring that is harmful for our politics. Guardian
Vile hatred, hero worship': Christine Blasey Ford faces an unsettling
future. ... Ford has faced aggression and ridicule, as well as support and admiration,
and the glare of unwanted notoriety is unlikely to fade anytime soon. Guardian

Lawmaker Rips Mic From Democratic Candidates Hands During Debate. ... When
he was done talking, Rep. Duane Quam just tossed the mic in front of her. HuffPost

The Stunning Rise of Brazils Far Right and What It Shows About Western Democracies.
Official Caught Purging Tens of Thousands of Black Voters from His Own Election
for Governor. ... Running for governor against a black woman, Brian Kemp has instituted
a new voter verification system that just happens to flag a lot of black voters.
11, 2018 The
Link Between Human Trafficking and Dirty Energy in Minnesota. TruthOut
Donald Trump weaponizes confusion: Now he wants to blame Russia scandal on Obama Lacking
any convincing explanation, the president veers between claiming hoax
and false claims about Obama. Salon
New Missile Defense System in Syria May Change Balance of Power in Middle East.
Media Is Beating the Drum of War With Iran. TruthDig
America. TruthDig/Hedges

Girls and Cyberwars. Craig
Murray  Brazils
Bolsonaro-Led Far Right Wins a Victory Far More Sweeping and Dangerous Than Anyone
Predicted. Its Lessons Are Global. Intercept
International finance markets and neoliberal monsters like the WSJ Editorial Page
& CNBC are coalescing behind (Brazil president hopeful) Bolsonaro because
- as they proved over and over - they've always been willing to sacrifice huge
numbers of Latin American lives for marginally increased profits. U.S.
Student Detained in Israel for Alleged Boycott Support. TruthDig
Men Staged A Peaceful Protest Against Fracking. The U.K. Jailed Them. ... Its
a strange society that massively rewards the fossil fuel companies responsible
for causing more climate change while jailing the campaigners trying to stop it.
(Oct 3, 2018) Direct Action and the British State. Craig
CEO Depressed After Realizing Earth Could End Before They Finish Extracting All
The Oil. Go
> Returning
Jesus Christ Downed By U.S. Missile Defense 30,000 Feet Before Making Landfall
> I
May Not Agree With Everything Trump Says, But Its My Duty As An American
To Repeat All Of His Talking Points Basically Verbatim. Go
> | 
10, 2018 It
would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people,
women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds, ... Those rights
only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott,
rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice. .... Equal
Justice Before the Law, have always been a sham. - Howard Zinn Historian
Howard Zinn Warned Us About the Supreme Court. TruthDig
Bolsonaro-Led Far Right Wins a Victory Far More Sweeping and Dangerous Than Anyone
Predicted. Its Lessons Are Global. Intercept
Eroding Democracy: Rise of Far-Right Demagogue Follows Ouster of Dilma & Jailing
of Lula. DemocracyNow
Saudi Murder of Washington Post Columnist Prompts Calls to Halt U.S. Relations
with Regime. DemocracyNow
in the House of Saud. CounterPunch/Cockburn
have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN. ... Urgent changes
needed to cut risk of extreme heat, drought, floods and poverty, says IPCC. Guardian
UN Climate Report Dims Hope For Averting Catastrophic Global Warming. ... Keeping
temperatures from rising beyond the Paris agreements ambitious target will
require unprecedented social changes. HuffPost
