11, 2019 Why
Is Christopher Steele Still a Thing? ... The ex-spy and infamous dossier
author posits yet another elaborate theory of foreign infiltration. RollingStone Related:
From 2014 - How
Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations.
Exclusive: Post Testimony Interview with Randy Credico. Craig
Murray  House
GOP Lawyer Tried to Out Whistleblower in Bill Taylor Interview. ... The counsel
specifically dropped the alleged whistleblowers name during the deposition.
Taylor said he didnt know him. DailyBeast
GOP sinks lower and outs purported whistleblower RawStory
Epsteins injuries look more like murder than suicide, noted pathologist
says. Miami
NSO Group / Q Cyber Technologies
Over One Hundred New Abuse Cases Citizen
Lab  The
Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians that Nobody is Talking About. CounterPunch
Between Trump and Military-Diplomatic Establishment Is Full of Hypocrisy. ...We
are living in a political world that seems turned on its head, with Democrats
voting to stay in Syria and Republicans wanting to get out but neither
side is getting it right. TRNN

protecting Syrias Idlib, the US created a safe haven for Baghdadi and ISIS.
... With the killing of ... al-Baghdadi, the shoddy narrative pushed by US government
officials and regime change propagandists about Idlib was blown to pieces as well.
GrayZone  Is
Trump Saving Those Syrian Oil Fields for the Russians? ... Trump is thinking,
and saying, he can make a buckor anyway his MAGA government can make a buckby
holding on to those fields. DailyBeast
oil: Trump's latest Syria strategy under question. Yahoo
News  FACT
CHECK: President Trump's Plans For Syrian Oil. NPR
like they finally found some spies on Twitter. Turns out they
were working fo the Saudis not the Russians. Whoops. (Say, wasn't that were
the hijackers on 9/11 came from? Just say'n) It
Happens Over and Over and Over and Over': Keystone Pipeline Leaks (at Least) 383,000
Gallons of Crude Oil in North Dakota. ... "History has shown us time and
again that there is no safe way to transport fossil fuels, and pipelines are no
exception." CommonDreams
in Fire: Californias Lessons for a Green New Deal. Intercept
the Generals Speak Up? TruthDig
Bullwinkle: Big money and controversy surround Western trophy hunts. ... Wealthy
hunters pay top dollar for desired hunts, padding Fish and Game budgets and prodding
resistance. HCN
OF NOVEMBER 8-10, 2019 Weekend
Read: Goliath - The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy - by Matt
Stoller. A startling look at how concentrated financial power
and consumerism transformed American politics, resulting in the emergence of populism
and authoritarianism, the fall of the Democratic Partywhile also providing
the steps needed to create a new democracy. Indie
Assange in Kangaroo Court. TruthDig
The Bernie Sanders Interview. Intercept Clip
from MSNBC (or MSDNC) who is missing from this graphic?  Bernie
Sanders' Campaign Accuses Mainstream Media of Erasure TruthDig
Have Declared All-Out War on Sanders and Warren. TruthDig
Media Pro-Johnson Propaganda Gets Into Full Swing. Craig
Murray  The
Persistent Influence of Trumps Shadow Adviser Erik Prince. The
Cant Break With Trump While They Invest in Voter Suppression. TruthOut
to purge over 300,000 voters from rolls ahead of 2020 election. Independent
groups worry efforts to purge voters are targeted attacks to suppress legal access
to ballot. ... Theyre trying to impeach us: What faith leaders
told Trump behind closed doors McClatchy
an Occupy ICE Activist and DACA Recipient Was Deported for Tweeting. Intercept
Group Threatens Suit Over 'Unconscionable Handout to Polluters' as EPA Attacks
Water Rules for Coal Ash. ... "This latest rollback would lead directly to
more water contamination, more birth defects, more childhood cancer, and more
pain and suffering for American familiesall for the sake of a dirty industry's
last grasp at profits." CommonDreams
congressional panel plots next phase of the dirty war on Syria: Occupy oil fields
and block reconstruction. ... A DC foreign policy apparatchik on the congressional
Syria Study Group proclaimed that the US military owned one-third
of Syrian territory, then outlined a sadistic strategy for preventing reconstruction
of the economic powerhouse. The
GrayZone  'Call
It the Surge': Vowing Nationwide Crackdown, Trump Touts Tougher and More Militarized
US Police. CommonDreams
Sectarian Civil Wars in the Middle East are Ending, Replaced by Uprisings Against
Corruption. CounterPunch
New Research Shows Rising Sea Levels Could Wipe Out Major Cities, Displace 150
Million People by 2050. ... "Climate change is shrinking the planet, in the
scariest possible way." CommonDreams
Drug Trade Isnt Just Killing People, But the Planet Itself TruthDig

Spy Who Wasn't. ... The U.S. government went looking for someone to blame for
Russia's interference in the 2016 electionand found Maria Butina, the perfect
scapegoat. The
New Republic  
7, 2019 Great
Britain is Reaching for Nationalism Over Economic Sense. CounterPunch
Reveals Plans for Nationwide Crackdown and More Militarized Police. TruthDig
movement: How Steve Bannon is spreading populist Trump-style politics across Europe.
... After being forced out as White House chief strategist, former Breitbart News
chief determined to ignite his brand of nationalism in the rest of the world.
Chomsky: 'Were Actually Facing a Constitutional Crisis' TruthDig
Examples Mount, Sanders Campaign Accuses Corporate Media of 'Deliberate Attempt
to Erase Bernie'. ... "All of these examples are no accident," said
campaign speechwriter David Sirota. "But here's some news: We're not being
erased. We're going to win." CommonDreams
Has Defended US Allies Use of Lethal Force Against Civilians. ...
On an October evening in 2002, while quietly embroidering on the porch of her
home in Nablus in the West Bank, 60-year-old Shaden Abu Hijleh was shot and killed
by Israeli occupation forces. A grandmother and community activist involved in
promoting the arts, womens and childrens advocacy, serving the needy
and nonviolent resistance to the occupation, she had no links to any violent or
extremist organizations. TruthOut
got rich off the student debt crisis? ... 42 million people owe $1.3 trillion
in student debt. Its a profit center for Wall Street and the government.
Heres how we got into this mess. RevealNews

Already Have a Wealth Tax. Its Just Paid to Hedge Fund Managers. TruthOut

Gift' to Big Business as Trump Treasury Moves to Eliminate Rules Against Corporate
Tax Avoidance. ... Sen. Ron Wyden warned the Treasury Department's plan "provides
an opening for corporations to again dodge their taxes." CommonDreams
Corruption in Real Time': Viral Video Shows North Carolina GOP Sabotaging Democracy
in Effort to Secure Corporate Tax Cuts. ... "This isn't just a harmless game.
It's the reason there's no budget in North Carolina." CommonDreams
The Trump
administration plans to gut food stamps, hitting red states hardest. ... 3.6 million
Americans will lose food stamps under a regulatory maneuver nobody in Congress
likes. 1.9 million of them live in Trump country. ThinkProgress
| The
Trump Doctrine Demands a Democratic Response. TruthDig
FBI Spends a Lot of Time Spying on Black Americans. Intercept
Max Blumenthal arrested on false charge in DC. ... Blumenthal was seized from
his home by a group of officers and held for two days in cells and cages. His
arrest warrant labels him as armed and dangerous. GrayZone
to Top 
6, 2019 NY
Times: It all goes back to Ukraine. Inside Ukraines Push to Cultivate
Trump From the Start. ... Former President Petro Poroshenko alternately flattered
President Trump, signed deals with U.S. firms and met with Rudolph Giuliani. Daily
Kos  American
Horrors: Regime Change in Iraq to the Rise of ISIS. Intercept
Is No Donald J. Trump Without William F. Buckley. TruthDig
trying to impeach us: What faith leaders told Trump behind closed doors
Chomsky: Trump Is Trying to Exploit Tension With Iran for 2020. TruthOut

Chomsky: By Focusing on Russia,
We Ignore Trumps Existential Threat to Climate. TruthOut Trump
begins year-long process to formally exit Paris climate agreement. ... Exit will
not be final until day after 2020 elections ... France and China to sign pact
on irreversibility of climate accord. Guardian
PM Morrison Pledges to Outlaw Climate Boycotts. ... A new breed of radical
activism is on the march. Apocalyptic in tone," said Morrison, an evangelical
Christian and a very vocal supporter of US President Donald Trump. CommonDreams
of 'Untold Human Suffering,' Over 11,000 Scientists From Around the World Declare
Climate Emergency. ... "Scientists have a culture of reticence when it comes
to making statements like this, but the emergency is rapidly accelerating, and
the scientists are very clear: this is an existential emergency." CommonDreams
New Study:
300 Million Face Severe Risk of Climate-Fueled Coastal Flooding by 2050. DemocracyNow
obscure law that explains why Google backs climate deniers. ... Company wants
to curry favour with conservatives to protect its section 230 legal
immunity. Guardian
Never Heard of It. ... The latest liberal parlor game is pretending theres
no such thing as neoliberalism. The games very popularity highlights neoliberalisms
enduring hegemony. Jacobin
Who Paid Hillary Clinton $22 Million in Speaking Fees. ... Clinton's speaking
fees at corporations have been the source of much political discussion. USNews
Rhodes False Atonement for the Yemen War. ... Our failure to reckon with
Obama-era atrocities -- and why it matters. ITT
That is Holy is Profaned: Beyond Ruling Class Trumpeachment. CounterPunch
our mission: private fire crews protect the insured, not the public. Guardian
calls on Google to stop funding climate crisis deniers. ... Kathy Castors
letter to Sundar Pichai says its hard to overstate the detrimental
impact groups have had on the climate debate. Guardian
Barf Journalism: A Brief History. FAIR

Talks, Bullshit Walks on Cable News. CounterPunch
and 'Reprehensible': Trump Gives Taxpayer-Funded Groups Green Light to Discriminate
Against LGBTQ People. ... "This rule is an abuse of taxpayer dollars in the
name of empowering hatred and bigotry towards society's most vulnerable members."
to Top 
5, 2019 Noam
Chomsky: Trump Is Consolidating Far-Right Power Globally. TruthOut  The
Enemy Within ... Our democracy is not in perilwe do not live in a democracy.
The image of our democracy is in peril. The deep state -- the generals, bankers,
corporatists, lobbyists, intelligence chiefs, government bureaucrats and technocrats
-- is intent on salvaging the brand. TruthDig/Hedges
CIA-Backed Militia Targeted Clinics in Afghanistan, Killing Medical Workers and
Civilians. Intercept

Unchecked Growth of Policing Makes Everyone a Criminal, Even Children. ... Despite
a nationwide drop in crime the number of cops continues to grow. In this episode
of The Police Accountability Report we examine some of the consequences of that
growth and how it leads to unnecessary arrests and increased incarceration. TRNN
Patrol Is Being Endowed With Frightening Powers. TruthDig
Cops: The Torture Machine, Unending. CounterPunch
and San Francisco Police Have Been Lying About Scope of Joint Counterterrorism
Investigations, Document Suggests. Intercept There
Are Noncoercive Solutions to Our Problems. ... 'Weve Got to Break
This Mindset That Policing Is the Only Tool ... Alex Vitale on the role
of policing. FAIR
Is Not a Drill: 700+ Arrested as Extinction Rebellion Fights Climate Crisis with
Direct Action. DemocracyNow
Trump, Brexit, and Britains National Health Service. ... U.S. negotiators
spooked U.K. policymakers by objecting to NHS drug pricing rules. ThinkAdvisor  Five
Indigenous Leaders Massacred in Colombia; New Wave of Violence Feared as 2,500
Troops Deployed. DemocracyNow
loggers kill Amazon indigenous warrior who guarded forest, wound another. ...
Illegal loggers in the Amazon ambushed an indigenous group that was formed to
protect the forest and shot dead a young warrior and wounded another, leaders
of the Guajajara tribe in northern Brazil said on Saturday. Reuters
Capitalist War on the Last American Commons. CounterPunch
1 Million Protest Extreme Inequality in Latin Americas Richest Country.
... Chile pulls out of two major international summits amid mounting protests
against austerity and the privatization of virtually every public good. TRNN

Schiff Is No Friend of Progressives TruthDig  
4, 2019 First
Julian Assange, Then Us. TruthDig
Max Blumenthal Arrest Exposes Hypocrisy of Western Media and Human
Rights NGOs. FAIR Max
Blumenthal's Arrest Exposes the Limits of Press Freedom TruthDig
Special: The Noam Chomsky Interview. Intercept
impeachment process may not remove Trump, but it might just finish him. CSIndy
Cant Break With Trump While They Invest in Voter Suppression. TruthOut
Had No Real Answer for the Crumbling of His Caliphate. CounterPunch/Cockburn
Why Killing High-Valued Targets Like Baghdadi Wont
Destroy ISIS. Cockburn

probably haven't heard: 43 Palestinian kids were shot on a single day by Israeli
soldiers. Since March 2018 - over 14,000 shot, 3,295 children, 85% shot in the
legs, 2 paramedics, 2 journalists. Demanding an end to the Gaza blockaid of 12
years Bernie
Sanders Refuses to Bow to Israel. TruthDig
health sector still struggling to cope with Great March of Return
injuries. ... Hundreds of wounded protestors at risk of limb amputation. OPT
chart shows every person killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict since 2000. Vox
Palestinian Was Shot to Death. Israeli Soldier Who Fired at Him Got One Month
of Community Service. ... The soldier admitted that he had fired his weapon toward
Othman Rami Halas, without the approval of his commanders - IDF sources: No proof
that soldier's action caused death. Haaretz
Prime Minister Agrees to Resign Amidst Largest Protests Since 2003. ... Iraqi
security forces have killed hundreds of protesters who want to uproot the corrupt
political system tied to Iran and established after the U.S. occupation. TRNN
Related: Lebanons
Prime Minister Resigns, but Protests Continue. ... Human rights campaigner Samah
Hadid discusses Hezbollah's decision to switch from supporting the protests to
opposing them, why the prime minister resigned, and why this is not enough to
end the protests. TRNN
editorial says Trump shouldnt be impeached because he was too inept
to carry out quid pro quo. RawStory

campaign is spending more on legal fees, paying 13 law firms in Q3 McClatchy
of NOVEMBER 1-3, 2019 Weekend
Read: Democracy in America? What Has Gone Wrong and What We Can Do About It.
by Benjamin Page and Martin Gilens. America faces daunting problems -- stagnant
wages, high health care costs, neglected schools, deteriorating public services.
Yet the government consistently ignores the needs of its citizens, paying attention
instead to donors and organized interests. University
of Chicago Press  Chomsky:
Trumps Actions on Syria Reflect the Foreign Policy of a Con Man. TruthOut
Reveals Plans for Nationwide Crackdown and More Militarized Police. TruthDig
FBI Spends a Lot of Time Spying on Black Americans. Intercept
Happens in the Senate if Trump Is Impeached? TruthDig
It the Surge': Vowing Nationwide Crackdown, Trump Touts Tougher and More Militarized
US Police. CommonDreams

protecting Syrias Idlib, the US created a safe haven for Baghdadi and ISIS.
... With the killing of ... al-Baghdadi, the shoddy narrative pushed by US government
officials and regime change propagandists about Idlib was blown to pieces as well.
Trump Saving Those Syrian Oil Fields for the Russians? ... Trump is thinking,
and saying, he can make a buckor anyway his MAGA government can make a buckby
holding on to those fields. DailyBeast
oil: Trump's latest Syria strategy under question. Yahoo
News  FACT
CHECK: President Trump's Plans For Syrian Oil. NPR
A Worldwide
Revolution Is Underway. TruthDig
and Jill Biden reported earning $15.6 million from book deals and speaking engagements
since leaving the White House. Business
Insider The
Sectarian Civil Wars in the Middle East are Ending, Replaced by Uprisings Against
Corruption. CounterPunch
New Research Shows Rising Sea Levels Could Wipe Out Major Cities, Displace 150
Million People by 2050. ... "Climate change is shrinking the planet, in the
scariest possible way." CommonDreams
is the Crime. ... the U.S. nuclear weapon arsenal should be tried in the court
of public opinion. CounterPunch
Drug Trade Isnt Just Killing People, But the Planet Itself TruthDig
River of
Trash -- How Plastic Pollution Is Making Central American Communities Uninhabitable.

Spy Who Wasn't. ... The U.S. government went looking for someone to blame for
Russia's interference in the 2016 electionand found Maria Butina, the perfect
scapegoat. The
New Republic  The
Trump administration plans to gut food stamps, hitting red states hardest. ...
3.6 million Americans will lose food stamps under a regulatory maneuver nobody
in Congress likes. 1.9 million of them live in Trump country. ThinkProgress
Demise of Democracy Under Trump Proves the Frankfurt School Right. TruthOut
to Top 
