1 THROUGH 11  September
11, 2019 The
Best Movie Ever Made About the Truth Behind the Iraq War Is Official Secrets
Madness of James Mattis. TruthDig
Negotiations Have Not Been About the Afghan People: Trump Calls Off Peace
Talks with Taliban. DemocracyNow
BAIT Trump
Attempts To Ease Tensions With Jewish Community By Noting He Also Would've Murdered
Christ. >
Go  Democrats
Launch New Listen Up, Hayseeds Campaign To Connect With Rural Voters.
Go Pentagon
Awards Oscar Mayer $102 Million Contract For New Military-Grade Hot Dog With All
The Fixings >
Go  |
And Ideological: A Guide To Trumps Worst Judges. ... If you care about womens
rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights or about judges being fit to serve
you oughta read this. HuffPost

of Our Public Lands. CounterPunch
Scraps ThinkProgress Relaunch After Firing Union Staffers. ... Center for American
Progress accused of union busting. Washington
Free Beacon  Chris
Hedges on What it Takes to be a Rebel in Modern Times. YouTube
western liberals have long picked the wrong historical hero. ... A newly discovered
text shows how the battles of the past are still being fought today. Guardian
Debates Are Too Important To Be in the Hands of Corporate Media and the DNC. ...
We need independently run debates that put substantive policy discussion first.
These Times  Treasure
Island: Leak Reveals How Mauritius Siphons Tax From Poor Nations to Benefit Elites.
... Based on 200,000 files, Mauritius Leaks exposes a sophisticated system that
diverts tax revenue from poor nations back to the coffers of Western corporations
and African oligarchs. ICU
10, 2019 The
Capitalists Are Afraid. ... Capitalists seek to maximize profits and reduce the
cost of labor. This sums up capitalism at its core. It is defined by these immutable
objectives. It is not about democracy. It is not, as has been claimed, about wealth
creation for the working class. It has nothing to do with freedom. TruthDig/Hedges
Most Consequential Whistleblower Who Wasn't. TruthDig
Bidens New Foreign Policy Adviser Supported Iraq War and Dubbed Edward Snowden
a Traitor Intercept  US
'Complicit in This Nightmare,' Says Sanders, After Trump-Backed Saudi Coalition
Kills Over 100 in Bombing of Yemeni Prison. ... "Congress has declared this
war unconstitutional. We must now stand up to Trump and defund all U.S. involvement
in these horrors." CommonDreams
'Endemic Impunity': UN Report on Yemen Says United States, France, and
Britain May Be Complicit in War Crimes .... "Five years into the conflict,
violations against Yemeni civilians continue unabated, with total disregard for
the plight of the people and a lack of international action to hold parties to
the conflict accountable." CommonDreams
No Joe:
On Character, Quality and Authenticity. CounterPunch
Are Living in the Wreckage of the War on Terror . TruthDig
Set To Remove More Than 200,000 People From Its Voter Rolls. ... Voting rights
groups want the state to pause the removals, noting that thousands of eligible
voters are at risk of having their voter registrations canceled. HuffPost
Terrorism Watchlist Found Unconstitutional in Historic Decision. Intercept
Tracking of Bob Dylan and Suze Rotolo Foreshadowed Future Abuses. TruthOut
states admit bulk interception practices: why does it matter? Privacy
9, 2019 Mugabe
and the Continuing White Supremacist Narrative. Craig
Murray  Progressives
Can't Play Nice With Democrats Anymore. TruthDig
insider exposes CNN lies about Julian Assange. The
Gray Zone 
Nader: Chuck Todd Is Everything Wrong With U.S. Media. TruthDig
deniers get more airtime than experts. ... There's fairness, and then there's
craziness. Big
Think  Trump
Silences Tlaib and Omar for Revealing Human Toll of Occupation. TruthOut
How Much the Democratic Party Charges to Be on Each House Committee. Intercept
America: the Rule of the New Robber Baron. CounterPunch
for Official International Observers for Next Scottish Independence Referendum. Craig
Murray  After
Climate Forum, Biden Heads to a Fundraiser Co-Hosted by a Fossil Fuel Executive.
Trump is Marching America Towards Fascism. ... nd Republicans Remain in
Lockstep with Their Leader Use
Journal  Nearly
2 Million People in India Could Lose Citizenship in Biggest Disenfranchisement
in History. DemocracyNow
of September 6-8, 2019 War
Is A Racket: Original Edition - by General Butler ... a marine
general, Butler's classic treatise on why wars are conducted, who profits from
them, and who pays the price. Few people are as qualified as General Butler to
advance the argument encapsulated in his book's sensational title. When "War
is a Racket" was first published in 1935, Butler was the most decorated American
soldier of his time. He had lead several successful military operations in the
Caribbean and in Central America, as well as in Europe during the First World
War. Despite his success and his heroic status, however, Butler came away from
these experiences with a deeply troubled view of both the purpose and the results
of warfare. Amazon
Reveals That 'Like Everything Else' About GOP Tax Scam, Program Purported to Help
the Poor Really 'Just Another Handout to the Rich' ... "But we always knew
that this was going to happen," noted one urban policy expert. "It's
how the bill was written." CommonDreams
deniers get more airtime than experts Think
Big  Texas
New Firearms Laws Are a Gift to the Gun Industry. TruthDig
Corruption Needs to End': Biden Urged to Cancel Fundraiser With Fossil Fuel Executive
Day After Climate Crisis Forum. ... "If Biden is serious about taking on
the power of the fossil fuel lobby, why is he going to a fundraiser hosted by
the co-founder of a natural gas company?" CommonDreams
How Much the Democratic Party Charges to Be on Each House Committee. Intercept
Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote. ... Top Republicans
Brad Raffensperger and David Emadi are issuing subpoenas to opponents without
showing evidence of wrongdoing. Guardian  Tennessee
Voting Rights Activists Fight New Registration Restrictions. TruthOut
District Secession Is Segregation By Another Name. ... Communities
around the country are creating new, whiter districts. HuffPost

Journalist & Activist Brandon Lee Shot in Philippines After Being Called Enemy
of the State. DemocracyNow
al-Hawl camp, the incubator for Islamic State's resurgence. ... Camp for Iraqis
and Syrians fleeing caliphate flooded by families of Isis fighters, brewing deeper
problems. Guardian
the U.S. Shattered the Middle East. TruthDig
Begins Plan To Fund Border Wall By Delaying Military Projects. ... About 127 military
construction projects within the U.S. and abroad will be affected by this diversion
of funds to build Trumps wall along the Mexico border.
Pedophiles, a Lingerie Model, & The Pirate of Prague. Hopsicker
Neoliberal Scam: Public Money for Private Playgrounds. TRNN
5, 2019 'Always
About the Con': Ocasio-Cortez Says 'Virtually Every' Trump Policy Designed to
Loot Public Coffers and Enrich His Cronies. ... "Since corruption isn't popular
policy, racism works as the cover for the con. That's why addressing racism isnt
a 'distraction'it's key to understanding the hustle against working people."
Street's Worst Nightmare for 2020 Is Coming True. TruthDig
Another Trump Tax Scam Has Been Exposed, TruthDig

Crimes - Why its important to name names when discussing the climate catastrophe.
Stephenson  The
Real Politics of the Planetary Crisis We are all locked in a battle between
disruptive climate action and predatory delay. The
Nearly Now  Climate
Emergency with Roger Hallam, Extinction Rebellion. RT
video  Chris
Hedges on What it Takes to be a Rebel in Modern Times. YouTube
Larry Fink, Joe Bidens Wall Street Ally, Profits From Amazon Cattle Ranching,
a Force Behind Deforestation. Intercept
This Brazilian City Became Ground Zero For The Amazons Deforestation Crisis Rampant
corruption, environmental indifference and a thirst for growth helped Brazil ignore
a brewing crisis in Altamira. HuffPost
Sanctions Are Designed to Kill. Jacobin
Forgotten Bullshit Bombing of Serbia. CounterPunch
of Missing Georgia Votes Finds Extreme Irregularities in Black Districts. TruthOut
Related: Revealed:
Georgia Republicans use power of state to suppress minority vote. ... Top Republicans
Brad Raffensperger and David Emadi are issuing subpoenas to opponents without
showing evidence of wrongdoing. Guardian

Khouri: The U.S. Is Erasing The Palestinian National Reality from Our World. DemocracyNow
Jair Bolsonaros Guru. ... Olavo de Carvalho might be the most important
voice in Brazils incoming government. And he doesnt even live there.
Denounced for Student Debt Relief Rule Change That Critics Say 'Takes a Scythe
to Defrauded Borrowers' ... "With this policy overhaul, Secretary DeVos has
cemented her legacy as best friend to predatory colleges and enemy to the students
they rip off." CommonDreams
Loosens Gun Restrictions One Day After Odessa Mass Shooting. ... Several new laws
going into effect on Sunday will make it easier to carry firearms in public places,
like schools and churches. HuffPost
4, 2019 Boris
Johnson Suffers Major Defeat As Conservative MPs Stall No-Deal Brexit. ... Conservative
members of Parliament on Tuesday risked their careers to form a rebel alliance
and take the Brexit timetable out of the party leaders hands. HuffPost

Most Important Article Youll Never Read? How Western Media Support State
Terror, While Millions Die, and How this Article was Killed. Project
Censored  Real
News or Fake News?. ... You cant make shit like this up. Well, sometimes
you can make shit like this up.... CounterPunch
Patrol Has Killed At Least 97 People Since 2003. Hear Some of Their Victims
Stories. DemocracyNow
BAIT Trump
Disavows Supporters Who Could Barely Keep Racist Chant Going For 10 Seconds. >
Go Tyson
Foods Sends Cease-And-Desist To Trump For Using Slaughterhouse Recordings As Pump-Up
Anthem At Rallies. >
Go  Angela
Merkel pissing herself laughing after sending new boy Boris on errand to get some
elbow grease. >
Go  |
El Paso to Sarajevo. ... How White Nationalists Have Been Inspired by the Genocide
of Muslims in Bosnia. Intercept
White Supremacists Threaten Basic Civil Rights - and Our Lives. CounterPunch
Animal Researchers Stay Out of the News. CounterPunch
ALERT: NYT Presents Murder of a Palestinian Boy as National Traumafor
Jewish Israelis FAIR
3, 2019 War
Is a Racket. Jacobin
Blocks House Oversight Staff From Visiting Migrant Detention Centers. ... Oversight
Committee Chair Rep. Elijah Cummings said DHS is blocking staff from visiting
facilities after previous inspections revealed mistreatment of migrants. HuffPost
Solitary Confinement Kills: Torture and Stunning Neglect Ends in Suicide at Privately
Run ICE Prison. Intercept
Attack: Trumps Anti-Immigrant Policies Target Children, Cancer Patients
& Servicemembers. DemocracyNow
for José Antonio: Family Demands Accountability for Mexican Teen Killed
by U.S. Border Agent. DemocracyNow
1,100 Congregations Have Agreed to Provide Sanctuary to Migrants. TruthOut
Death of Arms Control TruthDig/Ritter
and Irrelevant: the Presidential Debates and Four Recent Studies on Pentagon Spending. CounterPunch  NYT
Steers Dems Away From the Obvious Formula for Defeating Trump. FAIR
Supremacy Is as American as Apple Pie TruthDig/Sheer
Thing You'll Read All Day": Report Sounds Alarm Over Brain-Reading Technology
and Neurocapitalism. ... "Your brain, the final privacy frontier, may not
be private much longer." CommonDreams
Emails Show Employees Wanted to Beat the Shit Out of Concerned Moms. TruthOut
it Cynical to Believe the System is Corrupt? TRNN
2, 2019 Just
Ahead of Labor Day, Trump Floats Tax Cut Condemned as 'Pure Giveaway to Wealthy'.
... "Apart from
just sending millionaires checks, it's hard to think of a tax cut more targeted
to the ultra-rich." CommonDreams
skeptics are vindicated, but conspiracy theorists are rewarded (w/ Glenn Greenwald).
Greenwald on Robert Muellers disappearance; how Andrew McCabe has become
the latest former US intelligence official to join either CNN and MSNBC; and the
absence of accountability for those behind the moronic, irrational, baseless,
conspiracist narrative of Donald Trump as a Russian asset. The
Gray Zone  ENVIRONMENT Cattle
Grazed on Deforested Amazon Land Fatten BlackRock. ... How Larry Fink, Joe Bidens
Wall Street Ally, Profits From Amazon Cattle Ranching, a Force Behind Deforestation.
Point: UN Biodiversity Chief Warns Burning of Amazon Could Lead to 'Cascading
Collapse of Natural Systems'. ... "If we don't work together, we are going
to die together." CommonDreams
Administration To Undo Limits On Methane, Ignoring Environmental Concerns. ...
Even some oil and gas companies oppose the EPA plan to loosen regulation of the
potent greenhouse gas. HuffPost EPA
Moves to Loosen Methane Rules as Trump Opens Alaskan Rainforest TruthOut

(2018) Unexpected future boost of methane possible from Arctic permafrost
For The Great Barrier Reef Is Now Very Poor, Australian Government
Says Climate change remains the greatest threat to the Australian natural treasure,
and things are not looking good.. HuffPost

Worse Than the DCCC Blacklist': Schumer Accused of Effort to Hamstring Progressives
Trying to Unseat GOP Senators. ... "Schumer is blackballing progressives
in open primaries for GOP-held seats." CommonDreams
Inequality Is Rooted in Denial of Home and Land Ownership... The racial wealth
gap in the US is directly linked to the ways in which Blacks were prevented from
home and property ownership, while the government gave whites many opportunities
for such ownership. We discuss the issue with Mehrsa Baradaran, author of "The
Color of Money" TRNN
Slavery Shaped American Capitalism. ... The New York Times is right that
slavery made a major contribution to capitalist development in the United States
just not in the way they imagine. Jacobin
Corruption Is Now More Brazen Than Ever. ... From his G-7 Doral heist to Bill
Barrs Christmas Party to steering wall-building contracts to GOP cronies,
its grift all the way down. The
Nation  For
Incarcerated Workers, Summer Heat Can Be a Death Sentence. In
These Times  
of August 30 - September 1, 2019 Weekend
Read: American
Nightmare: Facing the Challenge of Fascism - by Henry A. Giroux. As
white supremacy, ultra-nationalism, rabid misogyny and anti-immigrant fervor coalesce,
a new and uniquely American form of fascism looms. Could our current moment actually
bring about the end of democracy in the United States? Are Americans willing to
surrender their freedom and dignity, along with their ongoing struggle for equality,
justice and mutual respect in the face of the rising tide of political and ideological
extremism? Amazon
The Queens
Active Role in the Right Wing Coup. Craig
Murray  When
Ilhan Omar Is Accused of Anti-Semitism, Its News. When a Republican Smears
Muslims, Theres Silence. Intercept
Johnson Crosses the Rubicon: We Must React Now. Craig
Murray  The
New Politics of the White (Supremacist) Evangelical Republican Party. CounterPunch
Conservative Evangelicals Arent Hypocrites, Theyre Sadists.
KOCH Kochland:
How David Koch Helped Build an Empire to Shape U.S. Politics & Thwart Climate
Action. DemocracyNow
Koch brothers tried to build a plutocracy in the name of freedom ... The Kochs
have always believed that rich people had the right to rule over everyone else,
democracy be damned. Guardian
and destruction: this is David Koch's sad legacy. ... Anarcho-capitalism
was the real cancer plaguing the billionaire libertarian. And it spread across
universities, halls of Congress and the White House. Guardian
Video of Mississippi Voting Machine Changing Man's Vote Prompts Calls for Paper
Ballots and Election Security Reformiral Video of Mississippi Voting Machine Changing
Man's Vote Prompts Calls for Paper Ballots and Election Security Reform. CommonDreams

Bolsonaros Climate Change Denial & Anti-Indigenous Policies Led to Massive
Fires in the Amazon. DemocracyNow
Say Shareholders Wont Be No. 1 Anymore. Turns Out They Already Werent.
Joe Bidens privatization plans helped doom Latin America and fuel the migration
crisis. The
Gray Zone  Beto
ORourke Built His Career on Driving Out Low-Income Mexican Communities.
Harvard Freshman Deported After Visa Revoked. The
Crimson  Land
transfer advocate and longtime agency combatant now leads BLM. ... William Perry
Pendley has been tasked with overseeing 245 million acres of public lands hes
argued the federal government shouldnt own. High
Country News  
