OF APRIL 10-12, 2020 'No
One Independent Is Watching': Lack of Oversight Fuels Fears of Trump Effort to
Corrupt Coronavirus Relief. ... "Clearly he's planning to corrupt the $2
trillion in spending Congress just approved, whether it's by steering the money
to political favorites, negotiating more favorable terms with certain parties
or punishing his enemies with a failure to provide aid." CommonDreams
warns it might have to shutter by June as $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package
provides no funding. Fortune
the Campaign, Not the Movement: Sanders Pulls Out of 2020 Race But Will Stay on
Ballot. DemocracyNow
Related: Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders Campaign Didnt Fail. It Energized
Millions & Shifted U.S. Politics. DemocracyNow/Chomsky
Confronts a New Reality Before an Expected Wave of Disease and Death. ... Under
the best-case scenario presented on Tuesday, more Americans will die from the
coronavirus in the weeks and months to come than died in the Korean and Vietnam
Wars combined. NYT
Will Get Stimulus Paychecks Soon. Undocumented Workers Get Nothing. ... The government
left out some of the most vulnerable workers on the front lines of the coronavirus
pandemic. HuffPost
Doubles Down on Plan to Slash Crucial Funding for Social Security. TruthOut
Says He Doesnt Have Enough Information on Iran to Have a Vew.
How Odd, He Negotiated the Nuclear Deal. CounterPunch
Pharma-Funded Group Tied to a Top Trump Donor Is Promoting Malaria Drug to the
President. ... Founded by one of Trump's top donors, the Job Creators Network
has been pushing Trump to approve the use of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19.
Is Exposing How Foreign Crusades Bled Americas Domestic Resources Dry. Intercept
A showdown is taking shape in Congress over how far Washington should go
in expanding voting access to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, with Democrats
pressing to add new options for voters and President Trump and Republicans resisting
changes they say could harm their election prospects in November. NYT
When Moderate
Democrats Lead the Ticket and Win, Down-Ballot Candidates Soon Suffer Losses.
Yes, Wisconsin
Republicans used the pandemic to stop people from voting. ... Residents
had to choose between voting or protecting their health proving Wisconsin
has turned into a vanguard of the Republican assault on democracy Guardian
Corrupt... I'm Allowed To": After Admitting He Cast Ballot by Mail, Trump
Launches Bizarre Attack on Mail-In Voting.... "Trump's baseless attacks on
vote-by-mail are a pathetic attempt to suppress the vote in the middle of a national
crisis." CommonDreams
on Wisconsin Election: Republicans Are Letting People Die in Order to Hang On
to Power. DemocracyNow
Ballot Access Decision Suppresses Green Party Voters. CounterPunch
Just Set the Stage for Republicans to Steal the Election. ... In a 5-4 decision,
the Supreme Court blocked Wisconsin from extending the absentee voting deadline,
disenfranchising thousands and creating a terrible precedent. The
Nation |
Coronavirus, Lets Never Forget: Republicans Recklessly Put Our Lives in
Danger. Intercept
may not appear on the ballot in November, but the last four years have made it
clear that his radical socialist ideas will be. We must continue our fight against
the radical left and keep America a place of freedom, hope, and individual liberty."
Texted from the family private jet by HIgh-Roller Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), poster
girl for Capitalism, committed
insider trading.
Bill OReilly says Covid-19 victims were on last legs anyway.
former-Fox News host Billy OReilly said that criticism of his remarks was
left-wing propaganda BLM
Timber Sale Increases Fire Risk, Reduces Climate Resilience and Harms Recreation.
of Android Apps Are Silently Accessing Your Data. ... More than 4,000 Google Play
apps let developers and advertisers collect a list of the user's other installed
apps, no permission needed. Wired
As Coronavirus
Looms in Federal Detention, People Inside Are Being Denied Constitutional Right
to Speak With Lawyers. Intercept
'I have
the cure': slew of US scammers seek to capitalize on coronavirus fears. ... Police
are going undercover to find fraudsters as officials receive thousand of complaints
about coronavirus scams. Guardian
Tulsi Gabbard Keeps Very Respectable Company. CounterPunch
APRIL 10-12, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS How
To Make A Coronavirus Face Mask Out Of A T-Shirt. HuffPost/CDC
masks, no ventilators, no tests, no hospital beds, but, hell, man, weve
got this: Raytheon has secured a new $146.08 million firm-fixed-price contract
for the Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2/2A Guided Missile Round Pack and spare
replacement parts for the US Navy. Aint America great? Oversight
Panel: Trump Admin. Didnt Distribute Stockpile Supplies Based On States
Needs. ... Trump health officials said that 3.5 billion N95 masks were needed
to respond to this epidemic but only .33% of that number was distributed to states.
masks cannot stop healthy people getting Covid-19, says WHO. ... Organisations
evidence review shows wearing mask outside does not prevent infection. Guardian
Related: Trump threatens to hold WHO funding, then backtracks, amid search
for scapegoat. ... Trump's early inaction in pandemic has come under renewed scrutiny
in recent days as coronavirus death toll grows. Guardian Coronavirus:
Nurse suspended for buying protective gear for co-workers with money from GoFundMe
campaign. ... Olga Matievskaya disciplined for "distributing unauthorised
medical supplies", hospital says. Independent
'We Can't Wait':
Congress Urged to Open Medicare to Every Uninsured Laid-Off Worker. ..."Millions
of workers and their families have been stripped of health insurance during a
pandemic. Inaction is not an option." CommonDreams
Coronavirus Spread, Financial Services Contractor Told Warehouse Workers They
Arent Allowed to Get Sick. Intercept
Removes Unusual Guidance From Website About Drugs Touted By Trump. ... The agency
had posted information -- based on unattributed anecdotes -- for doctors on how
to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID-19. HuffPost
least 5 countries including a small Caribbean island are accusing
the US of blocking or taking medical equipment they need to fight the coronavirus.
Insider Scroll
to Top |
to Top
9, 2020 
Sanders Drops Out Of Presidential Race, Ceding Nomination To Biden. ... The senator
had a series of poor showings in Democratic primaries around the country, ending
hopes for a progressive challenger to President Donald Trump. HuffPost
Words. ... Yesterday Mark Sommers QC, the extremely erudite and bookish second
counsel for Julian Assange in his extradition hearing, trembled with anger in
court. Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser had just made a ruling that the names of Julian
Assanges partner and young children could be published, which she stated
was in the interests of open justice. Craig
Supercut Hails The Fox News Hosts, Republicans Who Are Heroes Of The Pandumbic
... Donald Trump takes center stage in The Daily Show montage of conservatives
who for weeks dismissed the threat of the coronavirus. HuffPost
Declaration of Arbroath, and the Way Forward Now - Scottish Independence Movement.
Murray Wall
Street Wins, Again: Bailouts in the Time of Coronavirus. CounterPunch
the Bomb... Another era of debt-fueled profiteering is ending with a bailout.
How were institutionalizing the unfairness economy. Substack/Taibbi
Related: Series of articles by Taibbi
Call for Permanent Payroll Tax Cut Is 'Code for Gutting Social Security's Dedicated
Funding,' Say Critics. "Nothing to do with helping workers and everything
to do with undermining Social Security. CommonDreams
Pandemic? Trump, Mitch McConnell Still Eager To Confirm More Judges. ... Theyre
ready to fill a seat on the nations second-most powerful court with a 37-year-old
man rated not qualified to be a judge. HuffPost
NEWS Southcom
boosts US military presence in Latin America, citing China, Russia threats.
Southern Command is ramping up the US military presence in Latin America to counter
China, Russia, and Venezuela, after signing a historic military agreement incorporating
Bolsonaros Brazil into its imperial orbit. Gray
Zone The
$15 Million Bounty On Maduro Is One More Attempt To Unseat Him. TRN
the World Economy Grinds to a Halt, the U.S. War Machine Churns On. ... On April
1, a U.S. Navy official told reporters that he will protect the profit margins
of defense contractors by accelerating contract awards during the COVID-19 crisis.
Weapons manufacturers get a life raft while the rest of us drown. In
These Times Trump
Sends Gun Boats to Venezuela While the World Partners to Fight a Deadly Pandemic.
Charade of Trumps Deal of the Century.... Earlier this year,
Trump presented his so-called peace plan for the Middle East, a travesty of a
scheme that seeks to rubber-stamp Israeli land grabs and shatter the project of
Palestinian sovereignty. Jacobin
Building Missiles Essential? The U.S. Government Thinks So. ... Some
workers in the defense industry question why theyre required to stay on
the job, and many are worried about safety. In
These Times Scroll
to Top |
Critical Supply Shortage, FEMA Is Spending Millions to Protect Trump Properties.
Trump, Capitalism, and Letting Them Die. CounterPunch
Groups Ask California To Delay Pollution Rules, Citing Pandemic. ... Critics say
the requests to delay air pollution rules are the equivalent of wartime
profiteering. HuffPost
Jared Kushner could be the most dangerous man in the US. ... The presidents
son-in-law has spent his life failing upwards. Now his position of authority on
the Covid-19 task force poses a serious threat to the world. Guardian
APRIL 9, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS Coronavirus
US live: Trump reportedly knew pandemic was likely in January. Guardian
Can't Wait': Congress Urged to Open Medicare to Every Uninsured Laid-Off Worker.
... "Millions of workers and their families have been stripped of health
insurance during a pandemic. Inaction is not an option." CommonDreams
Endangers Lives by Feuding With Governors and Withholding Health Insurance. TruthOut
blocks Fauci from answering question about drug Trump is touting. SFGate
Endangers Lives by Feuding With Governors and Withholding Health Insurance. TruthOut
Safety Groups Warn of Looming Zoonotic Pandemic, Blast USDA's New Slaughter Plant
Regulation. ... "Self-regulation when it comes to animal movement, slaughter,
and meat inspection is bad news." CommonDreams
to Top |
to Top
8, 2020 Trumps
7 Pro-Contagion Reversals Increase the Coronavirus Toll. CounterPunch/Nader Coronavirus
Hasnt Stopped Jared Kushners Real Estate Empire from Hounding Tenants
with Debt Collection, Eviction Lawsuits. Intercept As
Virus Spreads in Philippines, So Does Authoritarianism: Duterte Threatens Violence
Amid Lockdown. DemocracyNow COVID-19
and the Failures of Capitalism. CounterPunch
Related: Capitalism in America Has Dropped the Mask: Its Face is
Cruel and Selfish. CounterPunch FBI
Opened Terrorism Investigations Into Nonviolent Palestinian Solidarity Group,
Documents Reveal. Intercept To
Donald Trump, coronavirus is just one more chance for a power grab. ... Chaos
in response to Covid-19 is no surprise. Nor is the unscrupulous operators
pursuit of profit and political advantage. Guardian Amid
Critical Supply Shortage, FEMA Is Spending Millions to Protect Trump Properties.
... every year since 2017, Congress has directed FEMA to set aside $41M of its
budget to offset the extraordinary costs of providing security for Trumps
properties. The Presidential Residence Assistant Protection Grants
were most recently funded by Congress in an appropriations package in December.
Intercept Trump
'decapitating' intelligence leadership amid coronavirus crisis. ... President
says someone should sue the ass off whistleblower whose complaint
fired official relayed. Guardian Trump
Is Preparing the Ground for a Totalitarian Dictatorship. TruthOut CORPORATE
the Coronavirus Relief Act was even inked and signed, corporations were already
getting a $10 Trillion dollar bailout from the Federal Reserve. This was reported
on March 23, 2020, when the Fed was already engaged in, had been for weeks, buying
up corporate junk bonds....to stabilize the stock market. The Federal Reserve
Moves to Buy Corporate Debt. Forbes
Trump sidelines watchdog who was to oversee $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus spending.
Tribune - NBC
that BBB graded bonds are near the bottom of what are considered junk bonds. In
fact, many of these BBB graded bonds, couldn't even qualify as investment grade
upon close examination ... and yet the Fed was hurrying, scurrying, to buy them
up ... and prop up the stock market. Fidelity
Devices Making the Super-Wealthy Super-Wealthier Will Have to Come Apart
... interview with David Cay Johnston on the 2008 bailout. FAIR The
COVID-19 Pandemic Is Exposing the Plague of Neoliberalism. TruthOut
Gatess Philanthropic Giving Is a Racket. ... Its a perfect time to
remember: billionaire-funded philanthropy is a public-relations scam. Jacobin Oil
and Gas Pipelines Are Still Being Built as the Rest of the Economy Shuts Down.
TruthOut As
temperatures rise, Arizona sinks. ... Climate change and unregulated wells are
depleting the Wests groundwater reserves. HCN
APRIL 8, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS New
York is paying enormous markups for vital supplies (as much as 15 times the normal
prices in some cases), including almost $250,000 for an X-ray machine. Laws against
price gouging usually dont apply
Endangers Lives by Feuding With Governors and Withholding Health Insurance. TruthOut Coronavirus
government response updates: White House warns of dire two weeks ahead; Trump,
Navarro promote unproven drug. ... Trump and his task force told parts of the
nation to prepare for peak deaths. ABC
News Related: Fauci throws cold water on Trump's declaration
that malaria drug chloroquine is a 'game changer'. .. Fauci says chloroquine hasn't
been studied on coronavirus. ABC
News 'Dry-Rotted'
Supplies and 'Severe' Shortages: HHS Inspector General Report Offers Grim Look
at US Coronavirus Response. ... "It is unprecedented," HHS assistant
inspector general Ann Maxwell said of the dire conditions at U.S. hospitals. CommonDreams 'I'm
a social scientist': Trump's trade adviser claims he's qualified to refute Anthony
Fauci's coronavirus advice. ... Peter Navarro reportedly spars with top White
House health official over controversial drug that president claims can successfully
treat Covid-19 patients. Independent
to Top |
to Top
7, 2020 US
far right seeks ways to exploit coronavirus and cause social collapse. ... Accelerationist
groups aim to sow chaos to hasten the collapse of society and build a white supremacist
one in its place. Guardian
Related: (March 19th) Disinformation and blame: how America's far
right is capitalizing on coronavirus. ... The pandemic, a situation in which people
are panic-buying supplies, is ideal for a movement powered by fear and lies. Guardian
Democratic Party Must Harness the Legitimate Rage of Americans. Otherwise, the
Right Will Use It With Horrifying Results. Intercept Ex
UN anti-narcotics chief & mob expert says US Treasury running mafia
racket against Venezuela. ... Pino Arlacchi, the former Executive Director
of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Prevention, says US is behaving
like an organized crime unit in its treatment of Venezuela. Gray
Zone Corporate
Media Ignore International Cooperation as Shortcut to Coronavirus Vaccine. FAIR
campaign declares war on Dems over voting rules for November. ... With coronavirus
injecting enormous doubt into voter turnout, its a sleeper issue that both
parties say could sway the election. ... The Trump campaign and RNC are
actively engaged in litigation in Wisconsin, where the parties are at loggerheads
over an array of issues including voter identification, and in New Mexico, where
the battle involves vote-by-mail. Politico
Aggressive Policing Risks Spreading the Coronavirus. ... cops arrested 3 people
in Brooklyn over the weekend after they allegedly failed to maintain social
distancing,... The 3 were put in a cell with 25 other people ... despite
city officials promising that those disregarding the lockdown would face fines
at mosr Intercept
Threatens to Sue Media Outlets for Criticizing Foxs COVID-19 Coverage. TruthOut
Encryption Is Not Suited for Secrets and Has Surprising Links To China,
Researchers Discover. Intercept
industry Exploits Pandemic as Excuse to Dodge Federal Regulations, Fees CounterPunch
praises Pence for skillfully dodging reporter's question. Washington
Examiner Trumps
Chernobyl Moment: the US May Lose Its Status as World Superpower and Not Recover.
CounterPunch TUESDAY
APRIL 7, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS Trump
Still Pushing Malaria Drug As Fauci Says No Strong Evidence It Treats
Coronavirus. ... Im not acting as a doctor, the president, contradicting
doctors, said from the White House on Sunday. HuffPost
Related: 'A Really Chilling Moment': Trump Refuses to Allow Dr. Fauci to
Answer Question on Dangers of Hydroxychloroquine. ... "This is unacceptable.
Dr. Fauci, one of the world's top infectious disease scientists, was just censored
live at a White House press conference." CommonDreams
Government's Handling of Coronavirus Crisis Has Led to Severe Undercounting of
Deaths, Public Health Officials Say. ... "Data erasure and the manufacture
of mass confusion have already CommonDreams
U.S. Reels from COVID-19, Trump Backs Gileads Exclusive Patent on Treatment
& Suspends EPA Rules. DemocracyNow
Fauci Warned In 2017 Of Surprise Outbreak During Trump Administration.
... There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration
in the arena of infectious diseases, he said. Guardian
Government's Handling of Coronavirus Crisis Has Likely Led to Severe Undercounting
of Deaths, Public Health Officials Say. ... "Data erasure and the manufacture
of mass confusion have already begun." CommonDreams
Kushner and his shadow corona unit: what is Trump's son-in-law up to? ... Jared
Kushner has become a key gatekeeper for help tackling Covid-19 and thats
a big problem, critics say. Guardian
to Top |
to Top
6, 2020 The
Daily Social Distancing Show - YouTube
Democratic Party Must Harness the Legitimate Rage of Americans. Otherwise, the
Right Will Use It With Horrifying Results. Intercept
Is Despicable': Not Even COVID-19 Pandemic Can Halt Trump's Right-Wing Takeover
of Federal Courts. ... Critics warn the president's latest nominees for lifetime
appellate court positions are both committed to the "deadly agenda"
of overturning the entire Affordable Care Act. CommonDreams
How to weigh an allegation of assault against Joe Biden. ... Democrats who thought
Brett Kavanaugh should not be on the Supreme Court are ignoring Mr Bidens
accuser. Economist
Have a Plan So That We Can Remain Anonymous But Have Maximum Effect. Craig
Murray Download
article Update:
Who Paid Dani Garavelli? Craig
Murray Silver
Linings Amidst the Capitalist Coronavirus Crisis. CounterPunch/Street
England Patriots Jet Brings 1.2 Million N95 Masks From China. ... Those
of us who are fortunate to make a difference have a significant responsibility
to do so, team owner Robert Kraft said. HuffPost
Cuomo Uses Budget To Cut Medicaid, Settle Political Scores. ... The New York governors
response to the COVID-19 pandemic has made him a star, but progressives say the
new state budget shows his true colors. HuffPost
US is an oligarchy, not a democracy. BBC
(2014) Download
the report
GOP Leader: More Absentee Voting Will Help Turnout, Be Devastating To Republicans.
... The president said it best ? this will be extremely devastating to Republicans
and conservatives in Georgia, said state House Speaker David Ralston. HuffPost
Are Facing a Resurgence of Sexually Transmitted Infections Amid the Pandemic.
Chernobyl Moment: the US May Lose Its Status as World Superpower and Not Recover.
to Rob Us Blind in Broad Daylight'? Trump to Hold In-Person Meeting With Big Oil
CEOs to Discuss Coronavirus Relief "Right now money is needed for people's
health, direct relief, and making sure we have a resilient futurenot bolstering
the fossil fuel industry." CommonDreams
APRIL 6, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS Recommendation
Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings, Especially in Areas of Significant
Community-Based Transmission. CDC
Kushner Ripped For Saying Our Stockpile Isnt Meant For States
To Use. ... The notion of the federal stockpile was its supposed to
be our stockpile. Its not supposed to be states stockpiles that they
then use. HuffPost
Immigrant Communities: Fear Mounts of Deadly COVID-19 Outbreak in US Border Camps,
ICE Jails DemocracyNow
Fauci: I Dont Understand Why The Entire Country Isnt Under
Stay-At-Home Orders. ... We really should be, the nations top
infectious disease expert told CNN. HuffPost
Federal Agencies Didnt Bulk Order Coronavirus Protection Equipment Until
March. ... An AP report found agencies responding to the coronavirus pandemic
waited far too late to bulk order essential medical equipment for health professionals.
Planet: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Mother Natures Response to Human Transgression?
the scenes, Kushner takes charge of coronavirus response. ... Trumps son-in-law
sets up shop at FEMA as his portfolio balloons to include manufacturing, supplies
and long-term planning. Politico
to Top
to Top
OF APRIL 3-5, 2020 All
the Presidents Lies About the Coronavirus. ... An unfinished compendium
of Trumps overwhelming dishonesty during a national emergency. The
Atlantic Coronavirus:
Fearing 'losing ground' to drug cartels during pandemic, Trump sends in military.
.. White House announcement of new war on drugs comes out of the blue one day
after president said 100,000 deaths likely. Independent
Trump Lobs Threats and Deploys Missiles, Iran Condemns 'Warmongering During Coronavirus
Outbreak' CommonDreams
Throws Up 'Outrageous' Roadblock for Seniors, People With Disabilities in Need
of $1,200 Checks. CommonDreams
is how Trump steals the election It's time to talk about this. Now, before
Trump or anyone else attempts to pull an October -- or November -- surprise Salon
Trump Tried to Bully the ICC Into Dropping War Crimes Probe But Failed. TruthOut
Related: US Drone Assassinations Continue Despite German Effort to
Restrict Them. TruthOut
UPDATE 3/31/20
- Beyond Chutzpah: US Charges Venezuela With Nacro-Terrorism. CounterPunch
3/31/20 - US ignores calls to suspend Venezuela and Iran sanctions amid coronavirus
pandemic. ... Spread of coronavirus has not slowed drumbeat of successive layers
of punitive measures imposed by the state department. Guardian
- US Demands Venequela Surrender. Pompeos transition plan tells
Venezuela to suffer into submission Declaring that Nicolas Maduro will never
again govern Venezuela, Mike Pompeo unveils a so-called transition
plan that tells Venezuelans to submit or starve. Gray
Zone |
Sent 17.8 Tons Of US Supplies To China Then Blames Obama For PPE Shortage. ...
Trump is blaming Obama for lack of Personal Protective Equipment to combat the
coronavirus, but his administration sent tons of vital US supplies to China. Politicus
USA Chomsky:
Ventilator Shortage Exposes the Cruelty of Neoliberal Capitalism. TruthOut
Cruelty': As Pandemic Rages, Trump Refuses to Reopen Affordable Care Act Enrollment
to Help Uninsured. ... "This isn't just an outrageous decision, but it's
also a deadly one." CommonDreams
People Could Have Trouble Getting Their Coronavirus Rebate Payments. ... Most
people are eligible for benefits, but not without filing a tax return first. HuffPost Land-grab
universities. ... Expropriated Indigenous land is the foundation of the land-grant
university system. HCN
APRIL 1-3, 2020 COVID-19 NEWS Number
of people with no health insurance: South Korea: 0 Canada: 0 Taiwan:
0 Japan: 0 Germany: 0 Singapore: 0 U.S.A.
30,000,000 Trump
economists published a study September 2019 -- "Mitigating the Impact of
Pandemic Influenza through Vaccine Innovation Download" -- warned of a pandemic
disease that could kill a half million Americans and devastate the economy. Download
pushes conspiracy theory on Chinas coronavirus death toll to deflect from
Trump administration failures. ... A widely disseminated and highly dubious story
asserting China concealed tens of thousands of deaths originated from a US government
propaganda outlet and a veteran member of a right-wing anti-China cult. Gray
Zone Exclusive:
The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming.... The Pentagon warned
the White House about a shortage of ventilators, face masks, and hospital beds
in 2017but the Trump administration did nothing. The
Nation Key
Medical Supplies Were Shipped From U.S. Manufacturers to Foreign Buyers, Records
Show. Intercept
Ventilator Shortage Exposes the Cruelty of Neoliberal Capitalism. TruthOut
to Top
to Top
2, 2020 How
It Starts. ... a recognised pattern for dictatorship to commence with emergency
measures designed to combat a threat. Those emergency measures then become normalised
and people exercising arbitrary power find it addictive. A new threat is then
found to justify the continuation. Craig
Murray Whats
the Hang Up on Releasing Adult Lobos? CounterPunch
says Republicans would never be elected again if it was easier to
vote . ... President dismissed Democratic-led push for voter reforms amid coronavirus
pandemic during Fox & Friends appearance. Guardian
Moves Forward On Biggest Environmental Rollback To Date Amid Pandemic Chaos. ...
The administration unveiled its final rule to gut Obama-era auto emissions standards
as the COVID-19 pandemic rages. HuffPost
Chutzpah: US Charges Venezuela With Nacro-Terrorism. CounterPunch
Coronavirus Spreads, Poll Shows Nearly 60% in US Believe Political System Designed
Solely to Serve Rich and Powerful. ... The survey was taken as Congress debated
a $4.5 trillion corporate bailout amid the coronavirus pandemic. CommondDreams
medical staffing company just slashed benefits for doctors and nurses battling
COVID-19 outbreak. RawStory Religious
extremists are making the coronavirus pandemic even worse. ... Whether in the
Iranian shrine city of Qom or the Bible Belt of the United States, the zealots
are even claiming they hold the cure to the pandemic. Independent
Media Joined Trump in Enabling Health Disaster. FAIR
Monsanto predicted crop system would damage US farms Guardian
Know No Borders': Democrats Call on Trump Admin to Suspend Sanctions on Iran During
Coronavirus Outbreak. Related: "We need to cancel all economic sanctions
during this crisis." CommonDreams
The Best Way To Boost The Economy In A Pandemic? ... As Congress debates a $1.8
trillion stimulus package, we ask what would benefit ordinary people most: a cash
payment for everyone, targeted assistance for those who lose their jobs, or corporate
bailouts? T
Only Oxygen Cylinder Factory in Europe is Shut down and Macron Refuses to Nationalize
It. CounterPunch
and His Allies Have Decided to Preserve Capitalism at Any Cost. TruthOut
CAMP: An Idea We Take For Granted Has Made The Outbreak Much Worse. ... This pandemic
has been made worse and continues to be made worse by toxic nationalism, ironic
considering the virus truly doesnt give a shit about our borders. Consortium
APRIL 2, 2020 COVID-19 NEWS April
1 Coronavirus Global News Roundup DemocracyNow
Trump Is Going to Get Away With a Pandemic. ... There are lots of ways for the
Trump administration to cook the data to hide the extent of the coronavirus outbreakin
fact, it already is doing so. The
Nation Our
nativist freakout about China hides the real origin of the coronavirus. Its
political, global, and made in the USA. ... Were facing something thats
more difficult than a medical emergency. Were facing a political fight against
the most powerful corporations in the world. Gray
Zone There
Are 67,000 Pharmacies In The U.S. Only 5 Are Testing For The Coronavirus. ...
The promise of testing for the coronavirus at local pharmacies, which Trump implied
was at hand on a large scale, remains unrealized. HuffPost
to Top |
to Top
1, 2020 Justice
Department audit finds widespread flaws in FBI surveillance applications. ...The
finding by Inspector General Michael Horowitz came after an earlier inquiry found
numerous errors in court submissions seeking surveillance of a former Trump campaign
adviser. Politico
ON DISPLAY Views of Trump's conduct.
Few American Express Positive Views of Trump's Conduct in Office. ... Republicans
largely agree with Trump on issues, but only about a third say they like his personal
conduct...By Pew Research. Download
report  This
is Trump's Daily show. ... If you haven't watched Trump's daily show, here's how
it works. Sometime around 5:30, when the normal American workday used to end,
the president dramatically enters the briefing room, flanked by a rotating posse
of career politicians and government experts. WaPo
Trump made us No. 1 -- in the spread of a deadly
disease. ... We are only at the beginning of the deadly pandemic that President
Trump once promised would "completely disappear." WaPo
Download  A
bogus bump; Presidential approval ratings. ... Why Donald Trump's high ratings
may be misleading. The Economist
download  |
... A 22 person team from Police Scotland worked for over a year identifying and
interviewing almost 400 hoped-for complainants and witnesses against Alex Salmond.
This resulted in nil charges and nil witnesses. Nil. Craig
Murray Update: Daily Record Investigates My Home and Finances.
Murray DOJ
Using Pandemic to Give Corporate Agriculture A Fast-Track to Lethal Mega-Mergers.
... Instead of prioritizing predatory agribusiness, agencies must block consolidation
to safeguard struggling communities and small farmers. CommonDreams
it ain't so, Joe Joe
Biden's Sexual Assault Accuser Wants To Be Able To Speak Out Without Fear of 'Powerful
Men'. NewsWeek
Shattered My Life: Former Joe Biden Staffer Tara Reade Says He Sexually
Assaulted Her in 1993. DemocracyNow
Biden Keeps Lying But You Wont Hear It From Liberal Media. Jacobin
Elections Have Citizens Reinventing Self-Governance Worldwide. TruthOut
Omen': Just 24% of Biden's Supporters 'Very Enthusiastic'Less Than Half
of Trump's 53%. ... "While Republican voters vote for what they believe,
no matter how extreme, Democratic voters are perennially playing themselves, voting
for what they think other people want." CommonDreams
After Maduro. CounterPunch
Related: As the World Tackles the COVID-19 Pandemic, the U.S.
Raises the Pressure on Venezuela. CounterPunch
Deep States Demolition of Democracy. CounterPunch 'American
Oligarchs' Reveals How Trump, Kushner Families Learned To Work The System. NPR
greater love hath Trump than to lay down your life for his re-election. ... Only
a once-in-a-century leader has the guts to say out loud what the worst among us
are really thinking: everyone other than me is expendable. Guardian
Pope is Wrong on Argentina. CounterPunch
to Kneecap Obama-Era Fuel Efficiency Standards, Hurtling Nation 'Toward a More
Dangerous Climate'. ... "Of all the bad things President Trump has done to
the environment, this is the worst." CommonDreams
APRIL 1, 2020 COVID-19 NEWS 1975
US Population was 216M with 1.465million hospital beds. In 2017 population 331M
and 936,000 beds. The US has 2.8 beds per 1000 people, but S. Korea has 12.3. Global
Coronavirus News Roundup. (March 31) DemocracyNow
Texans have preexisting conditions that make them more susceptible to contracting
COVID-19. This disease has not been directly linked to industrial toxins in our
air and water. However, the American Lung Association, the American Heart Society,
the American Cancer Society, and numerous other medical organizations and physicians
line up behind the facts. The underlying conditions pervasive in our families
and communities asthma, cardio-pulmonary obstructive disorder, heart disease
and various cancers that make people vulnerable are linked to industrial
pollution. Now, public health researchers point to a study done on SARS, a virus
closely related to COVID-19, which found that people who breathed polluted air
were about twice as likely to die from the infection. Houston
Chronicle Trump
Hands Coronavirus Briefing To MyPillow Exec Who Tells Americans To Read Bible.
... The president again paraded corporate executives at the White House briefing
meant to inform Americans about the COVID-19 pandemic. HuffPost
check: will Covid-19 fade in the summer then return later like the flu?
... Experts weigh in on whether coronavirus will dissipate during the summer and
warn against letting up on physical distancing Guardian
USs Wave of Hospital Closures Left Us Ill-Equipped for COVID-19.
to Top
to Top

22, 2020 Journalists
Promoted ISIS Coronavirus Propaganda. They Should Stop. Intercept
Restaurants Are Furious About a Loophole in the Stimulus Bill. They Should Be.
Stimulus Isnt Enough. ... While the federal government is making big companies
whole during the COVID-19 crisis, working families and small businesses will suffer.
Moral and Strategic Calculus of Voting for Joe Biden to Defeat Trump -- or Not.
Intercept Glenn
Greenwald on Noam Chomsky Favouring Biden Over Trump & Voting for Lesser of
Two Evils. Greenwald/Youtube
Biden Is Not a Decent Man. ... Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee
to face off against Donald Trump in the general election. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth
Warren, and many other so-called progressives have endorsed him. Sanders
has even gone so far as to call him a decent man -- but Joe Biden
is anything but. Left
Joe Biden, Heres Why You Should Pick Elizabeth Warren as Your Running Mate.
to Top |
González: Make No Mistake: This Country Is Edging Closer to Neo-Fascist
Authoritarianism DemocracyNow
U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016.
... The U.S. dropped an average of 72 bombs every day the equivalent of
three an hour in 2016, according to an analysis of American strikes around
the world. NBC
Reports Of Anti-Asian Attacks In NYC Have Skyrocketed Compared To This
Time Last Year. ... Across the country, Asian Americans have reported being spat
on, called racial slurs and physically assaulted because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
New Roadblock': IRS Gives Social Security Recipients Until Wednesday to File for
$500 Payments for Their Children. ... "It
is impossible to tell from the outside if this latest outrage is the result of
incompetence, mean-spiritedness, or both." CommonDreams
is looking for a civil war. His followers are only too happy to oblige. ... The
people who saw Trump's tweets about 'LIBERATING' Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia
and went out to protest are the same people who voted against their own self-interests
in 2016 and they're going to have a rude awakening. Independent
to have major floods on daily basis unless sea-level rise is curbed study.
... New Orleans, Honolulu and Miami expected to be vulnerable Research: advancing
tides will radically redefine the coastline Nature
'Heroes': Healthcare Workers Stand in Street to Block Right-Wing Protest Against
Colorado Stay-at-Home Order. ... "When they're telling us not to contribute
to what they're seeing in the hospital every day, listen." CommonDreams
or Expendable? Gig Workers at Instacart & Grocery Stores Demand Safety Gear
& Hazard Pay. DemocracyNow
APRIL 22, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS More
deaths, no benefit from malaria drug in VA virus study. ... here were more deaths
among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.
AP News
Snapshot of a System In Breakdown': States Forced to Smuggle PPE Under the Nose
of the Feds. ... "The federal covid response has entered a new phase of political
sadism." CommonDreams
Destruction Brought Us COVID-19. What It Brings Next Could Be Far Worse. ... A
virus that originated in animals has upended life across the globe. But the next
deadly pandemic could make this look like a warmup. HuffPost
$19 Billion in COVID-19 Relief for Farmers and Food Banks Sparks Questions About
Who Will Benefit. ... The new plan, says the National Sustainable Agriculture
Coalition, "lacks critical details to confirm whether it will actually reach
all who need it." CommonDreams
NYC Healthcare Workers Exposed to COVID19 Are Denied Testing. ... Healthcare workers
face known hazards to their safety and their lives in the current pandemic. Even
when exposed to patients known to have coronavirus, they are being denied testing
and told to continue working as long as they are asymptomatic. Left
to Top |
to Top
21, 2020 If
Trump fires Dr. Fauci and installs a Barr-like Toady, what ever will become of
us? OpEd
News Senate
Finance Committee Democrats Tried to Strike Millionaire Tax Break from Coronavirus
Stimulus -- Then Failed to Warn Others About It. Intercept
No Reason to Turn Airtime Over to Trumps Deceptive Coronavirus Campaign
Rallies. FAIR
Removes Privacy Option, and Shows Why We Need Strong Privacy Laws. EFF
The JFK Assassination: Defending the Gangster State. Parenti
Blames Maduro for Healthcare Horror, Downplays US Role. FAIR
Beijing Problem: Starting a New Cold War. CounterPunch Corporate
media spreads fake news claiming Nicaraguan President Ortega is dead then
he gives a fiery speech condemning US militarism. ... International media outlets
spent weeks falsely implying Nicaraguan President Ortega died of coronavirus
until he gave a televised speech defending socialized healthcare, calling for
world peace, and criticizing US military spending and nuclear weapons. Gray
Zone Intensifying
Sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, Trump Is Weaponizing Coronavirus. TruthOut
Media Cover for US Mob Threats Against Venezuela. ... The Trump administration
unveiled on March 31 a democratic transition plan to remove Venezuelan
President Nicolás Maduro from office, in favor of a council of state
composed of both opposition and ruling party loyalists. FAIR
18 Years After US Coup Against Venezuela, Pompeo and Abrams Warn Another is Coming.
... US regime change cheerleaders Mike Pompeo and Elliot Abrams warned Venezuelas
government not to resist the upcoming implementation of a transitional government.
Is Exposing the Violence of US Foreign Policy as Virus Spreads. ... As the entire
world grapples with the most devastating pandemic of the modern era, the United
States is pouring kerosene on the fire in Iran and Venezuela. The U.S. Government
has maintained punishing sanctions against the people of Iran and Venezuela to
engineer regime change. TruthOut
to Top |
Was a Trigger, But Capitalism Caused the Economic Crash. TruthOut
Media Helped Elect Trump in 2016. Are They Doing It Again? Intercept
Countries Must Step Up to Prevent Famine in Developing World, UN Says. ... "The
level of need was already extremely high," one UN official said of vulnerable
countries. "The one thing they did not need was one more shock." CommonDreams Noam
Chomsky: In Response to Coronavirus, You Can Do Something. ... Chomsky
gives his thoughts on the pandemic, the depravities of capitalism, and the urgent
need for a new era of solidarity and labor struggle. Jacobin
Last Humans
Or Why Revolutionaries Should Drop their Millenarianism
and Support Survival International. ... and Julian Assange. CounterPunch
Advances Climate Doom With Massive Fracking Expansion on Federal Lands in Colorado.
... The blueprint from the Bureau of Land Management threatens to derail the state's
goal for slashing carbon emissions while furthering endangering wildlife and ecosystems.
Victory For Wildlife: Federal Judge Invalidates Keystone XL Pipeline Permit.
... Theres just no getting around the fact that Keystone XL would
devastate communities, wildlife, and clean drinking water, one group said.
or Legit Sociopath: How to Tell When Its More Than a Crappy Personality.
Greatist Its
Time to Engage in as Much Class Struggle as We Can ... The United Electrical
workers union and the Democratic Socialists of America are teaming up to
help nonunion workers organize during the coronavirus crisis. The goal: find workers
who are already spoiling for a fight and help them win it. Jacobin
Trickle-Up Bailout. ... Its early days, but the Federal Reserve bazooka
has mostly impacted the 1% Taibbi
APRIL 21, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS
Execs Face Mask Story: Price Gouging, Disguised Trucks, U.S. Agents. ...
Buying PPE for his Massachusetts hospital shows the unfortunate reality
we face in the time of COVID-19, he wrote in The New England Journal of
Medicine. HuffPost
viruses are jumping to humans. Forest loss makes it easier. Chicago
Tribune No
matter how you crunch the numbers, this pandemic is only just getting started.
... People are understandably looking for good news. But the truth is, were
nowhere near controlling coronavirus. Guardian
five months on, what scientists now know about Covid-19. ... Medical researchers
have been studying everything we know about coronavirus. What have they learned
and is it enough to halt the pandemic? Guardian
testing delayed by contamination at US government lab, report says. ... Health
and Human Services launches investigation into development of contaminated testing
kits. Independent Scroll
to Top |
to Top
20, 2020 If
Trump Thinks Its Safe for His Followers to Gather at Protests, Why Doesnt
He Attend One? Intercept
Sign the call for Global Ceasefire! The head of the UN just called for an immediate
global ceasefire, and it's gaining momentum! Lets all join him to silence
the guns amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Sign the urgent call for ceasefire: AVAAZ
Trump Campaign Secretly Paying $180,000 A Year To His Sons Significant Others.
... Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle are each receiving $15,000 per month through
the campaign managers private company, GOP sources said, to dodge FEC rules.
Wet Markets, Americas Factory Farming. ... Theyre more alike than
not in their violations of moral common sense. ... Although no government is better
than Chinas at making troublesome people disappear, a strange leniency has
been accorded vendors at the countrys live-animal meat markets, who by most
accounts gave us the pandemic and yet, reports the Daily Mail, have lately been
allowed to set up shop again. National
Review 'A
disastrous situation': mountains of food wasted as coronavirus scrambles supply
chain. Guardian
pathetic dog-and-pony show with Biden on Monday (here)
is just the latest example of him being a good soldier for the very
same Democratic Party he claims not to be a card-holding member of, as when he
voted for Bills war on Serbia, Bills covert war in Iraq, Bills
crime bill, Obamas overthrow of Libya, endorsed & campaigned for HRC,
Tyranny of Decorum Hurt Bernie Sanderss 2020 Prospects. ... a senior adviser
to Bernie Sanderss 2020 campaign, argues that a key mistake of the campaign
was Sanderss refusal to more forcefully articulate the contrasts between
his record and Joe Bidens. Jacobin
Postmortem on Bernie Sanders and Palestine. ... Now that the Sanders campaign
has ended, Palestinian Americans should reflect on why our organizations so readily
abandoned anti-imperialism. Steve
Salaita Bernie
Sanders Is Staying on the Ballot to Get More Delegates, but He and His Supporters
Arent Investing Much in That Effort. Intercept
movement wary of Warren for VP. .. Her bitter fight with Bernie has left a bad
taste among some left-wing leaders. Politico
Postmortem on Bernie Sanders and Palestine. ... Now that the Sanders campaign
has ended, Palestinian Americans should reflect on why our organizations so readily
abandoned anti-imperialism. Steve
Political Funeral. CounterPunch
to Top |
Many Times The Trump Administration Exploited The Coronavirus Crisis. ShadowProof
Third Red Scare: Neoliberals Effective Framing of 21st Century Populist
and Progressive Movement. CounterPunch
Hasan and Noam Chomsky on Biden vs. Trump. Intercept
How Big Pharma and Big Philanthropy Consume the World. CounterPunch
Street Titans Finance Democratic Primary Challenger to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Media Had a Formula for Reporting Sexual Misconduct. Then Joe Biden Was Accused.
Coronavirus Ravages New York, the NYPD Is Detaining Kids for Selling Candy. Intercept
Liberal Center Must Be Beaten. ... The bitter defeats of Corbyn and Sanders have
changed nothing about the task before us: supplanting the neoliberal center and
offering ordinary people a real alternative to the neo-nationalist right. Jacobin
of Austerity. ... Having never recovered from the last recession, Americas
states are now being dealt another dose of austerity from the federal government,
forcing more budget cuts across welfare, education, and even health care. Its
the opposite approach of whats needed. Unless we can fund these services,
the crises will only deepen. Jacobin
APRIL 20, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS
Covid-19 Resource Hub Current
Drug shortages. Drugs.com Coronavirus
Spurs U.S. Efforts to End Chinas Chokehold on Drugs. (March 2013) MSN
to the hot spot: With less than 5% of the global population, the US now has 30.4%
of the worlds COVID-19 cases. A
nation that ranks highest among rich nations in the cost of its health care system
and at the bottom in health outcomes? Pure
Baloney: Zoologist Debunks Trumps COVID-19 Origin Theory, Explains
Animal-Human Transmission. ... The idea that this virus escaped from a lab
is just pure baloney, says Peter Daszak, disease ecologist ... DemocracyNow
Turning Into A Child-Rights Crisis, United Nations Warns. ... The
COVID-19 crisis would effectively reverse the last two to three years of
progress in reducing infant mortality within a single year, a new UN report
says. HuffPost
Medical Workers Protest New NYC Policy Demanding Doctors Notes When They
Are Sick. DemocracyNow
During a Pandemic': UnitedHealth Group Posts Surge in Profits as Millions Lose
Insurance and Thousands Die. ... "The earnings were so good, the company
said it still expects to make as much in total profits this year as they predicted
in December... when no one could predict the massive loss of life and jobs caused
by the coronavirus." CommonDreams
How Big Pharma and Big Philanthropy Consume the World. CounterPunch
to Top |
to Top
OF APRIL 17-19, 2020 Trump
threatens to adjourn both chambers of congress something no president has
ever done. ... Move would buck the Senate majority leader, Republican Mitch McConnell,
who controls chamber's schedule. Independent
Third Red Scare: Neoliberals Effective Framing of 21st Century Populist
and Progressive Movement. CounterPunch
Profit over people, cost over care: America's broken healthcare exposed by virus.
Healthcare at a hospital in Duluth, Minneapolis, take the temperature of every
visitor. ... There were 27.9 million people without health insurance in 2018,
and record-high unemployment will increase that figure by millions. Guardian Protesters
chant 'lock her up' after Michigan governor's stay-at-home order. ... Thousands
demonstrate against measure to limit spread of coronavirus as governor warns of
danger to protesters health. Guardian
- APRIL 17, 2020 Trump
administration announced companies did not have to comply with regulations against
pollution during the coronavirus pandemic. The
US government agency tasked with regulating nuclear energy moved to massively
deregulate the disposal of nuclear waste, according to Public Employees for Environmental
Responsibility EPA
administrator Wheeler announced it would not increase regulations of industrial
soot emissions. Wheeler even went so far as to accusing a study of bias after
it showed tiny industrial particles make certain American communities
vulnerable to death from the coronavirus. West
of the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the Trump administration
proceeded with ConocoPhillips Willow project.
A proposal by the Trump administration that escalate the use of GMO crops in refuges
in the SE region, including 131 refuges in 10 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S.
Virgin Islands. Harmful pesticides would be permitted too.
collapse WikiPedia
2012 - Approaching a state shift in Earths biosphere. Nature
Independent calls for tighter restrictions on wildlife trade and markets. ...
The sale of wild animals has devastating consequences for human health and global
action must be taken to cut the risk of future pandemics. Independent
2020 - The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change.
Related: Abrupt Ecosystem Collapse CounterPunch
15, 2020 - Deepwater Horizon oil spill still affecting fish in Gulf a decade later.
... Scientists have spent a decade researching the impact of the oil spill, one
of the largest environmental disasters in US history, on marine life in the Gulf.
2019 - Scientists warn of looming ecological collapse must prompt policy
action. WWF
January 2020 - Ecological collapse. Global
Challenges March
2020 - Regime shifts occur disproportionately faster in larger ecosystems. Nature
Related: Ecosystems the size of Amazon 'can collapse within decades' ...
Large biomes can break down like Jenga bricks once tipping point reached,
research finds. Guardian 2013
- Human impacts on multiple ecologicalnetworks act synergistically to driveecosystem
collapse CEIC
- Scientists Fear Global Ecological Collapse Once 50% of the Natural Landscape
is Gone. TreeHugger
to Top |
Lawmakers Demand Moratorium on Utility Shutoffs to Ensure Access to Services 'Essential
to Survive' During Coronavirus Crisis. CommonDreams
Rich Are Having Themselves A Fine Coronavirus. ... Thank President Trump and Democratic
leaders in Congress. HuffPost Trumps
EPA Is Unleashing the Pollution That Makes Us Vulnerable to COVID-19. TruthOut Trump's
decision to cut WHO funding is an act of international vandalism. ... A lack of
international cooperation in the fight against Covid-19 risks repeating the mistakes
of the Great Depression. Guardian
Cover of Covid-19, Donald Trump Ramps Up His War on Truth-Tellers. Intercept
Far-Right Leader Continues A Power Grab During The Pandemic. .. Quickly moving
to utilize emergency measures passed last week, critics say Prime Minister Viktor
Orban is killing democracy. HuffPost
Related: Viktor Orbán is Using the Coronavirus Emergency
to Crush Minorities. Jacobin
Labor Secretary Condemned for 'Despicable' Efforts to Roll Back Unemployment Benefits,
Paid Leave. ... "Trump's Labor Department has been working diligently to
ensure that no U.S. worker has it too easy in the middle of a pandemic and burgeoning
economic depression." CommonDreams WEEKEND
OF APRIL 17-19, 2020 COVID-19 NEWS The
Brazilian state of Maranhao had 107 respirators & 200K masks delivered from
China this week to fight coronavirus. They had to send them through Ethiopia,
so they wouldn't be confiscated by the U.S. nor Brazil State governor As
Virus Spreads in Federal Prisons, People Inside Describe Chaos, While Families
Are Left in the Dark. Intercept
Extreme Heat Or Cold Kill Coronavirus? ... Here's what experts know about how
COVID-19 survives or spreads in hot or freezing temperatures. HuffPost
How Big Pharma and Big Philanthropy Consume the World. CounterPunch
the Coronavirus Peak a Mirage? FAIR
COVID-19 Cases Worldwide Double To 2 Million In 2 Weeks. ... It took four and
a half months for the new coronavirus to hit 1 million confirmed cases -- and
two weeks to double that. HuffPost
is killing far more US health workers than official data suggests. ... Challenges
in collecting data, a patchwork of state tracking systems and patients who die
at home mean the true toll of Covid-19 on US healthcare workers is unknown. Guardian
CDC Warning of 'Significant Risk' of Lifting Stay-in-Place Orders, Right-Wingers
Launch Anti-Lockdown Movement. ... "These selfish and out-of-touch fringe
groups are throwing a temper tantrum at the expense of public safety and health."
to Top |
to Top
16, 2020 In
a presser on Wednesday, Trump close both chambers of Congress for obstructing
his ability to appoint judges and other positions. He is legally able to do so,
but it would be quite unprecedented. The
Failed State of America. Intercept
Coronavirus Stimulus of All': Richest Man in the World Jeff Bezos Now $24 Billion
Richer Amid Pandemic. CommonDreams
Paid By Billionaires Decreased 79 Percent Since 1980, as Percentage of Their Wealth.
... As we emerge from this pandemic, substantial tax increases are inevitable.
Central to the program should be a tax that limits the hoarding of wealth by the
billionaire class. DemocracyNow
Spying on Assanges Privileged Legal Conversations. Craig
Murray Related: CIA spy video of Julian Assange. YouTube
Tyranny of Decorum. ... A look back on the 2020 primary. Siorta
Pandemic May be Reported Like a War, But Theyre Very Different. CounterPunch/Cockburn
personalizes the coronavirus -- through a political lens. ... The president has
offered rare personal reflections about how the outbreak is affecting him. Yet
he has also personalized other elements, such as medical supply requests. Politico
from Fear: John Pilger Discusses Coronavirus Propaganda, Imperialism, and Human
Rights. CounterPunch
Joe Biden, here is how you can earn our support. ... Anti-Trump messaging wont
be enough to lead any candidate to victory. Young people need someone who will
champion bold ideas. Guardian
says it's 'legitimate to talk about' allegation against Biden. The
Predatory': Trump Treasury Department Gives Banks Green Light to Seize $1,200
Stimulus Checks to Pay Off Debts. CommonDreams
Treasury Department is pointing out opportunities for banks and debt collectors
to steal Americans' relief checks out from under them." ... Mega-Rich Hedge
Funds Swoop Down to Grab COVID-19 Small Business Relief Funds. TruthOut
Prince Offered Lethal Services to Sanctioned Russian Mercenary Firm Wagner. Intercept
Cornel West: Unlike Bernie Sanders, Im Not Convinced the Democratic Party
Can Be Reformed. DemocracyNow
No Reason to Turn Airtime Over to Trumps Deceptive Coronavirus Campaign
Rallies. FAIR
can't cancel the election but he will try to stop people voting. ... Only
by making participation more flexible can we ensure a fair contest in November
which is why Republicans are blocking such moves. Guardian
Family Loses Huge Court Fight to Force Fraud and Deceptive Practices Lawsuit into
Secret Arbitration. Law
and Crime Why
it is Time to Move On from MoveOn.org and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. Black
Agenda Report APRIL
16, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS Thousands
of coronavirus tests are going unused in US labs. ... US labs that underwent huge
efforts to retool for COVID-19 testing still arent operating at full capacity.
Experts say the lack of a national strategy is largely to blame. Nature
Officials Weigh Possibility Coronavirus Escaped From A Chinese Lab. ... The intelligence
community has not come down on any one theory, an official told Yahoo
News. HuffPost
One of Big Pharmas Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the COVID-19 Cure
Market. ... One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies
in the united states, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid
crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current coronavirus crisis. MintPress
will disappear': the disinformation Trump spread about the coronavirus
timeline Guardian
to Top |
to Top
15, 2020 Rejecting
all oversight': is Trump purging government watchdogs? ... President recently
ousted two inspectors general, including one tasked with leading oversight of
coronavirus relief law. Guardian
Wars Part 2. Craig
Murray Sanders
Says Congress Must Stop Trump From Exploiting Covid-19 Crisis to 'Bankrupt and
Privatize the Postal Service'. ... "Now, more than ever, we need a strong
and vibrant postal system to deliver mail 6-days a week. Congress must act now
to save it." CommonDreams
Labour officials worked to lose general election to oust leader, leaked dossier
finds Independent
Related: #BernieSanders wanted the US to fund healthcare & education
for all, so the establishment tried to destroy him. ... The New York Times reported
that: "dozens of Democratic Party officials, including 93 superdelegates,
found overwhelming opposition to handing Sanders the nomination" The
Omnipresent Surveillance State. CounterPunch
We Need a New Progressive Party and How We Can Create It.... There is no room
for progressives in the Democratic Party. ... No matter how many votes he or she
gets, no progressive will be permitted to be the presidential nominee of the Democratic
Party. CounterPunch
by media scrutiny, Trump turned a briefing into a presidential tantrum. ... President
lashed out at reporters, swiped at Biden and refused to accept that he had put
a foot wrong in coronavirus response. Guardian
of Marginalized Workers': Trump Moves to Slash Pay of Guest Farmworkers Amid Covid-19
Crisis ... "While farmworkers are working during a pandemic to pick the food
that feeds our families during this crisis, Trump is looking to cut their pay."
Dealers Practice Social Distancing; Police Cough On Residents. ... COVID-19 is
felt differently in cities like Baltimore where police act like an occupying force.
working Americans' survival at stake, the US is bailing out the richest. ... Without
significant oversight, Congresss economic relief bill will leave millions
of everyday Americans in financial peril. Guardian
or Expendable? Farmworkers Condemn Lack of Protection and Economic Help During
Pandemic. DemocracyNow
War as a Domestic Political Tool Operation War President. Can't
be Happening Rich
Owners of Medical Staffing Companies Who Cut Doctor Pay Now Want a Bailout. TruthOut
global reputation hits rock-bottom over Trump's coronavirus response. ... International
relations expert warns policy failure could do lasting damage as president insults
allies and undermines alliances. Guardian
APRIL 15, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS 'It
will disappear': the disinformation Trump spread about the coronavirus
timeline. Guardian
González: My 92-Year-Old Mothers COVID-19 Experience Shows Me How
Rotten Our Health System Is. DemocracyNow
Wash Your Hands? Despite Pandemic, Thousands Still Have No Water in Detroit, a
Coronavirus Hot Spot. DemocracyNow
long does coronavirus live on different surfaces? ... Coronavirus RNA was found
on a cruise ship 17 days after passengers left. What are the risks of handling
packages and groceries? Guardian
Accused Of Hijacking Protective Gear For First Responders In Massachusetts Town.
... FEMA said moving supplies to hot spots determined by the Trump
administration is not the same as commandeering.. HuffPost
the link between abusing animals and the world's health is now clear. ... A disregard
for creature welfare is often central to disease. But politicians wont dare
make the connection. Guardian
to Top |
Scroll to Top
14, 2020 Naomi
Klein: Sanders Broke the Spell of Neoliberalism as Trump Pushes Coronavirus
Capitalism. DemocracyNow
Reasons the Ruling Elite Love This Crisis. ... While monumental shocks currently
pound citizens around the world, an orgiastic festival of exploitation is underway.
News America's
billionaires are giving to charity but much of it is self-serving rubbish.
... Well-publicized philanthropy shows how afraid the super-rich are of a larger
social safety net and higher taxes. Guardian/Reich
11, 2020 - Assange's Extradition: Incarceration in the Time of Covid-19 Threatens
His Life. ... In the COVID-19 emergency, the prosecution of Julian Assange is
aggressing further. CommonDreams
April 12, 2020 - Release Julian Assange, says woman who had two children with
him while in embassy. ... Stella Moris, who had two sons with WikiLeaks founder
while he was in Ecuadorian embassy, says he is in danger from coronavirus while
in prison. Guardian
13, 2020 - Julian Assange: One Year in Belmarsh. CounterPunch
Price of Power and West Points Class of 1986. CounterPunch
the link between abusing animals and the world's health is now clear. ... A disregard
for creature welfare is often central to disease. But politicians wont dare
make the connection. Guardian
Nicaragua confronts Covid, its US-backed opposition exploits the pandemic to create
chaos. ... Nicaraguas right-wing opposition is waging an information warfare
campaign to undermine Nicaraguas elected Sandinista government, spreading
disinformation about its response. So far, the government has taken a balanced
approach with close attention to the working class and poor. Gray
Zone A
pandemic like coronavirus may be reported like a war but it is very different.
... Surviving boredom and isolation requires the right book and a questioning
attitude towards politicians and the media. Independent/Cockburn
Postal Service on 'Verge of Collapse' and 630,000 Jobs at Risk, Trump Slammed
for Refusing to Act. ... "We've pleaded with the White House to help. Donald
Trump personally directed his staff not to do so." CommonDreams
Related: We Cant Allow Trump to Use the Coronavirus Crisis
to Attack the Postal Service. TruthOut
President and His Mob: the Autopsy of Governance. CounterPunch
Wars. Craig
Trump v the states: how the president is remaking the government in his image
... Clashes between presidents and governors are nothing new but Trumps
rattling of the federalist compact is unprecedented in modern times. Guardian
the Stock Market Is Healthy as Americans Die. Intercept
a Scandal That We Dont Know Who Supported the Coronavirus Bailout. Help
Us Find Out. Intercept
York City hires laborers to bury dead in Hart Island potter's field amid coronavirus
surge. Reuters
APRIL 14, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS What
Trump Knew & When He Knew It: NYT on How Trump Ignored COVID-19 Warnings Until
It Was Too Late. DemocracyNow
Only 6% of COVID-19 cases have been detected worldwide, meaning that the actual
number of cases is already in the 10s of millions. Science
Daily Not
wearing masks to protect against coronavirus is a big mistake, top
Chinese scientist says. Science
Magazine U.S.
Got More Confirmed Index Cases of Coronavirus From Europe Than From
China. Intercept
gonna party like its COVID-1999
.Alton, Illinois mayor sends police
to raid COVID parties, who discover the mayors own wife attending one of
months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. Guardian
Lies About Cutting White House Pandemic Team to Dodge (Checks Notes) Fox News.
... Donald Trumps latest campaign rally disguised as a coronavirus task
force briefing took a remarkable turn ... when he was stunned by a tough question
from, of all people, John Roberts of Fox News. Intercept
to Top
13, 2020 Chomsky
and Pollin: To Heal From COVID-19, We Must Imagine a Different World. TruthOut
the state where American democracy went to die ... The states holding of
a primary during a pandemic is just the latest example of Republicans naked
bid to keep power at all costs. Guardian
Alarming': Coronavirus Stimulus Law Allows the Federal Reserve to Hold Secret
Meetings on Corporate Bailouts. .. "That provision's a body blow to transparency
when we need it most." CommonDreams
COVID-19 Pandemic Is Exposing the Plague of Neoliberalism. TruthOut/Giroux
S.E.C. Rule That Destroyed The Universe How the coronavirus is creating a political
opportunity to overturn one of the worst practices of the kleptocracy era.
Substack/Tabbi Stephanie
Grisham, who didnt hold a single press briefing, is out as Trumps
press secretary replaced by Kayleigh McEnany, who said this on Feb. 25: We
will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. Nonvoters
Are Not Privileged. They Are Disproportionately Lower-Income, Non-White and Dissatisfied
With The Two Parties. Intercept
Chomsky on Trumps Disastrous Coronavirus Response, Bernie Sanders &
What Gives Him Hope. DemocracyNow
Murray (Wiki)
- Is GCHQ Embedded in Wikipedia? Murray
(GCHQ Wiki -
Similar to the CIA)
5/18/18 - The Phillip Cross Affair Part 1 Murray
- Emma Barnett: A Classic Philip Cross Wikipedia Operation Part 2
- The Philip Cross MSM Promotion Operation Part 3. Murray
- Philip Cross Madness Part 4 Murray
- The Mysterious Wikipedia Editor - BBC
radio 14/11/19
- Le Mesurier Gets Cross. Murray
(Ref: James
Le Mesurier Wiki 4/11/20
- Information Wars Murray
to Top |
Aims to Stop Baltimore Police From Using War-Zone Surveillance System to Spy on
Residents. Intercept
& coronavirus: 800,000 Haitians may die of COVID-19. Gutted by US-allied,
neoliberal governments which have controlled the country since 2004, Haitis
healthcare sector braces for a potential catastrophe. Gray
Zone Basic
Economics for Economic Columnists: a Depression is a Process, Not an Event. CounterPunch/Baker
Klein: Sanders Broke the Spell of Neoliberalism as Trump Pushes Coronavirus
Capitalism. DemocracyNow/Klein
news or bad news? Many people choose ignorance over staying informed, study finds.
Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade Files Criminal Complaint. Newsweek
New York Times sinks below Fox. ... Its story about the opening of a criminal
probe into the origins of Russiagate marks a new low in mainstream
Substack/Taibbi Its
Time To Say It: Trump Is Handling COVID-19 Like A Dictator. ... How a new generation
of authoritarians explains the presidents coronavirus response. HuffPost
New Normal: Cascading and Multilayered Crises. CounterPunch
13, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS 1,000
a week DOA's in New York City. Those aren't tested for Covid as yet and counted
in the total deaths from the virus. Hospitals
say feds are seizing masks and other coronavirus supplies without a word.
LA Times Trump
Playing Politics With Lives As FEMA Grabs Ventilators, Lawmaker Charges.
... The president manipulated Colorados order of coronavirus equipment to
help embattled GOP Sen. Cory Gardner, Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette says. HuffPost
2 (The Sequel) | The Daily Show. YouTube
video Just
another closet case, outed by God
Israeli health minister, Yaakov Litzman,
who had previously blamed homosexuals for spreading the COVID-19 virus, has now
tested positive for COVID. Thoughts and prayers, eh? How
Covid-19 is Exposing Weaknesses in Our Food Systems. Sonali
US Consigns Iranians to Death, Corporate Media Look the Other Way. FAIR
the Pentagon Knew About the Coronavirus -- in 2017. The
Nation Billionaire-backed
Human Rights Watch lobbies for lethal US sanctions on leftist governments as Covid
crisis rages Regime change-hungry HRW is proudly taking credit for crushing
new US sanctions on Nicaragua while pushing to escalate Washingtons economic
war on Venezuela. The Grayzone presents a deep dive into the human rights
arm of US empire. Gray
Zone NYC
Is Taking Hundreds of Body Bags Out of Houses -- and Soon They Will Be Counted.
Rich: Trumps Potemkin Recovery. ... Amid reports that the federal stockpile
of medical supplies is nearly exhausted and production of new equipment
is unlikely to come soon enough, it now appears that the Trump administration
may be playing favorites, distributing supplies to political allies and states
important for the presidents reelection campaign. How bad will the fallout
be? NY
Magazine Related: Trump is playing a disgusting political game with
our lives. Denver
Post Scroll
to Top |
to Top


30, 2020 How
Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State. w/Chris Hedges. YouTube
in modern times requires more than force, more than law. It requires the population
dangerously concentrated in cities and factories, whose lives are filled with
cause for rebellion, but taught that all is right. - Howard Zinn, A People's History
of the United States Uncovering
the U.S. prisoner transfer system and alleviating coronavirus outbreaks in prisons:
Q and A with Emma Kaufman. Journalists
Resource Beware
a new wave of populism, born out of coronavirus-induced economic inequity. ...
Big businesses and governments are fast making themselves inviolable. There
could be a backlash. Guardian
Voting: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. CounterPunch
Up at the Trough': Federal Reserve to Offer Corporations $500 Billion No-Strings-Attached
Bailout Loophole. ... "Big corporations have shown time and again that they
will put their shareholders and executives ahead of their workers if given the
choice." CommonDreams
Coronavirus Bailout Scam Is $6 Trillion Giveaway To Wall Street. ...Facing
the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Congress rammed through the CARES Act -- which economist
Michael Hudson explains is not a bailout but a massive, $6 trillion
giveaway to Wall Street, banks, large corporations, and stockholders. Popular
Resistance Coronavirus
Capitalism and Exceptional America. CounterPunch
Trump Says No to Additional Covid-19 Stimulus Checks, Backs Cutting Tax That Funds
Social Security Instead. ... "Cutting payroll taxes does nothing to help
seniors or the millions of people who just lost their jobs. It does, however,
defund Social Security and Medicarewhich is why Trump is obsessed with the
idea." CommonDreams
Is Funneled to the Wealthy. We Need a Financial Infrastructure Overhaul. TruthOut
the Recovery From the COVID-19 Shutdown. CounterPunch
Giants Are Using This Crisis to Colonize the Welfare System. ... In recent years,
firms like Google and Facebook have used the Global South as a test bed for new
and unregulated forms of data collection. Faced with coronavirus, the same mechanisms
are being rolled out across the world with for-profit data collection becoming
increasingly central to states management of their welfare systems. Jacobin Sccroll
to Top |
Journalism Will Require Some New Thinking. CounterPunch
Confident Trump will Let Him Annex Vast Swathes of Palestinian Territory. ...
Since Europe is weak and pusillanimous when it comes to dealing with Israeli aggression,
or in some cases is simply perfidious, the issue has been left in the hands of
the United States, where it has been decisively captured by the Israel lobbies
and billionaires such as Sheldon Adelson. Scheer
Post Exclusive:
OPCW insiders slam compromised new Syria chemical weapons probe. ...
Current and former staff members of the OPCW have denounced the organizations
IIT report alleging Syrian government sarin use at Ltamenah, criticizing its reliance
on rumor, hearsay, scientifically flawed claims and the influence
of unqualified, secret experts aligned with the Western-backed opposition.
Zone US-Backed
Forces Killed Twice as Many Children as Extremists Did During 1st Quarter of 2020.
... The new quarterly report on casualties comes a month after U.N. Secretary-General
António Guterres called for a global ceasefire amid the coronavirus pandemic.
say 2020 on course to be hottest year since records began. ... Global lockdowns
have lowered emissions but longer-term changes needed, say scientists. Guardian
Sides-ing Bleach Injection. ... Media in the era of an incompetent president.
Ruling Class Does Not Rule. ... In a capitalist society, state managers rely on
business confidence to generate the economic growth on which they depend, so capitalists
dont have to mobilize politically to block radical reform. It requires exceptional
circumstances to loosen these constraints. Jacobin
APRIL 30, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS Coronavirus:
Trump slashes funding for research group and promotes conspiracy theory it sent
money to Wuhan lab. ... National Health Institute halts all funding for research
group studying how coronavirus spreads from bats to humans after unfounded claims
it was funnelling money to a lab in Wuhan, China. Independent
orders meat processing plants to stay open amid coronavirus pandemic. ... Despite
concerns about the food supply chain, Trump reassured Americans that there is
"plenty of supply." NBC
Test Rates For COVID-19 Are As High As 87% At Some Michigan Prisons A new lawsuit
accuses the state Department of Corrections of allowing the rampant spread of
the coronavirus. HuffPost
in ICE Detention Face Reprisals for Speaking Up About Fears of Covid-19. Intercept
to Top |
to Top
29, 2020 'Democracy
is Dead,' Declare Sanders Supporters After Bernie Taken Off New York Ballot. ...The
decision was made by the New York Board of Elections, one of whom described holding
the primary as a frivolous "beauty contest" for the Vermont lawmaker's
supporters. CommonDreams
Struggle Against Neoliberalism Intensifies: Saving Our Postal Service And Workers.
Resistance New
Poll Shows Nearly 90 Percent of Democratic Voters Support Medicare for All. TruthOut
the Lout. CounterPunch
The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life. ... The
president was aware of the danger from the coronavirus but a lack of leadership
has created an emergency of epic proportions. Guardian
Inside View Of Venezuelas Resistance To US Imperialism. Popular
Resistance Trump
Has Sabotaged Americas Coronavirus Response. ... As it improvises its way
through a public health crisis, the United States has never been less prepared
for a pandemic. Foreign
Policy Capitalism
Cant Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses. CounterPunch
Capitalism Is Impossible. ... Progressive economist Joseph Stiglitz means
well, but the dream of a progressive capitalism will remain just a
dream, its horizons always strictly limited by capitalist private ownership. Jacobin
is a force that gives us meaning - Chris Hedges YouTube
the Economy Now Will Send Us Deeper Into Hell. TruthOut
Native and Disabled. The US Government Is Sacrificing My People. TruthOut
indicative of our current predicament that the only mobs angry enough to take
to the streets are the ones who believe that Trumps ruthless incompetence
hasnt killed enough people
Gantz and the End of the Two-State Solution. CounterPunch
Unemployment Rate Could Rival Great Depressions: Trump Adviser. ... Make
no mistake, its a really grave situation, said Kevin Hassett as Secretary
Mnuchin said the economy will bounce back this summer. HuffPost
Thunberg: Climate Activists Have Not Lost Hope Amid Pandemic. Were Changing
How We Organize. DemocracyNow
Florida be lost forever to the climate crisis? Guardian
APRIL 29, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS A
Spoonful of Clorox. YouTube
American: As Trump Touts Dangerous Cures, Heres What We Know About COVID-19
Drug Tests. DemocracyNow
a Federal Halfway House Confirms Its First Covid-19 Case, Resident Who Raised
Alarms Is Sent Back to Jail. Intercept
There is no thought process on White House handling of briefings.
... The White House reversed course on cancelling a daily briefing, instead opting
for a news conference. Nicolle Wallace says, All that they have
is the fiction, there is no thought process, there is no strategy session
there is Donald Trump and the reflection of himself in cable news coverage.
Doesn't Do Anything": Experts Warn Trump Plan for States to Test Just 2%
of Residents Is Completely Inadequate. CommonDreams
to Top |
to Top
28, 2020 Watch
the CIA Get Away With Torture. TruthDig
Media Deny Their Own Existence, Despite Driving Bidens Primary Victory.
destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say worlds top scientists Exclusive:
only one species is responsible for coronavirus humans say worlds
leading wildlife experts. Guardian
ECONOMY Economic
Update: Capitalism's Unemployment Problem. ... Capitalism's recurring unemployment
problem was never solved and makes the system fundamentally unstable. Today's
high levels of unemployment are hugely costly in both human and financial terms.
At Work Capitalism
Cant Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses. CounterPunch
of the worlds largest banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America,
have been sued for allegedly conspiring over nearly 14 years to rig prices in
the $9.6 trillion U.S. corporate bond market, costing ordinary investors billions
of dollars. Reuters
Capitalism Is Impossible. ... Progressive economist Joseph Stiglitz means
well, but the dream of a progressive capitalism will remain just a
dream, its horizons always strictly limited by capitalist private ownership. Jacobin
the Economy Now Will Send Us Deeper Into Hell. TruthOut
Reporting on Hardships of Pandemic Should Explore Market Failures ... he New York
Times (4/9/20) noted that the nation has countenanced debilitating decay
in its public institutions and a concentration of economic power not seen since
the 1920s. FAIR
to Top |
if Covid-19 isn't our biggest threat? Guardian
Evidence Supporting Credibility of Tara Reades Allegation Against Joe Biden
Emerges. Intercept
Poll Shows Nearly 90% Democratic Support, Biden Told Hostility to Medicare for
All 'No Longer Tenable Position for You' "Hey, ?Joe Biden, ? as a Democrat
running for president in a pandemic, this looks like a popular idea." CommonDreams
Media Deny Their Own Existence, Despite Driving Bidens Primary Victory.
Totalitarianism: The End Game. With Chris Hedges YouTube
Money - More than half of TX Gov. Greg Abbotts coronavirus panel on reopening
Texas are campaign donors. ... Since 2015, 25 of the 39 members of his Special
Advisory Council have given Abbotts political arm at least $5.8 million,
a Dallas Morning News analysis found. Dallas
News Militarization
in a Time of Pandemic Crisis. CounterPunch/Giroux
Moment: On Earth Day, Kumi Naidoo on Africas Twin Pandemics of Coronavirus
& Hunger. DemocracyNow
global corruption's hidden players. YouTube
Are They So Mad at Bernie Supporters? Jacobin
Leaked Labour Party Report ... 851 pages of the suppressed and leaked Labour
Party report on its handling of anti-semitism complaints. It is an important document,
that is fundamental to understanding a major turning point in UK history, where
Northern European social democracy failed to re-establish itself in the UK. Craig
Murray The
Disgusting Lies on Harry Dunns Death Must Stop Craig
Murray Craig
Murray Defence Fund Launched Craig
APRIL 28, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS Dr
Brix at Trump news conference video
New York sees spike in disinfectant exposure cases following Trumps dangerous
treatment musings. ... US presidents false suggestions regarding use of
cleaning agent widely condemned. Independent
vaccines: pressure is on to ensure they go to the most needy, not the highest
bidder. ... Australian chair of global coalition which aims to ensure vaccines
are distributed fairly says there will be an astronomical push to
get access to successful ones. Guardian
to Top |
to Top
27, 2020 States
all over the world are ramping up surveillance, as people seemingly willingly
give up whatever civil liberties they have left in the name of safety. Popular
Resistance Related: Governments Are Using Covid-19 to Usher in a New
Era of Mass Surveillance. ... As states all over the world ramp up surveillance,
the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Adam Schwartz warns against sacrificing civil
liberties for safety. Scheer
Post How
Bernie & Squad Actually Support Corporate State. w/Chris Hedges. YouTube
Related: Et Tu, Bernie? TruthDig
or Download
FEMA Reportedly
Took The 5 Million Masks Ordered For Veterans To Send To Stockpile. ... I
couldnt tell you when my next delivery was coming in, Veterans Health
Administration manager complained to The Washington Post. HuffPost
'Utter Inability to Discharge Duties of His Office,' MoveOn Demands Trump Removal
Under 25th Amendment. ... "It's not just Trump's words but his actions that
reveal his utter inability to discharge the duties of his office." CommonDreams
economist: US coronavirus response is like third world country. ... Joseph Stiglitz
attacks Donald Trump, saying US on course for second Great Depression. Guardian
think humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurtling through the
void. I think if there was a God he would have given up on us long ago. ... He
gave us a paradise and we used everything up. We dug up every ounce of energy
and burned it. We consume and excrete, use and destroy. ... Then we sit here,
on a neat little pile of ashes, having squeezed anything of value out of this
planet, and we ask ourselves "Why are we here?" ... You wanna know what
I think your purpose is? It's obvious. You're here, along with the rest of us,
to speed the entropic death of this planet. To service the chaos. ... We're maggots
eating a corpse."- Westworld Chris
Hedges Gives a Sermon on the environment YouTube
Justice Arising --- Hidden Hope in Dark Times. ... Despite lack of federal leadership
and underappreciated by most of us, key states and cities are not only getting
it, theyre getting going --plowing ahead with solutions to the climate crisis
grounded in social equity. CommonDreams/Lappe
McKibben on Earth Day at 50: We Must Stop Subsidizing Fossil Fuel Industry Wrecking
the Planet. DemocracyNow
peer pressure can help save the planet. Download
noteworthy books on conservation and the environment from 2019. Download
David Wallace-Wells:
'We are on the brink of total catastrophe. Download
North Dakotas fracking boom, people keep disappearing. .. Journalist Sierra
Crane Murdoch documents Lissa Yellow Birds search for the missing. HCN
Study Shows Why Public Lands are Overgrazed: Case in Point, the High Uintas Wilderness.
How Pepsi and Coke make millions bottling tap water, as residents face shutoffs.
... The drinks giants were allowed to keep bottling in Detroit, despite substantial
unpaid water bills, a Consumer Reports investigation finds. Guardian
can't let Trump roll back 50 years of environmental progress. ... I worked for
the EPA for 33 years. We cant let this administration obliterate half a
century of environmental progress. Guardian
Study Shows Why Public Lands are Overgrazed: Case in Point, the High Uintas Wilderness.
and Labor Groups Team Up to Demand COVID-19 Relief. TruthOut
to Top |
Business Owners Asked to Sign Onto PPP Loans With No Guarantee of Forgiveness.
Dont Have the Capacity to Treat: Palestinian-Canadian Doctor Says
Israel Must Lift Gaza Siege. DemocracyNow
are people born without bootstraps to pull themselves up with when they fall.
So they must be helped
Antoinette of the Senate: McConnell Draws Rare GOP Condemnation for Suggesting
States Go Bankrupt. Mother
Jones Related: Mitch McConnell says cash-strapped states hit
by the coronavirus should go bankrupt rather than receive emergency federal aid.
Insider Consoler-in-chief?
Lacking empathy, Trump weighs the economic costs, not the human ones. Guardian
Is Running Out': MoveOn Demands Congress Stay in Session as McConnell Balks at
Swift Next Step on Relief. ... "We are in a national health and economic
emergency and we need Congress to start acting like it." CommonDreams
wants military base in Miami. ... Ecuadors leftist President Rafael Correa
said Washington must let him open a military base in Miami if the United States
wants to keep using an air base on Ecuadors Pacific coast. Reuters
Trumps Foreign Policy Puts Troops at Risk of Covid-19. ... A leaked intelligence
brief reveals US sanctions have left Iran bereft of financial resources
to mount an effective public health response. The
Nation Dont
Worry, Everything Will Get Back to Normal. CounterPunch
End of Public Education with Noliwe Rooks and Chris Hedges. YouTube
(26min) The
Day Petroleum Was Less Than Worthless. TruthOut
APRIL 27, 2020 - COVID-19 NEWS (2004)
Expert: Flu Pandemic Coming. CBS
The big one is coming, and it's going to be a flu pandemic. CNN
How Ready Are We for a Pandemic? We Asked an Infectious Disease Expert Dr. Gerald
A. Evans foresees a pandemic occurring within the next 50 years. Futuriswm
The Coming Pandemic. ... The Real Story. BBC (Feb
2020) - 10 Reasons The Next Pandemic Is On The Horizon. Listverse
Health Care Workers Spoke Out. Their Hospitals Fired Them. ... Doctors and nurses
say drawing attention to urgent needs and hospital conditions is the only way
to force change and save lives. But it could cost them their jobs. HuffPost
Trump Urges Doctors to Lie on Live TV, Federal Official Says He Was Fired for
Limiting Hydroxychloroquine Use. Intercept
to Top |
to Top
OF APRIL 24-26, 2020 Gangster
in the White House: Noam Chomsky on COVID-19, WHO, China, Gaza and Global
Capitalism. DemocracyNow
Coronavirus Bailout Should Not Be A License To Steal. ... The Federal Reserve
could oversee an economic recovery or a once-in-a-century heist. It has the power
to choose. HuffPost
Quietly Rams Through Long-Sought Priorities As Pandemic Rages... Rolling back
environmental regulations, imposing voter ID, banning abortion its
all happening while the public is focused on the coronavirus. HuffPost
sound alarm as Trump puts for-profit insurer in charge of COVID-19 hospital funds:
Yet another way to profit off the pandemic RawStory
News promotes stay-at-home protests while staying at home. ... Fox News has had
87 individual segments in the past week discussing, advocating, and promoting
the protests for stay-at-home orders. But the Fox News hosts themselves are staying
home. MSNBC
of Treasury Steve Mnuchin - He wants us to survive on $1,200 for 10 weeks. America
disagrees. "It's one banana Michael, what could it cost, $10?" Mary
Devos - Head of Dept of Education - 'Cruel and Outrageous': DeVos Blocks Undocumented
Students From Receiving Coronavirus Emergency Aid. ... "This is what [it's]
like to be an immigrant under Trump." CommonDreams
of course the usual suspect
to Top |
Is Back to Waging War on Science, at the Worst Possible Moment. NY
Magazine Bannon,
Traditionalism, Dugin, and Olavo Traditionalists
Blog Trump
administration challenged to reveal troop levels in war zones. ... Freedom of
information request filed after Pentagon stopped publishing figures for Afghanistan,
Iraq and Syria. Guardian
Intercept's weekly show, host Glenn Greenwald focuses on the case and prosecution
of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Glenn talks to human rights lawyer Jennifer
Robinson, who represents Assange, and Washington Post media columnist Margaret
Sullivan, who is an outspoken and consistent defender of press freedom YouTube
Airstrikes Hit All-Time High as Coronavirus Spreads in Somalia. ... In the first
four months of this year, U.S. Africa Command has conducted more airstrikes in
Somalia than it did during all of Barack Obamas eight years in office. Intercept
Pelosi and Shalalalala - Unsanitized: Donna Shalala Selection Makes a Mockery
of Bailout Oversight Panel. ... American
Prospect Operation
Dolphin: A Preview of Iraq Documentary Meatgrinder ... A Preview of
Iraq Documentary Meatgrinder. .. Maj Danny Sjursen describes Operation
Dolphin, which took place in Iraq on January 25, 2007. Scheer
Post Opinion:
How COVID-19 Has Already Changed Everything (in the aviation Industry). Aviation
Week The
GOP Has Every Reason to Want the US Postal Service to Fail. TruthOut
global pandemic has spawned new forms of activism and theyre flourishing.
... Weve identified nearly 100 distinct methods of non-violent action that
include physical, virtual and hybrid actions. Guardian
Hedges Interview: Americas Broken Political System And How We Rise Up To
Overthrow It. YouTube
Related: The Collapse of the American Empire? YouTube
Contact: Death of the US Constitution. (30min) YourTube/Hedges
How Mitch McConnell Became Trumps Enabler-in-Chief. ... The Senate Majority
Leaders refusal to rein in the President is looking riskier than ever. The
New Yorker Noam
Chomsky: America Has Built a Global Dystopia. ... Danny Sjursen, Chris Henri
Henrikson, Chris Hedges, Keagan Miller. Scheer
Post Theres
No Real Oversight Of The $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Law. ... Billions of dollars
are being spent. There are no active watchdogs. HuffPost Interview
With Chris Hedges From America: The Farewell Tour ScheerPost
Finance Committee Democrats Tried to Strike Millionaire Tax Break from Coronavirus
Stimulus Then Failed to Warn Others About It. Intercept
Whitehouse, Doggett Release New Analysis Showing GOP Tax Provisions in CARES Act
Overwhelmingly Benefit Million-Dollar-Plus Earners. Insurance
News Net |
Zionist State at Any Cost.... The foundation of Israel is tied up with David Ben-Gurion,
its first prime minister. Through examining his life, we see how Israels
creation was from its beginnings doomed to create an apartheid-like state maintained
by an oppressor nation. Jacobin
Publicly traded firms get $300M in small-business loans MSN
D. Wolff Interview: How the COVID-19 Crisis Is Reshaping Our Economy. YouTube
OF APRIL 24-26, 2020 COVID-19
Raises Questions About False Negatives From Quick COVID-19 Test. ... the ID Now
only detected the virus in 85.2% of the samples, meaning it had a false-negative
rate of 14.8 percent. NPR
Whats New for April 21, 2020. ... Main updates on IHME COVID-19 predictions
since April 17, 2020. IHME
- Current NM projected May 11-17. Dr
Antony Fauci: We will have coronavirus in the fall. I am convinced of that.
... Whether or not the outbreak in the fall will be big or small is going
to depend on our response... Nobody can predict whats going to happen with
an outbreak. CDC
Director Warns Americans Of Potential Second Wave Of Coronavirus This Winter Robert
Redfield told The Washington Post that a second wave could be harsher than the
current one because it may overlap with the beginning of flu season. HuffPost
Computer modellers push back estimates for when it could be safe for each state
to reopen. ... The main driver of these later predictions is the increase
in reported deaths since the last release Independent
Related: IHME
to Top |
to Top
23, 2020 Cowardly
Congress Chooses to be AWOL: Shouldnt Our Elected Representatives be on
the Job Providing Essential Services? CounterPunch/Nader
Ex-Michigan Gov. Snyder Knew About Flint Water Crisis as Early as 2014 & Lied
About It to Congress. DemocracyNow
City bombing: 25 years on and right wing extremists just as dangerous, with violence
likely if Trump loses election, experts warn. ... The ideology that once
put Timothy McVeigh on violent fringe of American political thinking is now much
closer to Republican Party mainstream Independent
Cave': Senate Interim Funding Bill for Coronavirus Relief Spurns Progressive Priorities.
... "This isn't good." CommonDreams
not the unemployed, are America's real 'moral hazard' ... Many Republicans believe
economic relief for those without jobs encourages slacking off. But it is corporations
that are bailed out again and again. Guardian
Criticism of a Sociopathbut Serious Alternatives? Lets Not Get Carried
Away. FAIR Declaring
War on a Virus Ignores the Neoliberal Policies That Put Us Here. TruthOut
COVID-19 Gangster
in the White House: Noam Chomsky on COVID-19, WHO, China, Gaza and Global
Capitalism. DemocracyNow
Spreading the Virus of Occupation: Spitting as a Weapon in the Hand of Colonial
Israel. CounterPunch
Inaction on the COVID-19 Crisis Seems More Deliberate Each Day. TruthOut
Pandemic Lays
Bare Israels Systemic Racism. Popular
Resistance Trumpian
Nationalists Have Met Their Match in COVID-19. CounterPunch
Maximum Pressure on Iran Is Making COVID-19 Worse. ... Irans
virus death toll nears 5,000, US sanctions continue to bear down... The regimes
geopolitical rivalry with the West is getting in the way of the emergency response
-- and once again, its the people of Iran who are suffering. Jacobin
Spreading the
Virus of Occupation: Spitting as a Weapon in the Hand of Colonial Israel. CounterPunch
The NYPD Is Making
Things Worse. ... One in six New York City police officers is out sick. Those
who are still working have refused to perform emergency duties, like assisting
overstressed mortuary workers, while continuing to make unnecessary arrests. Its
time to send New York cops home. Jacobin
Danger Clown
and the Return to American Normalcy. CounterPunch
President threatens
Iran after being accused of coronavirus distractions as CDC director
warns second wave of disease could be worse. Independent
'Mother of All
Distractions': Amid Covid-19 Failures, Trump Threatens War With Order to 'Shoot
Down' Iranian Boats. ... 'Never Heard of Anything Like This': Watchdogs Sound
Alarm as Trump Puts For-Profit Insurer in Charge of Covid-19 Hospital Funds. CommonDreams
Military Intervention in Venezuela During a Pandemic? CounterPunch
If Coronavirus
Overwhelms Gaza, Israel Alone is to Blame. CounterPunch
Corona and the
Rise of the German Police State. CounterPunch
As Pandemic Rages,
US Economic Sanctions Against Cuba are Deadly. CounterPunch
The Self-Centered
Rich Country Response to Pandemics and Crises is Wrecking Poor Countries. CounterPunch
How Ecuador Descended
into COVID-19 Chaos. CEPR Scroll
to Top |
the Theoretical Arrow Fired by Jane Goodall End at the Feet of Jair Bolsonaro?.
Plague of Jared Kushner. ... Kushner has gotten yet another nepotistic gig leading
the Trump administrations coronavirus shadow task force. The
problem is, he doesnt know anything about COVID-19, just like he doesnt
know anything about immigration reform or Middle East peace. Jacobin
23, 2020 - COVID-19 'Deliberately
Cruel': Millions of US Citizens Blocked From Stimulus Payments Because They Married
Immigrants. ... "We're flat broke. We don't know what's gonna happen."
and the end of humankind | Rosalind Eggo | TEDxThessaloniki. YouTube
Thing: a second coronavirus wave could be worse than the first. ... The CDC director
Robert Redfield says a new surge of infections in the winter months would coincide
with the annual flu season. Plus, how Muslims are marking Ramadan in isolation.
Destruction Brought Us COVID-19. What It Brings Next Could Be Far Worse. ... A
virus that originated in animals has upended life across the globe. But the next
deadly pandemic could make this look like a warmup. HuffPost
check: Herd immunity would not fully stop the spread of coronavirus. USA
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to Top

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