10, 2020 Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 7 ... This morning we went straight
in to the evidence of Clive Stafford Smith, a dual national British/American lawyer
licensed to practice in the UK. Craig
Murray The
Julian Assange Case In Extradition Hearing, Julian Assanges Legal Team Focuses
On US Torture And War Crimes Exposed By WikiLeaks. ... WikiLeaks founder Julian
Assanges legal team spent the second morning of a major extradition hearing
focusing a magistrate court judges attention on United States torture and
war crimes that Assange helped to expose ShadowProof
Navy Strikes Again CommonDreams
10, 2020 WAR IS WHAT DEFINES US Eisenhower
Farewell Address - 'Military Industrial Complex' WARNING. YouTube
End to Evil" by David Frum and Richard Perle. ... Undaunted by the Iraq debacle,
uber-hawks David Frum and Richard Perle air their fevered wet dream of a national-security
superstate that slaps down uppity Muslims, bombs North Korea, slices and dices
civil liberties and scatters the Palestinians like birdseed. Salon
Catastrophic': Report Finds So-Called US War on Terror Has Displaced as Many as
59 Million People. ... "We need a reckoning. We can't simply move on."
the House Armed Services Committee, in the Middle of a Pandemic, Approved a Huge
Military Budget and More War in Afghanistan. ... The least-discussed congressional
proceedings are often the most consequential -- and almost always bipartisan.
Opinion Columnist Pushing War With Iran Who Doesnt Actually Exist. ... The
MEK's disinformation primarily targeted right-of-center outlets receptive to a
hawkish line against Iran. American
Conservative Council
of Europe issues press freedom alert after UK blacklists site over Yemen coverage.
... UK Ministry of Defence under fire for blacklisting Declassified UK over its
criticism of Yemen war. Middle
East Eye Scroll
to Top |
Pro Quo: Did Trump Help Kill Anti-Corruption Probe in Guatemala to Aid Reelection
Bid?. DemocracyNow
Related: How Donald Trump Helped Kneecap the Robert Mueller
of Latin America. DailyBeast
Trump Planning a Coup dÉtat? Many observersincluding Republicansworry
that he is. Theyre organizing now to stop him. The
Nation Trump
Embraces the Samson Option Inciting violence may not win Trump the election.
But it still advances his agenda. The
Nation 'So
Meager It Insults the American People': Democratic Leaders Say GOP Covid-19 Relief
Plan Is Dead on Arrival. CommonDreams
Policy of This Country Has to Reject US Exceptionalism. ... CounterSpin
interview with Phyllis Bennis on foreign policy FAIR
and Violence Go Hand in Hand. CounterPunch
Law and Order Rhetoric Is a Rallying Cry for State Violence. TruthOut
Police Cant Be Judge, Jury & Executioner: Filmmaker Yoruba Richen on
Killing of Breonna Taylor. DemocracyNow
to Top |
to Top
Stalinist Trial of Julian Assange. CounterPunch/Pilger
Chomsky on Trump vs Biden, Threat of Nuclear War, Green New Deal & Julian
Assange. YouTube
Your Man in the
Public Gallery: the Assange Hearing Day 6. ... I went to the Old Bailey today
expecting to be awed by the majesty of the law, and left revolted by the sordid
administration of injustice.
Craig Murray Heavyweights
Weigh In On Assange Show Trial And its threat to journalists. Former
NYT Vice Chairman and General Counsel, James C Goodale, Pulitzer Prize Winning
Journalist, Chris Hedges, Pentagon Papers Whistleblower, Dan Ellsberg to Speak.
Resistance Julian
Assange in court to face 18 new charges as he fights US extradition. ... Wikileaks
founder arrested in cells at Old Bailey shortly before hearing. Independent
Assange warned by judge after outburst during extradition trial. ... WikiLeaks
founder told he faces removal after interjection during lawyers exchange.
Assange extradition hearing resumes, the future of a free press is on trial .
GrayZone Assange
Hearing: Dramatic Opening Day. ... First Witness Testifies After Judge Denies
Adjournment to January. The dramatic opening day of Assanges extradition
hearing saw U.S. shift from espionage to its superseding indictment as Vanessa
Baraitser rejected a defense bid to excise the evidence and adjourn the case to
January. Popular
Resistance WikiLeaks,
Still Revealing Truths About Power. ... The interpretations of and commentaries
in the bibliography vary widely, from unquestionable support for WikiLeaks to
outright hatred of Assange. Popular
Resistance Scroll
to Top |
is the "Judge" Vanessa Baraitser?? UK
government refuses to release information about Assange judge who has 96% extradition
record. ... The United Kingdoms Ministry of Justice is blocking the release
of basic information about the judge who is to rule on Julian Assanges extradition
to the US in what appears to be an irregular application of the Freedom of Information
Act. Daily
Maverick ASSANGE
EXTRADITION: The Deadly Vanessa Baraitser. ... Even before Covid-19 began sweeping
through Belmarsh Prison, Craig Murray thought the British government was seeking
Assanges death in jail. Now he finds the evidence overwhelming. ConsortiumNews
Baraitser Where Is The Public Background Profile Data On This District
Judge? NewsPresssed
to Top |
Police Engaged in Secret Intelligence Gathering Operation, Leaked Documents Show.
CounterPunch The
Non-Voter. ... Like the largest political group in America, the non-voter, I completely
ignored this years Democratic convention. Like an overwhelming majority
of Americans I didnt watch any speeches, didnt go online to read hot
takes spinning those speeches, and I didnt fight on Twitter over whatever
happened. American
Compass How
the House Armed Services Committee, in the Middle of a Pandemic, Approved a Huge
Military Budget and More War in Afghanistan. ... The least-discussed congressional
proceedings are often the most consequential -- and almost always bipartisan.
Socialism or Extinction Is Exactly the Choice We Face. ... Extinction
Rebellion leaders have dismissed the idea that protests for climate action have
anything to do with socialist ideology. But refusing to take political
positions and to relate green politics to the interests of the social majority
will reduce environmentalism to an ineffective moral protest. Jacobin
9, 2020 REBELLION NEWS Chris
Hedges: American Bloodlands. ... The enraged, polarized segments of the population
are rapidly consolidating as the political center disintegrates. ScheerPost
and Violence Go Hand in Hand. CounterPunch
to Top |
to Top
8, 2020 If
Biden Wins Get Ready for Trump to punish america. Thom
Hartman Joe
Biden Builds Up His Presidential Transition Team. ... Democratic presidential
nominee Joe Biden is expanding his transition team with senior campaign aides,
vice presidential contenders and a former primary rival, two months before he
faces President Donald Trump in the general election. MSN
8, 2020 EASY MONEY
- Money - Taxes. ... David Graeber explains it YouTube
cuts oil and gas drillers' rent on public lands, as state budgets suffer. ...
Bureau of Land Management accused of giving a handout to rich corporations at
the expense of states who depend on oil revenues. Guardian
Reportedly Spent $58 Million In Campaign Funds On Legal Fees And Compliance. ...
Some of the spending bankrolled his fight against a California law requiring him
to release his tax returns before he could run again, according to The New York
Times. HuffPost
Street Moving To Make A Mint Off The Mail, JPMorgan Postal Bank. Popular
Resistance The
Soul of the Democratic Party Has Always Belonged To Capital. ... Henry Wallace
was an ambitious left-winger in Roosevelts Democratic Party who, as secretary
of agriculture and then as vice president, helped make radical the New Deal of
the 1930s. His ultimate defeat by the right of his own party shows the obstacles
the insurgent left has always faced within the Democratic Party. Jacobin
to Top |
'Cacophony of chaos': why the US election outcome is more uncertain than ever.
Knows What Hes Doing He Needs to Go Now. ... an actual statement
from (Trump) in a recent interview with his fellow far-right white nationalist
Laura Ingraham of Fatherland (FOX) News: Black Lives Matter is a Marxist
The first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, I said, Thats
a terrible name. Its so discriminatory. Its bad for Black people.
Its bad for everybody. CounterPunch
or bust: a centrist Democrat is still as bad as Trump for some on left. ... About
5m voted for third-party candidates in 2016, some of whom, like today, could not
face transferring their support for Sanders to the partys nominee. Guardian
Friends at the RNC: Christian Zionists Dictate the Agenda of the Republican
Party. CounterPunch
US Has Long Led The Assault On Human Rights. ... The historical record on U.S.
human rights policies, both domestic and international, is one of hypocrisy, deceit,
and denigration. Popular
Resistance 50,000-Foot
Smoke Plumes and Record-Shattering Heatwave as Climate Emergency Grips California.
8, 2020 REBELLION NEWS Portland
Protests 100 nights so far. When
We Warn You About Authoritarianism, Were Not Kidding. Heres What its
Really Like. Whats Life Like Under Authoritarianism? Worse Than You Imagine,
and Closer Than You Think. Eand
Trump dreams of a new civil war fought by buffoons. Raw
Story EU
And France Call On US To Reverse Unacceptable Sanctions Against ICCs
War Crimes Investigators. ... US sanctions against two International Criminal
Court officials are unacceptable and unprecedented and should be reversed,
said the EUs top diplomat, while the French foreign minister called them
a grave attack on the court. Popular
Resistance Scroll
to Top |
to Top
7, 2020 WATCH:
Chomsky, Ellsberg, Walker on the Julian Assange Case. ... Noam Chomsky, Daniel
Ellsberg and Alice Walker take part in this Courage Foundation panel discussion
moderated by Jimmy Dore ahead of Julian Assanges extradition hearing beginning
on Monday. Consortium
News Trumps
opponents need to take his patriotic card away and portray him as the true enemy
of the nation it can be done. ... Theres a reason populist leaders
like him have been able to pose successfully as nationalist saviours, despite
doing untold damage to their countries. Independent/Cockburn
NEWS Trump
Really Could Win Again, but Progressives Can Still Stop Him. ... Four years ago,
we warned that Trump could win the presidency. Now, were warning again.
the Democratic Party Landslide the Criminal Tyrant Trump?. ... Why has the Democratic
Party been losing again and again at the federal and state level to the worst,
cruelest, soft on corporate corruption, war-mongering, anti-worker Republican
Party in history? CommonDreams
Was Already a Failed State. Its About to Become an Authoritarian One. ...
America is 60 Days From the Final, Terminal Stage of Collapse. Eand
'Nightmare Scenario':
Sanders Warns Nation That Trump Is Laying Groundwork for Election Result Mayhem.
... "Trump is now using his lies and misinformation to sow confusion and
chaos in the election process and undermine American democracy," says the
Vermont senator. CommonDreams
Wants to Punish US Cities That Dont Pledge Allegiance to Him. TruthOut
politics of racial division': Trump borrows Nixon's 'southern strategy'. ... Republican
politicians of the 1960s exploited white voters fears and prejudices
and Trump is stoking the fire for November Guardian
Democracy Will Die in 60 Days Take it From Us Survivors of Authoritarianism
Trump is Preparing to End Democracy For Good. Eand
to Top |
Foreign Policy: Media Codeword for Violence Abroad. FAIR
Have Paved Assanges Path to a US Gulag. CounterPunch
for Endangered Species and the Natural World': Advocates Decry Trump Move to Gut
Habitat Protection Law. ... "This administration doesn't care about anything
but money, and wildlife will suffer." CommonDreams
New Propaganda Tool: Using Confirmed to Mean its Opposite. ... Outlets
claiming to have confirmed Jeffrey Goldbergs story about Trumps
troops comments are again abusing that vital term. Intercept
Dies in Obfuscation. FAIR
Trumps Department of Justice Just Gave Hollywood Megacorporations Unlimited
Power. ... By throwing out landmark antitrust regulation, Hollywood just opened
the floodgates toward even greater media concentration all at the publics
expense. Jacobin
Dont Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying. ... We Survivors
of Authoritarianism Have a Message America Needs to Hear: This is Exactly How
it Happens, and Its Happening Here. Video
Shows Officers in Unmarked Vehicles Surround, Arrest Activists in Kenosha for
the Crime of... Trying to Serve Free Food. ... When traveling from out of state
with an AR-15 is not treated as a crime, but "filling up gas cans for your
food truck" leads to immediate arrest. CommonDreams
armed militia clash with Breonna Taylor protesters as Kentucky Derby gets underway.
... Activists said they would use Derby Day, Louisville's biggest event of the
year, to protest officials' handling of Ms Taylor's case. Independent
to Top |
to Top
OF SEPTEMBER 4-6, 2020 Weekend
Read: Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security
State in a Single Superpower World. by Tom Engelhardt. ... In 1964, a book
entitled The Invisible Government shocked Americans with its revelations of a
growing world of intelligence agencies playing fast and loose around the planet,
a secret government lodged inside the one they knew that even the president didn't
fully control. Almost half a century later, everything about that "invisible
government" has grown vastly larger, more disturbing, and far more visible.
Buy at Amazon
Frontal Attack on Rule of Law': Trump Sanctions Top ICC Officials Probing US War
Crimes in Afghanistan. ... Human rights advocates blasted the move as "another
brazen attack against international justice" that "is designed to do
what this administration does bestbully and intimidate." CommonDreams
Company Has Made It Rain Toxic Water Upon New Mexico Without Penalty. TruthOut
Methane research
series: 16 studies. ... To better understand how much methane escapes from the
U.S. natural gas supply chain -- and from where -- EDF spearheaded an extensive
research series from 2012 to 2018. It revealed that methane emissions are 60%
higher than the government estimate. EDF
23 AGs Sue
Trump Council Over 'Reckless and Unprecedented' Gutting of Bedrock US Environmental
Law. ... "This administration's insidious attack on one of our most important
environmental laws is an attack on the democratic process itself." CommonDreams
"Is There
No End to Big Oil's Evil?" Campaigners Condemn Industry Plan to Pour US Plastics
Into Africa. ... Anti-pollution advocates responded with alarm to the American
Chemistry Council's reported efforts to influence a pending U.S.-Kenya trade deal.
The End of Oil?
Pandemic Adds to Fossil Fuel Glut, But COVID-19 Relief Money Flows to Oil Industry.
Related: The End of Oil Is Near. ... The pandemic may
send the petroleum industry to the grave. Sierra
Club Trump
administration rule seeks to make drilling easier in national forests. ... Proposal
would eliminate key environmental reviews and public notice requirements, according
to environmental advocates. Guardian
National Forest
System Threatened by Another Trump Oil and Gas Giveaway. CounterPunch
Climate crisis:
Ice sheets melting at worst-case scenario rate. ... Millions worldwide
at growing risk of flooding, researchers warn. Independent
Biggest Timber
Sale in Memory Cancelled in Bitterroot National Forest. CounterPunch
Environmental Collapse, and Compromised Thinking. CounterPunch
to Top |
surveillance exposed by Snowden was illegal, court rules seven years on. ... Whistleblower
revealed collection of phone records to Guardian. ... Court says officials who
defended dragnet were not telling truth. Guardian
Releases Palast Fund Georgia Voter Purge Errors Report. ... State
Likely Removed Nearly 200,000 Citizens from the Voter Rolls. Greg
Palast In
the Worst of Times, the Billionaire Elite Plunder Working Class America. CounterPunch
Health Officials Worry Nation Not Ready For COVID-19 Vaccine. ... Underfunded
health departments say they lack staff, funds, and tools to educate U.S. about
vaccines. HuffPost
the New Yes Man on Trumps COVID Task Force: Dr. Scott Atlas Wants U.S. to
Adopt Herd Immunity. DemocrayNow
to Fish: How Israeli Piracy Destroyed Gazas Once Thriving Fishing
Industry. CounterPunch
President Just Committed a Felony': Trump Tells NC Residents to Vote Twice, Openly
Encouraging Voter Fraud "Voter
fraud is nearly nonexistent. And the only one encouraging it is Donald Trump,
in a desperate attempt to create chaos and sow doubt.". CommonDreams
Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense. Craig
of rightwing Portland protest network reveals energized Trump base. ... Organizers
able to draw support from mainstream Republicans and extremist groups including
some prepared for violence. Guardian
Historian Rick
Perlstein on the RNC & Trumps Dangerous Propaganda Driving People to
Violence. DemocracyNow
Hedges: We Are In A Dangerous Time. Popular
Resistance Bad
Medicine: Weaponizing Government Resources for Partisan Politics. CounterPunch
to Top |
to Top
3, 2020 Chris
Hedges Takedown Of Biden And Trump. ... There is only one choice in this
election. The consolidation of oligarchic power under Donald Trump or the consolidation
of oligarchic power under Joe Biden. Popular
Resistance Fracking
Company Has Made It Rain Toxic Water Upon New Mexico Without Penalty. TruthOut
Murray Defence Appeal Renewed. Craig
Murray The
U.S. is Determined to Make Julian Assange Pay for Exposing the Cruelty of Its
War on Iraq. CounterPunch
Travesty Continues. Craig
Murray Julian
Assange receives first visitors in six months: He is in a lot of pain
Trump Pardon Edward Snowden? CounterPunch
trial: Julian Assange and journalism | The Listening Post. YouTube
for the Old Bailey: Julian Assange and Britains Judicial Establishment.
War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange. YouTube
to Top |
Map by State. SPLC Most
Democrats fear Trump could reject election defeat, poll shows. ... As many as
75% of Biden voters worry that if Trump loses election he will refuse to concede
defeat, triggering a constitutional crisis. Guardian
Markey Wins Massachusetts Senate Primary In Show Of Progressive Force. ... The
incumbent defeated Rep. Joe Kennedy III, the first loss in the state for one of
the Democratic Partys most storied dynasties. HuffPost
Administration Wont Join Global Effort For COVID-19 Vaccine. ... The White
House says it does not want to be constrained by multilateral groups like the
World Health Organization. HuffPost
Defends Kyle Rittenhouse But Refuses to Meet Jacob Blakes Family. TruthOut
We Know About Patriot Prayer. ... Patriot Prayer is a far-right group active in
the Pacific Northwest. Over the past three years, the group has hosted and promoted
rallies in progressive cities like Portland, frequently engaging in violence against
their political opponents. SLPC
to the Streets. CounterPunch
Cameras Like Ring Give Early Warning of Police Searches, FBI Warned. ... Two leaked
documents show how a monitoring tool used by police has been turned against them.
your rights at the airport. ACLU
During a Trump Second Term: Paramilitary Democracy Accelerates. CounterPunch
to Top |
to Top
2, 2020 Albuquerque
Cops Cooperate with ICE and Operation Relentless Pursuit Despite Citys Sanctuary
Policy. CounterPunch
NEWS Trump
at the RNC: Echoes of Saddam. CounterPunch
The More
Biden Shuns Progressives, the More Media Loves Him. ... Corporate media showers
the presidential candidate with praise for his "centrist coalition"
and for steering clear of "progressive demands." ScheerPost
Trump Commands So Much Loyalty From His Base. CounterPunch
runs for Führer. WSWS
on Post Office Aim to Destroy Democracy. ... The communications scholar explains
how the USPS, which is enshrined in the Constitution, became a political battleground.
to Top |
Corruption Is Bottomless': Documents Reveal Chair of Postal Service Board Is Director
of McConnell-Allied Super PAC. ... "Can the GOP's takeover of USPS be any
more blatant?" CommonDreams
Must Demolish Trumps Delusional Law-Breaking Dystopia. CounterPunch/Nader
is the full membership list of the Christian Rights secretive and powerful
Council for National Policy. Gray
Zone The
erasure of Indigenous people in U.S. COVID-19 data. ... The United States
had no idea what was going on in Indian Country. They have no idea. HNC
Gawk at Nonsense Political Theater While the Real Enemies Go Unnoticed. CounterPunch
Oldie: Trump Mansion Sold to Mobsters Sans Frontières Mad
Cow No
Going Back: Its All Got to Change. CounterPunch
Experts Horrified as New Trump Covid-19 Adviser Pushes 'Herd Immunity' Strategy
That Could Kill 2 Million Americans. CommonDreams
2, 2020 REBELLION NEWS Protests
erupt in LA after police kill black man riding bicycle. ... Officials said man
was stopped before deadly shooting because he was in violation of 'vehicle codes'
while riding his bike. Independent
Police Doesnt Mean Hire Private Guns But Cities Are Doing Just
That. TruthOut
America survive Trump's effort to stoke a Civil War? Thom
Hartman U.S.
Faces A Perfect Storm Of Political Violence Heading Into November
Election. ... There have been nearly 11,000 demonstrations in the U.S. this summer
-- as well as a rising tide of state repression and vigilante violence. HuffPost
Your Rights Dont Talk To Cops At The Airport. Popular
Resistance Scroll
to Top |
to Top
1, 2020 ASSANGE
Travesty Continues. Craig
Murray The
War on Journalism: The Case of Julian Assange. YouTube
Assange receives first visitors in six months: He is in a lot of pain
Trump Pardon Edward Snowden? CounterPunch
trial: Julian Assange and journalism | The Listening Post. YouTube
for the Old Bailey: Julian Assange and Britains Judicial Establishment.
to Top |
Slammed for Arguing Pandemic Ultimately a 'Good Thing' for US Public Education.
... "Calling Covid-19 a 'good thing' for our schools just goes to show you
how divorced this administration is from reality."
CommonDreams SEPTEMBER
1, 2020 EASY MONEY
taking money from blue collar workers, giving them hugs and even kisses, before
flying back to Washington to vote for legislation that would ship their jobs overseas.
Socialist send jobs overseas? The
Rotten Alliance of Liberals and Neocons Will Likely Shape U.S. Foreign Policy
for Years to Come. CounterPunch
Fintech Debt Trap. ... Online lenders are preying on desperate borrowers and could
trigger a new consumer financial crisis. Intercept
Neal, A Wall Street Tax Break Survives To Keep Enriching His Donors Democratic
legislation would end a Wall Street tax break - but the bill is stalled in Rep.
Richard Neals committee as Wall Street bankrolls his campaign to try to
fight off a primary challenger. Sirota
Stage of Capitalism Is This?' Hedge Fund $3 Billion Richer Thanks to Wager on
Wildfire Insurance Claims. ... With over 100,000 people displaced by wildfires
raging across California, Baupost Group collected more than $3 billion in July
after betting on insurance claims against embattled utility company PG&E.
the Beirut Explosion, Disaster Capitalism Has Lebanon in Its Sights. ... The explosion
that devastated Beirut was an indictment of the parties that have misruled Lebanon
for decades. Now, however, those parties are using the disaster as a pretext to
deepen neoliberal policies, with French leader Emmanuel Macron and the IMF egging
them on. Jacobin
devastating blast has not shaken the ruling class's grip on Lebanon. ... Many
Lebanese people had hoped for a silver lining to this tragedy of an independent
government and new elections. Guardian
to Top |
Glover and Chris Hedges to speak at The Peoples Convention. MPP
Targets Efforts to Desegregate U.S. Suburbs. ... Targeting HUDs Affirmatively
Furthering Fair Housing rule, the president said on Twitter that enforcing housing
desegregation would have a devastating impact. Bloomberg
Real Difference Between Democrats and Republicans. ... Politics requires the capacity
to govern, but also to fight to attain and retain power. The dysfunction today
is neither party can do both. ScheerPost
But Unsurprising': Trump Border Officials Proposed 'Heat Ray' Weapon to Deter
Migrants. ... "Maximum cruelty and maximum harm: That is how this administration
operates. It is their policy and their platform," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
'Unbreakable Commitment,' Harris Vows Biden Would Never Place Conditions on US
Military Aid to Israel. ... "Unconditional military aid to Israel,"
one critic wryly noted, "puts Biden/Harris far to the right of notorious
peacenik George H.W. Bush." CommonDreams
Social Fabric of the U.S. Is Fraying Severely, if Not Unravelling. ... Why, in
the worlds richest country, is every metric of mental health pathology rapidly
worsening? Intercept The
Comeback of Manufacturing Jobs: MAGA Land and the Real World. CounterPunch/Baker
Trump is Getting His Lines. CounterPunch
Who Live in Red States Die Younger. Conservative Policies Are to Blame. TruthOut
RNC Speakers Denounce Protesters, Police Pepper Spray Activists Protesting RNC.
real threats to American law and order are Trump's craven enablers. ... The president
railed against violent anarchists, agitators and criminals but he
surrounds himself with lawless lackeys. Guardian
Violence in Portland, Biden and Progressive Critics Emphasize That Continued Chaos
Is Result of 'Trump's America' ... Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
has consistently called for peaceful protests and condemned violence, but still
faces accusations that he's allowed Trump to claim the "law and order"
mantle. CommonDreams
shooting in Portland as Trump supporters confront BLM protesters. ... Police say
it was not clear if shooting was linked to fights between protesters and caravan
of Trump supporters. Guardian
Have Long Encouraged Armed Right-Wing Counterprotesters Like the Teenage Shooter
in Kenosha. ... Since the latest uprising for racial justice began, police throughout
the country have been very friendly with cop-worshipping, armed right-wingers
who have shown up on the streets across America to oppose protesters. The teenage
shooter in Kenosha who killed two protesters this week wasnt the first and
probably wont be the last. Jacobin
Normalizes Trumps Lawlessness as Use of Tools of Presidency
to Broaden Appeal FAIR
Demands Resignation of Top Cops in Kenosha for Racism & Brutal Response to
Jacob Blake Protests. DemocracyNow
to Top |
to Top


OF SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2020 Weekend
Read: Taking Children: A History of American Terror - by Laura Briggs.
"You have to take the children away." -- Donald Trump. ... Taking Children
argues that for four hundred years the United States has taken children for political
ends. Black children, Native children, Latinx children, and the children of the
poor have all been seized from their kin and caregivers. Amazon
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 11. ... Yet another shocking example
of abuse of court procedure unfolded on Wednesday. Craig
Murray Daniel
Ellsberg Warns U.S. Press Freedom Under Attack in WikiLeaks Julian Assange
Extradition Case. DemocracyNow
Says Lockdown 'Greatest Intrusion' on U.S. Liberty, People Point Out Japanese
Internment Camps MSN
SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2020 ENVIRONMENT (2016)
Naomi Klein: Climate Change Not Just About Things Getting Hotter
About Things Getting Meaner ... In a wide-ranging conversation, the journalist
and climate activist discusses the recent Paris climate accords, the politics
of global warming, climate change denial and environmental justice. CommonDreams/Naomi
Klein Climate
Crisis: Critical water shortages more likely in US West by 2025, putting 40m at
risk. ... Forecast could complicate already-fraught negotiations between Arizona,
California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Mexico over future
shares of river that supplies their cities and farms. Independent
Forest Service Sidesteps Environmental Safeguards. CounterPunch
Illegal devices
that bypass vehicle emissions controls spread across US. Guardian
Trump seeks
to fast-track dozens of fossil fuel projects during pandemic. ... List comes after
Trump order in June directed agencies to use emergency authority to speed projects
amid economic downturn. Guardian
'Like sending
bees to war': the deadly truth behind your almond milk obsession. Guardian
The Fed Invested
Public Money in Fossil Fuel Firms Driving Environmental Racism. Sludge
Extreme heat
is here, and its deadly Gearing up for the fight against a new climate
enemy. HCN Scroll
to Top |
in America Should Be Outraged': McConnell Quietly Rams Through More Lifetime Trump
Judges While Blocking Covid Relief. CommonDreams
outrageous that McConnell continues to prioritize the Trump court takeover amid
the pandemic. Enough." CommonDreams
Imperialism and the Murder of Jennifer Laude. CounterPunch Aligning
Ignorance With Bigotry: Trump Attempts to Rewrite History. CounterPunch/Giroux
take Black voters for granted': Milwaukee leaders and activists warn Democrats.
.... The pandemic forced the Democratic convention to go virtual, but some feel
the party abandons the Black communities that get them elected. Guardian
and Meatpacking Industry Collaborated to Undermine Covid-19 Response, Documents
Show. ... Hundreds of emails obtained by Public Citizen and American Oversight
offer a rare inside look at the meat industry's power and access to the highest
levels of government. CommonDreams
a Biden Foreign Policy Make a Difference for the World? CounterPunch
Spokesman Tells Trump Supporters to Buy Ammunition. TruthOut
hit 'troubling new threshold' for violence against journalists, new UN report
finds. ... Journalism is not a crime: United Nations warns upward trend
in attacks against reporters covering global protests. Independent
General Barr told federal prosecutors to be aggressive when prosecuting violence
at protests and even suggested sedition charges. MSN
General Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider Sedition Charge for Violent Protesters:
Report NY
Magazine Police
Bureaucracy and Abolition: Why Reforms Driven by Professionals will Renew State
Oppression. CounterPunch
to Top |
SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 10. ... The gloves were off on
Tuesday as the US Government explicitly argued that all journalists are liable
to prosecution under the Espionage Act (1917) for publishing classified information,
citing the Rosen case. Craig
Murray Daniel
Ellsberg Tells UK Court That US Seeks Both 'Revenge' Against Julian Assange and
to 'Crush' Future Whistleblowers. ...The Pentagon Papers leaker previously called
Assange's prosecution the most "significant attack on freedom of the press"
since his 1971 case. CommonDreams
and Native Communities Are Hard Hit by COVID-Era Food Insecurity. TruthOut
two-thirds of US young adults unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust. ... According
to survey of adults 18-39, 23% said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, had
been exaggerated or they werent sure. Guardian
the pro-war Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee in July joined with
Liz Cheney and her warmonger-GOP faction to block WH troop withdrawal from Afghanistan,
they constantly cited the Russia bounty story to justify it. So this did its job Donald
Trump Has Added Trillions to the US Military Budget. Joe Biden Wants to Spend
Even More. Jacobin
Plot Against Libya. ... An Obama-Biden-Clinton Criminal Conspiracy. CounterPunch
War on Terror is the True Cause of Europes Refugee Crisis. CounterPunch
Americas War on Terror Displace 37 Million People? The Brown University
Watson Institute Costs of War Project put out a report with the astounding figure.
Here's what they got right and what they got wrong. ScheerPost
Amplifies Anti-Sandanista Propaganda. Popular
Report Finds War on Terror Has Forced 37 Million People to Flee Their
Homes. ... The full costs of war go far beyond the casualty statistics. ...w hen
President Bush launched the War on Terror in the wake of the 9/11
terrorist attacks, few could have predicted the campaign would entail US involvement
in combat in 24 countries over the next two decades.FEE
of War: After 9/11 Attacks, U.S. Wars Displaced at Least 37 Million People Around
the World. DemocracyNow
war on terror that followed 9/11 has displaced 37 million people this is
the true cause of Europes refugee crisis. ... The waves of refugees and
immigrants seeking safety that has acted like a poison on EU politics will go
on until such wars are ended. Independent
to Top |
Johnson Intended to Break the Withdrawal Agreement Even Before He Signed It. Craig
Murray Whistleblower
Says Doctor Performed Excessive Hysterectomies On ICE Detainees. ... Nurse Dawn
Wooten says the doctor she dubbed the uterus collector also removed
the wrong ovary of a patient at Georgias Irwin County Detention Center.
Wildly, Blatantly Corrupt': Researcher Reveals DeJoy Donated $600,000 to Trump
and GOP After Top USPS Job Opened. ... "This information is explosive. We
have a crony at the helm of our nation's Postal Service. A man rife with conflicts
of interest and potential violations of law." CommonDreams
the Republican skinny relief bill failed. How is such unnecessary
suffering justified? Guardian
shouldnt be immune from being called out for their inconsistency. Lets
not forget they once said cutting taxes on the wealthy would incentivize them
to work harder. Guardian
Assange faces effective life sentence if convicted in US, court is
told. ... Supporters say charges against Wikileaks founder politically motivated.
CIA Book Publishing Operations. .. Fragments of Sol Chaneles Lost Manuscript.
Smith: The U.S. Functions with White Supremacy as Its Engine. Heres
How We Dismantle It. DemocracyNow
Munoz shooting: protests erupt after Pennsylvania police kill man. ... Munoz,
27, shot dead by police officer on Sunday. Street protests in Lancaster dispersed
with teargas. Guardian
All Over": Physicians' Group Identifies 115 Head Injuries Caused By So-Called
"Less-Lethal" Projectiles. ... "We must ban the use of kinetic
impact projectiles in crowd-control situations due both to the life-threatening
injuries they can cause and their potential to violate freedom of expression and
assembly," says Physicians for Human Rights. CommonDreams
All Over": Physicians' Group Identifies 115 Head Injuries Caused By So-Called
"Less-Lethal" Projectiles. ... "We must ban the use of kinetic
impact projectiles in crowd-control situations due both to the life-threatening
injuries they can cause and their potential to violate freedom of expression and
assembly," says Physicians for Human Rights. CommonDreams
HHS official, Trump ally Michael Caputo apologizes after accusing CDC scientists
of traitorous acts. Palm
Beach Post
to Top |
to Top
16, 2020 Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 9. Things became not merely dramatic
in the Assange courtroom today, but spiteful and nasty. There were two real issues,
the evidence and the procedure. On the evidence, there were stark details of the
dreadful regime Assange will face in US jails if extradited. On the procedure,
we saw behaviour from the prosecution QC that went well beyond normal cross examination
and was a real attempt to denigrate and even humiliate the witness. Craig
Murray White
House snubs Azar, installs Trump loyalist Michael Caputo as HHS spokesperson.
... The move comes amid White House anger over stories claiming the HHS chief
had warned the president repeatedly about coronavirus. Politico
Health Aide Falsely Alleges Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt. ... America's
devastating divorce from science (opinion) Wet Markets Are Essential to Thai Cooking.
So Why Are
The New York Times logo Trump Health Aide Falsely Alleges Conspiracies
and Warns of Armed Revolt. MSN
16, 2020 ENVIRONMENT Species
in Peril: Loss, Love and Protection. CounterPunch
'This Is a Travesty':
Climate Denier Who Has Argued in Favor of Fossil Fuel Emissions Named to Leadership
Role at NOAA. ... "He's not just in left fieldhe's not even near the
ballpark." CommonDreams
Humans exploiting
and destroying nature on unprecedented scale -- report. ... The age of extinction.
... Animal populations have plunged an average of 68% since 1970, as humanity
pushes the planets life support systems to the edge The age of extinction.
As fires
burn the west, top Democrats stay quiet on the climate crisis. ... Nancy Pelosi
has been notably tepid on green legislation so are the Democrats serious
about fighting climate change? Guardian
Global Temperature
Could Exceed Limit Set By World Leaders In Next Decade: UN Report. ... It is abundantly
clear that rapid climate change is continuing and the world is far from on track,
said one climate scientist. HuffPost Scroll
to Top |
web voter database report casts new doubts on Russian election hack narrative.
... A new report showing that US state-level voter databases were publicly available
calls into question the narrative that Russian intelligence targeted
US state election-related websites in 2016. GrayZone
FBI Agent Peter Strzok: Trump Clearly Compromised By The Russians
... They hold leverage over him that makes him incapable of placing the
national interests ... ahead of his own, Strzok said. HuffPost
Attacking Trump, Sanders Says Biden Campaign Must 'Give People a Reason to Vote
for Joe' "I
think Biden is in an excellent position to win this election, but I think we have
got to do more as a campaign than just go after Trump," the Vermont senator
said on Sunday. CommonDreams
We Address That British Eugenics Scandal? CounterPunch
Ejected 8,800 Unaccompanied Migrant Kids, Ignoring Precautions Against Child Trafficking.
... Humanitarian protections have been suspended as the Trump administration carries
out wholesale expulsion of most vulnerable migrants. HuffPost
16, 2020 REBELLION NEWS Trump:
I know the sirburbs [sic]. Look. Westchester was ground zero for what they
were trying to do. They were trying to destroy the beautiful suburban place, the
American dream really. They want a low-income housing [sic] and with that comes
a lot of other problems including crime. May not be nice to say it but Ill
say it. ... Laura Ingraham: Not all poor people are criminals though.
CounterPunch The
Liberal Class Is Complicit In Mass Murder. ... There is an out-of-fashion quote
that goes something along the lines of: For Evil to flourish good people
need only to do nothing. The notion of evil has been banished
from the supposedly sophisticated discourse of the woke liberal classes.
Resistance Female
journalist pinned to ground and arrested by LAPD while filming police being heckled....
Journalism is not a crime: NPR correspondent arrested while covering press conference
and hospital scene as Los Angeles sheriffs deputies in critical condition
after shooting. Independent
Trump Seems To
Endorse Extrajudicial Killing: There Has To Be Retribution. ... Thats
the way it has to be, Trump said after U.S. marshals killed a man suspected
in a deadly shooting in Portland, Oregon, last month. HuffPost
to Top |
to Top
15, 2020 Oldie
Goldie from 2013: Terrible Revamp Of Terrible Show To Be Even More Terrible Than
Anyone Imagined. HuffPost
Fourth Day at the Old Bailey: COVID in the Courtroom. CounterPunch
15, 2020 EASY MONEY
Ranchers and Hedge Fund Managers
Oh My! CounterPunch
FBI Agent Peter Strzok: Trump Clearly Compromised By The Russians They
hold leverage over him that makes him incapable of placing the national interests
... ahead of his own, Strzok said. HuffPost
Is the Sweaty Armpit of Monopoly Capitalism. ScheerPost
political and economic collapse- Chris Hedges and Rick Wolff. YouTube
U.S. is Borrowing Its Way to Fascism. CounterPunch
and author Vandana Shiva on the 'destructive' impact of billionaires. YouTube
and author Vandana Shiva on the 'destructive' impact of billionaires. YouTube
to Top |
I know the sirburbs [sic]. Look. Westchester was ground zero for what they
were trying to do. They were trying to destroy the beautiful suburban place, the
American dream really. They want a low-income housing [sic] and with that comes
a lot of other problems including crime. May not be nice to say it but Ill
say it. ... Laura Ingraham: Not all poor people are criminals though.
Transition Team Isnt a Team and Its Not Promising Much
of a Transition. CounterPunch
the midst of a global pandemic, it is now more important than ever to take unprecedented
and coordinated global action to halt and start to reverse the loss of biodiversity."
We Call It Fascism? Trumps Voter Suppression Project, 2020. CounterPunch
Is Unraveling': New WWF Report Reveals 'Alarming' 68% Plummet in Wildlife Populations
Worldwide Since 1970. ... "In the midst of a global pandemic, it is now more
important than ever to take unprecedented and coordinated global action to halt
and start to reverse the loss of biodiversity." CommonDreams
Deliver?' US Joins Brazil and Hungary as Only Countries Where Quality of Life
Is Getting Worse, Social Progress Index Finds. ... The annual report offers a
"reality check against the drumbeat of U.S. triumphalism," one observer
said. CommonDreams
Betrayal': New Report Details Dozens of Trump Rollbacks Perpetrated Under Cover
of Covid-19 "Nearly
200,000 Americans are dead and more than 6 million have been infected with Covid-19
because of the administration's disastrous response, but Trump's top priority
is showering giant corporations with deregulatory special favors," says Matt
Kent of the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen. CommonDreams
Great, Great Fall. Tom
Dispatch Albuquerque
Police Work Closely with Company Investigated for Child Pornography and Targeted
by National Security Agency, Documents Show. CounterPunch
Terror Warnings, Railroad Industry Group Passed Intel on Environmental Journalist
to Cops. ... By distributing private intelligence reports to federal fusion
centers, industries can influence how law enforcement views threats. Intercept
Seems To Endorse Extrajudicial Killing: There Has To Be Retribution Thats
the way it has to be, Trump said after U.S. marshals killed a man suspected
in a deadly shooting in Portland, Oregon, last month. HuffPost
theology of police authority: the impact of Romans 13. ... A deep dive into the
inner workings of a church in Kenosha, WI that espouses the scripture of Romans
13 to imbue police authority with the power of the word of God. The department's
theology and misconduct is exposed by a former Kenosha police detective. TRN
to Top |
to Top
14, 2020 Bob
Woodward Made Himself Complicit in Trumps Coronavirus Crime Against Humanity.
... To boost book sales, celebrity journalist Bob Woodward concealed a tape of
Donald Trump that contained information about the pandemic that may have prevented
thousands of deaths. This isn't hyperbole. This is peak 2020 insanity. Jacobin
Dead on 9/11 Meant Everything. 200,000 Dead of Covid-19 Means Nothing. Heres
Why. ... To Americas leaders, our lives have value only insofar as they
can be used to create a desired panic. Intercept
14, 2020 ELECTION NEWS Trumps
surprising resilience with Hispanic voters, explained. ... Surveys of Latino voters
offer a roadmap for what a Trump comeback could look like. Vox
Bidens Promises Were Meant to Be Broken. ... Contrary to the rosy predictions
of liberal pundits, Joe Biden has not embraced the Left or its priorities. The
only viable left strategy under a Biden administration will be one of confrontation.
Political Revolution Comes to the Statehouse. ... Progressives were the big winners
in this weeks Rhode Island primaries. Cynthia Mendes and Daniel Denvir explain
how it happened. Intercept
supreme court blocks delivery of mail-in ballots a week from dispatch deadline.
... The case adds another layer of uncertainty to an already strained mail-in
ballot process. Independent
of the Many Reasons Progressives Dont Like Joe Biden. ... Theres truly
an enormous amount in the Democrat's record to dislike, but progressives can get
much better results fighting Biden than fighting Trump. Scheerpost
Dark Day for Voting Rights': With Support of Trump Judges, Federal Court Upholds
Florida Poll Tax Weeks Before Election. ... "An affront of the very notion
that Americans have a right to vote." CommonDreams
Woodward may have just handed Joe Biden the election but at what cost?
Did the famed journalist ever consider how much of an impact his Trump tapes could
have had during the pandemics early stages? Independent Trump
told a reporter his biggest secret: that he is a danger to the American people.
The Long-Term
Dangers of Joe Bidens Terrible Campaigning for President. ... Joe Biden
may indeed win in November. But he has run an inconsequential and pathetic campaign
one that could pose enormous dangers in the coming years. Jacobin
democracy is deeply imperiled': how democratic norms are under threat ahead of
the US election. ... The principals of five major US organizations all feel profound
anxiety about the state of the nation under Trump as the US election inches closer.
to Top |
Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral. ... As the U.S. heads toward the winter, the
country is going round in circles, making the same conceptual errors that have
plagued it since spring. The
Deliver?' US Joins Brazil and Hungary as Only Countries Where Quality of Life
Is Getting Worse, Social Progress Index Finds. ... The annual report offers a
"reality check against the drumbeat of U.S. triumphalism," one observer
said. CommonDreams
Carnage From a Pandemic President. CounterPunch
and Over and Over Again, History Has Vindicated Edward Snowden. An appeals court
recently ruled a mass surveillance program exposed by Edward Snowden was illegal.
It's only the latest example of Washington admitting Snowden had, despite being
continuously denounced by pundits and politicians, done the right thing by leaking
information about the governments massive surveillance operations. Jacobin
Trump Is Undermining Social Security Will Democrats Stop Him?. Donald Trumps
plan to suspend the collection of the payroll tax risks both the financial well-being
of workers and Social Security. Instead of outsourcing the case against Trump
to Republican opponents of Social Security in the Lincoln Project, Democrats need
to stand up for popular social programs. Jacobin
of Duty': Outrage as USPS Board Issues Gushing Praise for DeJoy Amid Mail Slowdowns,
Medicine Delays, and Straw-Donor Scandal. ... "The Postal Board of Governors
met secretly today and issued a statement saying they're fine with DeJoy slowing
the mail before an election and they're not worried about any campaign finance
violations because DeJoy has decided he's innocent." CommonDreams
Sunrise Movement, a Growing Electoral Force, Faces Painful Moment.
... Sunrise feels growing pains amid a slew of electoral victories, raging arctic
wildfires, and a vanishing ice sheet. Intercept
House Is About to Pass Marijuana Decriminalization. What Will the Senate Do? TruthOut
War on You: How the Pentagon is Militarizing Social Control. ... Neoliberalism
benefits the few and makes life for the many increasingly impossible. Big data
and blanket surveillance give state and corporate intelligence confidence that
they can pre-empt and manage mass, social reactions to neoliberalism. CounterPunch
Many Police Are Barely Distinguishable From Racist Vigilantes. CounterPunch
Is Making Dissent in India a Crime. ... Narendra Modis government is clamping
down on political dissent as part of its Hindu-nationalist project. The Indian
authorities have used bogus charges of terrorism and conspiracy
to keep critical intellectuals locked up for years at a time. Jacobin
to Top |
to Top
SEPTEMBER 11-13, 2020 Weekend
Read: Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump by Peter
Strzok. The FBI
veteran behind the Russia investigation draws on decades of experience hunting
foreign agents in the United States to lay bare the threat posed by President
Trump. IndiBound
Strzok Has a Warning About Russia -- and Trump. In an interview with WIRED and
in his new book, the former FBI agent details the threats the US faces as the
2020 election looms. Wired
Your Man in the Public Gallery Assange Hearing Day 8 - The great question
after yesterdays hearing was whether prosecution counsel James Lewis QC
would continue to charge at defence witnesses like a deranged berserker (spoiler
he would), and more importantly, why? ... Lewis ... resembled a starving
terrier kept away from a prime sausage by a steel fence whose manufacture and
appearance was far beyond his comprehension. Perhaps he has a toothache Craig
Murray Julian
Assange hearing paused for lawyer to get Covid test. ... Judge grants adjournment
until Monday in extradition hearing against WikiLeaks co-founde Guardian
Related: Julian Assange extradition hearing paused over fears lawyer exposed
to coronavirus. ... Wikileaks founder is battling being sent to US on 18 charges
over leaked cables. Independent
Extradition and the War on Journalism. ... A timely discussion with Chris Hedges,
Daniel Ellsberg, James Goodale and Sue Udry. [Event starts at 5-minute point on
video.] ScheerPost
Julian Assange Hearing: Day Three Popular
Resistance Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 7 ... This morning we went straight
in to the evidence of Clive Stafford Smith, a dual national British/American lawyer
licensed to practice in the UK. Craig
Murray 175
Years in a U.S. Prison? Extradition Trial of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
Begins in London. DemocracyNow
Julian Assange Case In Extradition Hearing, Julian Assanges Legal Team Focuses
On US Torture And War Crimes Exposed By WikiLeaks. ... WikiLeaks founder Julian
Assanges legal team spent the second morning of a major extradition hearing
focusing a magistrate court judges attention on United States torture and
war crimes that Assange helped to expose. ShadowProof
to Top |
Herd Immunity is a Distraction. CounterPunch 175
Years in a U.S. Prison? Extradition Trial of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
Begins in London. DemocracyNow
More Biden Shuns Progressives, the More Media Loves Him. ... Corporate media showers
the presidential candidate with praise for his "centrist coalition"
and for steering clear of "progressive demands." ScheerPost
Assange is not on trial for his personality but heres how the US
government made you focus on it. .. By drawing attention away from the principles
of the case, the obsession with his character pushes out the significance of WikiLeaks
revelations. Independent
More Biden Shuns Progressives, the More Media Loves Him. ... Corporate media showers
the presidential candidate with praise for his "centrist coalition"
and for steering clear of "progressive demands." ScheerPost
official preventing Fauci from discussing Covid children risk. ... Dr Paul Alexander
reportedly told Faucis spokesperson he should not use TV interview to advocate
mask-wearing by children. Guardian
Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE deal. ... Christian
Tybring-Gjedde, who nominated US President Donald Trump, told Fox News that he
is nevertheless "not a big Trump supporter." JPost
World - Or American Carnage From a Pandemic President. Tom
Dispatch Caste
In America. Should be required reading in any school genuinely concerned about
what they should be concerned about: the future of the United States. ScheerPost
U-Turns Galore in Tory Britain. CounterPunch
Trump Is Undermining Social Security Will Democrats Stop Him? ... Donald
Trumps plan to suspend the collection of the payroll tax risks both the
financial well-being of workers and Social Security. Instead of outsourcing the
case against Trump to Republican opponents of Social Security in the Lincoln Project,
Democrats need to stand up for popular social programs. Jacobin
govt-linked PR firm ran fake news networks for right-wing Latin American regimes.
DC-based PR firm linked to the US government and Democratic Party, CLS Strategies,
ran a fake news network on Facebook and Instagram, spreading propaganda for Bolivias
coup regime and the right-wing opposition in Venezuela and Mexico. Gray
Nights of Resistance in Portland. CounterPunch
Law, Trump Order and the Danger Ahead. CounterPunch
Is Making Dissent in India a Crime. ... Narendra Modis government is clamping
down on political dissent as part of its Hindu-nationalist project. The Indian
authorities have used bogus charges of terrorism and conspiracy
to keep critical intellectuals locked up for years at a time. Jacobin
democracy is deeply imperiled': how democratic norms are under threat ahead of
the US election. Guardian
to Top |


30, 2020 Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 19. ... Today was the worst day
for the defence since the start of the trial, as their expert witnesses failed
to cope with the sheer aggression of cross-examination by the US Government and
found themselves backing away from maintaining propositions they knew to be true.
It was uncomfortable viewing. Craig
Murray The
Birds and the Bees Youtube
Russian Bounty Story Exposes Medias Role in Status Quo. ... The military
says they can't find evidence to support it, yet the New York Times and others
have not repudiated the reports or issued corrections. ScheerPost
American People Should Be Pissed Off': Critics Say Trump Tax Dodging Exposes System
Rotten to the Core. CommonDreams
30, 2020 ENVIRONMENT How
a Canadian Mining Company Infiltrated the Guatemalan State. Intercept What
Does Equitable Climate Policy Actually Look Like?. TruthOut
low number of British butterflies baffles scientists. ... Annual Big Butterfly
Count shows big falls in peacocks and small tortoiseshells. Guardian
Moves to Finalize 'Catastrophic' Stripping of Key Protections for Largest National
Forest in US. ... At issue is Tongass National Forest, located in southeast Alaska
and described as "the crown jewel of the National Forest System." CommonDreams
Billion Tons More Greenhouse Gases Will Be Released, Thanks to Trump. TruthOut
to Top |
Bernstein: Trump Has Created First Grifter Presidency In Americas
History. ... The famed Watergate reporter said the tax report is the smoking
gun about who Donald Trump really is.
the far right took over the mainstream. Popular
Resistance Israel
Isnt Signing Peace Deals FAIR
Bidens Vanishing Act Isnt Making It Any Easier to Beat Trump. ...
With the election campaign in its final stretch, Joe Biden has taken nearly a
third of September off from campaigning. Its an enormous strategic blunder
that anyone hoping for Donald Trumps defeat should be very worried about.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Fuel Pandemics. CounterPunch
30, 2020 REBELLION NEWS Newly
released body-camera video shows L.A. police officers yank a large protest sign
from the hands of a man in a Hollywood intersection, shove him backward as he
puts his hands up, then shoot him in the groin with a projectile at close range.
FBI Document Sheds New Light on White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement.
... A 2006 intelligence assessment reveals that officials had concerns about the
infiltration of police departments for years but failed to warn the public. Intercept
Fate of Our Rights Wont Be Determined by Amy Coney Barrett, But by Popular
Struggle. TruthOut
Philly Activists Reclaim 50 Vacant Houses, Creating a Model for Organizing as
Mass Evictions Loom. DemocracyNow
to Top |
to Top
29, 2020 Nick
Estes on RBG: The veneration of a jurist who used the racist legal fiction
of the Discovery Doctrine to describe *all* American Indians is appalling. Her
thinking was that were still too incompetent to manage our own lands, and
we need the US to do it for us, like wildlife
Guardians Deceit-Riddled New Statement Betrays Both Julian Assange and Journalism.
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 18. It is hard to believe, but
Judge Baraitser on Friday ruled that there will be no closing speeches in the
Assange extradition hearing. She accepted the proposal initially put forward by
counsel for the US government, that closing arguments should simply be submitted
in writing and without an oral hearing. Craig
Murray Assange
on Trial: Elections, Cracking Passwords and Failures of Proof. CounterPunch
Major Outlets Ignore Assange Extradition Hearing, Ai Weiwei Demands Freedom for
WikiLeaks Founder. ... "He truly represents a core value of why we are free
-- because we have freedom of the press," Weiwei said CommonDreams
29, 2020 EASY MONEY Trump
Holds $421 Million In Debt, Could Owe IRS $100 Million In Penalties, Times Says.
... The bombshell report detailed the presidents large debt and his increased
reliance on controversial businesses hes refused to divest. HuffPost
Felon, JPMorgan Chase, Caught Laundering More Dirty Money. CounterPunch
Paid $750 In Income Taxes In 2016, 2017: NY Times Report. ... NYT published
a damning report that showed President Trump paid no federal income taxes in 10
of the past 15 years. HuffPost CEOs
Maximize CEO Pay, Not Shareholder Returns. CounterPunch
to Top |
Capitalisms: a Challenge to Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats, Progressives
and Welfare State Liberals. CounterPunch
2020: As Concerns Mount Over Integrity of US Elections, So Does Support for International
Poll Monitors. Timothy Rich says international monitors have shown they can provide
an effective means to reduce public concerns about fraud and voter suppression.
News Democrats
Need to Wake Up: The Trump Movement Is Shot Through With Fascism The
sooner liberals understand that Trumps supporters dont care about
autocracy, the better they can push to win this election. Intercept
Harris Has A Vibrant Online Fan Club. But It Also Has A Toxic Side. ... The KHive
aims to amplify and support the Democratic vice presidential nominee, but some
of its members have crossed the line from ardent fandom to overt harassment. HuffPost
Congressional Race Lays Bare Democratic Divide on Tackling Climate Crisis. ...
The outcome of the race will say much about what kind of Democratic Party will
be confronting climate change in the years ahead. Intercept
Crime at the New York Times and Washington Post. CounterPunch
Rolling Constitutional-Fascist Coup in the Worlds Most Dangerous Nation.
A Police
Cover-Up? New Bodycam Video from Night of Breonna Taylors Killing Undermines
State Account. DemocracyNow
to Top |
to Top
29, 2020 The
Guardians Deceit-Riddled New Statement Betrays Both Julian Assange and Journalism.
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 18. It is hard to believe, but
Judge Baraitser on Friday ruled that there will be no closing speeches in the
Assange extradition hearing. She accepted the proposal initially put forward by
counsel for the US government, that closing arguments should simply be submitted
in writing and without an oral hearing. Craig
Murray Assange
on Trial: Elections, Cracking Passwords and Failures of Proof. CounterPunch
Major Outlets Ignore Assange Extradition Hearing, Ai Weiwei Demands Freedom for
WikiLeaks Founder. ... "He truly represents a core value of why we are free
-- because we have freedom of the press," Weiwei said CommonDreams
29, 2020 EASY MONEY Trump
Holds $421 Million In Debt, Could Owe IRS $100 Million In Penalties, Times Says.
... The bombshell report detailed the presidents large debt and his increased
reliance on controversial businesses hes refused to divest. HuffPost
Felon, JPMorgan Chase, Caught Laundering More Dirty Money. CounterPunch
Paid $750 In Income Taxes In 2016, 2017: NY Times Report. ... NYT published
a damning report that showed President Trump paid no federal income taxes in 10
of the past 15 years. HuffPost CEOs
Maximize CEO Pay, Not Shareholder Returns. CounterPunch
to Top |
Capitalisms: a Challenge to Democratic Socialists, Social Democrats, Progressives
and Welfare State Liberals. CounterPunch
2020: As Concerns Mount Over Integrity of US Elections, So Does Support for International
Poll Monitors. Timothy Rich says international monitors have shown they can provide
an effective means to reduce public concerns about fraud and voter suppression.
News Democrats
Need to Wake Up: The Trump Movement Is Shot Through With Fascism The
sooner liberals understand that Trumps supporters dont care about
autocracy, the better they can push to win this election. Intercept
Harris Has A Vibrant Online Fan Club. But It Also Has A Toxic Side. ... The KHive
aims to amplify and support the Democratic vice presidential nominee, but some
of its members have crossed the line from ardent fandom to overt harassment. HuffPost
Congressional Race Lays Bare Democratic Divide on Tackling Climate Crisis. ...
The outcome of the race will say much about what kind of Democratic Party will
be confronting climate change in the years ahead. Intercept
Crime at the New York Times and Washington Post. CounterPunch SEPTEMBER
Rolling Constitutional-Fascist Coup in the Worlds Most Dangerous Nation.
A Police
Cover-Up? New Bodycam Video from Night of Breonna Taylors Killing Undermines
State Account. DemocracyNow
to Top |
to Top
28, 2020 Assange
Hearing: Judge Grants Defense Four Weeks To Prepare Final Argument. Popular
Resistance US
has never asked WikiLeaks rival to remove leaked cables, court told. ... Cryptome
also published documents that are at centre of Julian Assange extradition case.
New York Post Is Terrified That Socialists Demands Are Popular and Their
Methods Are Democratic. The New York Post is screaming that if the city isnt
careful, socialists will really take over. The paper is terrified
that average New Yorkers actually like the socialist platform and that
socialists are very good at organizing to win it. Jacobin
28, 2020 ELECTION
NEWS Special
Report: How a small group of U.S. lawyers pushed voter fraud fears into the mainstream.
Observer view on Donald Trump's mendacious re-election campaign. ... The president
has built a palace of lies. Its up to Joe Biden to demolish it. Guardian
Black voters cost Clinton the election. Biden hasn't learned that lesson. ...
Biden is trying to woo unhappy Republicans, when he should be mobilizing hundreds
of thousands of Democrats. Guardian
v Park Avenue' is Biden's best campaign issue - not the supreme court. ... To
win, Democrats need to focus on bread-and-butter issues. Once they take office
they can tackle structural reform. Guardian
Trump to Undermine Election Results, GOP Senator Proposes Nullifying All Mail-In
Ballots Not Counted Within 48-Hour Window. ... "It's just wild that they're
introducing a bill like this in the light of day." CommonDreams
people dont owe you a vote for Joe Biden. ... White liberals in a panic
should think about the legislative records of the Democratic duo carefully. Independent
for the Lesser of Two Evils: a Vicious Circle. CounterPunch
decades after the 'Brooks Brothers riot', experts fear graver election threats.
... As Trump stokes misinformation and armed supporters take to the streets, observers
warn of vigilante violence. Guardian
Need to Be Clear About a Clear Threat to Democracy. ... Despite abundant evidence,
corporate media so far have treated the question of whether Trump is trying to
steal the election as a matter of opinion. ScheerPost
to Top |
Congressional Race Lays Bare Democratic Divide on Tackling Climate Crisis. ...
The outcome of the race will say much about what kind of Democratic Party will
be confronting climate change in the years ahead. Intercept
Joe Rogans Platform Grows, So Does the Media and Liberal Backlash. Why?
... The popular podcast host is a political liberal by all metrics. So what explains
the contempt he provokes in liberal circles? Intercept
- Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 17. ... During the hearing
of medical evidence the last three days, the British government has been caught
twice directly telling important lies about events in Belmarsh prison, each lie
proven by documentary evidence. Craig
Murray 9/25/10
- Assange on Trial: Mental Health, Managed Risk and Publication Chronologies.
- Whats the Difference Between Villain Assange & Intrepid
Woodward?. CounterPunch
- The Extradition Trial of Julian Assange: an Interview With John Pilger. CounterPunch
28, 2020 REBELLION NEWS Military-Enlisted
Students Are Getting Called Up for Riot Control TruthOut
are being used as weapons against BLM protesters. CNN
Taylor protests: Seattle cop who rolled bike over demonstrator's head facing criminal
probe. ... Protests broke out across US followings prosecutors decision.
Independent Scroll
to Top |
to Top
OF SEPTEMBER 25-27, 2020 Weekend
Read: Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State
in a Single Superpower World by Tom Engelhardt. In
his new book, Tom Engelhardt takes in something new under the sun: what is no
longer, as in the 1960s, a national security state, but a global security one,
fighting secret wars that have turned the president into an assassin-in-chief.
This is a powerful survey of a democracy of the wealthy that your grandparents
wouldn't have recognized. Purchase
here Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 16. ... On Wednesday the trap sprang
shut, as Judge Baraitser insisted the witnesses must finish next week, and that
no time would be permitted for preparation of closing arguments, which must be
heard the immediate following Monday. Craig
Murray The
US is Using the Guardian to Justify Jailing Assange for Life. Why is the Paper
So Silent? CounterPunch
Did Birds Fall Out Of The Sky In September? Wildlife Experts Are Closer To An
Answer. CPR
destruction': thousands of rare wildflowers wiped out in Nevada. ... About 40%
of the Tiehms buckwheat population destroyed, amid fierce dispute over proposed
lithium and boron mine nearby. Guardian
In Secretly-Recorded
'Pebble Tapes,' Mining Execs Reveal True Scope of 200-Year Project Planned for
One of Earth's 'Most Pristine Ecosystems'. ..."The Pebble Tapes reveal what
we suspected," said the Audubon Society of Alaska. "This is not a small,
short-term project." CommonDreams
Fires Turn Brazils
Tropical Wetlands Into Wildlife Death Traps. ... A group of veterinarians attempts
to rescue animals injured by fires in Brazils Pantanal wetlands, one of
the most biodiverse regions in the world. Intercept
As the West Burns,
the Trump Administration Races to Demolish Environmental Protections Polluters
and their agents in government want to finalize as many environmental rollbacks
as possible before the presidential election. Intercept
Ohio GOP Leader
Co-Wrote Bailout Bills With Lobbyists for Energy Companies Behind Alleged Bribery
Scheme. ... Ohio House Leader Bill Seitz, the third-ranking Republican who is
considering a run for speaker next year, advanced energy industry bailout bills
since 2017 that are now part of a federal investigation. Sludge
As the West Burns,
the Trump Administration Races to Demolish Environmental Protections Polluters
and their agents in government want to finalize as many environmental rollbacks
as possible before the presidential election. Intercept
Joe Biden Is
Wrong. Believing in Science Means Banning Fracking. Jacobin
to Top |
Atlantic Daily: A Q&A With Barton Gellman. ... No matter the outcome, President
Donald Trump will not concede the presidential race, our reporter posits. The
Atlantic Dangerous
Streamlining: Emergencies, Militarisation and Civil Liberties. CounterPunch
of Praise: Former Member of Group Tied to SCOTUS Front-Runner Amy Barrett Calls
It a Cult. DemocracyNow
Openly Admits He Wants to Fill RBG Vacancy Before Election Day So His Justice
Can Help Fight Mail-In Ballots. ... "They aren't hiding that they want to
confirm a new Trump justice so that justice can steal the election." CommonDreams
docs expose massive Syria propaganda operation waged by Western govt contractors
and media. GrayZone
Deployed SWAT, Bomb Robot, Small Army of Cops to Arrest a Woman and Her Dog She
had done nothing wrong. State troopers started following her because of anti-law
enforcement rhetoric on her car windows. Intercept
in America, Especially for Children, Has Skyrocketed During Covid-19,
Data Shows The number of children who do not have enough to eat has soared
in the pandemic, according to the Census Bureau and Agriculture Department. Intercept
being in the news business, learning that Russia's only female billionaire wired
$3.5 million to Hunter Biden just as his father began working on Ukraine issues,
and then your main response is, "Meh." 2
Officers Shot In Louisville Amid Protests Over Breonna Taylor Case. ... People
in Louisville, Kentucky and other cities took to the streets after none of the
officers involved in Taylors death were charged with murder. HuffPost
dictatorial: Trump has secret powers nobody knows about, experts
reveal. ... Emergency documents leave Americans vulnerable to far-reaching executive
authority, legal analysts and government watchdogs warn. Independent
pro-Trump activists plotted violence ahead of Portland rallies. ... Patriots Coalition
members suggested political assassinations and said laws will be broken,
people will get hurt, leaked chats show. Guardian
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to Top
24, 2020 Assange
on Trial: Bolting Horses, Death Penalties and Plots of Eviction. CounterPunch
Chairman Sees Election As Spiritual War Against Flat-Out Anarchy
Michele Flournoy Be the Angel of Death for the American Empire? AntiWar SEPTEMBER
the pro-war Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee in July joined with
Liz Cheney and her warmonger-GOP faction to block WH troop withdrawal from Afghanistan,
they constantly cited the Russia bounty story to justify it. So this did its job. Will
Michele Flournoy Be the Angel of Death for the American Empire? AntiWar
the Planet: the USA as the Worlds Leading Weapons Dealer. CounterPunch
reigns on the US-backed coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia ... The Organization
of American States had a key role in the destruction of the countrys democracy
last November. Guardian
govt & Democrat-tied troll farm boosts Bolivian coup regime, meddles in Mexico,
Venezuela. GrayZone
Has Begun Preparing For Full Afghanistan Withdrawal. ... US envoy for peace process
says violence in Afghanistan is too high AntiWar
to Top |
the Planet: the USA as the Worlds Leading Weapons Dealer. CounterPunch
reigns on the US-backed coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia ... The Organization
of American States had a key role in the destruction of the countrys democracy
last November. Guardian
govt & Democrat-tied troll farm boosts Bolivian coup regime, meddles in Mexico,
Venezuela. GrayZone
Has Begun Preparing For Full Afghanistan Withdrawal. ... US envoy for peace process
says violence in Afghanistan is too high AntiWar
hypocrisy is obscuring the cruelty. Popular
Info. Chris
Hedges: "Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle"
Police, Mayor Ignore CDC Advice, Aggressively Police Unsheltered People During
Pandemic. CounterPunch
wildfire coverage on American TV news fails to mention link to climate crisis.
... A media watchdog analysis found that just 15% of broadcast news segments over
a September weekend made the connection to climate breakdown. Guardian
Ejected 8,800 Unaccompanied Migrant Kids, Ignoring Precautions Against Child Trafficking.
... Humanitarian protections have been suspended as the Trump administration carries
out wholesale expulsion of most vulnerable migrants. HuffPost
Drives Destruction of US Forests in the Name of Fighting Climate Change. ... Biomass
electricity is generated by burning organic matter. Forests have rapidly become
a primary source of biomass fuel in the EU. TruthOut
Politics of Portlands Protests. CounterPunch
Real Resistance: The Fascist Trump-Barr Regime Cant Simply Be Voted Out.
Justice' Denied: Kentucky Grand Jury Indicts 1 of 3 Officers in Fatal Police Shooting
of Breonna Taylor. ... "There will be no justice until all of the officers
who killed Breonna are held accountable for her murder." CommonDreams
Cops Charged With Murder In The Killing Of Breonna Taylor. .. One police officer
was charged with wanton endangerment. Those charges were tied to shots fired into
neighboring apartments, but not Taylors. HuffPost
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to Top
23, 2020 These
62 landlords received at least $60 million in taxpayer bailouts. Now they are
evicting tenants. Popular
Info Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 14. ... Monday was a frustrating
day as the Assange Hearing drifted deep into a fantasy land where nobody knows
or is allowed to say that people were tortured in Guantanamo Bay and under extraordinary
rendition. Craig
Murray Greenwashing
The US military, Julian Assange, RIP Kevin Zeese. Popular
Resistance Belly
of the Beast: Survivors of Forced Sterilizations in Californias Prisons
Fight for Justice. DemocracyNow
envelopes will cause electoral chaos, official warns. ... Philadelphias
top elections official is warning of electoral chaos in the presidential battleground
state if lawmakers there do not remove a provision in Pennsylvania law that, under
a days-old court decision, requires counties to throw out mail-in ballots returned
without secrecy envelopes. Independent
charts China's expansion of mass labour programme in Tibet. ... Researcher says
500,000 rural workers trained for factories this year in programme likened to
Xinjiang operations. Guardian
evidence shows huge mail slowdowns after Trump ally took over. ... Louis DeJoys
policies, which he said were intended to boost efficiency, led to widespread outcry
this summer. Guardian
Backdoor Bailout': Outrage as Pentagon Funnels Hundreds of Millions Meant for
Covid Supplies to Private Defense Contractors. ... "If you can't get a Covid
test or find an N95, its because these contractors stole from the American
people to make faster jets and fancy uniforms." CommonDreams
Foreign Policy Advisors Show Loyalty to Israel, Defense Contractors. ... "He
believes in two states for two peoples" CounterPunch
'Extreme Carbon Inequality,' Oxfam Study Shows World's Richest 1% Emit More Than
Twice as Much CO2 as Poorest 50%. ..."The over-consumption of a wealthy minority
is fueling the climate crisis, yet it is poor communities and young people who
are paying the price," said study author Tim Gore. CommonDreams
Attack on Trans Athletes Is Not About Equity Its About Social Control.
Social Fabric of the U.S. Is Fraying Severely, if Not Unravelling. ... Why, in
the worlds richest country, is every metric of mental health pathology rapidly
worsening? Intercept
Cost of Resistance. ... You can measure the effectiveness of resistance by the
fury of the response by ruling elites. ScheerPost
Related: Discussion with Roger Hallam of Extinction Rebellion ScheerPost
in an Era of Pandemic and Protest. ... Naomi Klein, Shoshana Zuboff, and Simone
Browne discuss the dangers of surveillance capitalism and how we can rise
to this crisis and create a fair and equitable future. Intercept
Empire Collapse: It's About To Get Much Worse. Chris Hedges and Juliana Forlano
released showing Utah police shooting at boy with autism nearly a dozen times.
... Salt Lake City 13-year-old remains in hospital after mother called 911, requesting
mental health worker. Guardian
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to Top
22, 2020 Trump
seizes chance to reshape America following death of Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader
Ginsburg. ... Trump could ensure conservative domination of Americas highest
court for a generation. Independent
on Trial: Torture Testimonies, Offers of Pardon and Truth Telling. CounterPunch
22, 2020 EASY MONEY US
corporations file for bankruptcy and lay off workers. Why do execs still get bonuses? Leak
reveals $2tn of possibly corrupt US financial activity. ... Among those named
in reports is Paul Manafort, former political strategist for Donald Trump. Guardian
Hertz, who filed
for bankruptcy in May, is facing a lawsuit after laying off thousands of employees
but doling out millions in corporate bonuses. Guardian
Corporate Crime
at the New York Times and Washington Post. CounterPunch
to Top |
US reporters silent about being spied on by apparent CIA contractor that targeted
Assange. ... Despite being spied on and having their privacy invaded by the UC
Global firm that targeted Assange, reporters from major US news outlets have said
nothing in protest. Meanwhile, new evidence of that firms CIA links has
emerged. Gray
Zone Trump's
1776 commission is proof America is spiraling toward fascism. ... Trump is setting
up the commission to teach students the miracle of American history
which sounds like a core part of the fascist process of taking power. Guardian
Trump administration threatens to step up pressure against Iran and Venezuela
in run-up to 2020 election. ... US officials have warned they will dramatically
step up global pressure on Iran in the coming days by imposing sanctions to block
weapons and energy shipments to Tehran. MSN
Judge Rules Trump and Louis DeJoy Waged Politically Motivated Attack
Against USPS, Will Rescind Recent Changes. Law
and Crime Media
Blame Gender Reveal Parties, Not Climate Change, for West Coast Fires. FAIR Controversial
CDC guidelines were written by HHS officials, not scientists: report. MSN
Death Knell for Indian Agriculture. CounterPunch
Distract, and Derail': New Report Reveals How Plastic Polluters Have Avoided Regulation
Worldwide for Decade. ... "This report is a damning exposé of the
tactics employed by the plastics industry and shines a welcome light on the shadowy
world of corporate lobbying." CommonDreams
Trump looking for a pre-election fight with Iran? - analysis - Starting on Saturday,
the US appears to not only be saying it will economically penalize countries worldwide
who have any arms dealings with Iran, but that it may also actively intercept
shipments. JPost
William Barr told federal prosecutors to consider sedition charges for protest
violence. Chicago
Tribune DOJ
Again Attacks Democrats, This Time With Anarchist Jurisdiction Designation.
The primary effects of William Barrs eyebrow-raising designation of Seattle,
Portland, and New York City as anarchist jurisdictions will, for now,
be political. HuffPost
Activists Arrested and Held Incommunicado Following Border Wall Protest. ... Two
Oodham women arrested at the border were taken to a private prison where
they were denied access to the outside world. Intercept
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to Top
21, 2020 The
Nightmare Scenario That Keeps Election Lawyers Up At Night -- And Could Hand Trump
A Second Term. ... A red mirage on election night and a post-election
blue shift could lead to an unprecedented constitutional crisis just
as the Supreme Court is in turmoil. HuffPost
Pelosi Doesnt Rule Out Using Impeachment To Stall SCOTUS Nomination. ...
Protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quiver,
the speaker of the House said. HuffPost
America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral. ... As the U.S. heads toward
the winter, the country is going round in circles, making the same conceptual
errors that have plagued it since spring. The
Trial Update Your
Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 13. ... Friday gave us the most
emotionally charged moments yet at the Assange hearing, showed that strange and
sharp twists in the story are still arriving at the Old Bailey, and brought into
sharp focus some questions about the handling and validity of evidence. Craig
Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 12. ... A less dramatic day,
but marked by a brazen and persistent display of this US Governments insistence
that it has the right to prosecute any journalist and publication, anywhere in
the world, for publication of US classified information. This explicitly underlay
the entire line of questioning in the afternoon session. Craig
Murray Assange
on Trial: Diligent Redactions and Avoiding Harm. CounterPunch
the dystopian show trial of Julian Assange, an assault on journalism. Moderate
Khaled El Masri Stands Up To CIA Intimidation, Supports Assange During Extradition
Trial. ... Khaled El Masri, a survivor of CIA kidnapping, torture, rendition,
and detention, submitted testimony in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
during his extradition trial. ShadowProof
offered to pardon Assange if he gave source for DNC emails leak, lawyer says.
... President has in the past denied floating any pardon for Wikileaks boss. Independent
Good Ellsberg, Bad Assange: At Extradition Trial, Pentagon Papers Whistleblower
Dismantles False Narrative. ... Opponents of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
often hold up Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg as an example of someone
who was responsible for a good leak. They insist WikiLeaks is not like the Pentagon
Papers because supposedly Assange was reckless with sensitive documents. ShadowProof
to Top |
bizarre speech at National Archives, Trump warns of left-wing segregation
and pushes patriotic ducation.President ignores fact that 400,000
African slaves were brought to North America against their will and had no rights.
21, 2020 ELECTION NEWS Warning:
Trump and his Rioters can win using The XII. ... Election won by Fire
and Fury -- and Loophole in Constitution. Greg
Palast For
Real Resistance: The Fascist Trump-Barr Regime Cant Simply Be Voted Out.
reporter Greg Palast: Trump's plans to steal the election go well beyond the mail.
... Election-theft expert says Trump has a plan to steal the election legally
-- and the USPS isn't the problem. Salon
Moore warns Biden's ground game in Michigan worse than Hillary's. ...said the
Biden campaign needs to be doing more not less. Independent Trumps
New Campaign Strategy: Declare The Election Illegitimate. More and more, the president
claims the only way Democrats can win is by cheating even as he seeks to
delegitimize mail voting. HuffPost
has Biden right where he wants him -- and Bill Barr is his secret weapon. ...
The president has managed to convince everyone hes the underdog again. Hes
also convinced his attorney general to do his dirtiest work. Independent
Threat to Our Democracy': Trump Openly Telegraphs Intent (Once Again) to Delegitimize
2020 Election Results. ... The president's latest baseless attack on mail-in ballots
drew yet another warning from Twitter. CommonDreams
Biden Is Severely Hurting His Chances of Beating Donald Trump. Jacobin
to Top |
Court Has Refused to Fashion Concrete Legal Standards About the Rights of Protesters.
CounterSpin interview with Kia Rahnama on freedom of assembly. FAIR
House abandoned plan to send 650 million face masks across the U.S. in April,
report says. CNBC
Cops Are Treating White Militias as Heavily Armed Friendlies. ...
A video from the uprising in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shows police giving water to
a group of armed white men. One officer uses his vehicles loudspeaker to
tell them, We appreciate you guys. We really do. Soon thereafter,
one of the group, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, shot three protesters, killing
two. TruthOut
Progressive Prosecutor Faces Off With Portlands Aggressive Police. ... Portlands
new district attorney said he wouldnt prosecute most protesters. Police
kept arresting them anyway. Intercept
Todays Uprisings Compare to the 1960s Rebellions. ... The movements of the
sixties, which are captured in detail in "Set the Night on Fire," are
seen as wildly successful. Is it possible Black Lives Matter will be even more
so? ScheerPost
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