Touchstone Energy and the national samples have consistently out-paced
the utility average by a significant margin and have compared favorably
to the top rated investor-owned utility in the nation.
utility industry average has shown improvement from the low 70's
in 2005 to the mid 70's in 2012. According to the American Customer
Satisfaction Index (ACSI), this improvement in the investor-owned
utility sector is being driven primarily by utilities providing
natural gas service, either exclusively or in combination with electricity.
The historically low cost of natural gas has most likely fueled
this trend.
Six out of the top ten energy utilities monitored by the ACSI in
the 3'd Quarter 2012 provided natural gas service. Atmos Energy,
a gas-only investor-owned utility serving customers across 12 southeastern
states, took the top spot with an ACSI score of 86.
we have found in prior research efforts, satisfaction levels vary
significantly by the age of the respondent. In the chart below,
we show the overall ACSI index for five age groups from the national
sample. (Note: the horizontal bars above and below the mean score
show statistical precision at a 95% confidence level. )