- Co-ops can now self-generate. Letter
Chieftain 8/14/24
- Wade's son appointed to SEC board. Chiftain
- SEC General Manager steps down. Chieftain
- Co-op claims city violated NM Civil Rights Act Chieftain
- Power Struggle: Wolberg predicted backlash against SEC in 2018. Chieftain
- Supreme Court rules state regulator can change rates proposed by rural electric
cooperatives. Chieftain
- Despite inflation electric utility formation still viable option. Chieftain
or .pdf 2/29/24
- Guzman (energy) said they need more time than 45-minutes with SEC board.
- Meet the communities trying to take over their local electric utility. ...
Activists say public power would lower bills and expand clean energy. But they
face tough opposition from investor-owned utilities. Grist
- City willing to extend Co-op franchise, but not indefinitely. Chieftain
- Mayor lays plans to provide a new electric service to schools. Chieftain
Just found 2015 article: July 9, 2015: New Mexico co-op faces opposition
by city. AHC
Law May
15, 2023 - Rural electric co-ops to get $10.7B in USDA funds for clean energy
grants, loans. SourceNM
19, 2022 - Indigenous groups say changes to utility regulation in NM would
favor energy companies. ... 2020 ballot measure altered how people get onto the
PRC and shrank the board. Source
NM June
3, 2022 - Electric Co-ops Are Well Situated To Lead The Green Energy Transition.
Resistance May
19, 2022 - Socorro Electric Coop agrees to restructure rates ... After three
years of refusing to do so, last week the Socorro Electric Coop agreed to restructure
its rates as directed by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission in September
2019. This comes as a compromise between SEC and the NMPRC Utility Division Staff
after several years of back and forth. Chieftain
or PDF April
28, 2022 - McCartney elected to Coop Board. Chieftain
or .pdf
21, 2022 - Bustamante seeks re-election. Chieftain
or .pdf
21, 2022 - Letter: Citys feud with electric cooperative is harmful.
Jim Nelson - Chieftain
or .pdf April
21 - City accuses
Coop of attempting to delay informing members. Chieftain
or .pdf
20, 2022 - SEC Annual meeting newsletter announcement and Socorro City buyout.
7, 2022 - SEC again ordered to restructure rates.
Chieftain or .pdf
1, 2022 - Socorro Electric Co-op fights PRC and city Albuquerque
Jorunal or download.pdf
31, 2022 - Bustamante, McCartney face off. No SEC candidate for Catron. Chieftain
or Download.pdf
24, 2022 - SEC trustees accumulating fines ... accumulating a $1,000 fine
per day since April 2020 after refusing to restructure their rates as directed
by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission. Chieftain
or download
PDF March
10, 2022 - The city of Socorro sent an open letter to the Socorro Electric
Cooperative's CEO and Board Members, offering to acquire the cooperative's system
within the city of Socorro and to take over providing electric services to city
residents. Download
PDF April
15, 2021 - Update
on SEC vs. City of Socorro lawsuit. Chieftain
or Download
.PDF April
8, 2021 - Letter:
Update on City vs SEC lawsuit by Mayor Bhasker. Chieftian
or Download
.pdf April
8, 2021 - Update on City vs SEC lawsuit - Mayor Bhasker. Chieftain
- Download
. PDF April1,
2021 - Co-op
suspends election of trustees. Chieftain
or download.pdf February
18, 2021 - Upcoming
SEC elections - ... there will be an election for two positions on the Socorro
Electric Cooperatives Board of Trustees this spring. Letter
to the Chieftain PDF
Version January
21, 2021 - Co-op
elections coming up. After skipping last year due to COVID-19 public health restrictions,
Socorro Electric Cooperative is planning to go ahead with this year's annual meeting,
scheduled for Saturday, April 10 at Macey Center.
31, 2020 - SEC needs
to be held responsible (re: powerlines) Letter to the Chieftain.
version December
3, 2020 - Magdalena
approves SEC franchise agreement. Chieftain
or download PDF
October 29, 2020 - SEC
needs to look into clean energy. Chieftain
Letter or download .PDF
August 12, 2020 - While
Socorro petitions for new rates, Co-op waits for Supreme Court. Chieftain
or download
June 22, 2020 - Two Electric Projects in New Mexico Being Funded by USDA NOTE:
"The Socorro Electric Cooperative Inc. is receiving a $28 million loan
to connect 485 consumers, build and improve 45 miles of distribution line, and
build and improve 25 miles of line for the Magdalena Transmission Line Rebuild
project." This is not "funding", customers still have
to repay the loan. Download
press release June
4, 2020 - Transforming your electric cooperatives power supply. ...
By Duane Highley
Chief Executive Officer Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association. Chieftain
28, 2020 - Letter
to Chieftain re: rates. Download
23, 2020 - Socorro
Electric Co-op to comply with PRC ruling Chieftain
story April
17, 2020 - Socorro Citys response to SEC. Press
Release April
15, 2020 - SEC Board
fined $185,000.00 by the PRC.
Court document
List of court filings as of 4/16/20.
Related: (Oct 2019) Clock ticking on SEC appeal. Chieftain
5, 2020 - SEC trustees run unopposed - Chieftain
12, 2020 - SEC amends its declaratory judgment filing Chieftain
5, 2020 - Co-op to vet trustee candidates; intervenes in Tri-State case
. Chieftain Download
29, 2020 - City: No (SEC) permanent agreement is in place. Chieftain
29, 2020 - Transparency,
independence are fundamentals electrical co-ops need to reinstate. Letter
to Chieftain Download
23, 2020 - Tri-State embraces renewables Chieftain
9, 2020 - Wheres the juice? 500 MW line open for business ... With
the first annual payment of a $1.9 million transmission charge, the
Navajo Nation is securing the rights to use or sell access to 500 megawatts of
electrical transmission capacity for 35 years starting Dec. 23. Navajo
Times December
19, 2019 - Socorro only has month-to-month franchise (SEC) agreement Chieftain
12, 2019 - SEC files lawsuit against Socorro Chieftain Download
20, 2019 - Tri-State
expands community solar. Chieftain
20, 2019 - SEC
board needs to reevaluate its allegiance to Tri-State. Chieftain
Letter (McCartney III)
20, 2019 - Socorro, others battle for control of electric systems. Chieftain
14, 2019 - Trustees assert membership elected them to make rate decisions
7, 2019 - PRC says "no" to SEC's request. Chieftain
Download October
17, 2019 - Clock ticking on SEC appeal. Chieftain
4, 2019 - SEC Co-op defies PRC ruling. Chieftain
20, 2019 - Tri-State: wholesale rates unchanged - Chieftain
12, 2019 - The
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission reached a decision on Socorro Electric
Cooperative's proposed rate increase. The commission just voted 4-1 to deny the
rate increase and adopt the Recommended Decision made by the Hearing Examiner. Download
the PRC final ruling
10, 2019 - Socorro City Reply to Socorro Electric Co-op August 2019 newsletter
related to "The City of Socorro is proposing to create a municipal electric
utility and to begin "siphoning off " Members of SEC." Download
SEC newsletter Download
Socorro City reply to SEC newsletter
5, 2019 - City: SEC wants a 'second bite at the apple' Chieftain Download
5, 2019 - Socorro
County needs economic development, lower electric rates. Letter to the editor
28, 2019 - SEC says rate increase is just, reasonable.Chieftain
Related: August 22, 2019 - SEC response to PRC Download
23, 2019 - Hearing Examiner: SEC rate increase should be denied. Chieftain
22, 2019 - Lawsuit
claims SEC responsible for Quebradas fire. Chieftain
15, 2019 - Before
the NM Public Regulation Commission In the matter of the filing of advice notice
number 69 by the Socorro Electric Cooperative Case No. 18-oo383-UT. ... Statement
of the case: On December 3, 2o18, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SEC)
filed Advice Notice No.69 for a proposed rate increase
. Etc. Download
8, 2019 - Proposed
rate structure is inequitable, regressive - Letter to the editor. Chieftain
1, 2019 - Creative, flexible power supply partner welcomed. Reyes,
Jr OpEd Chieftain
1, 2019 - It's time for face to face with Tri-State Chieftain
26, 2019 - City
agrees to meet with SEC Chieftain
26-2019 - SEC board continues to back expensive,dirty
coal. Letter - Chieftain
6, 2019 - Public
blasts Socorro Electric Coop over rate hike. Chieftain
meeting will allow SEC ratepayers and other stakeholders to comment on SECs
pending rate case and ask questions. The
format of the public comment meeting will be as follows: 1.
SEC will give a short 5-10 minute presentation on its rate case filing. 2.
PRC Hearing Examiner Carolyn R. Glick will permit questions from the audience
to SEC about its rate case filing. 3.
Public comment not to exceed 5 minutes per person. If
you are not able to attend, you may watch live from the City of Socorro website, PUBLIC
COMMENT MEETING To Allow Socorro Electric Cooperative Ratepayers and Other
Stakeholders to Comment on SECs Pending Rate Case and Ask Questions Download
the announcement April
18, 2019 - Hawkes,
Bustamante elected new trustees. Chieftain
11, 2019 - Three co-op trustee positions on the line. Chieftain
1, 2019 - Amending the requirements to protest a proposed Generation and
Transmission rate change - NM Senate Bill 357 seeks to amend the current statute
concerning regulation of Generation and Transmission (G&T) Cooperatives in
NM. Currently, as you know, G&T cooperatives such as Tri-Sate have no
oversight from the NMPRC unless 3 of their member distribution cooperatives protest
a proposed rate increase. In addition, transmission-only customers of G&T's
have no standing at the NMPRC or other venue to protest the transmission rates
charged by G&T Cooperatives. As an example, Tri-States transmission rates
have increased 23.4% since just 2016 or 7.8% per year and there has been little
to no Tri-State transmission investment in New Mexico.
This legislation
seeks 3 changes: 1) Reduce the required number of customer protests to one
customer or member in order to require the Commission to review the rates and
make a determination regarding whether the filed/proposed rates are Just and Reasonable.
(Reduce customer protests from 3 to 1)
2) Adds the definition of a "Transmission
3) Includes "Transmission Customers" as an eligible
party (member or customer) who can file a protest of proposed rates by a G&T.
As a Tri-State Transmission Customer, SEC members should be interested
in this legislation and willing to call/email/write your senators and representatives
to express your support for these changes. There are other municipal and cooperative
utilities in New Mexico who are particularly interested in this moving forward.
Support and votes needed to get it done. This is particularly important to rural
and small town New Mexico communities. Download
Download this notice 2019NM-SB357
Notice January
24, 2019 - Co-op taking candidates for trustee election Chieftain
4, 2019 - Co-op
District II trustee named (Jim Nelson) December
3, 2018 - We need to explore clean renewable energy. Ward McCartney letter
to the Chieftain
complaints website
rate increases may begin in January. Chieftain
rate table: Public
meetings on rate increases: Oct. 19: Socorro Annex Building, 198 Neal Ave,
6 pm Oct. 22: Magdalena Senior Citizens Center, 6:30 pm Oct. 23: Alamo Wellness
Center, 2 p.m. Oct. 25: Datil Elementary School Gym, 3 pm October
17, 2018 - Proposed SEC rate increase for 2019 Rate
16, 2017 - No peep from councilors on proposed takeover - Gary
Jaramilo letter to the Chieftain editor October
4, 2018 - SEC Board vacates Holcombs post Chieftain
1, 2018 - Warning to wives about SEC billing statement. Chieftain
20, 2018 - Why is SEC board acting as if it has something to hide? Chieftain
or .PDF
16, 2018 - PRC denies SunZia permit. ... It will transport electricity
generated from wind farms in the eastern part of the state to a hub west of Phoenix
that would serve customers in Arizona and California Chieftain
13, 2018 - Socorro Mayor talks SEC buyout Chieftain
September 6, 2018 - SEC electric bills about to rise? ... City considers
filing PRC protest. Chieftain
SEC electric bills about to rise? ... Resolution paves way for increase
23, 2018 - Mayor: City buyout of SEC grid would mean cheaper rates. Chieftain
or website
1, 2018 -
Average Retail Price of Electricity to Residential Sector, August 2018 (cents/kWh)
5, 2018 - Is the SEC doing enough with renewable energy? (And annual
meeting report from the Chieftain)
26, 2018 - Co-op
annual meeting Saturday (April 28) March
15, 2018 -
Bhasker vows to go after the Socorro Electric Co-op. January
25, 2018 - SEC: Deadline for co-op trustee candidates is Jan. 31 Chieftain
September 7, 2017 - View of (SEC) contract harmful? The City of Socorros
offer to buy out Socorro Electric Cooperative is the reason behind the Co-ops
decision not to let City Administrator Donald Monette review its contract with
Tri-State Energy last month. Chieftain
Related: July
2016- Tri-State presentation to SEC August
31, 2017- How
do Socorro Electric Co-op rates stack up. (Part 1 of 2) Chieftain
2 coming) Reclaiming
Public Services. ... How cities and citizens are turning back privatization.TNI
10, 2017 - Would you support a City of Cororro buyout of the SEC? Vote
here August
3, 2017 - Mayor proposes buyout of SEC: Options outlined at Co-op board
meeting - Chieftain
.pdf version August
2, 2017 - Socorro
Electric Co-op member survey - In the upcoming months, SEC will be conducting
a phone survey with members to received input on a variety of issues. We are interested
in how we are doing as your provider. The SEC has hired a professional firm to
conduct this survey, with the hopes of giving honest feedback about the service.
The survey will ask questions on a variety of topics, such as the price of electricity,
renewable energy, responsiveness to inquires, and internet service. July
27, 2017 - Letter
from Socorro Mayor, Ravi Bhasker, to the SEC board
support (SunZiaw) road restructions - Chieftain
16, 2017 - 25 Percent of Australian Homes Have Switched to Solar, and
Other Green Triumphs This Week TruthDig
13, 2017 - Co-op defends situation with TDS - Chieftain
pdf version July
7, 2017 - Could
SunZia supply SEC? Chieftain
version June
29, 2017- In
light of the Socorro City Council's recent release of its long awaited electric
feasibility study, Mayor Ravi Bhasker issued a formal letter to the Socorro Electric
Cooperative at its regular bi-monthly meeting - Download the article - Chieftain
releases electric utility feasibility study - Download the article - Chieftain
the full report
or visit the Socorro city website here: City
website. June
8, 2017 - Socorro
City Council talks electric study. Chieftain
11, 2017 - Herrera:
Local politics tarnishing (electric) cooperative's efforts. ... The proposed breakup
of Socorro Electric Cooperative seemed to be gaining steam, as evidenced by remarks
made at a public meeting Tuesday, May 2 at Socorro City Hall. Chieftain
effort (offer utility service) feasible in small steps. ... A piecemeal plan for
the City of Socorro to offer electric utility service is feasible, the attorney
helping the city explore the option said last week. ... Its feasible
if the city starts small and builds up equity over time, attorney Nann Winter
said. Chieftain
27, 2017 - Co-op election recount sought - Chieftain
25, 2017 - NOTICE:
Socorro and Catron county folks might be interested in an upcoming Community Input
Meeting Socorro City will be hosting on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 5:30 pm in the
City Hall Council Chambers located at 111 School of Mines Road. Click
here for the website.
The agenda isnt finalized as yet but speakers will include: Luis Reyes,
CEO of Kit Carson who will be discussing their departure from Tri-State T&G
to Guzman Energy as their new power supplier and the impact it will have on their
rates and future economic development at Kit Carson. He will also discuss their
broadband business. Kit Carson has also formed a partnership with Continental
Divide Electric Coop to run fiber down main street in Grants to provide high speed
broadband. Other
speakers will be from Guzman Energy, City of TorC, Nann Winter, Rio Grande Energy,
Enchantment Energy Consulting, TDS and of course the City of Socorro. Please
Note: SEC declined its invitation to be placed on the agenda! Socorro
Electric Co-op Vote Results: District
2: Judy Holcom 970 votes Melanie Kelly 653 District
3: Luis Aguilar 829 votes Cndy Riverra 825
votes April
16, 2017 - Mayor: Co-op a hurdle in TDS broadband effort in Socorro.
... (It appears the Socorro
Electric Co-op and the board are still hostile to the customers and Socorro City
development. This is consistent with their policy of working against the member-owners
going back 10 years. SEC archived news
here )
Latest legislative
update at San
Augustin Water Report Website April
13, 2017 - Mayor: Co-op a hurdle in TDS broadband effort in Socorro.
... (It appears the Socorro
Electric Co-op and the board are still hostile to the customers and Socorro City
development. This is consistent with their policy of working against the member-owners
going back 10 years.)February
2017: HB-380 -
Introduced by our Rep. Gail Armstrong: Relating to Rural
Electric cooperatives; Allowing mail-in or proxy ballots to count toward
establishing a quorum. Download
the biill here
or visit the NM government website here
for more details.
Readers may remember this was a critical issue at the recent co-op annual meetings
as the board tried to disqualify voters. August
24, 2016 - News on the City of Socorro feasibility study for municipally-owned
electric utility. Meanwhile:
for Wholesale Electric Power Supply
for City of Socorro Municipal Electric Facilities Design.
of Socorro legal notice re: municipal-owned electric utility: LEGAL
NOTICE At the Socorro City Council meeting of April 18, 2016, the City Council
unanimously approved the adoption of Ordinance No. 16-03-21b. The purpose of this
ordinance is to create a municipally-owned electric utility in order to provide
for the efficient delivery of reliable electric power service to the City, its
Industrial Park and the public. Specific details are included in the ordinance.
Ordinance No. 16-03-21b will take effect five days following this publication.
Copies of the ordinance are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office,
111 School of Mines Road in Socorro. Published in El Defensor Chieftain on April
28, 2016 City
of Scorro report on June 30, 2016 - Co-op
starting metering project March
31, 2016 - When
will rooftop solar be cheaper than the grid? Heres a map March
29, 2016 - Request
for Information for Wholesale Electric Power Supply for Socorro City 2016
Annual Meeting April 16th at Macy Center Feb.
4, 2016 -
Another Trustee (Melissa Amaro) Resigns October
28 - Judith Holcomb, from Magdalena, was chosen by the board in a secret ballot
to replace Charlie Wagner as District 2 representative. October
28th board videos Agenda
for October 28th meeting
4 - update on net metering... A
letter from SEC management to net metering customers is a must read. More
on this later Download
documents: [New Oct 4th] Video
of the board discussing net metering part
1 is here: (move the timer into 18:40) Part
2 continues the discussion. There will be more on this issue soon. October
1 - Co-op
looks to replace Wagner September
25 -
Notice of District 2 election
Those interested in running need to contact the General Manager, Joseph Herrera
no later than Oct 23rd. Remember,
ALL members get to vote on who will represent District 2 - Not just members living
in that district. It roughly covers Magdalena, Alamo, and western part of Socorro.
Districts Map
- Land
and Conservation Fund due to Expire September
14, 2015 - Three Cities
on renewables September
10 - Wagner
a martyr for integrity (Chieftain) As
attorney fees increase, it is interesting to review this article from August
2011 in the Chieftain
2, Wagner
Steps Down (Chieftain) August
30 - When Charlie Wagner decided to run for the SEC Board of Trustee, it
was because he had worked with electric cooperatives for many years and understood
how they worked and the good that they historically did for coop members. He learned
that the SEC did not operate for the benefit of its members and spend money recklessly
driving rates up. He made these facts known to the members through a series of
talks and power point presentations to members and civic organizations. Members
put reforms into effect and created a more open cooperative where they could attend
board of trustee meetings, limit the amount of money trustees could spend and
their terms of service, vote by mail, have more equal voting districts, etc. This
history is recorded and available on this website
and some of it did indeed
make history! Board
members sued the membership because of enacted bylaws that shifted power from
trustees to the members, a first in United States cooperative history. They also
set up a campaign of harassment against Charlie and leaders of the SEC Reform
Group. Prevarication, threats, physical and verbal attacks were common. Trustees
used members money to drag reformers into court. More insidious actions
were those of members who ran for trustee positions as reformers and then used
their power to act for their own benefit instead of for the members. Things reached
a crisis this year and Charlie decided to resign judging that he would be more
effective using his knowledge and abilities off the board. The exact reasons are
contained in the attachment entitled Resignation. The other attachment
is the boards press release. They plan to appoint a District 2 member to
fill Charlies seat but are asking for people to submit their names for appointment.
It is time for others to carry the torch for the members. Download
this press release August
28 - PNM
requests rate increase
Related: PRC
reject PNM rate increase last May August
27 - Two
fill co-op vacant seats (Chieftain) August
26 - Press
release - Trustee Wagner resignation Trustee
Wagner resigns from Co-op board effective immediately:This
is notice of my resignation effective as of the adjournment of this board meeting,
from the Socorro Electric Cooperative. I cannot continue to serve on
a board that operates under Bylaws that reduce benefits of members and strip them
of their rights, nor serve under policies that divest individual trustees of equality,
independent judgment and their right of dissent as well as freedom of speech.
This board, since the latest sham election, is composed of the same
trustees that sued the entire SEC membership, drove the cooperative to the brink
of bankruptcy and spent a half a million dollars on themselves yearly. My association
with them is an impossibility. Wagner's
resignation Videos:
- Wagner
resignation.mp4 - Discussion
about Resignation.mp4 - Presidents
report and committee assignments.mp4 - Discussion
on the Socorro power generation issue.mp4 Note: it took MEMBER concern
to bring this issue to the board table, otherwise the board has been completely
ignoring the fact the co-op is in serious trouble and on its death bed. -
on SW energy conference.mp4 See SW conference video. Note, according
to Wolberg, a shill for the coal industry, it cost $490 to power that 100watt
bulb with solar. Thats cheap. Most of the coal plants have a capital investment
of BILLIONS over DECADES before they can power that first 100 watt bulb (and require
rail, and mines, and distribution network, etc)... Go Solar! -
Report.mp4 -
report.mp4 -
off office.mp4 Considering
the wise cracks about job loss if coal goes under.... relatively few people dig
for coal compared to building and installing alternate energy systems, a fast
growing segment of the economy. The last thing the coal mine owners want is the
burden of dealing with labor, the fewer employees the better. What about the job
loss related to solar? Since when does the coal industry become a welfare agency
and a jobs program?? The steam-age is over folks. August
26th meeting agenda has been revised to include an executive session to discuss
trustee conduct at meetings Revised
residential rates table July
fees to lawyers: Wiggins $4,719.73
Christensen (SEC "audit") $6,802.40 Annual
Meeting re-do videos: Quorum
count.mp4 Agenda
issues and vote tally.mp4 Treasurers
Report.mp4 Wagner
not allowed to give trustee report.mp4
General Managers Report.mp4 Public
Comment.mp4 August
22 - "Election" results: Registered voters = 392. Quorum present.
Wolberg 671 mail-in - 171 in person = 842 votes
Anaya 552 mail-in - 212 in person = 764 total Leroy Anaya (Left) Don
Wolberg (right)
There is no way this
"election" could have turned out any other way. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss August
20, 2015 in the Chieftain: Co-op
meeting, Election Sunday
picks firm for study of utility Note
in the story above that the attorney said a quorum must be present BEFORE the
business meeting for the votes to count. In the last election, the attorney said
the opposite, a quorum was needed for the business meeting for the vote to count.
Of course, that was when another reformer was elected, and the same election Don
Wolberg got only 6 votes. So... bad attorney advice again - I wonder
if they will give us the money back for that meeting? August
18, 2015 - Socorro City Council voted to go forward with the study on
feasibility of the city generating their own electricity. Video:
Feasibility Study going forward.mp4 or .wmv
(23min) The
website of the company doing the study is
here August
1, 2015 - Meeting Agenda: Socorro
City Council agenda item: Electricity Utility Feasibility Study August
5, 2015 - Why
Are Americans Switching to Renewable Energy? Because Its Actually Cheaper
utility buys solar at under fissile generation prices August
1, 2015 - Your mail-in ballot probably arrived by now. It's a sure bet,
those two characters will get on the board despite losing their last bid for election
that was nothing short of embarrassment with 1 getting only 6 votes and the other
only 46. There is no option for "neither of the above". Quorum or not,
they will win the seat, probably by board chair appointment. This fix is in. The
only way to send a message to the board and their lawyers is to not return
the ballot. If you do come to the meeting and register, DO NOT vote. What
we see here is the final nail in the democratic process and the beginning of the
end of this co-op. The final looting will begin with virtually unlimited spending
by trustees like the old days. That will be the legacy of the majority of the
board members and their lawyers. Meanwhile
- well run companies progress: Electric
Co-ops are already practicing the future of energy Below
find the minutes of the new Credentials and Election Committee held on June 29,
2015. The entire two and a half page document is of interest to SEC members but
page 2 displays one of the major problems with the new bylaws: the fact that voting
by mail is not longer mandated by bylaw but a function of a Committee nominated
by trustees and selected by an person not named but probably the President of
the Board of Trustees. Excerpts from the document: "Due
to the fact that only two (2) members filed for candidacy,........discussion ensued
whether to conduct the trustee election along with the mail-in ballots; to forego
the mail-in ballots and in-person voting; determination of a quorum; and electing
the candidates by acclamation." "Discussion ensued that there
is no need to go with the expense of conducting the election with the mail-in
ballots." "The Committee discussed at length the pros and cons
of conducting an Election and a motion was conduct the election
of candidates with mail-in ballots." The Committee decided
as they now have the power under the new bylaws which do not mandate "vote
by mail". Another striking statement from page 2: "Attorney
Wiggins read Section 5.03 Election of the bylaws and stated that the worst case
scenario would be that there would be no quorum of members."
To many members the "worst case scenario" would be the return to the
board of candidates and former trustees Leroy Anaya and Don Wolberg who are the
only candidates because of inadequate publicizing of rules and time limits for
the self nomination process. If a quorum is not achieved at the August 22, 2015
meeting, the election is invalid and the election will have to be reset with time
for other candidates to announce. This don't vote, don't go strategy is the only
way to get better trustees on the board who can shift the board majority from
the the present form to one who will back member rights by making changes to the
present new bylaws that strip members of any control of the cooperative.
June 29, 2015 - 062915-credential
and election committee minutes July
23, 2015 - 072315-Comments
23, 2015 - Don
Wolber letter to Chieftain (Scroll
down) September
30, 2015 -
A letter from SEC management to net metering customers is a must read.
More on this later Download
here September
25, 2015 -
of District 2 election
Those interested in running need to contact the General Manager, Joseph Herrera
no later than Oct 23rd. Remember,
ALL members get to vote on who will represent District 2 - Not just members living
in that district. It roughly covers Magdalena, Alamo, and western part of Socorro.
Districts Map
14, 2015 - Three
Cities on renewables
10, 2014 - Wagner
a martyr for integrity (Chieftain) As
attorney fees increase, it is interesting to review this article from August
2011 in the Chieftain
2, 2014 , Wagner
Steps Down (Chieftain) September
1, 2014 - Tues. the 2nd, Socorro
City Council meting agenda August
30, 2014 - Top
10 Lies about Municipalization August
29, 2017 - Activist
Guide to Video Archiving This
meeting was very important. There were two presentations, the first by Aaron Christensen,
the attorney looking into "issues surrounding Socorro's management practices,
Board governance, etc." The complete contract with the SEC is attached. Mr.
Christensen spent Tuesday in one on one discussions with individual board members
and Wednesday morning with Mayor Bhasker and other city officials. He probably
also spent time with staff, management, and attorney but I have no direct knowledge
of such meetings. Members may communicate with him by way of email and snail mail
for the next two months and it is very important that members express their opinions.
Contact inrformation in the left column of this web page and below. Mr Christensen's
presention video is below. The
second presentation was by Kathy Buhl of the Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC).
(see video below) The CFC has an Integrity Fund which grants money to protect
the geographical integrity of rural electric cooperatives from hostile takeovers
by other companies. The SEC applied for such a grant and Ms. Buhl announced that
the grant was approved which means that they will give the SEC $263,000 a year
with a approximate $600,000 life time cap to fight the City of Socorro if the
city does decide to break off from the SEC. A question from the audience clarified
that no SEC member or Mayor Bhasker was spoken to concerning the situation. The
CFC deals only with the "corporation" which means management although
member/owners do own the cooperative. Ms. Buhl cites the fact that the members
elect trustees as their representatives so they do have a voice. The problems
with trustees did not factor into the decision to award the grant. This action
is reminiscent of 2010 when the trustees sued the members. The were no copies
of the report available for distribution but a formal for a copy is in the works.
meeting was fairly well attended by members, Mayor Bhasker and other city officials
with the result that public comments (also taped and posted) were lively and in
some cases very hard hitting. The SEC Foundation Committee, Trustees
Dorough, Cordova & Wade, met before the Board Meeting to devise new policies
in regard to scholarships. Final action will not be voted on until next month's
meeting but one proposed change produced some spirited debate. Seems that no child
will be considered for a scholarship if his/her parents are delinquent on their
bill. This is a big problem given the trouble with estimate billing which often
results in sky high amounts being charged. One member who has been protesting
the manner in which scholarships are awarded was told that the reason his son
was not considered was because their account was delinquent. The fact that he
was questioning a estimated bill of $3,100 which was found to be wrong did not
matter nor did the fact that no policy at that time addressed delinquency. Members
should consider if this is fair as they can take corrective action by bylaw amendment.
Video below. An almost hour long executive session followed the open
meeting. Of note was the change that Trustee Wagner was allowed to attend. Those
of you who remember the police being called to forcibly and illegally remove him
from the room will find this very odd. Mr. Christensen was in attendance at the
executive session. 082714-Meeting
with Christensen law firm contact information
Or see the left column on this
web page Videos:
by Aaron Christensen.wmv (15min) (Smith/Christiansen
agreement ) Presentation
by Kathy Buhl of CFC.wmv (12min)
Public Comments.wmv (4min) Change
time and location of Dist 2 Annual meeting.wma (9min) Foundation
Committee report to the board.wma (8min) August
25, 2014 - Don't forget, Wed 27th is the board meeting and it is important
to attend as a presentation by Aaron Christensen who is doing the "audit",
and by Kathy Buhl of the CFC Integrity Fund. Here
is the agenda
in the agenda: "G. PRESENTATION BY AARON CHRISTENSEN" This is the
attorney hired to look into the activities of the SEC who has been receiving complaints,
etc. from the members. This
morning, Tuesday 26th, he is meeting with the trustees on an individual basis.
Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) he will meet with Mayor Bhasker. This afternoon presentation
should be really something. "
SEC is hoping to get money from to fight any take over of the SEC by the City
of Socorro. Members
should attend this meeting if at all possible as the future of their electric
power is at stake. If you like what is going on, attend and say so. If you dislike
the actions of management, legal advisors, and the board majority, attend and
say so. Prior
to the regular meeting will be a meeting by the Foundation. Aagenda
for the foundation meeting State
rankings of electric rates kw/h.
webpage in pdf format) AARON CHRISTENSEN August
18, 2014 - Comments
by the mayor to the Chieftain reporter concering lack of reporting on SEC issue
Agenda for tonights city council meeting
(Nothing scheduled on SEC issue) August
7, 2014 - Herb
Meyers comments on SEC Board
(also as letter in Chieftain) Trustee
Wagner on Censurship
(Note: On-line version of The Chieftain only published 1 letter to the editor)
5, 2014 - Video clips from Socorro City Council meeting August 4th Public
comments Santos
Aragon part 1 of 2.wmv (11min) Santos
Aragon part 2 of 2.wmv (10min) Buy-out
information and rate discussion.wmv (20min) Customer
billing problem.wma (8min) Socorro
City Council meeting agenda
1, 2014 - Following
are 2 letters. The first is a reply by Mayor Bhasker to SEC board Chair Anne Dorough
referencing: her letter to the editor in the Chieftain of July 17. 072814-Ltr
17, 2014 - Anne
Dorough letter to Chieftain: Co-op
takeover costly, bad idea (Chieftain Letter) July
7, 2014 - The second letter is to the Socorro residents from Mayor Bhasker.
to residents
31, 2014 - The law firm of Smith
& Christensen was hired by the SEC to conduct an independent audit. See
contract below. Among Services to be performed are: "1.
Firm is to review Socorro's current written and unwritten policies, practices,
and procedures, including those of Socorro's Board. This review will include but
not be limited to issues surrounding Socorro's management practices, Board governance,
Board compensation, reimbursement of Board Members' expenses, Board benefits,
and such other issues as may be raised by the members, employees or Trustees during
the investigatory phase of the audit." "3. Firm will require
a means by which its membership, Board members, and employees may communicate
confidentially with Firm about any issues of concern. Socorro will provide a link
on its website......for interested persons to communicate confidentially with
Firm via e-mail." This contract was approved by the Board of Trustees
at the June 25, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting. The Firm link is still not up
on the SEC website but we have given an alternate secure and direct email
Use this address to let the Firm know of your opinions, complaints, treatment
by the SEC, etc. All methods will be utilized to publicize this contact link so
that a broad range of experience of members with the SEC can present a accurate
picture of conditions throughout the SEC service area. Please find free to forward
this information. 073114-law
firm email address
agreement July
31, 2014 - The articles (below) are from this mornings Chieftain
and all deal with the SEC coop. Trustees Wade and Cordova have voted to censure
Trustee Wagner again. Read this article carefully as it says more about the Board
of Trustees majority than about Trustee Wagner. Trustee Wagner was also
the only trustee who voted against suing the members in 2010 among other acts
that the Board considered disloyal, etc. Trustee Wagners letter
to the editor refutes Trustee Doroughs letter in the last two issues of
the Chieftain and inserts in SECs billing and Greg Millers letter
covers the positives in selling the whole coop. July
31, 2014- Chieftain articles: - Trustee
calls for recall of SEC chair Dorough (Letter)
- Co-op
board censures Wagner
- Letter
to editor from Greg Miller on Socorro buy-out
July 30 , 2014 - June
board meeting minutes